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Giving pedestrians priority to cross a street enhances pedestrian life, especially if crosswalks are closely spaced. Explored here is the effect of this management decision on car traffic. Since queuing theory suggests that for a given pedestrian flux the closer the crosswalk spacing the lower the effect of pedestrians on cars, scenarios where pedestrians can cross anywhere should be best for both cars and pedestrians. This is the kind of pedestrianization studied.Analytic formulas are proposed for a pedestrianized street’s capacity, free-flow speed and macroscopic fundamental diagram. Of these, only the free-flow speed formula is exact. The analytic form of the capacity formula is inspired by analytic upper and lower bounds derived with variational theory for a version of the problem where cars are treated as a fluid. The formula is then calibrated against microscopic simulations with discrete cars. The MFD for the fluid version of the problem is shown to be concave and have a certain symmetry. These two geometrical properties, together with the formulae for capacity and free-flow speed, yield a simple approximation for the MFD.Both the capacity and MFD formulae match simulations with discrete cars well for all values of the pedestrian flux – errors for the capacity are well under 0.2% of the capacity before pedestrianization. Qualitatively, the formulas predict that the street’s capacity is inversely proportional to the square root of the pedestrian flux for low pedestrian fluxes, and that pedestrians increase the cars’ free-flow pace by an amount that is proportional to the pedestrian flux.  相似文献   

For the purposes of both traffic-light control and the design of roadway layouts, it is important to understand pedestrian street-crossing behavior because it is not only crucial for improving pedestrian safety but also helps to optimize vehicle flow. This paper explores the mechanism of pedestrian street crossings during the red-man phase of traffic light signals and proposes a model for pedestrians’ waiting times at signalized intersections. We start from a simplified scenario for a particular pedestrian under specific traffic conditions. Then we take into account the interaction between vehicles and pedestrians via statistical unconditioning. We show that this in general leads to a U-shaped distribution of the pedestrians’ intended waiting time. This U-shaped distribution characterizes the nature of pedestrian street-crossing behavior, showing that in general there are a large proportion of pedestrians who cross the street immediately after arriving at the crossing point, and a large proportion of pedestrians who are willing to wait for the entire red-man phase. The U-shaped distribution is shown to reduce to a J-shaped or L-shaped distribution for certain traffic scenarios. The proposed statistical model was applied to analyze real field data.  相似文献   

This paper presents a micro‐simulation modeling framework for evaluating pedestrian–vehicle conflicts in crowded crossing areas. The framework adopts a simulation approach that models vehicles and pedestrians at the microscopic level while satisfying two sets of constraints: (1) flow constraints and (2) non‐collision constraints. Pedestrians move across two‐directional cells as opposed to one‐dimensional lanes as in the case of vehicles; therefore, extra caution is considered when modeling the shared space between vehicles and pedestrians. The framework is used to assess large‐scale pedestrian–vehicle conflicts in a highly congested ring road in the City of Madinah that carries 20 000 vehicles/hour and crossed by 140 000 pedestrians/hour after a major congregational prayer. The quantitative and visual results of the simulation exhibits serious conflicts between pedestrians and vehicles, resulting in considerable delays for pedestrians crossing the road (9 minutes average delay) and slow traffic conditions (average speed <10 km/hour). The model is then used to evaluate the following three mitigating strategies: (1) pedestrian‐only phase; (2) grade separation; and (3) pedestrian mall. A matrix of operational measures of effectiveness for network‐wide performance (e.g., average travel time, average speed) and for pedestrian‐specific performance (e.g., mean speed, mean density, mean delay, mean moving time) is used to assess the effectiveness of the proposed strategies. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study validates a recently developed agent-based pedestrian micro-simulation model in a crowded walking environment. The model is applied to simulate pedestrian movements at a major street in the downtown Vancouver area. The street was closed for traffic to allow people attending a social event to leave the area safely. The calibration of model parameters is conducted using a Genetic Algorithm that minimizes the error between simulated and actual trajectories, acquired by means of computer vision. Validation results confirm the accuracy of the simulated trajectories, as the average error between the actual and simulated trajectories is found to be 0.28?m, and the average error in walking speed is just 0.06 m/s. Furthermore, results show that the model is capable of reproducing the actual behavior of pedestrians during different interactions with high accuracy (more than 94% for most interactions).  相似文献   


This paper aims to clearly establish the origin and evolution of the shared space concept from a New Zealand perspective by reviewing the literature in the disciplines of both urban design and transportation engineering. The review process involves investigating the use and function of a public road space in the context of the changing of public expectations and how this can relate to a number of interconnected street design approaches (e.g. traffic calming and self-explaining roads (SERs)). These approaches have been used to minimise the influence of motor vehicles since the beginning of the automobile era. The shared space concept, when applied in public road environments in activity centres, has increasingly been embraced by urban planners, transportation engineers and regulatory agencies. A shared space diverges from a conventional road where all road users are encouraged to legitimately occupy the same road space with little physical separation. To achieve this in a safe and efficient manner, the design aims to reduce the dominance of the motor vehicle by promoting pedestrian and cycling activity and utilising the road space as a ‘place’ in addition to its ‘transport’ mobility and access purposes. Given the fundamental conceptual differentiation between a traffic-calmed street and a shared space, the paper argues that there are certain design elements, constituting a shared space, and without them, it would be difficult for a public street to function as a genuine shared space for all road users.  相似文献   

Motorised vehicle conditions have been evaluated by many researchers. In contrast, there are very limited studies on vulnerable and non-motorised users, such as cyclists and pedestrians, specifically children, the elderly and the disabled. Thus, this paper reviews prominent studies on street evaluations to identify effective indicators for non-motorised trips. The street condition for these trips is measured by the bicycle level of service (BLOS) and the pedestrian level of service (PLOS). In previous studies, different methods have been introduced for PLOS and BLOS. However, these methods have several major shortcomings. First, pedestrians and cyclists are assumed to be users who can share street facilities with motorised vehicles and thus are considered equivalent to cars. Second, the majority of these methods are complicated and time-consuming, and it is difficult to connect them to a design process. Furthermore, these methods support only a limited number of walking and cycling facilities; therefore, they may not be valid for a wide range of pedestrians and cyclists with a diverse variety of abilities and ages. This study discusses the challenges in the BLOS and PLOS research and attempts to introduce new objectives for further studies in this field to eliminate the aforementioned shortcomings.  相似文献   

This study proposes a microscopic pedestrian simulation model for evaluating pedestrian flow. Recently, several pedestrian models have been proposed to evaluate pedestrian flow in crowded situations for the purpose of designing facilities. However, current pedestrian simulation models do not explain the negotiation process of collision avoidance between pedestrians, which can be important for representing pedestrian behaviour in congested situations. This study builds a microscopic model of pedestrian behaviour using a two-player game and assuming that pedestrians anticipate movements of other pedestrians so as to avoid colliding with them. A macroscopic tactical model is also proposed to determine a macroscopic path to a given destination. The results of the simulation model are compared with experimental data and observed data in a railway station. Several characteristics of pedestrian flows such as traffic volume and travel time in multidirectional flows, temporal–spatial collision avoidance behaviour and density distribution in the railway station are reproduced in the simulation.  相似文献   

In this paper, we report on the construction of a new framework for simulating mixed traffic consisting of cars, trams, and pedestrians that can be used to support discussions about road management, signal control, and public transit. Specifically, a layered road structure that was designed for car traffic simulations was extended to interact with an existing one-dimensional (1D) car-following model and a two-dimensional (2D) discrete choice model for pedestrians. The car model, pedestrian model, and interaction rules implemented in the proposed framework were verified through simulations involving simple road environments. The resulting simulated values were in near agreement with the empirical data. We then used the proposed framework to assess the impact of a tramway extension plan for a real city. The simulation results showed that the impact of the proposed tramway on existing car traffic would not be serious, and by extension, implied that the proposed framework could help stakeholders decide on expansion scenarios that are satisfactory to both tram users and private car owners.  相似文献   

Macroscopic pedestrian models for bidirectional flow analysis encounter limitations in describing microscopic dynamics at crosswalks. Pedestrian behavior at crosswalks is typically characterized by the evasive effect with conflicting pedestrians and vehicles and the following effect with leading pedestrians. This study proposes a hybrid approach (i.e., route search and social force-based approach) for modeling of pedestrian movement at signalized crosswalks. The key influential factors, i.e., leading pedestrians, conflict with opposite pedestrians, collision avoidance with vehicles, and compromise with traffic lights, are considered. Aerial video data collected at one intersection in Beijing, China were recorded and extracted. A new calibration approach based on a genetic algorithm is proposed that enables optimization of the relative error of pedestrian trajectory in two dimensions, i.e., moving distance and angle. Model validation is conducted by comparison with the observed trajectories in five typical cases of pedestrian crossing with or without conflict between pedestrians and vehicles. The characteristics of pedestrian flow, speed, acceleration, pedestrian-vehicle conflict, and the lane formation phenomenon were compared with those from two competitive models, thus demonstrating the advantage of the proposed model.  相似文献   

Shared lanes at signalized intersections are designed for use by vehicles of different movement directions. Shared lane usage increases the flexibility of assigning lane grouping to accommodate variable traffic volume by direction. However, a shared lane is not always beneficial as it can at time result in blockage that leads to both capacity and safety constraints. This paper establishes a cellular automata model to simulate traffic movements at signalized intersections with shared lanes. Several simulation experiments are carried out both for a single shared lane and for an approach with a shared lane. Simulation of a single shared lane used by straight‐through and right‐turn (as similar to left‐turn in the USA) vehicles suggests that the largest travel delay occurs when traffic volumes (vehicles/lane) of the two movement streams along the shared lane are at about the same level. For a trial lane‐group with a shared lane, when traffic volumes of the two movement streams are quite different, the shared lane usage is not efficient in terms of reduction in traffic delay. The simulation results are able to produce the threshold traffic volume to arrange a shared lane along an approach. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper considers a signalized street of uniform width and blocks of various lengths. Its signals are pretimed in an arbitrary pattern, and traffic on it behaves as per the kinematic-wave/variational theory with a triangular fundamental diagram. It is shown that the long run average flow on the street when the number of cars on the street (i.e. the street’s density) is held constant is given by the solution of a linear program (LP) with a finite number of variables and constraints. This defines a point on the street’s macroscopic fundamental diagram. For the homogeneous special case where the block lengths and signal timings are identical, all the LP constraints but one are redundant and the result has a closed form. In this case, the LP recipe matches and simplifies the so-called “method of cuts”. This establishes that the method of cuts is exact for homogeneous problems. However, in the more realistic inhomogeneous case the difference between the two methods can be arbitrarily large.The paper uses the LP method to obtain the macroscopic fundamental diagrams arising under four different traffic coordination schemes for streets with four different block length configurations. It is found that the best scheme depends on the prevailing density. Curiously, the popular scheme in which all the traffic green phases are started synchronously wins only in rare circumstances. Its performance is particularly underwhelming when the street’s blocks are long. The paper also presents density-aware numerical methods to optimize the signal offsets for 1-way and 2-way streets. For 1-way streets operated with a common cycle the method reduces to a simple graphical construction . In this case the resulting flow matches the flow that would arise if all of the street’s intersections except one with the shortest green phase had been eliminated.  相似文献   

This paper presents a new mathematical framework for obtaining quantitative safety measure using macroscopic as well as microscopic traffic data. The safety surrogate obtained from the macroscopic data is in terms of analysis performed on vehicle trajectories obtained from the macroscopic data. This method of obtaining safety measure can be used for many different types of applications. The safety surrogate for the traffic dynamics are developed in terms of a new concept of Negative Speed Differentials (NSD) that involve a convolution of vehicle speed function obtained from vehicle trajectories and then performing the integration of the square of the output for its negative values. The framework is applicable to microscopic traffic dynamics as well where we can use car following models for microscopic dynamics or the LWR model for macroscopic dynamics. This paper then presents the use of this new safety surrogate on the development of a feedback control law for controlling traffic in work zones using Dynamic Message Signs. A hybrid dynamics model is used to represent the switching dynamics due to changing DMS messages. A feedback control design for choosing those messages is presented as well as a simple simulation example to show its application.  相似文献   

Carsharing has grown significantly over recent years. Understanding factors related to the usage and turnover rate of shared cars will help promote the growth of carsharing programs. This study sets station-based shared car booking requests and turnover rates as learning objectives, by which generalized additive mixed models are employed to examine various effects. The results are: (1) stations with more parking spaces, longer business hours and fewer nearby stations are likely to receive more booking requests and have a higher turnover rate; (2) an area with a higher population density, a higher percentage of adults, a higher percentage of males, a greater road density, or more mixed land use is associated with more car usage and a higher turnover rate; (3) stations nearby transit hubs, colleges, and shopping centers attract more shared car users; (4) shared cars are often oversupplied at transit hubs; (5) both transit proximity and housing price present high degrees of nonlinearity in relation to shared car usage and turnover rates. Findings provide evidence for optimizing the usage and efficiency of carsharing programs: carsharing companies should identify underserved areas to initiate new businesses; carsharing seems more competitive in a distance to a bus stop between 1.2 km and 2.4 km, and carsharing is more effectively served in areas with constraints in accessing metro services; carsharing should be optimally discouraged at transit hubs to avoid the oversupply of shared cars; local authorities should develop a location-based and geographically differentiated quota in managing carsharing programs.  相似文献   


This paper investigates pedestrians' traffic gap acceptance for mid-block street crossing in urban areas. A field survey was carried out at an uncontrolled mid-block location in Athens, Greece. Pedestrians' decisions and traffic conditions were videotaped in terms of the size of traffic gaps rejected or accepted, waiting times and crossing attempts and vehicle speeds. A lognormal regression model was developed to examine pedestrian gap acceptance. It was found that gap acceptance was better explained by the distance from the incoming vehicle, rather than its speed. Other significant effects included illegal parking, presence of other pedestrians and incoming vehicles’ size. A binary logistic regression model was developed to examine the effect of traffic gaps and other parameters on pedestrians' decisions to cross the street or not. The results reveal that this decision is affected by the distance from the incoming vehicles and the waiting times of pedestrians.  相似文献   

This paper reports on a study that developed a next‐generation Transit Signal Priority (TSP) strategy, Adaptive TSP, that controls adaptively transit operations of high frequency routes using traffic signals, thus automating the operations control task and relieving transit agencies of this burden. The underlying algorithm is based on Reinforcement Learning (RL), an emerging Artificial Intelligence method. The developed RL agent is responsible for determining the best duration of each signal phase such that transit vehicles can recover to the scheduled headway taking into consideration practical phase length constraints. A case study was carried out by employing the microscopic traffic simulation software Paramics to simulate transit and traffic operations at one signalized intersection along the King Streetcar route in downtown Toronto. The results show that the control policy learned by the agent could effectively reduce the transit headway deviation and causes smaller disruption to cross street traffic compared with the existing unconditional transit signal priority algorithm.  相似文献   

Pedestrians and cyclists are vulnerable road users. They are at greater risk for being killed in a crash than other road users. The percentage of fatal crashes that involve a pedestrian or cyclist is higher than the overall percentage of total trips taken by both modes. Because of this risk, finding ways to minimize problematic street environments is critical. Understanding traffic safety spatial patterns and identifying dangerous locations with significantly high crash risks for pedestrians and cyclists is essential in order to design possible countermeasures to improve road safety. This research develops two indicators for examining spatial correlation patterns between elements of the built environment (intersections) and crashes (pedestrian- or cyclist-involved). The global colocation quotient detects the overall connection in an area while the local colocation quotient identifies the locations of high-risk intersections. To illustrate our approach, we applied the methods to inspect the colocation patterns between pedestrian- or cyclist-vehicle crashes and intersections in Houston, Texas and we identified among many intersections the ones that significantly attract crashes. We also scrutinized those intersections, discussed possible attributes leading to high colocation of crashes, and proposed corresponding countermeasures.  相似文献   

This article describes a novel approach for the binary classification of two‐wheeler road users in a dense mixed traffic intersection. The classification is a supervised procedure to differentiate between motorized and non‐motorized (human‐powered) bikes. Road users were first detected and tracked using object recognition methods. Classification features were then selected from the collected trajectories. The features include maximum speed, cadence frequency in addition to acceleration‐based parameters. Experiments were conducted on a video data set from Shanghai, China, where cyclists as well as motorcycles tend to share the main road facilities. A sensitivity analysis was performed to assess the quality of the selected features in improving the accuracy of the classification. A performance analysis demonstrated the robustness of the proposed classification method with a correct classification rate of up to 93%. This research contributes to the literature of automated data collection and can benefit the applications in many transportation‐related fields such as shared space facility planning, simulation models for two‐wheelers, and behavior analysis and road safety studies. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Cars are designed to appeal to the buyer’s self-image, many of them evoking an impression of speed and power. Such an impression conflicts both with the aesthetic language of suburban architecture, and the needs of pedestrians. The research described in this report was conceived as a preliminary investigation of how members of the public view the aesthetic impact of cars in the residential street environment, particularly from the pedestrian’s point of view. The results suggested that people use two distinct sets of criteria when evaluating the motor car and the residential environment in visual terms. When asked to ‘match’ different models of car with different street scenes, respondents avoided referring to abstract visual qualities such as shape, colour and texture, but concentrated instead on the owners: the imagined driver and the imagined householder. The problem of visual harmony was reduced to one of social and cultural harmony. Could the imagined householder be expected to drive this or that car? However, SUVs were singled out as visually intrusive because they blocked the pedestrian’s view. Members of one of the groups, boys aged 11–12, found it difficult to visualise the impact of cars on pedestrians at all, or even to question vehicle design from the pedestrian’s point of view. They just wanted to be in the driving seat.  相似文献   

Vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communications under the connected vehicle context have the potential to provide new paradigms to enhance the safety, mobility and environmental sustainability of surface transportation. Understanding the information propagation characteristics in space and time is a key enabler for V2V-based traffic systems. Most existing analytical models assume instantaneous propagation of information flow through multi-hop communications. Such an assumption ignores the spatiotemporal relationships between the traffic flow dynamics and V2V communication constraints. This study proposes a macroscopic two-layer model to characterize the information flow propagation wave (IFPW). The traffic flow propagation is formulated in the lower layer as a system of partial differential equations based on the Lighthill-Whitham-Richards model. Due to their conceptual similarities, the upper layer adapts and modifies a spatial Susceptible-Infected epidemic model to describe information dissemination between V2V-equipped vehicles using integro-differential equations. A closed-form solution is derived for the IFPW speed under homogeneous conditions. The IFPW speed is numerically determined for heterogeneous conditions. Numerical experiments illustrate the impact of traffic density and market penetration of V2V-equipped vehicles on the IFPW speed. The proposed model can capture the spatiotemporal relationships between the traffic and V2V communication layers, and aid in the design of novel information propagation strategies to manage traffic conditions under V2V-based traffic systems.  相似文献   

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