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文章结合某城市桥梁声屏障设计实例,针对该桥两侧敏感点的分布情况,选择合适类型的声屏障,并通过科学的声学计算,从结构、排水、景观三个方面进行了声屏障设计,对类似项目的声屏障设计有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

高速公路的快速发展引起了严重的噪声污染,缺乏环保性和生态景观效果的传统声屏障不能满足当前绿色高速公路建设的要求,生态型声屏障的研究和建设迫在眉睫。本文总结了目前生态型声屏障的设计原则和分类,以及弧形、梯形、模块化等结构型式在高速公路中的应用。  相似文献   

本文分析了交通噪声产生的危害,强调交通噪声防治的重要性,结合现行高速公路交通噪声声环境功能区质量监测、衰减断面监测等监测方法,从路线选择、新技术运用、声传递控制等方面综述了可行且有效的交通噪声防治方法,并提出应基于降低噪声污染源源强角度出发,加强降噪路面及低噪声运输工具研发工作,从源头控制噪声污染,从根本上解决噪声污染问题的建议。  相似文献   

随着轨道交通建设的发展,交通噪声的污染越来越严重。声屏障作为一种降低交通噪声有效的方法,越来越受到人们的重视。声屏障设计是一个综合复杂的问题,需要考虑多项因素,包括声学特性、景观效果、结构安全、防火性能以及维护保养等,但最主要的还是声学设计。  相似文献   

文章概述了高速公路交通噪声的特征、危害及主要防治措施,结合声屏障设计、建造、使用特点及现状,提出了定期开展高速公路运营期声屏障降噪效果监测工作的建议及监测方法,可为高速公路声屏障的管理提供参考依据。  相似文献   

城市交通噪声危害已成为一个相当严重的社会公害。降低噪声,保护声环境的任务已迫在眉睫。本文通过比较现有几种交通降噪措施的特点,认为声屏障是应用前景较好的城市交通降噪措施。但针对声屏障自身的缺陷,需在设计时遵循以下原则:(1)声屏障要和周围景观相协调;(2)提倡在声屏障内前后种植各类植物;(3)声屏障形状要具有多变性和适应性;(4)注重声屏障材料的选用等原则。这样才能使声屏障更好地服务于城市交通环保。  相似文献   

文章通过对广西现有高速公路沿线常用之不同类型声屏障及其降噪效果进行调查,分析各类型声屏障在声学性能、耐久性、使用寿命和后期维护、景观及环保等方面的优劣,并对各类型声屏障进行技术、经济损益分析及技术探讨。分析得出各类型声屏障所存在的不足,提出了新型声屏障材料研究中的思路和建议,为今后广西高速公路声屏障设计和选型提供参考。  相似文献   

高速公路噪声污染及其治理措施探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
文章通过对高速公路交通噪声污染源特性的分析,结合降低噪声源的功率以及破坏和隔断噪声能量的传输路径等两个噪声治理防护的原则,提出采用低噪声路面、隔声屏障、防噪堤以及绿墙技术和降噪绿化林带等防护技术措施进行高速公路噪声污染治理。  相似文献   

对当前国内外声屏障研究热点进行了汇总,介绍了几种较好的声屏障顶部结构消声原理及应用、防水防尘声屏障屏体结构及材料,并简要介绍了太阳能声屏障和生态型声屏障,可为相关设计工作者提供参考。  相似文献   

高架轨道交通声屏障设计简述   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
从声屏障降噪原理、设计要点及声屏障主要型式等方面,系统介绍高架轨道交通列车运行噪声的治理。  相似文献   

采用低噪音路面和新型高效声屏障综合降噪技术处置交通噪声,并进行现场测试,测试数据表明,采用OGFC-13低噪音路面结构,在噪声200~1250 Hz频段,路面的平均吸声系数在0.25~0.59,吸声性能较好,可有效降低车内交通噪声约3.0 dB;在对试验段综合降噪效果的测试后发现,采用本文采用的综合降噪技术处置后,项目试验路段在距离声屏障屏体30 m处降噪效果为9.9 dB,相较普通路段降噪效果提升约4.3 dB,且监测数据表明,随着距离的增加,采用综合降噪技术处置的路段降噪效果表现的更加高效。  相似文献   

交通环境噪声对人体生理心理两方面均造成严重影响,轻则致人抑郁,严重可致人死亡。本文通过实地监测宁波市某小区交通环境噪声,使用SPSS分析其与楼层高度之间的关系,建立线性回归数学模型。发现整体环境噪声成先上升后下降的趋势,在6层以上的交通环境噪声随楼层高度的增高而下降。由此结合该小区周边环境以及已建成设施,提出三方面的防噪降噪的措施:(1)建立合适高度长度的隔声屏障;(2)使用绿化景观设计;(3)给房屋室内安装吸声降噪材料。  相似文献   

Noise pollution in urban areas has many harmful effects on the citizens. There are varieties of noise generation sources of which the traffic noise could be a major source. The point which is perhaps less noticed is that sound level is not the only parameter to indicate the extent and intensity of noise pollution. Situation of urban land uses, distribution of population centers and types of passages can deeply affect the concern on this environmental issue but not with a similar ratio. This article presents an overlaying technique to define noise prone areas using all different factors involved. A case study was carried out in the District 14 of Tehran Metropolitan City where there are busy streets and highways. For this purpose, the share of each criterion in noise pollution intensity was determined using Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). Afterwards, the map layers were overlaid based upon the relative importance of the criteria to get the final map on which the noise prone areas are specified. The developed method could be used as a tool for indirect estimation of noise pollution by which instead of direct measurement of the equivalent sound level, it would be possible to predict noise susceptible areas considering the most important influential factors.  相似文献   

Global transportation growth causes several disproportionate impacts on the environment as, for instance, noise pollution which is related to negative effects on human health but also to quiet natural areas decline and biodiversity loss. Besides, sound is a component of ecosystems severely threatened by transportation noise disturbance which is related to negative effects on ecosystem functions. This study deals with aircraft noise impact on natural environments from a multiple innovative perspective. It complementarily combines: noise modeling, field measurements, soundscape audibility, human perception and spatial pattern tools for assessing the chronic growing outdoor noise pollution of ecosystems at landscape scale. Firstly, noticeable soundscape degradation from aircraft overflights has been found causing severe acoustic fragmentation and disruptions in the quietness of a national park in Spain (European Union). Air traffic caused sound pressure levels to increase by approximately 8 decibels from natural ambient levels. Secondly, spatial pattern tools together with noise mapping have been found to be useful in providing decision support for decisions-making through anthropogenic noise impact assessment on the natural environment. Finally, public opinion did not perceive aircraft noise-disruption as being as relevant as that quantified by technical procedures. Although 82% of visitors agree that anthropogenic noise pollution may negatively impact on conservation.  相似文献   

This study offers a combined analysis of pedestrian exposure to noise and air pollution within a specific urban setting in Dublin, Ireland. The impact of a recent boardwalk development on reducing pedestrian exposure to air and noise pollution is examined while modelling experiments are undertaken to explore the possibility of achieving further reductions in pollutant exposure through better urban design and planning. The results show that the boardwalk has reduced pedestrian exposure to air and noise pollution and that further reductions may be achieved by more strict segregation of pedestrian and road traffic in urban areas.  相似文献   

济青高速公路绿化带对交通噪声和铅污染的防护作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
公路绿化带可对交通噪声和汽车尾气带来的铅(Pb)污染产生一定防护作用,这对于减轻路域环境污染具有重要意义。采用原位调查和取样分析相结合的方法,研究了山东省济青高速公路路侧绿化带对交通噪声和铅污染的衰减效果。研究结果表明,高速公路绿化带对交通噪声有一定的减轻作用,但在不同的绿化模式下,衰减效果存在较大差异。济青高速公路两侧土壤存在一定程度的Pb污染,在不同绿化模式下,路侧绿化林带对公路Pb污染的防护作用也有较大差别,宽度过大的林带并不是防护Pb污染的理想措施。  相似文献   

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