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21世纪石油资源将面临枯竭,依靠石油资源而生存的汽车、摩托车等都将要失去生存的空间。各生产厂纷纷开发和上市了各种电动车辆。但由于电池技术尚未达到突破性进展。纯电池汽车、摩托车等还不能进行真正实用意义的普及。各生产厂家正在积极开发混合动力源车辆。现混合动力源车已遍布各 相似文献
工程项目管理在水电工程中的运用 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
该文结合具体工程项目的管理,介绍了工程项目管理方法在水电工程中的运用,探讨了具体的管理类型、管理方法以及施工管理过程,可为其他水电项目的工程管理运用提供参考。 相似文献
《Vehicle System Dynamics: International Journal of Vehicle Mechanics and Mobility》2012,50(5):283-295
Abstract In this work three first-order nonlinear, nonstationary differential equations describing a hydraulic torque converter in a power transmission system are used. A linear model is obtained on the basis of these equations. This model is verified both theoretically and by an experimental test. On the basis of the calculations the torsional damping was determined. This permitted the damping performance of a power transmission system with a hydraulic torque converter to be defined and established. 相似文献
C. Szczepaniak A. Kesy Z. Kesy 《Vehicle System Dynamics: International Journal of Vehicle Mechanics and Mobility》1991,20(5):283-295
In this work three first-order nonlinear, nonstationary differential equations describing a hydraulic torque converter in a power transmission system are used.
A linear model is obtained on the basis of these equations. This model is verified both theoretically and by an experimental test. On the basis of the calculations the torsional damping was determined. This permitted the damping performance of a power transmission system with a hydraulic torque converter to be defined and established. 相似文献
A linear model is obtained on the basis of these equations. This model is verified both theoretically and by an experimental test. On the basis of the calculations the torsional damping was determined. This permitted the damping performance of a power transmission system with a hydraulic torque converter to be defined and established. 相似文献
运用价值工程手法评估2变电所间输电线路计画采双孔推管或单孔潜盾隧道施工法时,分别对:隧道内电缆接续需求与施工环境冲击影响、电缆通风冷却散热、电缆延放方便性、电缆分阶段扩充方便性、隧道施工难易性、隧道施工对邻近建物影响、工期、成本等因子进行研讨。计画综合评估采单孔潜盾隧道施工,运用增大螺栓尺寸以缩小环片螺栓间距对策提升环片组立精度进行急曲线隧道施工以避开民房,另隧道路线位于地下水位下之紧密卵砾石层地盘并遇巨石,中途更改潜盾机盘面克服紧密砾石障碍挑战。 相似文献
介绍在北京新发现的西周燕都城的下水道。虽然比不上摩亨佐·达罗的历史悠久 ,但从历史的考证看 ,也许是东方最古老的下水道。 相似文献
8月22-23日,宁夏三庆特种汽车制造有限公司(以下简称宁夏三庆)的开业典礼暨新车下线仪式在宁夏石嘴山经济技术开发区隆重举行。 相似文献