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The current air traffic system faces recurrent saturation problems. Numerous studies are dedicated to this issue, including the present research on a new dynamic regulation filter holding frequent trajectory optimisations in a real-time sliding horizon loop process. We consider a trajectory optimisation problem arising in this context, where a feasible four-dimensional (4D) trajectory is to be built and assigned to each regulated flight to suppress sector overloads while minimising the cost of the chosen policy. We model this problem with a mixed integer linear programme and solve it with a branch-and-price approach. The pricing sub-problem looks for feasible trajectories in a dynamic three-dimensional (3D) network and is solved with a specific algorithm based on shortest path labelling algorithms and on dynamic programming. Each algorithm is tested on real-world data corresponding to a complete traffic day in the European air traffic system; experimental results, including computing times measurement, validate the solution process.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider a particular class of network flow problems that seeks a shortest path, if it exists, between a source node s and a destination node d in a connected digraph, such that we arrive at node d at a specified time τ while leaving node s no earlier than a lower-bounding time LB, and where the availability of each network link is time-dependent in the sense that it can be traversed only during specified intervals of time. We refer to this problem as the reverse time-restricted shortest path problem (RTSP), and it arises, for example, in the context of generating flight plans within air traffic management approaches under severe convective weather conditions. We show that this problem is NP-hard in general, but is polynomially solvable under a special regularity condition. A pseudo-polynomial time dynamic programming algorithm is developed to solve Problem RTSP, along with an effective heap implementation strategy. Computational results using real flight generation test cases as well as random simulated problems are presented.  相似文献   

This paper reports our experiences with agent-based architectures for intelligent traffic management systems. We describe and compare integrated TRYS and TRYS autonomous agents, two multiagent systems that perform decision support for real-time traffic management in the urban motorway network around Barcelona. Both systems draw upon traffic management agents that use similar knowledge-based reasoning techniques in order to deal with local traffic problems. Still, the former achieves agent coordination based on a traditional centralized mechanism, while in the latter coordination emerges upon the lateral interaction of autonomous traffic management agents. We evaluate the potentials and drawbacks of both multiagent architectures for the domain, and develop some conclusions respecting the general applicability of multiagent architectures for intelligent traffic management.  相似文献   

This article describes a methodology for selecting days that are comparable in terms of the conditions faced during air traffic flow management initiative planning. This methodology includes the use of specific data sources, specific features of calendar days defined using these data sources, and the application of a specific form of classification and then cluster analysis. The application of this methodology will produce results that enable historical analysis of the use of initiatives and evaluation of the relative success of different courses of action. Several challenges are overcome here including the need to identify the appropriate machine learning algorithms to apply, to quantify the differences between calendar days, to select features describing days, to obtain appropriate raw data, and to evaluate results in a meaningful way. These challenges are overcome via a review of relevant literature, the identification and trial of several useful models and data sets, and careful application of methods. For example, the cluster analysis that ultimately selects sets of similar days uses a distance metric based on variable importance measures from a separate classification model of observed initiatives. The methodology defined here is applied to the New York area, although it could be applied by other researchers to other areas.  相似文献   

ATCEM: a synthetic model for evaluating air traffic complexity   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Air traffic complexity, which measures the disorder of air traffic distribution, has become the critical indicator to reflect air traffic controller workload in air traffic management (ATM) system. However, it is hard to assess the system accurately because there are too many correlated factors, which make the air traffic complexity nonlinear. This paper presents an air traffic complexity evaluation model with integrated classification using computational intelligence (ATCEM). To avoid redundant factors, critical factors contributing to complexity are analyzed and selected from numerous factors in the ATCEM. Subsequently, to construct the mapping relationship between selected factors and air traffic complexity, an integrated classifier is built in ATCEM. With efficient training and learning based on aviation domain knowledge, the integrated classifier can effectively and stably reflect the mapping relationship between selected factors and the category of air traffic complexity to ensure the precision of the evaluation. Empirical studies using real data of the southwest airspace of China show that the ATCEM outperforms a number of state‐of‐the‐art models. Moreover, using the critical complexity factors selected in ATCEM, the air traffic complexity could be effectively estimated. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

高速公路的快速发展,为社会带来了巨大的经济效益和社会效益,同时也给高管公路的财务管理提出了新的课题。从高速公路财务管理的特点、现阶段存在的问题以及解决问题的对策进行论述。  相似文献   

Every day small delays occur in almost all railway networks. Such small delays are often called “disturbances” in literature. In order to deal with disturbances dispatchers reschedule and reroute trains, or break connections. We call this the railway management problem. In this paper we describe how the railway management problem can be solved using centralized model predictive control (MPC) and we propose several distributed model predictive control (DMPC) methods to solve the railway management problem for entire (national) railway networks. Furthermore, we propose an optimization method to determine a good partitioning of the network in an arbitrary number of sub-networks that is used for the DMPC methods. The DMPC methods are extensively tested in a case study using a model of the Dutch railway network and the trains of the Nederlandse Spoorwegen. From the case study it is clear that the DMPC methods can solve the railway traffic management problem, with the same reduction in delays, much faster than the centralized MPC method.  相似文献   

In an earlier work, Sun and Bayen built a Large-Capacity Cell Transmission Model for air traffic flow management. They formulated an integer programming problem of minimizing the total travel time of flights in the National Airspace System of the United States subject to sector capacity constraints. The integer program was relaxed to a linear program for computational efficiency. In this paper the authors formulate the optimization problem in a standard linear programming form. We analyze the total unimodular property of the constraint matrix, and prove that the linear programming relaxation generates an optimal integral solution for the original integer program. It is guaranteed to be optimal and integral if solved by a simplex related method. In order to speed up the computation, we apply the Dantzig–Wolfe Decomposition algorithm, which is shown to preserve the total unimodularity of the constraint matrix. Finally, we evaluate the performances of Sun and Bayen’s relaxation solved by the interior point method and our decomposition algorithm with large-scale air traffic data.  相似文献   

Multi-Airport Systems (MAS), or Metroplexes, serve air traffic demand in cities with two or more airports. Due to the spatial proximity and operational interdependency of the airports, Metroplex airspaces are characterized by high complexity, and current system structures fail to provide satisfactory utilization of the available airspace resources. In order to support system-level design and management towards increased operational efficiency in such systems, an accurate depiction of major demand patterns is a prerequisite. This paper proposes a framework for the robust identification of significant air traffic flow patterns in Metroplex systems, which is aligned with the dynamic route service policy for the effective management of Metroplex operations. We first characterize deterministic demand through a spatio-temporal clustering algorithm that takes into account changes in the traffic flows over the planning horizon. Then, in order to handle uncertainties in the demand, a Distributionally Robust Optimization (DRO) approach is proposed, which takes into account demand variations and prediction errors in a robust way to ensure the reliability of the demand identification. The DRO-based approach is applied on pre-tactical (i.e. one-day planning) as well as operational levels (i.e. 2-h rolling horizon). The framework is applied to Time Based Flow Management (TBFM) data from the New York Metroplex. The framework and results are validated by Subject Matter Experts (SMEs).  相似文献   

This paper presents a new class of models for predicting air traffic delays. The proposed models consider both temporal and spatial (that is, network) delay states as explanatory variables, and use Random Forest algorithms to predict departure delays 2–24 h in the future. In addition to local delay variables that describe the arrival or departure delay states of the most influential airports and links (origin–destination pairs) in the network, new network delay variables that characterize the global delay state of the entire National Airspace System at the time of prediction are proposed. The paper analyzes the performance of the proposed prediction models in both classifying delays as above or below a certain threshold, as well as predicting delay values. The models are trained and validated on operational data from 2007 and 2008, and are evaluated using the 100 most-delayed links in the system. The results show that for a 2-h forecast horizon, the average test error over these 100 links is 19% when classifying delays as above or below 60 min. Similarly, the average over these 100 links of the median test error is found to be 21 min when predicting departure delays for a 2-h forecast horizon. The effects of changes in the classification threshold and forecast horizon on prediction performance are studied.  相似文献   

During the last decade, there has been an enormous interdisciplinary effort by the automobile industry and numerous research institutions worldwide towards the development, testing and employment of a variety of Vehicle Automation and Communication Systems (VACS) with the main aims to improve road safety and driver convenience. Some VACS, however, have a direct impact on road efficiency as well and could therefore be exploited to relieve road networks from the significant congestion problems and their negative consequences for travel times, safety, fuel consumption, the environment and the quality of life in general. In other words, some of the available VACS could also be used as novel or innovative sensors, actuators and tools towards a new era of traffic management. This paper provides an overview of proposed and available VACS and discusses their perspectives from the motorway traffic management point of view. Classifications of the different systems in this respect are also provided, while SWOT (Strengths–Weaknesses–Opportunities–Threats) analyses are used to identify specific exploitation ways. Current trends and future perspectives of VACS within a motorway traffic management context are finally summarised.  相似文献   

The Air Traffic Management system is under a paradigm shift led by NextGen and SESAR. The new trajectory-based Concept of Operations is supported by performance-based trajectory predictors as major enablers. Currently, the performance of ground-based trajectory predictors is affected by diverse factors such as weather, lack of integration of operational information or aircraft performance uncertainty.Trajectory predictors could be enhanced by learning from historical data. Nowadays, data from the Air Traffic Management system may be exploited to understand to what extent Air Traffic Control actions impact on the vertical profile of flight trajectories.This paper analyses the impact of diverse operational factors on the vertical profile of flight trajectories. Firstly, Multilevel Linear Models are adopted to conduct a prior identification of these factors. Then, the information is exploited by trajectory predictors, where two types are used: point-mass trajectory predictors enhanced by learning the thrust law depending on those factors; and trajectory predictors based on Artificial Neural Networks.Air Traffic Control vertical operational procedures do not constitute a main factor impacting on the vertical profile of flight trajectories, once the top of descent is established. Additionally, airspace flows and the flight level at the trajectory top of descent are relevant features to be considered when learning from historical data, enhancing the overall performance of the trajectory predictors for the descent phase.  相似文献   

Efficient planning of Airport Acceptance Rates (AARs) is key for the overall efficiency of Traffic Management Initiatives such as Ground Delay Programs (GDPs). Yet, precisely estimating future flow rates is a challenge for traffic managers during daily operations as capacity depends on a number of factors/decisions with very dynamic and uncertain profiles. This paper presents a data-driven framework for AAR prediction and planning towards improved traffic flow management decision support. A unique feature of this framework is to account for operational interdependency aspects that exist in metroplex systems and affect throughput performance. Gaussian Process regression is used to create an airport capacity prediction model capable of translating weather and metroplex configuration forecasts into probabilistic arrival capacity forecasts for strategic time horizons. To process the capacity forecasts and assist the design of traffic flow management strategies, an optimization model for capacity allocation is developed. The proposed models are found to outperform currently used methods in predicting throughput performance at the New York airports. Moreover, when used to prescribe optimal AARs in GDPs, an overall delay reduction of up to 9.7% is achieved. The results also reveal that incorporating robustness in the design of the traffic flow management plan can contribute to decrease delay costs while increasing predictability.  相似文献   

This paper presents a computationally efficient and theoretically rigorous dynamic traffic assignment (DTA) model and its solution algorithm for a number of emerging emissions and fuel consumption related applications that require both effective microscopic and macroscopic traffic stream representations. The proposed model embeds a consistent cross-resolution traffic state representation based on Newell’s simplified kinematic wave and linear car following models. Tightly coupled with a computationally efficient emission estimation package MOVES Lite, a mesoscopic simulation-based dynamic network loading framework DTALite is adapted to evaluate traffic dynamics and vehicle emission/fuel consumption impact of different traffic management strategies.  相似文献   

Conventional and flexible bus services may be combined to better serve regions with a wide range of characteristics. If demand densities and resulting service frequencies are low, the coordination of bus arrivals at transfer stations may significantly reduce passenger transfer times. A method is proposed for integrating, coordinating, and optimizing bus services while considering many‐to‐many travel patterns, demand elasticity, financial constraints, and appropriate service type for various regions. The objective is to maximize welfare, that is, the sum of producer and consumer surplus. The problem is solved with a hybrid optimization method, in which a genetic algorithm with bounded integer variables is selected for solving one of the subproblems. The service types, fares, headways, and service zone sizes are jointly optimized. Sensitivity analyses explore how the choice among conventional and flexible busses depends on the demand, subsidy, and demand elasticity parameters. The results also show that welfare can increase due to coordination, and these increases are found to be higher in cases with high demand or low subsidy. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper presents a real-time traffic network state estimation and prediction system with built-in decision support capabilities for traffic network management. The system provides traffic network managers with the capabilities to estimate the current network conditions, predict congestion dynamics, and generate efficient traffic management schemes for recurrent and non-recurrent congestion situations. The system adopts a closed-loop rolling horizon framework in which network state estimation and prediction modules are integrated with a traffic network manager module to generate efficient proactive traffic management schemes. The traffic network manger adopts a meta-heuristic search mechanism to construct the schemes by integrating a wide variety of control strategies. The system is applied in the context of Integrated Corridor Management (ICM), which is envisioned to provide a system approach for managing congested urban corridors. A simulation-based case study is presented for the US-75 corridor in Dallas, Texas. The results show the ability of the system to improve the overall network performance during hypothetical incident scenarios.  相似文献   

The coordinated development of city traffic and environment is a key research content in traffic field in twenty-first Century. Among them, road section environmental traffic capacity analysis is one of the important research issues. It can provide solid theoretical basis and reliable data support for road network traffic optimization control, road traffic pollution control and city traffic structure optimization. This paper analyzed main factors which impacted environmental traffic capacity from two aspects, including road capacity constraint conditions and road traffic pollution control constraint conditions. Then, road section environmental traffic capacity optimization model was established, and method of improved augmented Lagrange function was used to solve the model. Case study showed that, (1) The environmental traffic capacity optimal model and methodology were effective; (2) In order to ensure road section environmental traffic capacity greater than (or equal to) road capacity, some measures could be taken including adjusting motor vehicle type proportion as well as improving emission characteristics of motor vehicles exhausting pollutants.  相似文献   

Rising levels of air pollution is a major concern across many parts of the world. In this article, we develop a transportation policy to handle air pollution caused by the heavy flow of traffic in urban areas. In particular, we aim to distribute the traffic flow more evenly through a city, by developing a flow algorithm that computes multiple solutions, each of which accommodates the maximum flow. The paper makes the following contributions to build such a transportation policy: (a) Develops a Pareto-optimal Max Flow Algorithm (PMFA) to suggest multiple max flow solutions. (b) Introduces the notion of k-optimality into PMFA to ensure that the suggested pareto solutions are sufficiently distinct from each other – referred to as Pareto-k-optimal Max Flow Algorithm (k-PMFA). (c) Through a series of experiments performed using the well-known traffic simulator SUMO and by doing emission modeling on the New York map, we could show that our policy distributes the air pollution more uniformly across locations.  相似文献   


This paper examines the causal relationship between economic growth and domestic air passenger transport in Brazil, using Granger's causality test. Total domestic passenger-kilometres are used as a proxy for air transport demand and gross domestic product as a proxy for economic growth. The test spans the period from 1966 to 2006. The results lead to the acceptance of the hypothesis that there is a unidirectional Granger causal relationship from economic growth to domestic air transport demand in Brazil, having a high elasticity in the short term.  相似文献   

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