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Both coordinated-actuated signal control systems and signal priority control systems have been widely deployed for the last few decades. However, these two control systems are often conflicting with each due to different control objectives. This paper aims to address the conflicting issues between actuated-coordination and multi-modal priority control. Enabled by vehicle-to-infrastructure (v2i) communication in Connected Vehicle Systems, priority eligible vehicles, such as emergency vehicles, transit buses, commercial trucks, and pedestrians are able to send request for priority messages to a traffic signal controller when approaching a signalized intersection. It is likely that multiple vehicles and pedestrians will send requests such that there may be multiple active requests at the same time. A request-based mixed-integer linear program (MILP) is formulated that explicitly accommodate multiple priority requests from different modes of vehicles and pedestrians while simultaneously considering coordination and vehicle actuation. Signal coordination is achieved by integrating virtual coordination requests for priority in the formulation. A penalty is added to the objective function when the signal coordination is not fulfilled. This “soft” signal coordination allows the signal plan to adjust itself to serve multiple priority requests that may be from different modes. The priority-optimal signal timing is responsive to real-time actuations of non-priority demand by allowing phases to extend and gap out using traditional vehicle actuation logic. The proposed control method is compared with state-of-practice transit signal priority (TSP) both under the optimized signal timing plans using microscopic traffic simulation. The simulation experiments show that the proposed control model is able to reduce average bus delay, average pedestrian delay, and average passenger car delay, especially for highly congested condition with a high frequency of transit vehicle priority requests.  相似文献   

This paper describes a real-time knowledge-based system (KBS) for decision support to Traffic Operation Center personnel in the selection of integrated traffic control plans after the occurrence of non-recurring congestion, on freeway and arterial networks. The uniqueness of the system, called TCM, lies in its ability to cooperate with the operator, by handling different sources of input data and inferred knowledge, and providing an explanation of its reasoning process. A data fusion algorithm for the analysis of congestion allows to represent and interpret different types of data, with various levels of reliability and uncertainty, to provide a clear assessment of traffic conditions. An efficient algorithm for the selection of control plans determines alternative traffic control responses. These are proposed to an operator, along with an explanation of the reasoning process that led to their development and an estimation of their expected effect on traffic. The validation of the system, which is one of only few examples of validation of a KBS in transportation, demonstrates the validity of the approach. The evaluation results, in a simulated environment demonstrate the ability of TCM to reduce congestion, through the formulation of traffic diversion and control schemes.  相似文献   

This paper documents a fuzzy-logic-based incident detection algorithm for signalized urban diamond interchanges. The model is capable of detecting lane-blocking incidents whose effects are manifested by patterns of deterioration in traffic conditions that require adjustments in signal control strategies. As a component of a real-time traffic adaptive control system for signalized diamond interchanges, the algorithm feeds an incident report (i.e., the time, location, and severity of the incident) to the system's optimization manager, which uses that information to determine the appropriate signal control strategy.The performance of the model was studied using a simulation of an actual diamond interchange. The simulation study evaluated the model's performance in terms of detection rate, false alarm rate, and mean time to detect. The model's performance was encouraging, and the fuzzy-logic-based approach is considered promising.  相似文献   

This paper describes , an innovative multi-agent architecture for the provision of real-time decision support to Traffic Operations Center personnel for coordinated, inter-jurisdictional traffic congestion management on freeway and surface street (arterial) networks. is composed of two interacting knowledge-based systems that perform cooperative reasoning and resolve conflicts, for the analysis of non-recurring congestion and the on-line formulation of integrated control plans. The two agents support incident management operations for a freeway and an adjacent arterial subnetwork and interact with human operators, determining control recommendations in response to the occurrence of incidents. The multi-decision maker approach adopted by reflects the spatial and administrative organization of traffic management agencies in US cities, providing a cooperative solution that exploits the agencies’ willingness to cooperate and unify their problem-solving capabilities, yet preserves the different levels of authority and the inherent distribution of data and expertise. The interaction between the agents is based on the functionally accurate, cooperative paradigm, a distributed problem solving approach aimed at producing consistent solutions without requiring the agents to have shared access to all globally available information. The cornerstone of this approach is the assumption that effective solutions can be efficiently obtained even when complete and up-to-date information is not directly available to the agents, thus reducing the need for complex data communication networks and synchronization time delays. The simulation-based evaluation of the system performance validates this assumption. The paper focuses on the distributed architecture of the agents and on their communication and decision making characteristics.  相似文献   

The cooperative vehicle-infrastructure technologies have enabled vehicles to collect and exchange traffic information in real time. Therefore, it is possible to use Vehicular Ad-hoc NETworks (VANETs) for detecting traffic congestion on urban expressways. However, because of the special topology of urban expressways (consisting of both major and auxiliary roadways), the existing traffic congestion detection methods using VANETs do not work very well. In addition, the existing dissemination methods of congestion information lack the necessary control mechanism, so the information may be disseminated to irrelevant geographical areas. This paper proposes a congestion detection and notification scheme using VANETs for urban expressways. The scheme adopts a simplified Doppler frequency shift method to estimate and differentiate traffic conditions for major and auxiliary roadways. Vehicular cooperation and human cognition are introduced to improve the estimation accuracy and to describe the overall traffic conditions. Additionally, the scheme develops a spatial–temporal effectiveness model based on the potential energy theory to control the dissemination area and survival time of the congestion information. Meanwhile, the proposed scheme uses several broadcast control mechanisms to alleviate vehicular network congestion. Simulations through TransModeler indicate that our scheme ensures the accuracy of the estimation of congestion degree. Consequently, the scheme can provide effective references for driving decision-making and path-planning.  相似文献   

Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks (VANETs) are an emerging technology soon to be brought to everyday life. Many Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) services that are nowadays performed with expensive infrastructure, like reliable traffic monitoring and car accident detection, can be enhanced and even entirely provided through this technology. In this paper, we propose and assess how to use VANETs for collecting vehicular traffic measurements. We provide two VANET sampling protocols, named SAME and TOME, and we design and implement an application for one of them, to perform real time incident detection. The proposed framework is validated through simulations of both vehicular micro-mobility and communications on the 68 km highway that surrounds Rome, Italy. Vehicular traffic is generated based on a large real GPS traces set measured on the same highway, involving about ten thousand vehicles over many days. We show that the sampling monitoring protocol, SAME, collects data in few seconds with relative errors less than 10%, whereas the exhaustive protocol TOME allows almost fully accurate estimates within few tens of seconds. We also investigate the effect of a limited deployment of the VANET technology on board of vehicles. Both traffic monitoring and incident detection are shown to still be feasible with just 50% of equipped vehicles.  相似文献   

Congestion pricing is one of the widely contemplated methods to manage traffic congestion. The purpose of congestion pricing is to manage traffic demand generation and supply allocation by charging fees (i.e., tolling) for the use of certain roads in order to distribute traffic demand more evenly over time and space. This study presents a framework for large-scale variable congestion pricing policy determination and evaluation. The proposed framework integrates departure time choice and route choice models within a regional dynamic traffic assignment (DTA) simulation environment. The framework addresses the impact of tolling on: (1) road traffic congestion (supply side), and (2) travelers’ choice dimensions including departure time and route choices (demand side). The framework is applied to a simulation-based case study of tolling a major freeway in Toronto while capturing the regional effects across the Greater Toronto Area (GTA). The models are developed and calibrated using regional household travel survey data that reflect the heterogeneity of travelers’ attributes. The DTA model is calibrated using actual traffic counts from the Ontario Ministry of Transportation and the City of Toronto. The case study examined two tolling scenarios: flat and variable tolling. The results indicate that: (1) more benefits are attained from variable pricing, that mirrors temporal congestion patterns, due to departure time rescheduling as opposed to predominantly re-routing only in the case of flat tolling, (2) widespread spatial and temporal re-distributions of traffic demand are observed across the regional network in response to tolling a significant, yet relatively short, expressway serving Downtown Toronto, and (3) flat tolling causes major and counterproductive rerouting patterns during peak hours, which was observed to block access to the tolled facility itself.  相似文献   

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