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作为目前广西惟一一家进入越南公路建设市场的公路建设企业,广西路桥建设有限公司进军东南亚市场,凭借的不仅是广西在中国-东盟交通合作中的地理优势,更依托了公司历年来通过建设精品工程所打造的品牌效应。  相似文献   

正广西路建工程集团有限公司(简称"广西路建集团")是广西新发展交通集团有限公司的直属企业。广西路建集团始创于1959年的广西公路管理局筑路机械队,历经"广西筑路机械大队""广西路桥机械施工处""广西远航路桥""广西路桥建设"等时期,于2014年10月升级更名为广西路建工程集团有限公司。几代广西路建人经过近60年的努力,构建形成了路桥施工业务、房地产及土地开发、钢结构工程、  相似文献   

从2007年刚成立时,年产值仅3亿多到2009年达到近20亿,广西路桥建设有限公司在短短三年时间里迅速成长为广西区内路桥建设骨干企业,市场范围由原来仅局限于广西区内扩大到区外,并进入东盟市场,年内计划投标金额达到26亿元。可以说,广西路桥建设公司为广西区内路桥建设企业实现跨越式发展树立了一面旗帜。  相似文献   

广西路桥建设有限公司是广西新发展交通集团有限公司的全资子公司,具有公路工程施工总承包壹级资质,通过了质量管理、环境管理、职业健康安全管理体系“三标一体化”认证,是一家实力雄厚、技术精湛、管理先进、开拓进取的交通工程施工企业。  相似文献   

蜿蜒的红水河从广西壮族自治区河池市天峨县缓缓流过,碧波如镜.在静谧的河水之上,一座大桥犹如飞虹,连起两岸青山. 这座桥是天峨龙滩特大桥,南丹至天峨下老高速公路控制性工程.该桥由广西交通投资集团有限公司建设,广西北部湾投资集团有限公司下属广西路桥工程集团有限公司(以下简称广西路桥)具体承建.大桥全长2 488.55m,主...  相似文献   

文章介绍了北部湾经济区港口和交通发展概况,阐述了广西高职院校交通人才培养的现状,从职业教育必须为区域经济发展服务的角度入手,提出了广西高职院校培养交通人才的思路与建议。  相似文献   

, 《西部交通科技》2012,(9):I0004-I0005
广西路桥建设有限公司是广西新发展交通集团有限公司的全资子公司,主要经营公路、桥梁、水运、市政、机场、房屋建筑等交通、能源基础设施工程施工,兼营商品混凝土生产、工程项目管理、工程技术咨询服务,机械设备租赁和修理以及对旅店业、饮食业的投资等相关产业。公司具有公路  相似文献   

伴随着交通基础建设的大发展,高职院校在路桥企业实习的学生党员越来越多,加强对实习生党员的教育管理显得尤为重要.文章通过对实习生党员进行问卷调查,分析实习生党员教育管理现状,探讨解决在路桥企业实习的学生党员教育管理难题的对策.  相似文献   

为利于企业更好地开拓市场,打造广西公路交通企业新品牌,2007年7月10日,广西路桥建设有限公司举行公司揭牌仪式。广西壮族自治区交通厅党组书记、厅长黄华宽,中国工程院院士郑皆连等领导出席了仪式。1959年10月,广西路桥建设有限公司的前身——广西公路管理局筑路机械队成立,随  相似文献   

广西交通职业技术学院前身为创建于1958年的国家重点中专广西交通学校,隶属于广西壮族自治区交通运输厅。2002年经自治区人民政府批准,升格为公办全日制普通高等职业院校,是广西唯——所培养交通运输专门人才的高等学校。学院占地面积1200多亩,设有路桥工程、汽车工程、管理工程、交通信息工程等5个系42个专科专业和方向,现有各类学生13700多人,其中全日制在校专科生11100多人,成人及函授教育2600多人。  相似文献   

文章总结了“十五”期间,重庆市交通行业的西部项目取得的成绩及重庆市在西部项目成果推广方面采取的措施,指出了西部项目的实施对推动重庆交通行业科技创新体系的建立和完善,以及吸引、培养、留住人才,解决重庆交通基础设施建设中的关键技术问题等方面的作用。  相似文献   

文章介绍了集机械、液压、电子、光学、控制、计算机、传感器、PLC、信息采集等多学科技术于一体的智能交通实训系统的技术原理,阐述了所研制的基于综合科技的智能交通实训系统各子系统的组成、运作方式及教学用途。  相似文献   

Wang Runlin 《运输评论》2013,33(4):371-382
This article outlines the history, present size, achievements and future development of Southwest Jiaotong University since it was set up. It describes its teaching situation, its training of railway talents in science and technology, and its achievements in scientific research. In order to make the education there meet the needs of railway modernization, the university is making great efforts to transform itself into a new type of comprehensive university with more levels of science, engineering and management.  相似文献   

The transportation literature is rich in the application of neural networks for travel time prediction. The uncertainty prevailing in operation of transportation systems, however, highly degrades prediction performance of neural networks. Prediction intervals for neural network outcomes can properly represent the uncertainty associated with the predictions. This paper studies an application of the delta technique for the construction of prediction intervals for bus and freeway travel times. The quality of these intervals strongly depends on the neural network structure and a training hyperparameter. A genetic algorithm–based method is developed that automates the neural network model selection and adjustment of the hyperparameter. Model selection and parameter adjustment is carried out through minimization of a prediction interval-based cost function, which depends on the width and coverage probability of constructed prediction intervals. Experiments conducted using the bus and freeway travel time datasets demonstrate the suitability of the proposed method for improving the quality of constructed prediction intervals in terms of their length and coverage probability.  相似文献   

文章分析了传统铁道工程实训条件的局限性,并针对高铁轨道构造及其施工与维修过程特点,提出了高职院校传统的铁道工程实训教学基地应将高铁轨道构造、施工新技术、维修新设备等引入实训建设中,围绕高铁轨道精调、无缝线路焊接及探伤、大型机械养路等方面实施"高铁"转型改造方案,构建基于当前高速铁路的铁道工程实训教学基地。  相似文献   

Procedures to transform GPS tracks into activity-travel diaries have been increasingly addressed due to their potential benefit to replace traditional methods used in travel surveys. Existing approaches for data annotation however are not sufficiently accurate, which normally involves a prompted recall survey for data validation. Imputation algorithms for transportation mode detection seem to be largely dependent on speed-related features, which may blur the quality of classification results, especially with transportation modes having similar speeds. Therefore, in this paper we propose an enhanced integrated imputation approach by incorporating the critical indicators related to trip patterns, reflecting the effects of uncertain travel environments, including bus stops and speed percentiles. A two-step procedure which embeds a segmentation model and a transportation mode inference model is designed and examined based on purified prompted recall data collected in a large-scale travel survey. Results show the superior performance of the proposed approach, where the overall accuracy at trip level reaches 93.2% and 88.1% for training and surveyed data, respectively.  相似文献   

绿色交通是一种低污染且有利于城市环境多元化的城市交通运输系统。这可以解决我国因私人汽车增加等原因所带来的交通拥堵、汽车排放尾气增加、资源短缺、城市能耗严重、生态环境破坏和空气污染等问题。且该运输系统该运输系统在解决以上问题的同时,可以降低建设维护成本和促进社会公平。目前,我国绿色交通发展在持续进步,本文以舟山为例,从基础指标、交通工具和道路建设三个方面选取数据,并将熵权法和TOPSIS法结合对2016年至2018年舟山绿色交通的发展状况进行分析,结果表明,舟山2017年绿色交通发展状况最优,其次是2018年。  相似文献   

Recent efforts to emphasize social equity in transportation are emerging as local, regional and national governments have set initiatives to identify, existing and potential, disproportionate impacts to low-income and minority populations, also referred to as transportation justice (TJ). Currently, there are suggested methods for identifying transportation justice areas; however, there is no streamlined method instituted across transportation agencies. Each jurisdiction identifies transportation justice (or environmental justice) areas based on their own methodology, typically based on either average regional thresholds, graduated thresholds, or a more unique in-house index methodology. This research explores and evaluates existing methods and develops a rigorous and comprehensive method called the Transportation Justice Threshold Index Framework (TJTIF) using Geographic Information Systems (GIS), as well as factors based on demographics, socio-economics, and transportation/land use. The framework is applied to a case study region in Pennsylvania reflective of the Marcellus Shale impact area, highlighting Sullivan County, PA. The methodology and the case study application serve as an example for how transportation agencies throughout the country can promote social sustainability and enhance transportation equity.  相似文献   

针对汽车驾驶培训模拟器训练场景缺乏统一规范和要求的问题,基于雨天、冰雪天、雾(霾)天等恶劣条件下驾驶,以及山区道路和高速公路驾驶的安全风险,结合教学大纲规定的模拟培训教学内容及教学目标,提出了相应训练场景涵盖的情景内容及要求,并梳理了构建训练场景的技术要点,确保训练场景的合规性、互动性和驾驶真实感。  相似文献   

Battista  Geoffrey A.  Manaugh  Kevin 《Transportation》2019,46(4):1271-1290

Transportation planning continues to expand beyond traditional engineering and economic performance measures toward a broader scope of impacts across space and society. However, the attitudes of transportation planners as they balance their expert knowledge against public insights are not well-understood. We test a two-dimensional attitudinal framework using survey data from 311 U.S. and Canadian transportation planners. We reveal four attitudinal categories using principal component analysis, and hypothesis testing shows significant differences in personal and institutional attributes across these categories. We discuss what our results mean for training and regulatory measures striving to influence planner attitudes before proposing future directions for research.


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