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The field of research that has recently come to the fore is the perimeter control, which aims to control traffic demand for a large urban area prior to controlling internal flow inside the area. Such control concept needs to be tested by simulations, hence, it is necessary to develop a model that can appropriately estimate the network-wide flow dynamics. In this paper, agent-based network transmission model (ANTM) is proposed for describing the aggregated flow dynamics over an urban area of multiple large-scale networks. The proposed model is the combination of the cell transmission model (CTM), macroscopic fundamental diagram (MFD), and agent concept. The CTM-based simulation is adopted for the simplicity considering the computation requirements for real-time feasibility. The MFD concept is applied for representing the network properties, and a new approach is taken particularly for estimating network outflow affected by both demand patterns and boundary capacity. The agent concept is applied for representing drivers’ travel behaviors. The model is compared with microscopic simulations and shows reasonable accuracy for large areas. In addition, various travel direction choice behaviors are applicable to this model. Various perimeter control policies are applicable as well, thus, the proposed model can be a useful tool for testing various control methods, in terms of reducing the congestion in urban areas.  相似文献   

Recent research has studied the existence and the properties of a macroscopic fundamental diagram (MFD) for large urban networks. The MFD should not be universally expected as high scatter or hysteresis might appear for some type of networks, like heterogeneous networks or freeways. In this paper, we investigate if aggregated relationships can describe the performance of urban bi-modal networks with buses and cars sharing the same road infrastructure and identify how this performance is influenced by the interactions between modes and the effect of bus stops. Based on simulation data, we develop a three-dimensional vehicle MFD (3D-vMFD) relating the accumulation of cars and buses, and the total circulating vehicle flow in the network. This relation experiences low scatter and can be approximated by an exponential-family function. We also propose a parsimonious model to estimate a three-dimensional passenger MFD (3D-pMFD), which provides a different perspective of the flow characteristics in bi-modal networks, by considering that buses carry more passengers. We also show that a constant Bus–Car Unit (BCU) equivalent value cannot describe the influence of buses in the system as congestion develops. We then integrate a partitioning algorithm to cluster the network into a small number of regions with similar mode composition and level of congestion. Our results show that partitioning unveils important traffic properties of flow heterogeneity in the studied network. Interactions between buses and cars are different in the partitioned regions due to higher density of buses. Building on these results, various traffic management strategies in bi-modal multi-region urban networks can then be integrated, such as redistribution of urban space among different modes, perimeter signal control with preferential treatment of buses and bus priority.  相似文献   

This paper shows that a macroscopic fundamental diagram (MFD) relating average flow and average density must exist on any street with blocks of diverse widths and lengths, but no turns, even if all or some of the intersections are controlled by arbitrarily timed traffic signals. The timing patterns are assumed to be fixed in time. Exact analytical expressions in terms of a shortest path recipe are given, both, for the street’s capacity and its MFD. Approximate formulas that require little data are also given.For networks, the paper derives an upper bound for average flow conditional on average density, and then suggests conditions under which the bound should be tight; i.e., under which the bound is an approximate MFD. The MFD’s produced with this method for the central business districts of San Francisco (California) and Yokohama (Japan) are compared with those obtained experimentally in earlier publications.  相似文献   

In this paper, we macroscopically describe the traffic dynamics in heterogeneous transportation urban networks by utilizing the Macroscopic Fundamental Diagram (MFD), a widely observed relation between network-wide space-mean flow and density of vehicles. A generic mathematical model for multi-reservoir networks with well-defined MFDs for each reservoir is presented first. Then, two modeling variations lead to two alternative optimal control methodologies for the design of perimeter and boundary flow control strategies that aim at distributing the accumulation in each reservoir as homogeneously as possible, and maintaining the rate of vehicles that are allowed to enter each reservoir around a desired point, while the system’s throughput is maximized. Based on the two control methodologies, perimeter and boundary control actions may be computed in real-time through a linear multivariable feedback regulator or a linear multivariable integral feedback regulator. Perimeter control occurs at the periphery of the network while boundary control occurs at the inter-transfers between neighborhood reservoirs. To this end, the heterogeneous network of San Francisco is partitioned into three homogeneous reservoirs and the proposed feedback regulators are compared with a pre-timed signal plan and a single-reservoir perimeter control strategy. Finally, the impact of the perimeter and boundary control actions is demonstrated via simulation by the use of the corresponding MFDs and other performance measures. A key advantage of the proposed approach is that it does not require high computational effort and future demand data if the current state of each reservoir can be observed with loop detector data.  相似文献   

A field experiment in Yokohama (Japan) reveals that a macroscopic fundamental diagram (MFD) linking space-mean flow, density and speed exists on a large urban area. The experiment used a combination of fixed detectors and floating vehicle probes as sensors. It was observed that when the somewhat chaotic scatter-plots of speed vs. density from individual fixed detectors were aggregated the scatter nearly disappeared and points grouped neatly along a smoothly declining curve. This evidence suggests, but does not prove, that an MFD exists for the complete network because the fixed detectors only measure conditions in their proximity, which may not represent the whole network. Therefore, the analysis was enriched with data from GPS-equipped taxis, which covered the entire network. The new data were filtered to ensure that only full-taxi trips (i.e., representative of automobile trips) were retained in the sample. The space-mean speeds and densities at different times-of-day were then estimated for the whole study area using relevant parts of the detector and taxi data sets. These estimates were still found to lie close to a smoothly declining curve with deviations smaller than those of individual links – and entirely explained by experimental error. The analysis also revealed a fixed relation between the space-mean flows on the whole network, which are easy to estimate given the existence of an MFD, and the trip completion rates, which dynamically measure accessibility.  相似文献   


This paper presents an overview of the recent developments in traffic flow modelling and analysis using macroscopic fundamental diagram (MFD) as well as their applications. In recent literature, various aggregated traffic models have been proposed and studied to analyse traffic flow while enhancing network efficiency. Many of these studies have focused on models based on MFD that describes the relationship between aggregated flow and aggregated density of transport networks. The analysis of MFD has been carried out based on experimental data collected from sensors and GPS, as well as simulation models. Several factors are found to influence the existence and shape of MFD, including traffic demand, network and signal settings, and route choices. As MFD can well express the traffic dynamics of large urban transport networks, it has been extensively applied to traffic studies, including the development of network-wide control strategies, network partitioning, performance evaluation, and road pricing. This work also presents future extensions and research directions for MFD-based traffic modelling and applications.  相似文献   

Well-defined relationships between flow and density averaged spatially across urban traffic networks, more commonly known as Macroscopic Fundamental Diagrams (MFDs), have been recently verified to exist in reality. Researchers have proposed using MFDs to monitor the status of urban traffic networks and to inform the design of network-wide traffic control strategies. However, it is also well known that empirical MFDs are not easy to estimate in practice due to difficulties in obtaining the requisite data needed to construct them. Recent works have devised ways to estimate a network’s MFD using limited trajectory data that can be obtained from GPS-equipped mobile probe vehicles. These methods assume that the market penetration level of mobile probe vehicles is uniform across the entire set of OD pairs in the network; however, in reality the probe vehicle market penetration rate varies regionally within a network. When this variation is combined with the imbalance of probe trip lengths and travel times, the compound effects will further complicate the estimation of the MFD.To overcome this deficit, we propose a method to estimate a network’s MFD using mobile probe data when the market penetration rates are not necessarily the same across an entire network. This method relies on the determination of appropriate average probe penetration rates, which are weighted harmonic means using individual probe vehicle travel times and distances as the weights. The accuracy of this method is tested using synthetic data generated in the INTEGRATION micro-simulation environment by comparing the estimated MFDs to the ground truth MFD obtained using a 100% market penetration of probe vehicles. The results show that the weighted harmonic mean probe penetration rates outperform simple (arithmetic) average probe penetration rates, as expected. This especially holds true as the imbalance of demand and penetration level increases. Furthermore, as the probe penetration rates are generally not known, an algorithm to estimate the probe penetration rates of regional OD pairs is proposed. This algorithm links count data from sporadic fixed detectors in the network to information from probe vehicles that pass the detectors. The simulation results indicate that the proposed algorithm is very effective. Since the data needed to apply this algorithm are readily available and easy to collect, the proposed algorithm is practically feasible and offers a better approach for the estimation of the MFD using mobile probe data, which are becoming increasingly available in urban environments.  相似文献   

Macroscopic fundamental diagrams (MFD) of traffic for some networks have been shown to have similar shape to those for single links. They have erroneously been used to help estimate the level of travel in congested networks. We argue that supply curves, which track vehicles in their passage through congested networks, are needed for this purpose, and that they differ from the performance curves generated from MFD. We use a microsimulation model, DRACULA and two networks, one synthesizing the network for Cambridge, England, and one of the city of York, England, to explore the nature of performance curves and supply curves under differing patterns of demand.We show that supply curves differ from performance curves once the onset of congestion is reached, and that the incorrect use of performance curves to estimate demand can thus seriously underestimate traffic levels, the costs of congestion, and the value of congestion relief measures. We also show that network aggregated supply curves are sensitive to the temporal distribution of demand and, potentially, to the spatial distribution of demand. The shape of the supply curve also differs between origin–destination movements within a given network.We argue that supply curves for higher levels of demand cannot be observed in normal traffic conditions, and specify ways in which they can be determined from microsimulation and, potentially, by extrapolating observed data. We discuss the implications of these findings for conventional modelling of network management policies, and for these policies themselves.  相似文献   

A field experiment in Yokohama (Japan) revealed that a macroscopic fundamental diagram (MFD) linking space-mean flow, density and speed exists on a large urban area. It was observed that when the highly scattered plots of flow vs. density from individual fixed detectors were aggregated the scatter nearly disappeared and points grouped along a well defined curve. Despite these and other recent findings for the existence of well-defined MFDs for urban areas, these MFDs should not be universally expected. In this paper we investigate what are the properties that a network should satisfy, so that an MFD with low scatter exists. We show that the spatial distribution of vehicle density in the network is one of the key components that affect the scatter of an MFD and its shape. We also propose an analytical derivation of the spatial distribution of congestion that considers correlation between adjacent links. We investigate the scatter of an MFD in terms of errors in the probability density function of spatial link occupancy and errors of individual links’ fundamental diagram (FD). Later, using real data from detectors for an urban arterial and a freeway network we validate the proposed derivations and we show that an MFD is not well defined in freeway networks as hysteresis effects are present. The datasets in this paper consist of flow and occupancy measures from 500 fixed sensors in the Yokohama downtown area in Japan and 600 loop detectors in the Twin Cities Metropolitan Area Freeway network in Minnesota, USA.  相似文献   

This work proposes a nonlinear model predictive controller for the urban gating problem. The system model is formalized based on a research on existing models of the network fundamental diagram and the perimeter control systems. For the existing models, modifications are suggested: additional state variables are allocated to describe the queue dynamics at the network gates. Using the extended model, a nonlinear model predictive controller is designed offering a ‘non‐greedy’ policy compared with previous, ‘greedy’ gating control designs. The greedy and non‐greedy nonlinear model predictive control (NMPC) controllers are compared with a greedy linear feedback proportional‐integral‐derivative (PID) controller in different traffic situations. The proposed non‐greedy NMPC controller outperforms the other two approaches in terms of travel distance performance and queue lengths. The performance results justify the consideration of queue lengths in dynamic modeling, and the use of NMPC approach for controller design. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A simple model of traffic flow is used to analyze the spatio-temporal distribution of flow and density on closed-loop homogeneous freeways with many ramps, which produce inflows and allow outflows. As we would expect, if the on-ramp demand is space-independent then this distribution tends toward uniformity in space if the freeway is either: (i) uncongested; or (ii) congested with queues on its on-ramps and enough inflow to cause the average freeway density to increase with time. In all other cases, however, including any recovery phase of a rush hour where the freeway’s average density declines, the distribution of flow and density quickly becomes uneven. This happens even under conditions of perfect symmetry, where the percentage of vehicles exiting at every off ramp is the same. The flow-density deviations from the average are shown to grow exponentially in time and propagate backwards in space with a fixed wave speed. A consequence of this type of instability is that, during recovery, gaps of uncongested traffic will quickly appear in the unevenly congested stream, reducing average flow. This extends the duration of recovery and invariably creates clockwise hysteresis loops on scatter-plots of average system flow vs. density during any rush hour that oversaturates the freeway. All these effects are quantified with formulas and verified with simulations. Some have been observed in real networks. In a more practical vein, it is also shown that the negative effects of instability diminish (i.e., freeway flows increase) if (a) some drivers choose to exit the freeway prematurely when it is too congested and/or (b) freeway access is regulated in a certain traffic-responsive way. These two findings could be used to improve the algorithms behind VMS displays for driver guidance (finding a), and on-ramp metering rates (finding b).  相似文献   

Despite its importance in macroscopic traffic flow modeling, comprehensive method for the calibration of fundamental diagram is very limited. Conventional empirical methods adopt a steady state analysis of the aggregate traffic data collected from measurement devices installed on a particular site without considering the traffic dynamics, which renders the simulation may not be adaptive to the variability of data. Nonetheless, determining the fundamental diagram for each detection site is often infeasible. To remedy these, this study presents an automatic calibration method to estimate the parameters of a fundamental diagram through a dynamic approach. Simulated flow from the cell transmission model is compared against the measured flow wherein an optimization merit is conducted to minimize the discrepancy between model‐generated data and real data. The empirical results prove that the proposed automatic calibration algorithm can significantly improve the accuracy of traffic state estimation by adapting to the variability of traffic data when compared with several existing methods under both recurrent and abnormal traffic conditions. Results also highlight the robustness of the proposed algorithm. The automatic calibration algorithm provides a powerful tool for model calibration when freeways are equipped with sparse detectors, new traffic surveillance systems lack of comprehensive traffic data, or the case that lots of detectors lose their effectiveness for aging systems. Furthermore, the proposed method is useful for off‐line model calibration under abnormal traffic conditions, for example, incident scenarios. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Real traffic data and simulation analysis reveal that for some urban networks a well-defined Macroscopic Fundamental Diagram (MFD) exists, which provides a unimodal and low-scatter relationship between the network vehicle density and outflow. Recent studies demonstrate that link density heterogeneity plays a significant role in the shape and scatter level of MFD and can cause hysteresis loops that influence the network performance. Evidently, a more homogeneous network in terms of link density can result in higher network outflow, which implies a network performance improvement. In this article, we introduce two aggregated models, region- and subregion-based MFDs, to study the dynamics of heterogeneity and how they can affect the accuracy scatter and hysteresis of a multi-subregion MFD model. We also introduce a hierarchical perimeter flow control problem by integrating the MFD heterogeneous modeling. The perimeter flow controllers operate on the border between urban regions, and manipulate the percentages of flows that transfer between the regions such that the network delay is minimized and the distribution of congestion is more homogeneous. The first level of the hierarchical control problem can be solved by a model predictive control approach, where the prediction model is the aggregated parsimonious region-based MFD and the plant (reality) is formulated by the subregion-based MFDs, which is a more detailed model. At the lower level, a feedback controller of the hierarchical structure, tries to maximize the outflow of critical regions, by increasing their homogeneity. With inputs that can be observed with existing monitoring techniques and without the need for detailed traffic state information, the proposed framework succeeds to increase network flows and decrease the hysteresis loop of the MFD. Comparison with existing perimeter controllers without considering the more advanced heterogeneity modeling of MFD highlights the importance of such approach for traffic modeling and control.  相似文献   

Macroscopic fundamental diagram (MFD) describes the macro relationship between a network vehicle density and a network space mean flow, without requiring the mastery of complex origin to destination data. Thus, MFD provides an opportunity for the macro control of urban road network. However, most of the existing MFD control methods ignore the active role of traffic guidance in solving congestion problems. This study presents a traffic guidance–perimeter control coupled (TGPCC) method to improve the performance of macroscopic traffic networks. The method considers the optimal cumulative volume of a network as the goal and establishes a programming function according to the network equilibrium rule of traffic flow amongst multiple MFD sub-regions, which regards the minimum delay of network, as the objective. The Logit model for the compliance rate of driver route guidance is established by the stated preference survey. Moreover, the perimeter control (PC) method is proposed for adjusting the phase split of intersections. Finally, three schemes, namely, the TGPCC, PC and the method without PC and guidance are tested on a network with four well-defined MFD sub-regions. Results show that the TGPCC addresses the issue of congestion and decreases the total delay accordingly.  相似文献   

Uncertainty of traffic network operations has been a subject of lively debate in the last decade. However, little effort has been put in developing control frameworks that are not only aimed at improving the average performance of the system, but also at improving the system robustness and reliability. In fact, it can be argued that most of the current control approaches are only aimed at improving the efficiency, which can even be counterproductive from a robustness point of view. The main contributions of this article is the proposition of a new control framework based on the notion of controlled Markov processes, which explicitly takes into account the uncertainty in predicted traffic conditions and system performance. Furthermore, in contrast to traditional optimal control approaches, the objective function can include general statistic of the random system performance, such as the mean, standard deviation or 95‐percentile. The contribution aims to make clear how different performance function specifications yield different control strategies. This is shown for a relatively simple case study.  相似文献   

Recent studies have demonstrated that Macroscopic Fundamental Diagram (MFD), which provides an aggregated model of urban traffic dynamics linking network production and density, offers a new generation of real-time traffic management strategies to improve the network performance. However, the effect of route choice behavior on MFD modeling in case of heterogeneous urban networks is still unexplored. The paper advances in this direction by firstly extending two MFD-based traffic models with different granularity of vehicle accumulation state and route choice behavior aggregation. This configuration enables us to address limited traffic state observability and to scrutinize implications of drivers’ route choice in MFD modeling. We consider a city that is partitioned in a small number of large-size regions (aggregated model) where each region consists of medium-size sub-regions (more detailed model) exhibiting a well-defined MFD. This paper proposes a route guidance advisory control system based on the aggregated model as a large-scale traffic management strategy that utilizes aggregated traffic states while sub-regional information is partially known. In addition, we investigate the effect of equilibrium conditions (i.e. user equilibrium and system optimum) on the overall network performance, in particular MFD functions.  相似文献   

The predictions of a well-calibrated traffic simulation model are much more valid if made for various conditions. Variation in traffic can arise due to many factors such as time of day, work zones and weather. Calibration of traffic simulation models for traffic conditions requires larger datasets to capture the stochasticity in traffic conditions. In this study we use datasets spanning large time periods to incorporate variability in traffic flow, speed for various time periods. However, large data poses a challenge in terms of computational effort. With the increase in number of stochastic factors, the numerical methods suffer from the curse of dimensionality. In this study, we propose a novel methodology to address the computational complexity due to the need for the calibration of simulation models under highly stochastic traffic conditions. This methodology is based on sparse grid stochastic collocation, which, treats each stochastic factor as a different dimension and uses a limited number of points where simulation and calibration are performed. A computationally efficient interpolant is constructed to generate the full distribution of the simulated flow output. We use real-world examples to calibrate for different times of day and conditions and show that this methodology is much more efficient that the traditional Monte Carlo-type sampling. We validate the model using a hold out dataset and also show the drawback of using limited data for the calibration of a macroscopic simulation model. We also discuss the drawbacks of the predictive ability of a single calibrated model for all the conditions.  相似文献   

Perimeter control based on the Macroscopic Fundamental Diagram (MFD) is widely developed for alleviating or postponing congestion in a protected region. Recent studies reveal that traffic conditions might not be improved if the perimeter control strategies are applied to unstable systems where high demand generates heavy and heterogeneously distributed traffic congestion. Therefore, considering stability of the targeted traffic system is essential, for the sake of developing a feasible and then optimal control strategy. This paper sheds light on this direction. It integrates a stability characterization algorithm of MFD system equations into the Model Predictive Control (MPC) scheme, and features respectively an upper and a lower bound of the feasible control inputs, to guarantee system stability. Firstly, the dynamics of traffic heterogeneity and its effect on the MFD are analyzed, using real data from Guangzhou in China. Piecewise affine functions of average flow are proposed to capture traffic heterogeneity in both regional and subregional MFDs. Secondly, stability of a three-state two-region system is investigated via stable equilibrium and surface boundaries analysis. Finally, a three-layer hierarchical control strategy is introduced for the studied two-region heterogeneous urban networks. The first layer of the controller calculates the stable surface boundaries for the given traffic demands and then determines the bounds of control input (split rate). An MPC approach in the second layer is used to solve an optimization problem with two objectives of minimizing total network delay and maximizing network throughput. Heterogeneity among the subregions is minimized in the last layer by implementing simultaneously a subregional perimeter flow control and an internal flow control. The effectiveness and stability of the proposed control approach are verified by comparison with four existing perimeter control strategies.  相似文献   

Congestion pricing schemes have been traditionally derived based on analytical representations of travel demand and traffic flows, such as in bottleneck models. A major limitation of these models, especially when applied to urban networks, is the inconsistency with traffic dynamics and related phenomena such as hysteresis and the capacity drop. In this study we propose a new method to derive time-varying tolling schemes using the concept of the Network Fundamental Diagram (NFD). The adopted method is based on marginal cost pricing, while it also enables to account realistically for the dynamics of large and heterogeneous traffic networks. We derive two alternative cordon tolls using network-aggregated traffic flow conditions: a step toll that neglects the spatial distribution of traffic by simply associating the marginal costs of any decrease in production within the NFD to the surplus of traffic; and a step toll that explicitly accounts for how network performance is also influenced by the spatial variance in a 3D-NFD. This pricing framework is implemented in the agent-based simulation model MATSim and applied to a case study of the city of Zurich. The tolling schemes are compared with a uniform toll, and they highlight how the inhomogeneous distribution of traffic may compromise the effectiveness of cordon tolls.  相似文献   

A promising framework for understanding flow-density relationship in traffic flow theory is the Fundamental Diagram, originally developed for uninterrupted traffic flow facilities. The concept has been extended to the Arterial Fundamental Diagram (AFD), which has shown that the same relationship holds on arterial streets. However, constructing an AFD is subject to considerable variability in the measured quantities, due to the highly cyclical nature of signalized intersections. In most cases, these diagrams are based on the data from upstream detectors, located away from traffic signals. Recent scientific literature has shown a value of using stop-line detection data to develop AFDs, opening a plethora of opportunities to further investigate traffic dynamics utilizing the data from adaptive traffic control systems (ATCSs). This can, however, be problematic for two major reasons. First, the data may come from detectors unfit to provide good-quality inputs to develop an AFD. Second, such ATCSs may use their own surrogate measures of density and traffic flow, primarily developed for the purpose of controlling traffic, which may be inappropriate for developing fundamental relationships. This study aims to address these issues by investigating appropriateness of using Degree of Saturation (DS), a density-like measure from Sydney Coordinated Adaptive Traffic System (SCATS), to develop an AFD. Empirical SCATS data shows an interesting pattern of the AFD, which cannot be explained by the data itself. Hence, we derive a new analytical model of DS based on the high-resolution signal and detection data, which reveals parameters that drive its behavior. Additionally, we develop the Cyclical Vehicle Arrival and Discharge Model to simulate SCATS-like operations and derive causal relationships between traffic flow variables and density-like performance measures in a controlled environment. The findings show that DS does not have to be a poor estimator of traffic conditions, but when it is combined with SCATS-measured traffic flows it gives a false representation of near-capacity and over-saturated conditions.  相似文献   

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