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1 Introduction1 Thermocouple is used as a sensor on the general exhaust temperature measurement instrument on inland waterway transport ships[1]. The thermocouples available in the market have significant performance differences each other. The thermocoup…  相似文献   

由国际海事组织、国际劳工组织和关于控制危险废弃物过境转移及其处理的巴塞尔公约当事国建立的船舶拆毁联合工作组于2005年12月15日召开了第二次会议。本次会议由巴塞尔公约秘书处代表三个组织主办,在日内瓦的联合国总部召开。  相似文献   

本文介绍了作者研制的一种便携式多功能船舶导航仪。该导航仪体积小、重量轻、使用方便、定位精度高、适应性强,可广泛应用于各种船舶作为高精度的综合导航仪器。文中详细介绍了各种信号的转换原理及接口电路的硬件和软件设计,以及导航仪的整体构成和设计思想,这对其它航海仪器的设计具有重要参考价值,对一般智能仪器的设计研究亦具有参考意义。  相似文献   

This work reports a new methodology for deriving monthly averages of temperature (T) and salinity (S) fields for the Indian Ocean based on the use of an artificial neural network (ANN). Investigation and analysis were performed for this region with two distinct datasets: (1) monthly climatological data for T and S fields (in 1° × 1° grid boxes) at standard depth levels of the World Ocean Atlas 1994 (WOA94), and; (2) heterogeneous randomly distributed in situ ARGO, ocean station data (OSD) and profiling (PFL) floats. A further numerical experiment was conducted with these two distinct datasets to train the neural network model. Nonlinear regression mapping utilizing a multilayer perceptron (MLP) is employed to tackle nonlinearity in the data. This study reveals that a feed-forward type of network with a resilient backpropagation algorithm is best suited for deriving T and S fields; this is demonstrated by independently using WOA94 and in situ data, which thus tests the robustness of the ANN model. The suppleness of the T and S fields derived from the ANN model provides the freedom to generate a new grid at any desired level with a high degree of accuracy. Comprehensive training, testing and validation exercises were performed to demonstrate the robustness of the model and the consistency of the derived fields. The study points out that the parameters derived from the ANN model using scattered, inhomogeneous in situ data show very good agreement with state-of-the-art WOA climatological data. Using this approach, improvements in ocean climatology can be expected to occur in a synergistic manner with in situ observations. Our investigation of the Indian Ocean reveals that this approach can be extended to model global oceans.  相似文献   

WANG Xiao-hua 《水道港口》2010,31(5):320-320
In the high-energy environment of coastal seas and estuaries,strong sediment resuspension/ deposition events are driven by surface waves,tides,winds and buoyancy driven currents.In recent years,A POM based three-dimensional,wave-current coupled,sediment transport model has been developed by the University of New South Wales.This paper presents several examples of the model applications to study sediment dynamics in the environments where forcings such as waves,tides,and winds are equally important to affect sediment fluxes and distributions.Firstly,the sediment transport model coupled to the Yellow Sea general circulation model and a third generation wave model SWAN was implemented in the Yellow Sea to study the dynamics of the sediment transport and resuspension in the northern Jiangsu shoal-wate(rNJSW).The sediment distributions and fluxes and their inter-annual variability were studied by realistic numerical simulations.The study found that the surface waves played a dominant role over the tides to form the turbidity maxima along the muddy coast of NJSW. Secondly,the sediment transport model was used to explore the effect of suspended sediment-induced stratification in the bottom boundary laye(rBBL).The model uses a re-parameterized bottom drag coefficient Cd that incorporates a linear stability function of flux Richardson number Rf.The study has shown that the sediment induced stratification in the BBL reduces the vertical eddy viscosity and bottom shear stress in comparison with the model prediction in a neutrally stratified BBL.In response to these apparent reductions,the tidal current shear is increased and sediments are abnormally concentrated within a thin wall layer that is overlain by a thicker layer with much smaller concentration.The formation of this fluid-mud layer near the seabed has led to a significant reduction in the total sediment transport.This study contributes to the understanding of formations of tidal flats along the coasts of turbid seas and estuaries.  相似文献   

一种新型船舶智能载重测量仪的研究与应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对船舶货物卸载重量计量难的现状,开发了一种新型的船舶智能载重测量仪,并提出一种结构树编码免疫辨识算法实现船舶重量模型的辨识,该测量仪通过检测船体前后左右四个位置的吃水深度,精确计算船舶重量、船体倾斜度等数据,实现船舶卸货计量的智能化与自动化.在散装水泥运输船上的应用实践表明,该测量仪能实现比较理想的测量精度,误差小于0.5%,完全能满足船舶运输中对中低价货物的计量要求.  相似文献   

张锐  胡荣强  杨秀芝  吴得林  周强 《机电设备》2009,26(5):33-35,51
阐述了自动温度测量仪的基本硬件结构组成和工作原理,测温系统硬件组成简单,测温仪软件程序利用Visual C++编写,界面友好,适合各阶层人用,经测试该测量仪具有良好的测量精度和实时传输功能,性能稳定,具有方便携带,即插即用等特点.  相似文献   

本文以三轴电子罗盘测量基本原理和计算方法为基准,以XMEGA128A1微处理器、内部集成三轴加速度分量和三轴地磁场分量输出的集成芯片LSM303C为硬件电路核心,利用三轴加速度分量计算俯仰角、横滚角补偿电子罗盘的测量方式,运用CORDIC算法实现在微处理器XMEGA128A1上对罗盘进行倾角补偿计算,获得准确的方位角。实验结果表明,此方法设计的电子罗盘精度高、响应快,体积小,能较好为船舶气象设备提供准确的方位角信息。  相似文献   

从嗅觉和味觉的感官功能得到启发,分析舰艇气味场的主要因素,提出一种根据舰艇的气味和水体味道探测舰艇的新方法--品味探测方法,建立了依据舰艇气味对其实施探测的基本信道模型,并简要分析了这种探测方法的优缺点,初步讨论了实现该方法的主要关键技术,为品味探测方法在水下舰艇对抗中的实际应用打下一定的理论基础.  相似文献   

长江上游干支流大型枢纽群的运行导致水沙条件发生较大变化,加之2017年以前的人为采砂活动,使得长江上游东溪口滩群河段航道发生较大程度的演变。左、右两汊分流、分沙比改变,使得形态较为顺直的左槽初步满足枯水期通航的可能。采用斗笠子—东溪口水道物理模型研究新条件下左槽的航道维护措施,通过枯水期至洪水期的8组流量作为控制条件,测量分析方案前后左右槽分流比、沿程水位、流速、流向及流态的变化,模拟船舶上下滩过程。结果表明,推荐维护方案实施后,对上游斗笠子急滩影响不大;各时期航槽内流向平顺,流速稳定在3 m/s以内,船舶通航条件良好,左槽通航水位可由现在的设计水位以上5 m降低至2 m。  相似文献   

The operating principle and specifications of a laser meter for measuring hydrosphere pressure variations are described in this article. The meter was designed to measure the hydrosphere pressure variations to a depth of 500 m within the frequency range of 0–1000 Hz at the level of background oscillations. Some results obtained using the apparatus under consideration when recording sea oscillations and waves of natural and artificial origin are presented.  相似文献   

不可展曲板展开的一种新方法   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
徐兆康 《造船技术》2000,(5):14-18,13
本文在分析了可展曲板展开作图方法的基础上的,针对用滚弯配合水火弯成形船体曲板的机理,提出了展开不可展曲板的一种新方法。它不仅适合于手工展开,也适合于计算展开。  相似文献   

水下地形辅助导航新方法仿真   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
水下地形辅助导航是水下运载体导航定位技术研究的关键技术之一。传统的水下地形辅助导航采用回声测深仪,导航定位精度低,有时甚至失效。本文将多波束测深引入水下地形辅助导航,将水深映射为灰度值,利用快速傅立叶变换将输入灰度图从空间域变换为频率域。先采用相位相关技术进行粗匹配,再采用图像Hu不变矩特征进行精匹配,实现导航定位。对基于不同实验获取的实测海底地形图、惯性导航数据、DGPS数据以及多波束实测数据进行了实验室仿真。仿真结果表明,新方法可以极大地提高水下地形导航定位精度,使INS误差降低到原误差的15%以内,尤其是在INS初始误差较大时(小于3 km)导航定位精度改进更好。  相似文献   

一种双模式盲均衡新算法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了克服常数模算法(CMA)收敛速度慢、稳态剩余误差大的缺点,研究了常数模算法与判决引导算法(DD)相结合的双模式盲均衡算法,通过分析CMA和DD之间的相似之处,引出了一种新的切换条件用于该算法中2种模式之间的切换,并提出了基于该新切换条件的双模式盲均衡新算法.与硬切换不同,新算法中2种模式对信号的均衡是交替进行的.新算法充分利用了CMA能使眼图睁开的良好性能和DD收敛速度快、稳态误差小的优点,使其具有比CMA更快的收敛速度和更小的稳态剩余误差.用水声信道对算法的性能进行了仿真研究,结果证明了该算法的有效性.  相似文献   

叶志伟  刘玉娟  杜勇 《水运工程》2021,(11):116-122
戴家洲河段是长江干线武汉—安庆段6 m水深航道整治工程最复杂的滩段之一,是实现6 m水深通达武汉的重难点河段。针对戴家洲河段6 m水深不足的问题,分析新水沙条件下戴家洲河段航道条件及变化趋势,提出治理思路、原则与工程方案。模型试验研究结果表明,整治工程实施后,戴家洲水道可以实现6.0 m×110 m×1 050 m的建设目标,在不利水文年需实施少量维护性疏浚,为后续达到200 m航宽奠定基础。  相似文献   

2006年3月21日,财政部国家税务总局联合下发通知,从2006年4月1日起.对游艇征收10%的消费税。游艇市场在我国才刚刚起步.由于各种政策法规的不完善已经极大地阻碍了游艇市场的发展,业内一直在呼吁政府尽快出台政策扶植游艇业发展。现在突然出台对游艇征收10%的消费税就好比是在伤疤上又撒了把盐。游艇属于奢侈品这是不容置疑的但是不是应该对游艇这种奢侈品收消费税.在这个时间段收税是不是合适就有待商榷了。本刊记者就这政策出台对游艇市场的影响和对政策本身的看法,采访了游艇销售商游艇厂商和外商驻华机构等相关产业的人士。  相似文献   

余力  朱建达 《船舶》2007,(2):20-24
以数学模型求解舰船风中运动中的风力系数是一种新方法,该方法无需风洞试验数据,直接利用舰船实测风压差表,借助别尔舍茨方法,可求得舰船在Y方向上的风力系数CWY及舰船风力矩系数CWN.经算例验证,能满足海上实践的需求.  相似文献   

Authority intervention in the public transport sector has a long history and has led to a growing corps of legal texts in European countries. These texts are often divergent, if not incompatible. This was no problem until the rather recent internationalization of the sector. With this internationalization, the European Commission decided to address this issue. This chapter describes what has led to the appearance of this new Regulation and the main steps on the 10-year long road that led to the adoption of the new Regulation. The chapter also formulates some comments on the results reached.  相似文献   

作为柴油机监控系统的一部分,柴油机监测系统的发展已经历了漫长的时间.  相似文献   

舰船机电设备通用测试分析仪根据舰船机电设备的实际状况,采用虚拟仪器技术设计开发研制用作机电设备工作参数检测和分析.文章对该仪器的功能、软件、硬件的核心技术进行了介绍.实际使用证明,这些技术措施是行之有效的.  相似文献   

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