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随着汽车进入千家万户,争奇斗艳的汽车款式为张扬车主的个性和美化市容起到了增光添彩的作用.但是一到黑夜,满路的汽车除了雪亮的照明灯之外,其余的一切似乎全都淹没在黑暗之中,除非有相对暗淡的路灯照耀,白日里琳琅满目的时尚汽车此时都黯然失色,让车主发出"衣锦夜行"的憾叹. 相似文献
This article presents a mathematical model for real-time platoon recognition using the connected vehicle (CV) technology. Platoon information is a crucial part of traffic signal coordination and is difficult to obtain with traditional technologies such as loop detectors. The past work on platoon recognition using CV is very limited and lacked verification on the applicable range or evaluation of the performance of algorithms. The proposed algorithm is focused on estimating platoon characteristics for signal coordination and adaptive signal control with CV's vehicle-to-vehicle communication and an onboard GPS device. First, the detected platoon is identified by a modified critical time-headway. Then, platoon size and starting and ending times are estimated. Lastly, the filtering process for “qualified” detected platoon is proposed to optimize detectability. The results show that the proposed algorithm can estimate well in various traffic conditions and under both fixed-time and actuated signal control without the need for recalibration. Furthermore, two analytical models to estimate the detection rate are proposed and shown to be close to the numerical results and can be used to estimate the required market penetration ratio for the application without field experiments or microscopic simulation. The accuracy of both the recognition algorithm and detection rate estimation is obtained without relying on inputs that are hard to obtain in practice. Accordingly, the proposed algorithm can be an important part of adaptive signal control focusing on real-time coordination in CV environment. 相似文献
1 汽车燃油经济性发展现状 汽车的发明极大程度地改变了人们的生活方式,然而,在您面前呼啸而过的汽车其油箱中的能源只有15%左右为汽车的运行及辅助需要(如舒适性、操纵简便性等方面的需要)做了有用功. 相似文献
为了能将按欧IV/V,废气排放原本很少的微粒排放进一步降低。考虑通过一种微粒捕集器对废气后处理系统加以补充。想必这样可以对按欧V业已明显降低的微粒排放还要降低50%以上。[编者按] 相似文献
简述车辆四轮转向技术的应用,经过对机场牵引汽车四轮转向系统的研究,提出一种新的控制方式,在随动轮角度跟随基础上加入汽车行驶速度控制因子,既解决了车辆高速行驶的稳定性问题,也保证了车辆低速转弯的灵活性。 相似文献
现代汽车照明新技术充满商机 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
改善汽车照明及信号系统,是提高夜间行车安全的重要保障,本文根据汽车灯具的发展脉络,详细叙述了现在汽车车灯的外形和功能、LED灯具成为汽车光源的新亮点以及未来汽车照明中的新技术;并指出了汽车灯具的发展前景。 相似文献
车用柴油机排放控制技术浅探 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
本文分析了车用柴油机排放污染物的生成原理,介绍了5项机内净化技术,3项机外净化技术以及2项燃料技术,提出了车用柴油机排放控制技术总路线。 相似文献
从车辆制动安全系统的发展趋势来看,EBS电子控制制动系统将是未来市场的主要占有者。威伯科开发的这套适用于商务车的EBS在欧洲已经得到广泛应用,中国国内汽车厂家也进入到样车试制阶段。[编者按] 相似文献