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This paper presents an algorithm for assigning flight departure delays under probabilistic airport capacity. The algorithm dynamically adapts to weather forecasts by revising, if necessary, departure delays. The proposed algorithm leverages state-of-the-art optimization techniques that have appeared in recent literature. As a case study, the algorithm is applied to assigning departure delays to flights scheduled to arrive at San Francisco International Airport in the presence of uncertainty in the fog clearance time. The cumulative distribution function of fog clearance time was estimated from historical data. Using daily weather forecasts to update the probabilities of fog clearance times resulted in improvement of the algorithm's performance. Experimental results also indicate that if the proposed algorithm is applied to assign ground delays to flights inbound at San Francisco International airport, overall delays could be reduced up to 25% compared to current level.  相似文献   

This paper presents a model for determining the maximum number of cars by zones in view of the capacity of the road network and the number of parking spaces available. In other words, the proposed model is to examine whether existing road network and parking supply is capable of accommodating future zonal car ownership growth (or the reserve capacity in each zone); i.e. the potential maximum zonal car ownership growth that generates the road traffic within the network capacity and parking space constraints. In the proposed model, the vehicular trip production and attraction are dependent on the car ownership, available parking spaces and the accessibility measures by traffic zones. The model is formulated as a bi-level programming problem. The lower-level problem is an equilibrium trip distribution/assignment problem, while the upper-level problem is to maximize the sum of zonal car ownership by considering travellers’ route and destination choice behaviour and satisfying the network capacity and parking space constraints. A sensitivity analysis based heuristic algorithm is developed to solve the proposed bi-level car ownership problem and is illustrated with a numerical example.  相似文献   

The coordinated development of city traffic and environment is a key research content in traffic field in twenty-first Century. Among them, road section environmental traffic capacity analysis is one of the important research issues. It can provide solid theoretical basis and reliable data support for road network traffic optimization control, road traffic pollution control and city traffic structure optimization. This paper analyzed main factors which impacted environmental traffic capacity from two aspects, including road capacity constraint conditions and road traffic pollution control constraint conditions. Then, road section environmental traffic capacity optimization model was established, and method of improved augmented Lagrange function was used to solve the model. Case study showed that, (1) The environmental traffic capacity optimal model and methodology were effective; (2) In order to ensure road section environmental traffic capacity greater than (or equal to) road capacity, some measures could be taken including adjusting motor vehicle type proportion as well as improving emission characteristics of motor vehicles exhausting pollutants.  相似文献   

This study analyzes the effects of demand uncertainty on airport capacity choices. It shows that demand uncertainty will not change optimal capacity choice if demand variation is low and capacity cost is high; otherwise the optimal airport capacity under demand uncertainty will be larger than the case when a deterministic mean demand is considered. These conclusions are robust with respect to the different market structures considered in this study and hold for both profit-maximizing and welfare-maximizing airports. The moderating effects of commercial revenue, capital cost, and airport operation cost on airport capacity choice are qualitatively the same in the cases of uncertain demand and deterministic demand.  相似文献   


Port activity plays an important role in facilitating international trade. Sufficient capacity is indispensable for a port to attract flows to a region and retain them. The capacity decision is the result of a trade-off between investment and waiting costs. Traditional methods to value expansion projects do not deal adequately with managerial flexibility in the face of uncertainty from different sources in the complex port environment. In this paper, real options (RO) models are identified as an alternative method to making project valuations and investment decisions, as they attribute the correct value to managerial flexibility under uncertainty. In order to be able to build and use such RO models for port capacity investment decisions, the sources and implications of uncertainty in the port and the different RO model specifications need to be understood. To this end, both the literature about uncertainty in the port context and the literature about real options models are reviewed in order to provide researchers who want to build their own decision-making models, with the necessary knowledge of both fields. The review makes clear that the complex interactions in and competition between the logistics chains and their actors coming together in ports have significant impacts on port capacity. Uncertainty is also caused by uncertain international trade flows and changes in legislation following new technologies and environmental impacts. An analysis of the components of some general RO models shows how the options of flexible output, investment size and timing are valued by RO models in a setting with demand uncertainty. Moreover, the review presents researchers with insights in how to deal with cooperative and competitive interactions in the chain, time to build, cyclical markets and legislation changes. It also shows how to value the expansion and the phased investment options. The new insights resulting from this review are subsequently combined in a framework that serves as a guideline to build RO models for port capacity investments. Finally, an exemplifying application of the framework is used to build an actual port capacity investment decision model.  相似文献   

Path finding problems have many real‐world applications in various fields, such as operations research, computer science, telecommunication, transportation, etc. In this paper, we examine three definitions of optimality for finding the optimal path under an uncertain environment. These three stochastic path finding models are formulated as the expected value model, dependent‐chance model, and chance‐constrained model using different criteria to hedge against the travel time uncertainty. A simulation‐based genetic algorithm procedure is developed to solve these path finding models under uncertainties. Numerical results are also presented to demonstrate the features of these stochastic path finding models.  相似文献   

Traffic engineering in Germany has a long tradition. The standards for practical application, however, are distributed among a variety of guidelines. These, in many cases, are not up to date. Therefore, in practice, more recent research results are applied by traffic authorities and consultants. To improve this practical application on a more sophisticated background, a manual for traffic quality and capacity on streets and highways is intended to be prepared. A first draft has been worked out by a university institute and is to be published in 1994. This article presents the background for the chapter on highway sections and motorway interchanges for signalized and unsignalized intersections. Pedestrian and public transit facilities are mentioned as well. Special attention is drawn to the most recent research results which are included in the manual. These are delays at intersections under nonstationary conditions, including queue length and distributions (e.g. 95-percentile queue length). For motorways, the lack of a general speed limit in Germany has important impacts on determining measures of effectiveness.  相似文献   

The Single Allocation Ordered Median Hub Location problem is a recent hub model introduced in Puerto et al. (2011) that provides a unifying analysis of a wide class of hub location models. In this paper, we deal with the capacitated version of this problem, presenting two formulations as well as some preprocessing phases for fixing variables. In addition, a strengthening of one of these formulations is also studied through the use of some families of valid inequalities. A battery of test problems with data taken from the AP library are solved where it is shown that the running times have been significantly reduced with the improvements presented in the paper.  相似文献   

The fare of a transit line is one of the important decision variables for transit network design. It has been advocated as an efficient means of coordinating the transit passenger flows and of alleviating congestion in the transit network. This paper shows how transit fare can be optimized so as to balance the passenger flow on the transit network and to reduce the overload delays of passengers at transit stops. A bi‐level programming method is developed to optimize the transit fare under line capacity constraints. The upper‐level problem seeks to minimize the total network travel time, while the lower‐level problem is a stochastic user equilibrium transit assignment model with line capacity constraints. A heuristic solution algorithm based on sensitivity analysis is proposed. Numerical example is used to illustrate the application of the proposed model and solution algorithm.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the performance of a policy decision tool proposed for multi-objective decision under different policy interventions. This tool deals with the trade-off between mobility and equity maximization under environmental capacity constraints. Two system objectives, maximization of mobility and equity, are formulated in terms of the sum of total car ownership and number of trips, and the differences in accessibility between zones. Environmental capacities are based on production efficiency theory in which the frontier emission under maximum system efficiency is taken as environmental capacity. To examine the performance of the proposed model, three types of hypothetical policies (network improvement, population increase and urban sprawl) are formulated. Effects are simulated using data pertaining to Dalian City, China. Results show that the proposed model is capable of representing the trade-offs between mobility and equity based on different policy interventions. Compared with two extreme cases with the single objective of mobility maximization or equity maximization, the Pareto-optimal solutions provide more interesting practical options for decision makers. Taking the solution based on the maximum equity as an example, the policy of urban sprawl yields the most significant improvement in both emission and accessibility of the three scenarios.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study the transit itinerary planning problem with incorporation of randomness that arises in transit vehicle arrival/departure and passenger transfer. We investigate two approaches to address the uncertainty: a minmax robust approach and an expectation-based probabilistic approach. We adapt a two-phase framework to mitigate computational challenges in large-scale planning problems. In phase I, we compute candidate route connections offline and store them into a database. Although expensive computation is required in phase I, it is typically performed only once over a period of time (e.g., half a year). Phase II takes place whenever a request is received, for which we query candidate route connections from the database, build a stochastic shortest-path model based on either approach listed above, and solve the model in real time. With phase I, computational requirement in phase II is substantially reduced so as to ensure real-time itinerary planning. To demonstrate the practical feasibility of our two-phase approach, we conduct extensive case studies and sensitivity analyses based on a large real-world transit network.  相似文献   

This study uses a hybrid approach, combining cost–benefit analysis (CBA), multiple criteria decision analysis, and Dempster–Shafer Theory, to evaluate transport infrastructure decisions. This approach not only retains the advantages of CBA, but it also facilitates the incorporation of incomplete information into the evaluation process. A particular advantage of this hybrid approach is that it can synthesize evaluation results into an easily understood unit, namely utility. A case study of Taiwan's Tamsui-Taipei Riverside Highway Project is used to illustrate the evaluation method. The evaluation results show that, whereas government officials and city council members support the highway project, academic researchers oppose it. Overall, the decision group tends to positively approve this transport infrastructure investment. These results also reflect the actual situation in Taiwan as stakeholders grapple with the issues arising from the proposed Tamsui-Taipei Riverside Highway Project.  相似文献   

The problem of dynamic transit scheduling is addressed, and a method for transient and steady-state solutions is developed. The dynamic demand-supply formulation employed is based on previously calibrated disaggregate demand specifications. The existence and feasibility of solutions are examined, and stability conditions are derived. Numerical examples for both urban and rural conditions are given. The new methodology does not require time-series endogenous data but only initial conditions to provide long- or short-term scheduling plans. Futhermore, it takes into account passenger demand fluctuations and explicitly deals with management responsiveness and time lags in implementing scheduling decisions. Owing to its dynamic nature the methodology can be used as a design tool in transit scheduling and for assessing the effects of time-varying exogenous events such as gasoline price fluctuations, transport budget restrictions and other contingencies.  相似文献   

We study route choice behavior when travel time is uncertain. In this case, users choice depends both on expected travel time and travel time variability. We collected survey data in the Paris area and analyzed them using a method based on the ordered probit. This leads to an ordinal as well as to different cardinal measures of risk aversion. Such an approach is consistent with expected and with non-expected utility theory. Econometric estimates suggest that absolute risk aversion is constant and show that risk aversion is larger for transit users, blue collars and for business appointments.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with finding first-best tolls in static transportation networks with day-to-day variation in network capacity, as accounted for by changes in the volume-delay function. The key question in addressing this problem is that of information, namely, which agents have access to what information when making decisions. In this work, travelers are assumed to be either fully informed about network conditions before embarking on travel, or having no information except the probability distributions; likewise, the network manager (toll-setter) is either able to vary tolls in response to realized network conditions, or must apply the same tolls every day. Further, travelers’ preference for reliable travel is accounted for, representing risk aversion in the face of uncertainty. For each of the scenarios implied by combinations of these assumptions, we present methods to determine system-optimal link prices. A demonstration is provided, using the Sioux Falls test network, suggesting that attempts to incorporate uncertainty into nonresponsive tolls involve significantly higher prices.  相似文献   

In this paper, a model-based perimeter control policy for large-scale urban vehicular networks is proposed. Assuming a homogeneously loaded vehicle network and the existence of a well-posed Network Fundamental Diagram (NFD), we describe a protected network throughout its aggregated dynamics including nonlinear exit flow characteristics. Within this framework of constrained optimal boundary flow gating, two main performance metrics are considered: (a) first, connected to the NFD, the concept of average network travel time and delay as a performance metric is defined; (b) second, at boundaries, we take into account additional external network queue dynamics governed by uncontrolled inflow demands. External queue capacities in terms of finite-link lengths are used as the second performance metric. Hence, the corresponding performance requirement is an upper bound of external queues. While external queues represent vehicles waiting to enter the protected network, internal queue describes the protected network’s aggregated behavior.By controlling the number of vehicles joining the internal queue from the external ones, herewith a network traffic flow maximization solution subject to the internal and external dynamics and their performance constraints is developed. The originally non-convex optimization problem is transformed to a numerically efficiently convex one by relaxing the performance constraints into time-dependent state boundaries. The control solution can be interpreted as a mechanism which transforms the unknown arrival process governing the number of vehicles entering the network to a regulated process, such that prescribed performance requirements on travel time in the network and upper bound on the external queue are satisfied. Comparative numerical simulation studies on a microscopic traffic simulator are carried out to show the benefits of the proposed method.  相似文献   

This paper addresses a general stochastic user equilibrium (SUE) traffic assignment problem with link capacity constraints. It first proposes a novel linearly constrained minimization model in terms of path flows and then shows that any of its local minimums satisfies the generalized SUE conditions. As the objective function of the proposed model involves path‐specific delay functions without explicit mathematical expressions, its Lagrangian dual formulation is analyzed. On the basis of the Lagrangian dual model, a convergent Lagrangian dual method with a predetermined step size sequence is developed. This solution method merely invokes a subroutine at each iteration to perform a conventional SUE traffic assignment excluding link capacity constraints. Finally, two numerical examples are used to illustrate the proposed model and solution method.  相似文献   

In this study, we consider the robust uncapacitated multiple allocation p-hub median problem under polyhedral demand uncertainty. We model the demand uncertainty in two different ways. The hose model assumes that the only available information is the upper limit on the total flow adjacent at each node, while the hybrid model additionally imposes lower and upper bounds on each pairwise demand. We propose linear mixed integer programming formulations using a minmax criteria and devise two Benders decomposition based exact solution algorithms in order to solve large-scale problems. We report the results of our computational experiments on the effect of incorporating uncertainty and on the performance of our exact approaches.  相似文献   

The estimation of runway capacity is important in airport planning and operational analysis. Standard procedures for capacity determination typically assume that there is no constraint on aircraft operations and do not provide good estimates when constraints exist. This paper presents a study of runway capacity at Singapore Changi Airport in which local operational constraints are taken into account. In addition, the impacts on capacity due to marine vessel crossings in a shipping channel near the airport, and the timing for implementation of simultaneous, independent instrument approach procedures are also investigated. The levels of annual aviation demand that could be served without excessive delays to aircraft under various operating scenarios are estimated.  相似文献   

This paper presents an integrated model system for mobility maximization based on a quantified specification of environmental capacity, and evaluates policy interaction and effectiveness by simulating a number of policy scenarios. The system is designed to specify the maximum level of car ownership and number of trips by private and public modes subject to an environmental capacity constraint defined as the frontier emission under maximum system efficiency. Four types of hypothetical policies (population change, urban sprawl, land-use pattern and network improvement) are designed and the effects of 13 policy scenarios are simulated using data of Dalian City, China. Results reveal that the integrated model system reacts sensitively to policy interventions. The urban sprawl reflected in a changing residential distribution from central to suburban areas is most instrumental from the perspective of pollution alleviation. If the goal is to simultaneously reduce emissions while accommodating mobility, two combinational policy scenarios outperform all others.  相似文献   

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