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<正> 中日两国国铁的路情 大同小异,然而 日本国铁却能通过改革走出困境,扭亏为盈,这给我们通过研究日本国铁的改革,从中吸取经验和教训,对目前我国国铁深化改革、少走弯路具有十分重要的意义。 一、日本国铁改革前的概况 日本从1872年开始拥有铁路,1906年前为私铁,同年由政府收归国有,1949  相似文献   

铁路债务处置问题是全面深化铁路改革亟需解决的关键问题之一。本文以处置铁路债务为目标,提出一种随着铁路体制改革分阶段稳步处理铁路债务的思路,其中涉及四种铁路债务处置方式,包括债务免除、转增资本金、"债转股"以及产权(股权)流转,最后提出顶层设计,政策保障,法律保障以及宣传工作保障等四项保障机制,以供决策者借鉴参考。  相似文献   

我国铁路债务危机处置与加快铁路改革的思路   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
铁路债务问题已经迅速发展到其现金流断裂无法掩盖的地步,当务之急是要尽快对过度规模的客运专线建设实施必要的关、停、并、转,制止铁路债务继续大幅度增加的势头,最大可能地减少损失。此外,还有必要把铁路债务危机放在铁路改革以至综合交通体制改革的总盘子中一起解决。  相似文献   

轨道交通快线作为衔接国铁干线与城市轨道交通的运输方式,对于实现大都市区"三铁融合",形成多制式轨道交通网络具有重要意义。与此同时,将国铁干线与轨道交通快线有效衔接,有效解决了周边城区享受国铁干线运输需求。本文在分析了线路衔接模式的基础上,对比换乘模式、贯通运营模式的适用条件,并通过对重庆市轨道交通快线与渝利铁路的实例分析,得到与实际线网相匹配的衔接模式,拟为工程实施方案提供决策支持。  相似文献   

张汉斌 《综合运输》2013,(11):51-53
摘要:我国铁路投融资既有模式以银行贷款、债券发行等路径依赖性、低交易成本融资模式为主,但这种债务性融资模式利息负担较重,实际执行成本较高,不具有可持续性。未来三年,铁路建设融资缺口巨大,融资和债务的解决之道在于加强制度创新和金融创新,吸引社会资本投资铁路,成立偿债基金等多措并举。  相似文献   

刘亮 《综合运输》2013,(12):86-87
荣朝和认为,铁路投融资改革目前还在按照旧的思路推进,还是在想办法给铁路找钱圈钱,这样很难解决问题,应该先解决体制问题,才能达到目的。他认为,铁路引入社会资本的前提,除政企分开之外,至少还需要在已有债务重组、铁路企业重组、市场反垄断规则构建、包括调度指挥在内的产权关系梳理、地方政府铁路事权的明确、综合交通体制及其规划制度等方面进行改革配套,其中任何一项都绕不过去。  相似文献   

<正>一、引言二次世界大战后,除北美铁路外,铁路组织体制的基本模式都是设立一个垂直一体化管理的国有铁路公司。1986年以后整个情况发生了变化,  相似文献   

本文立足浙江省,分析了铁路建设的重点和投融资的需求,结合浙江具备独特基金发展优势的实际,就构建省级投融资平台提出了总体设想和运作方案。摘要:  相似文献   

赵坚 《综合运输》2012,(3):55-58
本文通过俄罗斯铁路与交通运输大部门管理体制改革的实践,及铁路改革后的发展状况说明,改总比不改好,我国铁路不改革没有出路。  相似文献   

笔者从合资铁路公司的营阶段着手,分析了合资铁路制度层面产生的问题。我国的合资铁路制度着重铁路建设,忽略了合资铁路公司的运营阶段的制度安排等问题,容易导致合资铁路公司运营后出现经营困境,而经营困境最终可能转嫁到铁路行业。最后,笔者提出了解决这些问题的对策建议。  相似文献   

As the “railroad problem” in Japan became serious, there was a widespread debate calling for the implementation of a policy of transport coordination. Much debated themes were “inherent advantage,” “equal-footing,” “comprehensive transportation system,” and “economizing in transportation.” However, this not only had the effect of hampering the modernization of economic regulations for Japan's railroad industry, but also caused the Japanese National Railways's cumulative deficit to expand and placed a heavy economic burden on the public.  相似文献   

The transport sector is a major contributor of carbon emissions in India. As railways are the most environment-friendly mode of transport we look at the spearheading role of Indian Railway (IR) in bringing about the modal shift from road and airways to rail with a holistic perspective considering India’s development stage and resource situation. India being an emerging economy, faces many other social and developmental challenges, which have to be incorporated in assessing the viability of the solutions. In order to assess the total impact of the transportation sector a ‘wells to wheels’ approach needs to be adopted to quantify the emissions from the production to distribution and final usages alongside its impact to the competing societal goals utilizing the same resources. This study focuses on evaluating IR’s critical policy decision towards providing efficient transport i.e. the choice of traction. It is inferred that until such time the fuel mix of power production in India remains the same, i.e. coal dominated and there is a shortage of electricity in the country, the accumulated carbon footprints of running electric locos will be higher. There should be a judicious mix of both the tractions to achieve a balance in environmental efficacy, sustainability and equity.  相似文献   

文章结合兰渝铁路胡家湾隧道施工实践,对高速铁路大断面隧道洞口排水系统、边仰坡开挖及防护、导向墙施工、管棚进洞、洞身开挖、初期支护、防排水施工、二次衬砌等施工工序控制要点进行总结.  相似文献   

铁路发展是我国交通强国战略部署的重要构件,随着我国铁路运营里程的不断增长,铁路对经济社会发展发挥着日益重要的基础作用。本文从运输生产、行业发展、区域协同三方面构建铁路对交通强国战略支撑力评价指标;运用主成分分析法结合因子分析法对我国内陆31个省市地区铁路支撑力进行综合评价;在实证研究与对比分析基础上,计算了各地区铁路运能支撑度,研究发现各地区铁路支撑力差异很大。最后,本文提出了交通强国战略背景下铁路支撑力的发展与研究建议。  相似文献   


The role of the railways in the air transport industry is usually limited to provision of access to airports. However, the development of high-speed rail networks and the congestion and environmental problems faced by the air transport industry suggest the railways could have a greater role in working with the airlines to provide an integrated transport service for medium-distance journeys (up to 800 km). Many air journeys involve two flights and a transfer at a hub airport. The alternative being investigated here would replace air journeys by a rail journey and a flight, and a transfer between them at the hub airport. Such integration could offer a positive alternative to aircraft on some routes and lead to railway journeys to airports becoming part of air transport services, and not only to provide access to them. Integration could therefore provide a better use of available air capacity rather than duplicating some high-speed rail routes and services.  相似文献   

从技术经济、节能环保、土地占用、经济安全等方面对铁路在综合交通运输体系中的比较优势进行了分析,总结了新形势下铁路面临的新任务。结果表明,按单位里程完成的货物周转量分析,铁路约为水运的0.5~0.8倍,公路的20~35倍,民航的4500~6500倍。按完成单位货物周转量的运输费用分析,水运、公路、民航分别约为铁路的1/2、10倍、20倍。铁路单位里程造价一般高于公路,但完成单位客货运量建设成本基本相当。铁路运输节约能源明显,水运、公路、民航分别约为铁路内燃机车万吨公里能耗的2.5倍、20~35倍、125倍。铁路和水运属于清洁型运输方式,公路和民航有害气体排放强度分别约为铁路的5倍和30倍。按单位运输能力计算,I级双线铁路占地是一级公路、四车道高速公路、六车道高速公路的16%、33%、43%。铁路运输安全性远远高于公路,与水运相差不大。新形势下铁路发展的新任务主要有:发挥铁路支撑引领作用;加强铁路供给侧改革;发挥铁路优势新潜力。  相似文献   

在"一带一路"国家战略背景下,江苏省中欧班列得到了长足的发展。本文总结了江苏省中欧班列特色线路、运行情况、经营模式等,深入剖析存在的问题,结合发展形势,从强化江苏省中欧班列统筹建设、推动集约化发展等方面提出对策建议。  相似文献   

参考国内外磁悬浮列车高速通过隧道引发空气动力学效应的资料,针对TR08常导磁悬浮列车,分隧道长度L≤150 m和L> 150 m两种情况,对不同速度目标值下(350 km/h单双线、400 km/h单双线、450 km/h单双线)隧道内轮廓的选取进行了比选分析,分析结果对就磁悬浮铁路隧道轮廓的选取有一定的参考价值.  相似文献   


This paper presents the rationale, the method, and the alternative choices in the process of restructuring the Hellenic Railways Organisation (OSE). The most likely alternative structures regarding ownership and management issues of the new entities that will inherit the old OSE organization, and discusses the strategic implications of these alternatives are discussed. A critical view of the process of Greek railway reform and the evaluation results of the alternative organizational structures for the new situation are presented. It first presents the current experience in European Union and other countries of Europe, and the relative position of the Greek railways vis‐à‐vis the most common practices. The most likely options for the new organizational structure are presented which will result from the application of the European Union Directives and the Greek Law 2671/98 for the reorganization of the Greek railways. Based on a more detailed presentation of expected income and expenditures (i.e. economic viability) of the alternatives, a structure and a roadmap to these reforms is recommended for a successful and, above all ‘implementable’, reform of the Greek railways under the current conditions. Finally, the process for change and restructuring is described in terms of the basic principles and procedures that should be followed, and in terms of the necessary steps and procedures for the transition from the current to the new situation.  相似文献   

广西沿海铁路作为大西南的重要出海通道,是防城、钦州、北海等重要沿海港口主要的后方集疏运干线。文章提出了广西沿海铁路开行双层集装箱列车的意义,预测了广西沿海铁路集装箱的运量,从经济与通过能力方面分析了广西沿海铁路开行双层集装箱列车的必要性。  相似文献   

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