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李毅 《游艇业》2009,(5):145-145
在五月初夏的阳光里,端坐甲板垂钓,钓上来一条活鱼,现捞现杀,剥皮去刺,切成如纸的透明状薄片,端上餐桌,蘸着佐料细嚼,丰腴鲜美,再配上些清酒,纠缠在唇齿舌间的,是最原生态的海洋滋味。  相似文献   

澳大利亚PSC全景透视   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵昕 《中国船检》2008,(1):66-68
AMSA是澳大利亚海事安全局的英文缩写,总部设在堪培拉,活动和业务涉及海上安全的方方面面,对船舶实施PSC检查是其中的一个主要方面。AMSA对船舶进行安全检查分为东,南,西,北四个地区中心,中心所在地分别为悉尼,墨尔本,弗里曼特和布里斯班,共有13个检验分支,检查范围覆盖全澳港口,  相似文献   

2009年以来,全球海盗活动日趋猖撅,严重扰乱了世界的航运秩序,引起了众多航运国家的高度关注,根据国际海事局统计数据,2009年前9个月,共有306次海盗袭击事件,114艘商船被海盗登船,34艘船舶被劫持,88艘船舶被武力攻击,661名船员被劫为人质,12人被绑架,6人被害,8人失踪,与2008年同期相比,动用枪支的海盗活动总数上升了200%。  相似文献   

内河航道因受客观条件的影响,航行条件多变,特别是水流的影响,常引起泥沙的淤积、冲刷,形成了各种水下碍航物,从而改变了航道的深度,水深多变难以确定。另一方面,为了提高营运效率,船舶增大吨位、超载、利用缓流上行等,稍有不慎,就会搁浅,严重时会造成塞船,不但造成经济损失,也对社会造成了一定的负面影响。故船员若能及时识别船舶进入浅区的现象,采取相应的措施,就能防止船舶搁浅事故的发生。  相似文献   

滚装船尤其是滚装客船,由于其独特的船体结构、方便快速的装卸优势,能够给人们带来方便、快捷的服务。近年来,随着物流业的发展,客滚船在我国近海、内海、海峡以及长江的航运中,越来越发挥着重要作用。但是,由于承载的货物中车辆占主体地位,而且数量大,车辆本身还带有油箱,有的还装载一定的货物,甚至装载有危险物品,给客滚船车辆处所带来了一定的火灾隐患和很大的安全压力。在航行中如果遇到一定等级的风浪。船舶会发牛纵倾或横摇,车辆处所中的车辆会发生位移,如果车辆发生碰撞或倾倒,会导致油箱破裂和渗油。或油箱本身存有缺陷,造成燃油泄漏,遇到明火或电气短路,撞击火花案,极易引发火灾,而一旦发生火灾,由于车辆排列密集,很容易引发其它车辆的油箱爆炸或燃烧,引燃车上所载货物,加上船舶航行所产生的空气对流,如得不到及时控制,火势会迅速蔓延和扩散。由于远离陆地,往往得不到及时外援,单靠船舶本身力量很难将火及时扑灭。如果遇上恶劣天气,会进一步增加灭火难度,再加上载有大量乘客,因此,客滚船汽车舱一旦发生火灾不能及时扑灭,会给旅客、船员生命,国家和个人财产造成极大威胁,一旦发生重大事故,政治影响恶劣,现实危害巨大。近年来,随着航运业的崛起,物流市场的需求,客滚船数量越来越多,吨位和舱容也越来越大,但是,由于有的航运企业重效益、轻安全,有的购买二手旧船从事航运,或者进行简单改装即投入营运,造成了不同程度的火灾隐患,已经在渤海、长江等航线上,发生了多起客滚船车辆处所火灾事故,并造成了严重的后果。如:1999年发生的“11.24”特大海难事故,以及2004年5月在渤海湾发生的客滚船火灾事故,就造成了大量旅客死亡和巨大财产损失。  相似文献   

NSM规则对第二批船舶的生效,对珠三角内河民营油运公司带来了很大的冲击,不管情愿或不情愿,为满足强制性规则的要求,各油运公司都建立了各自的SMS,而且除了个别公司与船舶,绝大部分公司皆通过SMS审核,亦被纳入了体系的范畴,然而这并不代表着这些公司已经焕然一新,脱胎换骨,在这些公司的体系运行中,还存在着种种不足之处,期望通过对这些不足之处的分析,相应改善我们的审核,并最终促使体系成为最有效的管理手段。  相似文献   

梁洪 《珠江水运》2008,(9):11-13
30年,在历史的长河里,只是一个瞬间。 如今的昆明人,节假13都会想到去南盘江漂流,去滇池、阳宗海、柴石滩、凤龙湾等水上风景点乘船观光,水运业的发展,给昆明人带来的实惠、方便和安全令人赞叹;但是,一些老昆明人,至今都还清楚地记得,1989年3月29日,昆明市禄劝县小阳坝渡口,在金沙江上行驶的一艘木船,由于超载、违章驾驶而沉没,39人落水,23人死亡,一段真实、令人悲痛难忘的历史,今天想起仍心有余悸。  相似文献   

《游艇业》:您是江苏人,南京大学毕业,您为什么会选择来到海南发展您的产业呢? 谢以楼:这个产业基于很多因素,第一个我认为,选择什么地方很重要,是北上广深,还是江浙一带。我呢,比较喜欢海南,1999年来到这里,我就感到了海南岛是我适合的地方。蓝天,白云,大海,沙滩。  相似文献   

从1909年第一次铃声响起,大连海事大学已经走过百年。有了百年的时间跨度,有了百年的文化厚度,我们便可以拂去喧嚣,静下心来,细细地回顾历史,悟读百年,获得思想的启迪。一百年来,大连海事之所以经久不衰,是厚积的文化传统,是代代传承的人文精神、价值取向和办学理念的积淀使然。  相似文献   

冬去春来,左搏右击,十年风风雨雨,十年坎坷磨砺,在汹涌澎湃的改革大潮中,中国海事局给海事事业带来了春的希望,夏的热情,秋的收获,冬的和谐。这是一部难忘的历史,这是一段不平的历程,这是一个真实的故事,这是一首雄壮的史诗。危防工作作为海事工作的重要一环,在十年的探索与实践中谱写着属于自己的旋律……  相似文献   

本文运用气体─固体粒子两相流理论,将流动视为气体和固体粒子伪流体的混合物的流动,对内破裂现象进行了理论研究,并给出了基于实验结果和考虑相容百分数的影响的固体粒子阻力系数公式。运用有限控制体积法进行了数值模拟计算,结果可信。这项研究还为多相流的传输、泥沙沉积现象等研究提供了理论和计算基础。  相似文献   

自适应神经网络用于船舶动力定位系统   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
船舶动力定位(DP)采用一种控制系统驱动装在船上的侧推器和尾部推进器或者几个全回转的推进器,使船定位在海平面的要求位置上。船受到风、浪及流等海洋环境力的作用时会漂移离开原位置,传统的控制方法是采用PID(比例、积分、微分)反馈控制。顾和李(1994)提出了一种新的基于人工神经网络的控制方法,它具有许多优越性:①一个可随意调节的目标函数以适合不同的需求──定位精度高或节约定位能量后前馈控制并能自适应于不同的环境力变化包括非线性的波浪漂力;本文在目标函数中引入了与速度相关的项,从而提高控制质量。这一方法也可用于自动驾驶船舶沿设定的轨迹航行。计算机模拟结果表明本方法能达到很好的控制效果。  相似文献   

快速ICCP算法实现地形匹配技术研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
利用海底地形进行辅助导航是水下潜器导航技术致力于研究的新方向。采用ICCP算法作为对准匹配算法,从两个方面对ICCP算法进行了改进,一是将测量航迹进行随机旋转和平移来选择初始状态集,使其能够以足够小的误差概率收敛到全局最优中,减少了迭代次数;二是采用滑动窗口技术来寻找等值线上的最近点,在每一次收敛到局部最小的过程中都减少了最近点计算量。  相似文献   

Even if ocean waves are treated as a stationary random process, dynamic responses of floating structures to random waves at the transient state are always nonstationary. When nonstationary response statistics is desired, a common technique is to apply Monte Carlo simulations; however, its implementation is costly in computational time. Analytically, this article develops an efficient method for computing nonstationary response statistics, including evolutionary power spectrum and time-varying mean-square values. Assuming a hydrodynamic software has been employed to get various frequency response functions, a prerequisite of the proposed method is to get the elevation-to-motion transfer function formulated in its pole-residue form. The proposed method is applicable to arbitrary wave spectrum and has been based on pole-residue operations implemented in the Laplace domain to obtain closed-form solutions for the response evolutionary power spectrum. Numerical examples choose a single-degree-of-freedom Spar model and a six-degree-of-freedom Floating Production Storage and Offloading model to a Pierson–Moskowitz wave spectrum, and the correctness of the computed mean-square values is verified by Monte Carlo simulations.  相似文献   

The growth of whale-watching internationally has been spectacular. It now occurs in almost 100 countries and is estimated to be worth in excess of U.S.$1 billion each year in revenue. Thus, whales have become valuable as a resource for tourism. The Vava'u island group in the northern part of the Kingdom of Tonga in the South Pacific is an area with a growing reputation as a whale-watching destination. However, the industry is relatively new there and the impacts of whale-based tourism in these islands is, as yet, unknown. In addition, there has been a recent consideration of a return to hunting whales in Tonga. As a result, concerns regarding the value of these animals for tourism and the potential impact of a return to hunting have arisen. Consequently, a study was designed to provide a preliminary assessment of the economic impacts of these animals for the island community. This study estimates that humpback whales may be worth in excess of U.S.$700,000 annually as a tourism attraction and that there is significant potential for future growth. Furthermore, the study shows that current visitors are opposed to any resumption of whaling practices in the islands and that such a move would likely displace large numbers of tourists from Tonga. Thus, it is concluded that a resumption of whaling in Tonga would likely have a significant opportunity cost in terms of lost tourism revenues.  相似文献   

The methodology to obtain the non-linear roll damping from decay tests is very old. It has been proposed by Froude in the 19th century and used from then on. Behind it there is a quadratic model [θ│θ│] for the damping and a subsequent equivalent linearization. Probably all model basin in the world follows this approach to assess the damping from a decay test. This is well documented and so is the methods to get the p1-p2 coefficients. This is very general in the sense that in principle,it could be applied t...  相似文献   

The Public-Private-Partnership (PPP) procedure is a very appealing model, but as it becomes more and more used in practice, problems and failures have been observed in the management of many projects. Many of these unfortunate experiences are consequences of errors in the implementation of the procedure, but in other cases, clear errors of conception were the cause.Indeed, there are many ways to structure a PPP and PPP is not the only way to manage an infrastructure scheme. It is thus an important task to provide guidelines on whether to use PPP or other types of procurement and, in case a PPP is preferred, on how to design it. The aim of this chapter is to contribute to this task, trying to combine theoretical knowledge and practical experience.After a review of the variety of economic characteristics of transport infrastructure and their procurement conditions, we recall the reasons that may justify this association of public and private management which is the characteristic of PPP, outlining the limits of using pure private or pure public procurement. Then an analytic process is proposed, screening the parameters which matter most for choosing the PPP procedure among many possible ones, depending on the specificities of the various transport modes. This process gives also indications on key elements for implementing a PPP.Finally, the analytic process proposed is used for a generic analysis of, respectively, the motorways and port sectors, so as to test its practicability and customizing capability for the use of public authorities.  相似文献   

Obliquely incident water wave scattering by an uneven channel-bed in the form of a small bottom undulation in a two-layer fluid is investigated within the frame work of three-dimensional linear water wave theory. The upper fluid is assumed to be bounded above by a rigid lid, while the lower one is bounded below by a bottom surface having a small deformation and the channel is unbounded in the horizontal directions. Assuming irrotational motion, perturbation technique is employed to calculate the first-order corrections to the velocity potentials in the two fluids by using Fourier transform approximately, and also to calculate the reflection and transmission coefficients in terms of integrals involving the shape function representing the bottom deformation. Consideration of a patch of sinusoidal ripples shows that the reflection coefficient is an oscillatory function of the ratio of twice the component of the wave number along x-axis and the ripple wave number. When this ratio approaches one, the theory predicts a resonant interaction between the bed and interface, and the reflection coefficient becomes a multiple of the number of ripples. High reflection of incident wave energy occurs if this number is large.  相似文献   

大源渡航电枢纽拟增建鱼道,受枢纽总平面布置条件限制,鱼道进口如果布置在电站尾水,则施工难度和投资均较大,存在严重安全隐患。为既确保安全、节省投资,又满足过鱼要求,采用SMS-RMA2模型建立了平面二维水动力数学模型,模拟得出枢纽坝轴线下游一定范围内多种不同工况下的流场图,为在坝址所处微弯分汊河段找到合适的鱼道进口位置提供了可靠的参考依据。为提高过鱼效果,建议在鱼道进口上游侧设置导鱼电栅等拦鱼系统和喷淋水声、灯光等诱鱼系统,帮助鱼类及早发现鱼道入口。  相似文献   

Predicting damage to vibration isolators in a raft experiencing heavy shock loadings from explosions is an important task when designing a raft system. It is also vital to be able to research the vulnerability of heavily shocked floating rafts unreliable, especially when the allowable values The conventional approach to prediction has been or ultimate values of vibration isolators of supposedly uniform standard in a raft actually have differing and uncertain values due to defective workmanship. A new model for predicting damage to vibration isolators in a shocked floating raft system is presented in this paper. It is based on a support vector machine(SVM), which uses Artificial Intelligence to characterize complicated nonlinear mapping between the impacting environment and damage to the vibration isolators. The effectiveness of the new method for predicting damage was illustrated by numerical simulations, and shown to be effective when relevant parameters of the model were chosen reasonably. The effect determining parameters, including kernel function and penalty factors, has on prediction results is also discussed. It can be concluded that the SVM will probably become a valid tool to study damage or vulnerability in a shocked raft system.  相似文献   

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