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Rural transporter is a specialized short-distance vehicle newly developed in our country for rural areas. Put into market at the beginning of 1980, its production of 1984 went to 28000 units. The last decade has witnessed its highspeed increase. In 1994, its production and sales volume got to 1.6 million units (The auto output that year was 1.38 million units), and in 1995 it hiked to over 2.5 million units.  相似文献   

Ford, as one of earliest China-goers came here for auto sales in 1913. It set up a sales and service branch in Shanghai in 1928 whose func-tion remained operational uritil the beginning of World War Ⅱ. In 1948, the Shanghai branch was closed because the entire commercial market  相似文献   

Basic Facts of Chinese Quality Sys-tem Certification The quality system certification began in China in 1992. With progressive growth of the market economy system in China, many enter-prises have witnessed that quality system certifi-cation is playing a more and more significant part  相似文献   

China's auto industry in recent years has been enjoying a positive growth in a constant trend. Its present auto production is near 1.6 mill. units.  相似文献   

The data used in the forecast in this paper are estimated according to the increase rate of the national economy, the increase rate of GNP per capita and the comparison with other countries, etc. and with reference to the experts' opinions.  相似文献   

I.BriefingofthedevelopmentofChinaautomotiveengineindustryChinasautomotiveengineindustryisgrowingupalongwiththedevelopmentofChinaautomotiveindustry.In1956,FAWintroducedautomotivetechnologyfromtheformerSovietUnion,manufacturingCA10trucks.TheproductionofautomotiveenginesinChinawasquitelow-volumepriortotheintroductionofCA10.Aftertheintroductionandexperiencinganannualgrowingproduction,however,theproductionofCA6102gasolineenginesforCA10alsowasrisingyearonyear.Afterthe1960s,NanjingAutoWorksb…  相似文献   

1. GM (U.S.A.) Shanghai GM Automotive Co., Ltd. Gold Cup GM Motor Corporation Wuling Corporation Japanese Suzuki: Channa Suzuki Motor Corporation, Changhe Suzuki Motor Co., Ltd. Japanese Isuzu:  相似文献   

The air pollution caused by au-to emission becomes more and moreserious in China, which arouses Chinese Government to attach great attention to controlling auto tail gas pollution as a very important task. In Beijing, the municipal govern-ment has taken the lead in imple-menting the emission standard e-quivalent to European No. Ⅰ stan-  相似文献   

Volkswagen AG took part in the ever-great auto exhibition of this century in China, Auto Shanghai '99 held during July 15 to 20, with an unprecedented display space of more than 1,000 square meters and brought 14 passenger cars as well as the dissections of Lupo and Passat to the visitors. During the exhibition, reporters of CHINA AUTO interviewed with the officials of VW AG. Here are the records of the interview.  相似文献   

1 A basic estimation of China's oil resources According to an estimation of experts, if China has an ultimate recoverable storage of 16 billion tons of petroleum, it'll still have 11.5 billions of oils left by 2005; if calculated by the production of 200 million tons annually, the steady production can be extended to the year 2063. During the period of time, thanks to the progress of technologies and tools, the final recoverable volume could be much bigger. China has gas storage of 2.166 billion cubic meters. In 2000, 30 billions were extracted and in  相似文献   

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In China there are about 10.4 millions motor vehicles and 13.0 millions of motorcycles in use. The growth of vehicle parc has increasingly caused serious traffic noise harmful to environment. In most of urban area the noise level (L_(50)) along sides of main streets usually exceeds 70 dB(A) or 75 dB(A) during daytime, which has aroused much attention of the Chinese government.  相似文献   

I. Background Alternatives to petroleum as an energy source have been an important topic for countries all over the world. The aims are to solve the problems of a lack of oils and protection of the environmental, to reduce as far as possible over-dependence on petrol and to ensure ensure energy safety commensurate with the sustainable development of the auto industry. Since the 1940's, countries have invested large sums of money in  相似文献   

The Chinese automotive indus-try has a history of nearly 50 years with the vehicle population up to 15 million by now. With sustainable national economic boom and growth of personal income, more and more private cars will appear in China. It is predicated that the private car will keep a stable growing trend in the future. And along with the de-velopment of the automotive indus-try and increase of the vehicle parc, environment pollution and  相似文献   

Outdoor tests are playing a more and more significant role in R & D of automobiles, especially prompt tests done in the proving ground which can extremely shorten the period of development. That is the reason that four proving ground have been set up in China. They are Hainan Proving Ground, Dongfeng Proving Ground, Dingyuan Proving Ground and Tongxian Proving Ground.  相似文献   

In 1997, Chinese national economy will enjoy sustained, rapid and healthy development Nevertheless, China auto market will retain lower-speed operation. This judgment is formed upon the following factors:  相似文献   

Environmental protection and higher fuel prices are spurring the growth of diesel cars in China. In recent years they have become extremely popular in Europe, which may serve as an example. The issuance of the Proposal on the Development of Diesel Cars in…  相似文献   

There are 60 enterprises engaged in engine manufacturing with a total annual production capacity of 3 million units, of which gasoline engine takes nearly 1.9 million units and diesel engine around 1 million units. The production volume basically meets the demands of light vehicle and heavy vehicle, but urban vehicular diesel engine with Iow emission is in short supply.  相似文献   

Editor's notes: Up to May, eleven of the car makers in China produced more than 10,000 cars and their total sales volume was 374,200 units, accounting for 91% of the accumulated output of passenger cars. The ranking is shown below:  相似文献   

Japanese auto makers and their vehicles are very famous in China. You can hardly find a Chinese who does not know Toyota, Nissan or Honda, or Accord, Camry or Cefiro. But com-pared with their rivals from Western Europe or the United States in terms of co-operation with the Chinese partners, it seems that the Japanese auto-makers have made much less progress. Peo-ple may wonder what makes so. Does the Chi-nese automotive circle prefer the companies from  相似文献   

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