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国家空管委办公室官员17日透露,低空空域管理改善试点明年起手扩大至整个东北和中南地区以及唐山等6个城市分区;到2015年,将在全国范围内推开低空空域改革。国家李管委还透露,  相似文献   

空域资源优化配置与开发利用,涉及体制机制、运行管理、技术装备和工程建设等多层面,是一项复杂的系统工程。当前要积极采取有针对性和可操作性的措施,缓解重点地区和繁忙航路空域紧张的突出矛盾,确保"十二五"军民航发展战略和目标的实现。  相似文献   

一纸《关于深化我国低空空域管理改革的意见》(简称《意见》)的出台,无疑给中国通用航空界带来了利好。但这是否意味着封闭许久的通用航空就此打破封锁,答案并不明确。此次《意见》的最大亮点在于对4000米以下低空飞行制度的改变:无需报批,只需报备。在业内人士眼中,这被解读为打破国内通用航空业发展的制度壁垒。  相似文献   

优化空域资源是拉动中国经济的重要途径   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
张宁 《综合运输》2009,(2):30-33
优化空域资源能够促进中国通用航空产业、中国空中高速公路及民用机场的发展。优化配置空域资源应重点抓好国防及国家安全的空域资源配置和空域结构优化两个关键技术问题。  相似文献   

通用航空产业在我国国民经济中所占的地位重要性日益彰显,为促进通用航空的发展,近年来国家和地方政府一直在加大对通用航空产业地投入,相继出台了促进通用航空发展的优惠政策,长期以来,通用航空产业作为进入门槛高,科技含量高,运营成本高的"三高"产业,阻碍了通用航空在我国的健康发展,本文简要讨论了通用航空业发展的立业之本,产业定位以及通用航空在我国的发展规划和前景分析,为我国通用航空的产业规划提供了参考  相似文献   

空域是一种稀缺资源,航空发达国家对空域资源的高效利用十分重视。本文从国家政策层面上对空域资源利用问题进行讨论。文章在分析空域资源基本属性的基础上,计算了空域资源的价值,指出目前空域资源管理上存在的问题,给出我国空域资源利用政策的建议。  相似文献   

我国铁路规模不断扩大,运行速度不断提高,运输任务不断增加,对铁路基础设施养护维修质量和管理水平提出了更高要求。考虑到铁路作为开放复杂系统,运营与维护直接受到沿线环境影响,本文从列车速密重、运输组织、基础设施类型、沿线自然环境等维度出发,构建一种系统性铁路分类分级体系,并提出基于分类分级体系的铁路基础设施养护维修策略优化方法,为铁路基础设施养护维修向精细化方向发展提供支撑。  相似文献   

为规范中小机场空管运行保障、细化空管运行保障标准、提升空管运行的操作性和指导性,本文主要采用主客观结合的方法对中小机场的空管保障能力进行了分类。通过调研国内中小机场空管运行保障能力建设情况及管制运行现状,并结合国内外相关研究确定K-均值聚类分析的分类变量,运用聚类分析对全国182个中小机场进行分类,得到客观的分类标准;根据聚类结果、民航空管专家建议及相关研究成果建立中小机场空管运行保障分类指标体系,构建灰色层次评价模型,对各分类指标进行权重计算,评价结果显示分类标准良好,得到的分类标准为提升其空管运行保障能力和安全能力提供科学依据。  相似文献   

高速发展的民航业所欠缺的不仅仅是飞行员,还有空域。 从10月7月开始,东航在其最红火的京沪航线上,将飞机落地后的停场时间增加了一小时,这样做的结果是降低了飞机的日运用率,损失了本应该承载更多乘客的机会。  相似文献   

本文就目前民航规章中有关通用机场的定义和分类进行了研究,对其定义内涵和存在的问题进行了分析,提出了我国通用机场定义和分类标准的建议,为通用机场的建设审批标准的制定提供依据。  相似文献   

The integration of drones into civil airspace is one of the most challenging problems for the automation of the controlled airspace, and the optimization of the drone route is a key step for this process. In this paper, we optimize the route planning of a drone mission that consists of departing from an airport, flying over a set of mission way points and coming back to the initial airport. We assume that during the mission a set of piloted aircraft flies in the same airspace and thus the cost of the drone route depends on the air traffic and on the avoidance maneuvers used to prevent possible conflicts. Two air traffic management techniques, i.e., routing and holding, are modeled in order to maintain a minimum separation between the drone and the piloted aircraft. The considered problem, called the Time Dependent Traveling Salesman Planning Problem in Controlled Airspace (TDTSPPCA), relates to the drone route planning phase and aims to minimize the total operational cost. Two heuristic algorithms are proposed for the solution of the problem. A mathematical formulation based on a particular version of the Time Dependent Traveling Salesman Problem, which allows holdings at mission way points, and a Branch and Cut algorithm are proposed for solving the TDTSPPCA to optimality. An additional formulation, based on a Travelling Salesman Problem variant that uses specific penalties to model the holding times, is proposed and a Cutting Plane algorithm is designed. Finally, computational experiments on real-world air traffic data from Milano Linate Terminal Maneuvering Area are reported to evaluate the performance of the proposed formulations and of the heuristic algorithms.  相似文献   

参照交通运输行业标准《道路车辆清障救援操作规范》(JT/T 891-2014),本文归纳提出了牵拉、起吊、扶正、拖运四类基本操作和以事故形态为基础的道路交通事故分类方法。在操作分解与事故分类基础上融入模块化思想,创造性的提出基于事故分类的模块化救援方案,通过四类基本操作的组合,实现碰撞、碾压、翻车、坠车、落水、烧毁、货物散落、抛锚等八类不同形态的事故车辆的针对性清障救援实施处置方案。  相似文献   

城乡客运组织优化措施探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
城乡客运是道路旅客运输的重要组成部分。文章从百色路网的发展趋势入手,分析了现阶段百色城乡客运存在的主要问题,提出了促进城乡客运组织优化的举措和建议。  相似文献   

A key limitation when accommodating the continuing air traffic growth is the fixed airspace structure including sector boundaries. The geometry of sectors has stayed relatively constant despite the fact that route structures and demand have changed dramatically over the past decade. Dynamic Airspace Sectorization is a concept where the airspace is redesigned dynamically to accommodate changing traffic demands. Various methods have been proposed to dynamically partition the airspace to accommodate the traffic growth while satisfying other sector constraints and efficiency metrics. However, these approaches suffer from several operational drawbacks, and their computational complexity increases fast as the airspace size and traffic volume increase. In this paper, we evaluate and identify the gaps in existing 3D sectorization methods, and propose an improved Agent Based Model (iABM) to address these gaps. We also propose three additional models using KD-Tree, Bisection and Voronoi Diagrams in 3D, to partition the airspace to satisfy the convexity constraint and reduce computational cost. We then augment these methods with a multi-objective optimization approach that uses four objectives: minimizing the variance of controller workload across the sectors, maximizing the average sector flight time, and minimizing the distance between sector boundaries and the traffic flow crossing points. Experimental results show that iABM has the best performance on workload balancing, but it is restrictive when it comes to the convexity constraint. Bisection- and Voronoi Diagram-based models perform worse than iABM on workload balancing but better on average sector flight time, and they can satisfy the convexity constraint. The KD-tree-based model has a lower computational cost, but with a poor performance on the given objectives.  相似文献   

为解决城市轨道交通车站售票能力冗余导致城市电力资源及地铁公司运营成本闲置的问题,分析普通车站日常客流分布,综合考虑地铁车站售票设备成本和乘客的时间成本因素,建立地铁车站售票设备开启数量优化模型,同时通过排队论和Lingo软件进行计算,获得最优化的地铁车站售票设备开启数量。以郑州地铁农业南路站的日常客流为例,应用地铁车站售票设备开启数量优化模型,计算得到农业南路站售票设备优化方案,通过优化方案进行节能成果分析证明,该方案可有效节约城市电力资源及地铁公司运营成本。  相似文献   

马井气田目前采用气田内部集中增压为主、边远井小型撬装增压为补充的互补型增压模式,其中MP53D增压机组的实际处理量为12.49万m~3/d,远小于其设计处理量(35万m~3/d),机组只能低负荷运转,运行稳定性较差;同时,部分未增压气井受管网压力制约严重,气田产量递减迅速,采输矛盾日益突出。为维持气田正常平稳生产,采用Reo软件建立了马井气田集输管网模型,并设计了11种增压开采方案进行优化模拟。研究结果表明,方案5为最佳增压开采方案,此时气田的总产量最高,增压机组消耗的功率低,机组运行稳定性好。优化后气田的总产量增加12.07万m~3/d,压缩机站总功率降低26 k W,MP53D压缩机组处理量增大6.92万m~3/d,机组运行稳定性提高。  相似文献   

文章针对传统Dijkstra算法在路径优化过程中存在的不足,从路网拓扑关系存储和快速搜索技术两方面对其进行了改进,得到了一种改进的Dijkstra算法,并通过实例仿真分析,验证了该算法的有效性。  相似文献   

In this paper, we develop a novel severe weather-modeling paradigm to be applied within the context of a large-scale Airspace Planning and collaborative decision-making model in order to reroute flights with respect to a specified probability threshold of encountering severe weather, subject to collision safety, airline equity, and sector workload considerations. This approach serves as an alternative to the current practice adopted by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) of adjusting flight routes in accordance with the guidelines specified in the National Playbook. Our innovative contributions in this paper include (a) the concept of “Probability-Nets” and the development of discretized representations of various weather phenomena that affect aviation operations; (b) the integration of readily accessible severe weather probabilities from existing weather forecast data provided by the National Weather Service; (c) the generation of flight plans that circumvent severe weather phenomena with specified probability threshold levels, and (d) a probabilistic delay assessment methodology for evaluating planned flight routes that might encounter potentially disruptive weather along its trajectory. Additionally, we conduct an economic benefit analysis using a k-means clustering mechanism in concert with our delay assessment methodology in order to evaluate delay costs and system disruptions associated with variations in probability-net refinement-based information. Computational results and insights are presented based on flight test cases derived from the Enhanced Traffic Management System data provided by the FAA and using weather scenarios derived from the Model Output Statistics forecast data provided by the National Weather Service.  相似文献   

贵阳南垭路三号隧道为两座分离式的单跨四车道市政隧道,最大开挖跨度21.878 m,最大开挖面积为245.7 m^2,处于喀斯特地貌区,地下岩溶和岩石节理裂隙发育,围岩破碎且施工工期紧。基于以上施工背景,文章开展基于工期目标的软弱破碎围岩单跨四车道市政隧道施工优化研究。首先利用强度折减法对裸洞围岩稳定性进行定量评价,发现Ⅳ级围岩裸洞具有自稳条件,Ⅴ级围岩裸洞则不满足安全系数要求;在此基础上结合不同工法的施工模拟和工期推演,对施工方案进行优化,最终确定了南垭路三号隧道在Ⅳ级围岩地段采用三台阶五步法施工,Ⅴ级围岩地段采用双侧壁导坑法施工的方案;最后对洞身Ⅳ级、Ⅴ级围岩地段工法转换进行优化,将施工工期提前了9个月,创造了显著的经济和社会效益,研究成果可为今后类似工程的修建提供借鉴。  相似文献   

在碳排放实验的基础上,文章研究了CO2排放比例与行车速度之间的关系,并提出最佳碳排放行驶车速区间这一概念。文章结合前人提出的油耗与车速模型,建立了高速公路最优车速区间的计算模型,车辆在此区间上行驶时,油耗低并且燃油充分,即CO2排放比例高。利用面积法确定了最优行驶车速区间的计算方法,求得了这一车速区间,从而达到经济效益与社会环境效益的最大化,同时也能够为高速公路的运营管理提供理论支撑。  相似文献   

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