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企业之间的最后竞争将是优秀文化理念的角逐。具有恒久价值和社会认可的文化无论从企业内部还是外部,愈来愈超过硬实力的比较作用。一个企业如果缺失自己的文化特色和价值体系,就不会基业常青。因为,没有文化价值的企业解释不了自己的存在,也无法清醒认识、正确判断未来的社会需求和市场竞争趋势。  相似文献   

正我国幅员辽阔、资源丰富、文化多样,是名副其实的世界遗产大国。其中,交通文化遗产集历史、科学、文化、艺术、情感、经济、生态等多种价值特点于一体,是中华优秀传统文化的重要组成部分。那么,该如何更加有效地保护和利用,提升国家文化软实力和中华文化影响力?"丝绸之路:长安-天山廊道,从文化路线角度讲,  相似文献   

交通之魂,文以化之;交通之神,文以铸之。自盘古开天地、女娲造人,人类发展文化总是与交通相伴而生。京杭大运河、丝绸之路、茶马古道、赵州桥……一个个交通的物质性实体,推动了社会文明的进步,也创造了璀璨的交通文化。2006年11月,交通运输部部务会议研究决定成立交通文化建设研究工作指导委员会,成立交通行业文化建设研究总课题组和22个子课题组,  相似文献   

文章以研究区域文化在高速公路隧道洞门景观设计中的运用为出发点,在阐述徽州文化内容、特点及徽州文化在洞门景观设计中的现实意义的基础之上,通过设计实例分析,解读徽雕文化、建筑文化、徽商文化等传统徽州文化元素在黄塔(桃)高速公路隧道洞门景观设计中的实际应用.提出在隧道洞门景观设计中应更多注入文化内涵,展示区域文化底蕴,实现传统文化精神与现代设计理念的和谐统一.  相似文献   

文化力在当代不仅是综合国力的构成要素之一,而且也是一个国家和民族的重要战略资源,同时也是一个行业、区域以及经济发展、社会进步的内在驱动力。对于一个民族来说,文化是精神之根,对于一个行业则是活力之魂。道路运输行业的文化力是由全行业管理者和行业从业人员在长  相似文献   

高铁开通运营以来,围绕高铁安全文化建设和管理不断地探索和实践。安全文化建设是进行有效安全管理工作的重要保障,基于亚当斯理论分析了事故发生机理,深入剖析安全文化建设的主要方面和注意事项,结合风险管理流程提出改进的安全文化建设管理模式,并将改进的模式运用到高铁安全文化建设中,提高高铁安全风险文化建设与管理水平。  相似文献   

从交通文化角度看荷兰绿色交通发展的启示   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
本文以荷兰1995年和2011年的自行车交通发展对比为主线,从交通文化的角度剖析荷兰绿色交通的特点,深入分析荷兰交通枢纽周边交通规划、路权分配以及自行车交通文化的形成,以期通过交通文化的阐释为城市交通拥堵问题的缓解提供思路。  相似文献   

成长靠文化,发展靠品牌。行业文化品牌建设是引领行业科学发展的长远之举、是提升行业整体素质的有效之途、是满足日益提升的消费需求的必然选择。多年来,安徽省道路运输行业文化建设取得了很大的成绩,为进一步提升服务水平,提高公众满意度,全面提升现代道路运输业发展软实力,树立道路运输行业更好形象,开展道路运输文化品牌建设研究工作具有重要意义。把服务做成品牌让品牌创造价值道路运输文化品牌建设,是丰富文化内涵、促进文化落地、实现服务上水平的有效抓手与载体,是将文化力转化为经  相似文献   

本文回顾了中国古代不同阶段的交通运输制度文化。通过对中国古代交通运输制度文化的历史回顾可以发现,古代交通运输发展的驱动力实际上是当时的政治、军事和经济事务等需求。中国历史上各朝代的交通运输网络规模和运量不断增长,管理实践中逐渐演化生成了独特的交通制度文化,交通运输管理由简单走向逐渐成熟和系统化,并在世界上产生了一定的影响。中国历史上的交通运输管理实践及其制度文化建设经验,其形成、优化与完善的机制和过程,对于认识当今的交通发展仍然具有一定程度的启示意义。  相似文献   

中国传统文化元素是中国五千年历史文化的结晶,也是中华民族文化精神的体现。中国传统文化元素运用于公共交通车辆的外观设计不仅有助于提升人们的审美情趣,促进对中国传统文化的认知,而且有助于彰显城市文化特色和提升城市文化的影响力。本文分析中国传统文化元素融入公共交通车辆外观设计的作用,并结合我国各大城市公共交通车辆外观设计的案例,探讨了中国传统文化元素在公共交通车辆外观设计中的应用方式。  相似文献   

铁路运输在国民经济运行中发挥着重要作用,各国铁路公司都非常重视对铁路运营、安全、效益的管理及评价。国外铁路经过两个世纪的发展,积累了丰富经验,通过分析美国、日本、欧洲等国家和地区的普速、高速铁路,在运营效率评价、运营安全评价、服务质量评价、经营效益评价、安全保障法律法规建设和第三方评价机构发展等方面的现状,从客户服务质量评价、安全评价标准体系建立、效率效益导向的经营效益评价机制建设、第三方专业评价机构发展等维度,总结对我国高速铁路运营安全效益评价的经验借鉴及启示。  相似文献   

西部交通基础设施影响评价指标体系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章以交通基础设施为研究主体,以西部地区社会经济为研究对象,结合国内外基础设施评价的理论基础和西部地区的实际情况,分析主体和研究对象之间的影响因素,并在此基础上构建了交通基础设施评价指标体系,从区域经济影响、社会环境、自然环境3个方面评估交通基础设施对西部地区的影响,通过模糊综合评价模型的计算,得到分项评价结果和总体评价结果,并作出评价分析。  相似文献   

以人为本、尊重自然、适用完善是北欧公路的鲜明特点。本文介绍了北欧公路在总体设计、路线、路基路面、排水、桥遂、交通工程及服务设施、运营管理等方面的具体做法,并结合我国公路的现状提出了一些思路。  相似文献   

弹性元件特性参数测试仪的研制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了测试金属波纹管、膜片、膜盒、跳跃膜片等弹性元件特性参数的测试仪.该仪器可以检测集中力-位移、均布力-位移等特性和集中力刚度、均布力刚度、残余变形百分率.实践证明:该仪器精度高、重复性好,是检测弹性元件特性的综合试验仪.  相似文献   

对于在软弱、破碎、富水地层中采用双侧壁导坑法修筑的暗挖大跨隧道,跳仓法施工依赖于初期支护的“棚护效应”维持拆撑后大跨结构的稳定性,常常面临拆撑步距小、风险高、效率低、代价大的困境,一旦拆撑方案采取不当,极易造成塌方安全事故。针对这一问题,以青岛地铁4号线错埠岭站为依托工程,通过理论分析与数值计算相结合的手段,论证了拆撑后初期支护“空间棚护效应”主要由“横向成拱效应”和“纵向成梁效应”组成,二者共同维持大跨结构的安全性与稳定性;同时确定了合理、安全、高效、快速的拆撑分区长度与隔仓分区长度,分别为L=9 m、S=18 m,并顺利通过了现场施工的检验。结果表明:软弱地层大跨隧道采用“隔二拆一、先内部后洞口”的拆撑方案是切实可行的,可为后续工程提供借鉴与指导。  相似文献   

Few studies have examined the relationship between micro-scale features of the built environment and street segment usage. Micro-scale features of the built environment include the width of the sidewalk, the presence of amenities such as benches and trash bins, and the presence of crossing aids such as stoplights and crosswalks. This study employs segment-level primary data collected for 338 street segments in close proximity to one of 71 bus rapid transit stations in Bogotá, Colombia. We also use secondary data to control for area-level characteristics such as density, socio-economic stratum, unemployment, and crime. Factor and regression analyses are to use identify two dimensions of the built environment that are associated with higher levels of pedestrian activity: pedestrian-friendly amenities, comprised of wider and higher quality sidewalks and the presence of amenities such as benches, garbage cans, and bike paths; and connectivity, comprised of higher levels of road density, three- and four-way intersections, and density. In addition, we find greater pedestrian activity on segments with higher development intensity, with more mix of land uses, and with more crossing aids. Although the relationships identified are not causal, they are suggestive in terms of planning successful built environment interventions.  相似文献   


An extensive body of work from the urban planning, health, and other disciplines has documented the importance of walking to urban sustainability from health, safety, security, environmental and other perspectives. These studies come mainly from countries in North America and Europe, where the majority of the population relies on cars for transportation. Notwithstanding, in many countries in the Global South, walking remains a majority transport mode, while cars increasingly dominate the urban streetscape, but are accessible only to a minority of the population. Chile provides fertile terrain for studying this phenomenon. This article reviews current practice and recent research of walking in Chile, in light of international findings regarding walkability, equity and urban sustainability. To elaborate an overview of the depth and breadth of walking in Chile, an interdisciplinary team conducted a literature review, examined relevant case study material from experience from Chile and in particular from Santiago, and triangulated this mainly qualitative data with results from the origin-destination survey applied in Chile’s main cities, Chilean traffic safety data) and results from official transport reports of other Latin American cities [Tirachini, A. (2019). South America: The challenge of transition. In J. Stanley & D. Hensher (Eds.), A research agenda for transport policy. Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing]. Findings show that despite priority public investments that have largely prioritised infrastructure for cars, walking in Chile has remained as the majority transport mode up until today, especially for lower-middle income groups, and particularly for care-related tasks performed mainly by women. In this sense, walking in Chile has proven remarkably persistent. The importance of walking as the main transport mode, against the odds, reflects economic, cultural, and urban form determinants, which are explored in this article. Furthermore, a recent upsurge in public interest and community design initiatives to improve walking, particularly the generation of a Chilean approach to “complete streets” has emerged, opening up opportunities to challenge Chile’s version of automobility in favour of more equitable, active and public transportation modes. There is, therefore, in Chile an opportunity to prioritise the walking mode, improve infrastructure for walkers and build from preserving current high pedestrian modal shares, rather than having to reverse widespread car use, as occurs in many countries in Europe and North America. This potential is highly relevant as these conditions are similar to those in other Latin American cities and, potentially, other cities elsewhere in the Global South.  相似文献   

In this paper multilevel analysis is used to study individual choices of time allocation to maintenance, subsistence, leisure, and travel time exploiting the nested data hierarchy of households, persons, and occasions of measurement. The multilevel models in this paper examine the joint and multivariate correlation structure of four dependent variables in a cross-sectional and longitudinal way. In this way, observed and unobserved heterogeneity are estimated using random effects at the household, person, and temporal levels. In addition, random coefficients associated with explanatory variables are also estimated and correlated with these random effects. Using the wide spectrum of options offered by multilevel models to account for individual and group heterogeneity, complex interdependencies among individuals within their households, within themselves over time, and within themselves but across different indicators of behavior, are analyzed. Findings in this analysis include large variance contribution by each level considered, clear evidence of non-linear dynamic behavior in time-allocation, different trajectories of change in time allocation for each of the four dependent variables used, and lack of symmetry in change over time characterized by different trajectories in the longitudinal evolution of each dependent variable. In addition, the multivariate correlation structure among the four dependent variables is different at each of the three levels of analysis.  相似文献   

斜拉桥预拱度设置的影响因素较多,文章以东合大桥为例,通过GQJS有限元计算及现场实测,分析了收缩徐变、张拉龄期、弹性模量、容重、温度等因素对预拱度设置的影响,并阐述了斜拉桥施工监控中预拱度设置的注意事项。  相似文献   

隧道钻爆法机械化修建方法是以全工序高效率大型机械配套为基础,用以解决复杂山区长大山岭隧道安全、优质、高效及经济等施工问题的一种技术方法。文章从隧道设计角度论述了钻爆法机械化修建面临的掌子面安全控制与洞身段变形控制两大关键挑战,并总结了以机械化全断面全地质型施工技术、掌子面稳定性评价方法、掌子面超前主动支护技术、掌子面超前支护“定量化”精准设计技术、低预应力锚杆主动支护技术、早高强喷混凝土主动支护技术、初期支护快速成环封闭技术、围岩形变压力计算方法等为核心的隧道钻爆法机械化修建设计关键技术,为推广应用隧道钻爆法机械化修建方法提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

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