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吴明华 《航海》2010,(5):12-13
<正>集装箱班轮运输是中国乃至全球经贸变化最直接、最敏感的"温度计"。在中国领跑、全球回暖的经济复苏过程中,今年初走出低迷的中国班轮市场,从第一季度开始,便逆淡走强,一路显现出量价齐升、复苏走旺的势头。截至8月,在整体货运需求旺盛的带动下,美国航线持续火爆,西北欧航线货量维持高位,南非南美航线等次干航线走强  相似文献   

集装箱班轮航线优化探讨   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
沈学超 《水运管理》2003,(10):18-21
随着国际经贸形势、市场环境、公司经营战略等错综复杂的变化,各航运公司所开设的集装箱班轮航线也必须不断加以调整、优化,以不断适应市场,保持竞争力,力争取得良好的经济效益。 一、集装箱班轮航线优化的影响因素 影响集装箱航线调整的因素,可以分为外部和内部两个因素。外部因素主要指外部市场形势、航线航行区域的港口条件及航线上竞争对手的航线及其经营策略等因素;内部因素主要指航线经营效益、公司经营目标、整体运力安排及船队更新等因素。 二、集装箱班轮航线优化的基本原则 1.从企业整体发展与整个航线网络系统的角度优化 在进行…  相似文献   

春江未暖鸭先知,虽然每年一季度还是国际集装箱班轮运输的传统淡季,但在经历金融危机重创后走出最低迷期的班轮业,已经显现出量价齐升、企稳向好的的势头。统计数据显示,今年1月份以来,中国出口集装箱运价指数连续攀升,从2009年底的995.94点,到今年1月8日的1004.58点,在上行突破1000点后,截至3月12日,  相似文献   

春江未暖鸭先知,虽然每年一季度还是国际集装箱班轮运输的传统淡季,但在经历金融危机重创后走出最低迷期的班轮业,已经显现出量价齐升、企稳向好的的势头。统计数据显示,今年1月份以来,中国出口集装箱运价指数连续攀升,从2009年底的995.94点,到今年1月8日的1004.58点,在上行突破1000点后,截至3月12日,  相似文献   

吴明华 《航海》2010,(3):16-17
<正>春江水暖鸭先知,虽然每年一季度还是国际集装箱班轮运输的传统淡季,但在经历金融危机重创后走出最低迷期的班轮业已经显现出量价齐升、企稳向好的势头。统计数据显示,今年1月份以来,中国出口集装箱运价指数连续攀升,从2009年底的995.94点,到今年1月8日的1004.58点,在上行突破1000点后,  相似文献   

倪斌锋  唐浩俊 《集装箱化》2001,(8):16-18,31
2000年对集装箱班轮承运人来讲是个好年景,各主干线货量上升、运价恢复,承运人经营利润都有不同程度的增长.但好景不长,由于受美国经济增长放缓和运力持续增长的影响,2001年上半年集装箱班轮运输市场总体情况并不十分理想,年初市场货量与去年"淡季不淡"的火爆状况相比有相当差距,而年中主干线的运价恢复预期也未成功实现.  相似文献   

21世纪班轮市场的最大课题是基干航线双向货流的不平衡与运力供给问题。亚洲10个国家和地区与美国间班轮航线的化流量.从亚洲往美国的东行需求与从美国往亚洲的西行需求的比率处于长期的不平衡状态。从表1可知,其原因在于,与东行货流量相比.西行的货流量较小。无论从各月还是从各季度看.与东行相比,近年西行的比率正明显下降。  相似文献   

1978年9月26日,中远“平乡城”轮装载162个集装箱从上海港启航,于10月12日抵达澳大利亚悉尼港,这次航行标志着我国第1条国际集装箱班轮航线正式开辟。  相似文献   

黄飞舞 《集装箱化》2009,20(7):21-24
面对国际经贸形势、市场环境、竞争对手等因素的变化,航运企业必须及时调整和优化集装箱班轮航线,以适应市场变化,保持竞争力。  相似文献   

杨靳 《集装箱化》1997,(4):21-23
在经济学上,价格是一种分配资源的手段。在集装箱班轮市场上,运价作为运输商品的价格,是调节托运人和班轮公司利润的工具。如何合理制定运价,使之在托运人和班轮公司之间合理分配利润.是即将要得到运价制定权的我国航运企业以及托运人共同关心的问题。本就现代集装箱航线广泛采用的CBR费率体系和FAK费率体系的制定作一阐述。  相似文献   

杨扬 《集装箱化》2009,20(10):2-4
针对我国沿海内贸集装箱运输市场的特点以及沿海内贸集装箱运输港、线、船、货的现状,充分考虑影响我国沿海内贸集装箱运输市场和船型选择的因素,建立沿海内贸集装箱运输最佳船型的选择模型,运用非线性规划的方法,以单箱最大利润为目标函数,求得最佳船型。以天津——广州(南沙)航线为例对模型进行验证,得出我国沿海内贸集装箱运输的最佳船型为载箱量6000TEU及船速22kn的结论。  相似文献   

The economic crisis in the years between 2008 and 2010 has demonstrated the necessity for substantial adjustments on behalf of container lines. Capacities were shifted quickly to emerging and less affected markets allowing a faster recovery of globally organized companies. This paper illustrates the dynamics in the container shipping market. Alongside the main characteristics of the Top 20 ocean shipping companies, liner services are described. These services are classified by geographic coverage and vessel deployment. In addition, this paper provides a better understanding of the collaboration among service providers. Starting from a general framework of co-operative liner services, in-depth analyses of the global alliances in liner shipping are obtained. These formations - Grand Alliance, New World Alliance and CKYH Alliance - are compared with alternative forms of collaboration in the liner shipping industry. The analysis of alliance announcements which are related to operational and strategic changes indicates that the “global alliances” cannot be regarded as closed corporate-like entities. In effect, service agreements are not only negotiated with the focal members of the specific alliance. Instead, every service is arranged individually and under specific conditions. By understanding the dynamics within alliances, we are able to develop an assessment relating to the stability of collaborations. Ultimately, these insights direct us to several paths for future research.  相似文献   

The efficient and effective management of empty containers is an important problem in the shipping industry. Not only does it have an economic effect, but it also has an environmental and sustainability impact, since the reduction of empty container movements will reduce fuel consumption and reduce congestion and emissions. The purposes of this paper are: to identify critical factors that affect empty container movements; to quantify the scale of empty container repositioning in major shipping routes; and to evaluate and contrast different strategies that shipping lines, and container operators, could adopt to reduce their empty container repositioning costs. The critical factors that affect empty container repositioning are identified through a review of the literature and observations of industrial practice. Taking three major routes (Trans-Pacific, Trans-Atlantic, Europe–Asia) as examples, with the assumption that trade demands could be balanced among the whole network regardless the identities of individual shipping lines, the most optimistic estimation of empty container movements can be calculated. This quantifies the scale of the empty repositioning problem. Depending on whether shipping lines are coordinating the container flows over different routes and whether they are willing to share container fleets, four strategies for empty container repositioning are presented. Mathematical programming is then applied to evaluate and contrast the performance of these strategies in three major routes.  相似文献   

This paper addresses empty container reposition planning by plainly considering safety stock management and geographical regions. This plan could avoid drawback in practice which collects mass empty containers at a port then repositions most empty containers at a time. Empty containers occupy slots on vessel and the liner shipping company loses chance to yield freight revenue. The problem is drawn up as a two-stage problem. The upper problem is identified to estimate the empty container stock at each port and the lower problem models the empty container reposition planning with shipping service network as the Transportation Problem by Liner Problem. We looked at case studies of the Taiwan Liner Shipping Company to show the application of the proposed model. The results show the model provides optimization techniques to minimize cost of empty container reposition and to provide an evidence to adjust strategy of restructuring the shipping service network.  相似文献   

This paper addresses a fundamental question related to nearly all container liner shipping planning models: whether the implicit assumption of identical container delivery pattern every week is valid in a situation of identical shipping services and identical cargo demand every week. We prove that when the number of containers transported from one port to the next is formulated as a continuous variable, the resulting mathematical model with an identical container delivery pattern is equivalent to the model with general container delivery patterns which can be different in different weeks. When the number of containers transported is formulated as an integer variable, the model with an identical container delivery pattern is not equivalent to the model with general container delivery patterns. However, the difference between the optimal objective values of the two models is negligible for practical applications. In sum, little, if not nothing, is lost by assuming an identical container delivery pattern in liner shipping planning models.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the container rerouting due to a disruption, aims at making the optimal container flow recovery plan for the affected liner shipping company. First, we make the initial effort to bring up with a basic framework of disruption management for liner shipping. Second, we present a compact integer linear programming model for addressing the container rerouting problem under the proposed framework in a hub-and-spoke liner shipping network, based on a given recovery vessel schedule that determines to omit a port of call. Other shipping companies’ services and other modes (roadway, railway, and airline) as candidate alternative means to transport the miss-connected containers are also incorporated in the proposed model. The container flow recovery plan would select the optimal alternative paths for the miss-connected containers balancing the trade-off between container transport costs and delivery delay penalty costs. Finally, a case study from a global liner shipping company is investigated and the computational results indicate the model can be solved effectively and efficiently for the real-scale problem. Thus, the proposed approach in this paper can supply real-time decision support tool for the liner shipping operators on handling the process of container flow recovery.  相似文献   

吴宏彪 《集装箱化》2007,18(6):12-14
汕头港历史悠久,自1861年开埠至今已有140多年。历史上汕头港是中国的重要通商口岸,现在是中国20个主枢纽港之一。汕头港的经济腹地包括汕头、潮州、揭阳、梅州4市以及闽西南、赣南部分地区,最直接的经济腹地是粤东3市即汕头、潮州、揭阳。广梅汕铁路通车后,汕头港的腹地范围已扩大和延伸。  相似文献   

许芳 《集装箱化》2011,22(4):1-4
1影响2011年太平洋航线市场的主要因素1.1新造船大量交付2011年恰逢大型集装箱船交付高峰。据克拉克森预计,2011年全球交付的新造集装箱船运力将达到100万TEU,其中8000TEU以上集装箱船的运力约64万TEU(见表1)。预计2011年交付的万箱级集装箱船多数将投入亚欧航线运营。考虑到目前除远东——欧地航线外,太平洋航线吸纳大型船  相似文献   

王立新  WANG Lixin 《水运管理》2009,31(9):22-24,30
为发挥无锡运河口岸的独特优势,联动上海国际航运中心发展内河运输,对无锡运河口岸的概况及其集装箱支线的开航情况进行讨论,指出制约无锡运河口岸集装箱发展的主要因素是缺乏运河公共支线班轮,分析开通公共支线班轮的政策机遇和发展思路,提出相应建议:协调相关管理机构政策;出台具体扶持政策和措施;与上海有关方面加强协作。  相似文献   

张荣忠 《世界海运》2005,28(4):24-27
班轮公司租赁还是购买集装箱船舶之间哪个最好的争论已经进行了几十年,其实这个问题的解决必须根据对航运市场的研究和分析。  相似文献   

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