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在中央提出推进国家治理体系和治理能力现代化以及建设交通强国的背景下,全面推进海事治理体系和治理能力现代化成为海事部门当前和今后一个时期的重大政治任务。准确把握"海事治理"的内涵是实现海事治理体系和治理能力现代化的前提条件。从全球治理五要素理论出发,结合海事部门的职能定位,对"海事治理"的内涵进行分析,并对构建海事治理体系提出建议。希望对海事部门深入理解"海事治理"的内涵、加快推进海事治理体系和治理能力现代化有所帮助。  相似文献   

正巴黎时间2015年12月12日,巴黎气候变化大会达成《巴黎协定》和相关决定,在国际社会应对气候变化的进程中又向前迈出了关键一步。《巴黎协定》的达成标志着2020年后的全球气候治理将进入一个前所未有的新阶段,具有里程碑式的非凡意义。根据《巴黎协定》,在长期目标上,各方承诺将全球平均气温增幅控制在低于2℃的水平,并向1.5℃温控目标努力,以降低气候变化风险。另外,《巴黎协定》将全球气候治理的理  相似文献   

<正>老一辈航运领袖为行业搭建了更广阔的平台,而他们的继任者更在为此付出,这不仅是传承品牌,更多的是服务行业发展。全球贸易流动性急速增快带动了航运业的繁荣,家族治理下的马士基集团、达飞集团和地中海航运的发展,正是这一现象在欧洲的代表。穆勒家族如今,在全球121个国家和地  相似文献   

全球海盗形势最新研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
海盗问题是当前航运界的热点问题,根据1991-2008年全球海盗攻击行为记录,对全球海盗问题的发展趋势、海盗频发的区域、海盗攻击情况、海盗的武器使用情况、海盗对人质的处置以及不同船型受海盗攻击情况进行详细的数据分析,对认清当前全球海盗问题的真实状况有很大帮助.通过探讨当今海盗泛滥的原因,对如何治理海盗问题提出了若干建议.  相似文献   

关键提示 ?在全球经济出现脆弱和不平衡复苏的同时,金融危机后出现的低增长、低利率、低通胀和高债务、高资产价格和高收入差距局面被进一步强化.疫情演化中蕴含的不确定性,主要经济体的韧性、政策走势及其溢出效应,全球和区域经济治理以及大国竞合发展态势,在相当意义上决定了 2021年世界经济的基本面.  相似文献   

面对新形势下利益分化严重、治理难度增加、联系更加紧密的全球化新特点,我们必须加快确立创新驱动的多层次多元化产业发展格局,更多采取主动加快形成以周边为基础、面向全球的自由贸易区网络;优化政府和市场的关系,不断增强制度性说服力、凝聚力、感召力;深度拓展市场多元化,面向全球打造一批支点市场,提高战略影响力和牵动力。  相似文献   

<正>浙江沿海是全国乃至全球范围内水上生产作业活动最繁忙的区域之一,水文气象条件复杂,商船航道和传统渔区交错,历来是水上交通事故的多发区域。站在"两个一百年"的历史交汇点上,推进水上交通治理体系和治理能力现代化,服务交通强国海事建设大局,是浙江海事必须回答的时代命题。  相似文献   

2020年12月22日,国务院新闻办公室发布《中国交通的可持续发展》白皮书。白皮书介绍了新中国成立70多年来特别是党的十八大以来,中国交通以新发展理念为引领,坚持对内服务高质量发展、对外服务高水平开放,取得的历史性成就、发生的历史性变革,介绍中国落实联合国2030年可持续发展议程,推进基础设施互联互通,助力共建“一带一路”,积极参与全球交通治理,推动构建全球交通命运共同体的行动和贡献,展望中国加快建设交通强国的前景。  相似文献   

国际海事组织从推动全球协调、统一履行国际海上人命安全公约(SOLAS)等六个重要公约的角度,建立并实施了自愿审核机制。中国政府积极参加该机制,于2009年11月7—18日自愿接受了IMO审核并取得良好的审核结果。通过审核工作,较好展现了我国政府履约的良好形象。维护了国家航运利益,促进了中国海事管理事权组织方式的改进,丰富和发展了大国海事公共治理内涵,也为全球协调统一履约发挥了积极的推动作用。海事系统通过迎审准备和接受审核,调整了理念,完善了战略规划,加强了能力建设,推动中国海事管理规范化、科学化、制度化发展。  相似文献   

基于国内外多个组织的海上交通事故统计数据,分析了全球和我国海上交通安全状况,梳理了影响海上交通安全的关键因素,并归纳了海上交通安全工作中面临的主要问题。以贯彻新版《海上交通安全法》为契机,提出了从航海人才培养、先进技术研发与应用、海事安全监管现代化治理等三个方面入手,全面提升我国海上交通的本质安全水平的对策建议,力争海上交通的安全、有序和畅通。  相似文献   

The International Maritime Organization defines maritime domain awareness as the effective understanding of any activity that could impact upon the security, safety, economy or environment. The traditional approach to manage it is based on state sovereignty over national territorial waters where authorities exercise their responsibilities within the defined specific area. Lately, new issues of transboundary dimension (i.e. piracy, overfishing, pollution) are changing the high seas from an open space governed by the rule of freedom into a common domain requiring new governance approach to manage its complex international problems. This paper investigates the use of sustainable development methodology to explore governance solutions within the socio-technical domain of maritime awareness. The outcome suggests that the use of sustainable development tools can and should be used to support the development and implementation of cooperative governance models which are more appropriate for creating global maritime domain awareness than the traditional state-centric and sector-based models. A modelling diagram for potential governance framework under International Maritime Organization’s leadership is included.  相似文献   

The world’s oceans and coasts are awash in a sea of politics. The marine environment is increasingly busy, changing, and a site of degradation, marginalization, injustice, contestation and conflict over declining resources and occupied spaces at local to global scales. Themes of political ecology, such as power and politics, narratives and knowledge, scale and history, environmental justice and equity, are thus salient issues to understand in ocean and coastal governance and management. This subject review examines research on these themes of political ecology in the ocean and coastal environment and reflects on how the insights gained might be applied to governance and management. Political ecology provides important insights into: the influence of power in ocean management and governance processes; the manner in which narratives, knowledge, and scale are used to legitimize and shape policies and management efforts; the effects of historical trajectories on present circumstances, options, and practices; and the nature of inequities and environmental injustices that can occur in the marine environment. Moreover, ocean and coastal researchers, practitioners, and decision makers ought to engage with the political processes and injustices occurring in the ocean. Moving from critical insights to constructive engagements will ensure that political ecology helps to plant seeds of hope in the Anthropocene ocean.  相似文献   

When China enters the World Trade Organisation (WTO) and becomes more involved in the global economy, her major seaports will be pivotal places where the international shipping and terminal operators interact, conflict and co-operate with the local and the central governments. To demonstrate and understand these interactions, this article analyzes the case of the Yangtze River Delta (YRD), where the competition, co-operation and governance of Shanghai and Ningbo, the two largest ports on Chinese mainland, concern all stakeholders from the central and local governments of China to the container terminal operators and shipping lines overseas.

This paper first develops a conceptual framework for analyzing port development in a regional context. The article then introduces the case of the Shanghai International Shipping Center with a focus on the efforts of the Shanghai Government to establish a regional hub port, which also involves two nearby provinces. This case study reveals the course of the decision-making processes and the power networks currently governing the port development in the YRD. Two domains of port governance are discussed: the role of port authorities in port internal governance, and the crucial influences of local and central governments on the port external governance. It provides evidence that the power of shipping lines and international terminal operators are not as prevalent as in many ports in western countries. It is suggested that the lack of good regional port governance in the region is due to structural problems in administration.  相似文献   

The last decade has seen a shift in the Natural Resource Management discourse, a shift from management to governance. Governance is held forward as a prime solution to problems associated with the sustainability of natural resources, including fisheries and other marine resources. Several countries in the Western Indian Ocean are framing governance solutions as a response to coastal/marine resource depletion and environmental degradation, but the challenges are huge and success stories remain few. This study provides an analysis of the governance situation in Chwaka Bay, Zanzibar, Tanzania. It presents the governance actors and how governance is expressed in terms of hierarchy (state), heterarchy (self-organized networks of resource users), and anarchy (market). The analysis illustrates the extreme difficulties of using governance approaches to steer human behavior to solve environmental problems and achieve sustainability. The study also provides some insights when considering the use of governance as a tool for the “designing” and/or “steering” social–ecological systems in subsistence contexts with weak formal institutions. These include the consideration of governance as an intrinsic part of complex societal processes, the idealization of governance as a template for redressing management failure and broader issues such as the importance of meta-governance.  相似文献   

In the Philippines, networks of marine protected areas (MPAs) are more complex than individual MPAs, primarily due to involvement of multiple governance units. Hence, there is a need to understand the influence of governance context of networks on management performance. We addressed this need indirectly by evaluating the participation of network members and the governance capacity of three MPA networks with varying sizes, histories, and compositions of local governments and constituencies. We defined participation as the involvement of local governments and other stakeholders in decision-making processes. We defined governance capacity as the ability to govern interactions of social, economic, and political processes and dynamics in a political unit. We used qualitative, semi-structured key informant interviews and focus group discussions to ascertain whether participation and governance capacity are influenced by network size, institutional arrangements, and social and political contexts. We found that the sizes of the MPA networks did not affect participation and governance capacity. Instead, participation and capacity were influenced by institutional arrangements and the socioeconomic and political contexts of the local governments involved. We found that less complicated network objectives and systems for engagement, more inclusive membership, better communication, incentive systems, and strong leadership enhanced participation and governance capacity.  相似文献   

The diversity of port governance models in the world, sometimes even within the same country, has aroused the interest of researchers. This study is based on contingency theory to support the port governance model. The purpose is to understand the port governance model and the relation with port performance. There are three objectives: to analyze the port governance mechanisms; to analyze the port performance factors; and to understand the influence of the governance model mechanisms on port performance. A factorial analysis was used to determine the main components, and the methodology of the structural equation model was used to analyze a survey sample of 105 valid responses from specialists and managers of port user’s companies that operate in the main Portuguese ports. This study demonstrates that port governance model influences directly the port performance. The main contribution of this paper to the literature is providing a set of factors that public managers may decide when changing the characteristics of the port governance models to ensure their performance. It was also observed the approximation of the port expert vision of port governance with models described in literature.  相似文献   

2003年以来长江宜宾—重庆段航道陆续按Ⅲ级航道标准进行了系统建设。建设过程中结合具体河势及碍航情况采取了单纯疏浚,顺坝与潜坝结合,疏浚配合丁坝、丁顺坝,疏浚、筑坝、护底配合等浅滩治理措施。结合实例对浅滩整治措施和效果进行分析。  相似文献   

随着海南自由贸易港建设的深入推进,我国将在海南实施更加开放的航运政策,建立与国际接轨的国际船舶登记制度,海南航运业将呈现新的特征.作者对海南自由贸易港建设背景下海南航运进行了展望,分析了未来海事管理工作面临的新考验,并提出海事部门要强化自身建设,不断推进海事治理能力和治理体系现代化,以适应高速发展的航运经济.  相似文献   

Complex policy frameworks guide the management of the Great Barrier Reef (GBR) at multiple decision-making levels. Mounting pressure on its outstanding universal value suggests that further improvements in governance are required. There has been little examination of the role of policy actors in addressing complex governance challenges in large scale marine protected areas (LSMPAs) involving multi-layered governance conflicts across diverse contexts. Framed by street level bureaucracy, pragmatic planning theory, and lessons from MPA governance, this paper examines how policy actors improvised and collaborated to advance outcomes in the GBR LSMPA. We assessed practice-focused oral histories with experienced policy actors who negotiated agreements and achieved policy outcomes in the GBR between 1985 and 2016. These policy actors were skilled improvisers, alternating between roles as democratisers, mediators, and negotiators. They used collaboration and facilitative leadership to advance policy in the face of governance problems. This enabled them to adapt policy across multi-level decision systems, address power and information imbalances, and generally deal with conflict and uncertainty. A deeper understanding of improvisation will assist governments and others to address complex challenges in LSMPAs.  相似文献   


Ports are the distribution centers of hazardous goods in the global transportation system. Once hazardous goods accidents occur in ports, they may cause catastrophic losses to humans and the environment. This research investigates the port logistics risks of hazardous goods and provides an overview of port logistics regarding hazardous goods risks. With this investigation, we conducted a detailed analysis of the underlying causes of the port logistics accidents related to hazardous goods. To manage these risks, this article proposes a three-dimensional risk management model that includes human, governance and goods and provides a risk level identification framework for port hazardous goods logistics. Applying the three-dimensional risk management model, we use the Tianjin port explosion as a case study. Finally, we provide several potential preventative measures to prevent such accidents. The findings of this article contribute to the implementation and monitoring of port strategies that will allow for more sustainable and secure development.  相似文献   

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