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transport logistic China 2008暨第三届中国国际物流、交通运输及远程信息处理博览会将于2008年6月17在上海新国际博览中心举行。展会的展示面积将达到15000平方米,比上届增长近50%。届时来自44个国家的400余家展商将与来自全球的超过10000名专业观众见面。自2004年首次亮相以来,transport logistic China的增长速度一直保持稳健。今年的展会已扩大至一个半馆。  相似文献   

<正>11 11月25~28日,baum a China 2014将在上海新国际博览中心拉开工程机械行业盛宴。目前展会的招展工作在如火如荼地进行中,来自全球43个国家和地区的企业报名  相似文献   

10月27~30日,2008亚洲国际物流技术与运输系统展览会(简称亚洲物流展)将在上海新国际博览中心隆重举行。本届展会预计吸引来自25个国家和地区的380家企业参展,展出面积达24000平方米。作为物流领域的重要展会,亚洲物流展紧跟物流行业发展趋势,全面展示业内最新、最尖端的技术与产品。  相似文献   

Study on the Mode for Developing Heavy-haul Transport on Railway Existing Lines (Transportation and Economics Research Institute, China Academy of Railway Sciences, Beijing 100081, China) Abstract: Heavy-haul transport is an important organization way of railways increasing transport capacity and transport benefits.  相似文献   

Abstract: Under the status of deeply developing the reform of railway freight transport organization, by using the modern logistic concept, targeting with the idea of railway freight transportation integrating into modern logistics, and by referring the experiences of the third party logistic enterprise, this paper puts forward strategies, including: improve logistic delivery industry and optimize railway whole-journey logistic service; through satisfying individual demand of clients, provide specialized service and customize suitable transport program as to design individual logistic service; through providing COD service, develop warehouse receipt pledge and promote logistic financing service as to establish railway the fourth party logistic platform.  相似文献   

创新引领“象”前质量铸造品牌普茨迈斯特将参加Bauma China 2008普茨迈斯特机械(上海)有限公司将于2008年11月25日至28日参加上海Bauma China 2008展览会,将向中国以及世界各地的专业人士、客户展示我们的产品。届时您将会在以下展位找到“大象”带给您的完美解决方案,室内E  相似文献   

2008年9月11~12日,在卡鲁加定期举办了国际“运输基础装备和线路机械2008”展览会。在2008年的这个展览会上出现了新的情况,汇集了所有运输设施方向的专家(工务部门,电气化及供电部门,自动化及遥控部门的人员以及通信人员)参会,是本次展会的主要特点。超过130多家来自俄罗斯、独联体国家和西方国家的公司展出了自己的产品,其中包括现代化的铁道线路养护维修用的全套装备、自动机械和遥控机械装备、电气化装备等。  相似文献   

即将于2008年11月25—28日在上海闪亮登场的bauma China 2008暨第四届中国国际工程机械、建材机械、工程车辆及设备博览会作为世界最大的工程机械展bauma在中国的延伸,是2008年对亚太地区最具影响力的国际性行业博览会,并将成为2008年又一大全球工程机械盛会。  相似文献   

2008年9月23日~26日,Inno Trans铁路展览会在德国柏林举行。Inno Trans铁路展览会是世界铁路特别是欧洲铁路久负盛名的铁路技术与装备展会.每2年举办一次。今年的规模是展会12年历史中最大的一次.共有来自41个国家的1900多家厂商参加,并展示他们最新的产品和技术创新。展会总占地面积达150000平方米.占用了柏林展览场地的所有可用空间。短短5天时间内,全球共有7万参观者涌入会场,参观本届展会。让我们也一起走进Inno Trans铁路展览会,一睹风采。  相似文献   

(本刊讯)10月27~30日,2008亚洲国际物流技术与运输系统展览会(简称亚洲物流展)将在上海新国际博览中心隆重举行。本届展会预计吸引来自25个国家和地区的380家企业参展,展出面积达24000平方米。作为物流领域的重要展会,亚洲物流展紧跟物流行业发展趋势,全面展示业内最新、最尖端的技术与产品。  相似文献   

普茨迈斯特机械(上海)有限公司将于2008年11月25日至28日参加上海Bauma China 2008展览会,将向中国以及世界各地的专业人士、客户展示我们的产品。届时您将会在以下展位找到“大象”带给您的完美解决方案,室内E2馆:2406、2706、2732、2722展位:室外C02展位。  相似文献   

2008年12月15日,卓越TSC在2007年获得中国工控网产品创新奖的基础上,2008年再获创新产品奖和优秀论文奖。卓越TSC工业以太网凭借近几年在中国市场的卓越表现,在2008年接连荣膺CONTROL ENGINEERING China2008年度本土创新奖、中国仪器仪表学会2008年度科学技术优秀产品奖、中关村2008年度创新学习型企业、  相似文献   

(本刊讯)2008年11月25日,上海新国际博览中心,万商云集,商机无限。bauma China2008暨第四届中国国际工程机械、工程车辆及设备博览会在这里登场。  相似文献   

Taking the logistic project of Bama mineral water inter-regional transportation by Liuzhou freigh transport center of Nanning Railway Administration, this paper analyzes the process of working out Iogisti planning program from aspects of logistic program, economic analysis and advantages & disadvantage,, analysis. During the practice of railway freight transportation transferring to modern logistics, the thoughts or many aspects were put forward, including: railway enterprise should actively take door-to-door marketing anc expand service scope, should provide extended service chains of logistic value-added actions and organiz~ trans-administration logistic transportation as to increase service quality, all of these have reference meanin( for other scattered "white goods" transportation.  相似文献   

<正>繁荣时强势增长,逆势中攫取商机。自2002年成功展出以来,bauma China与中国工程机械发展轨迹紧密结合,契合中国及亚洲市场的发展需求,成为供应商及专业观众把握行业风向,洞悉市场动态的更佳商业交流平台。历届展会上,众多工程机械跨国巨头和自主品牌制造商纷纷推出其创新产品,彰显其企业优势,使展会成为中国乃至亚洲工程机械行业不容错过的重磅行业盛会。眼下全球经济持续疲软,工程机械如何面对高起的库存,如何创新突围,bauma China 2014将为您发掘危机中的商机,助您精筑四海,恒通天地!  相似文献   

Strengthen Security Management to Ensure Consistent and Stable Freight Transporta- tion By Adopting and implementing "Being High-standard, Scientific and Consistent"
SU Shun-hu (Transportation Bureau, MOR, Beijing 100844, China)
Abstract: After reviewing the work that has been done this year in aspect of railway freight transport safety, in light of the strategic deployment of the MOR Party Group and requirements of "being high standard, scientific and consistent", the author deeply analyses the severe situations that are facing upon China Railways and puts forth a series of requirements in this regard, to be briefly speaking, to strengthen the basis for freight transport for improvement of security management level in an all around way; to further enhance construction of freight transport security system for technical backup of safety management; to carry out safety special project management for elimination of outstanding safety problems; to enhance co-management among different departments; to go ahead with key projects for guarantee of consistent and stable transport safety.
Key words: Railway; Freight Transport Safety; Management  相似文献   

Discussion on Freight Transport Organization Reform in Shenyang Railway Administration
ZANG Jun, AN Yang(Marketing Department, Shenyang Railway Administration, Shenyang 110001, Liaoning, China)
Abstract: This paper expounds the implementation effects of freight transport organization reform in Shenyang Railway Administration from 4 aspects such as simplifying handle process, implementing "real freight system" transportation, checking up and standardizing freight transport charge and developing whole- process logistics. At the same time, the paper analyzes the problems existing in the process of freight transport organization reform, and puts forward many operable suggestions such as reasonably adjusting railway transport capacity, coordinating charge policy of two-end service with market, adjusting existing tariff management mechanism and improving the tariff falling mechanism, all of these could make freight transport reform more adapting to market.  相似文献   

Practice and Revelation of Tianjin Freight Transport Center Developing Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Freight Express Operation
SUN Yan-sheng (Tianjin Freight Transport Center, Beijing Railway Administration, Tianjin 300142, China)
Abstract: This paper summarizes the development of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei freight express operation of Tianjin Freight Transport Center from aspects of delivery volume and transport revenue, main client base, rate of average freight transport revenue and average operation route respectively, then, from aspects of transport products, marketing mode, price system and service mode, the paper expounds the practice and innovation of Beijing- Tianjin-Hebei freight express operation developed by Tianjin Freight Transport Center. In the end, from 3 aspects of transport product, marketing system and transport price, the paper puts forward the revelation of practice of the express on Chinese railway developing bulk white goods transport market.
Key Words: Railway; Freight Express; Service; Price; Marketing  相似文献   

Research and Development of Railway Logistic Comprehensive Management System
Following the constant transfer of railway freight stations into railway logistic centers, the business of railway freight transportation has profound change, so the current top priority is developing and establishing the logistic comprehensive management system adapting for railway transport modernization and market demand. The railway logistic comprehensive management system was researched and the business process of the system was optimized from the aspects of characteristic analysis, general idea and key technologies of railway logistic system; the system was developed and established by using BPM workflow engine and development platform as well as Application Integration Platform (ALP), and the main functions of the system was expounded in this paper.  相似文献   

Targeting with basic status of Kashgar Freight Transport Center, including unbalanced receivingdispatching volume, nonstandard short-distance transport market and unimproved logistic system, based on expounding the practice of expanding the acceptance-delivery industry by Kashgar Freight Transport Center, such as transferring ideas and concepts, actively expanding clients, developing the process marketing, providing customized services, seizing logistic market and optimizing service language, this paper puts forward the thoughts on expanding acceptance-delivery industry by Kashgar Freight Transport Center and studies the principle of the industry.  相似文献   

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