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海岸带地形要素包括海岸线、干出滩地形、浅海水下地形等。以遥感手段获取敏感岸带、争议岸带以及条件恶劣的不可达岸带的地形要素具有天然的优势。阐述了海岸带地形要素遥感反演近年来取得的成果,分析了利用高潮位时相的影像数据提取海岸线、利用低潮位时相的影像数据进行潮滩地形反演以及近岸浅海水深反演等技术的研究进展,并提出了研究建议。  相似文献   

周同 《港工技术》2023,(3):41-44
从2000年开始,欧美等发达国家就将码头岸电系统技术应用在各种类型的港口码头,甚至与混合动力船舶联合使用。我国2009年才首次采用岸电系统,随着岸电系统写入“十二五”规划,并作为防治城市大气污染的措施之一,码头岸电系统成为建设绿色、智慧港口的重要组成部分。如今,船舶在港口建设进程中发挥关键作用。为了推动船舶港口的发展,促进节能减排,本文对国内外码头岸电系统的技术应用和开发进行了研究分析,以供参考。  相似文献   

<正>为有力推进绿色港口的建设,上海市大力实施《上海市绿色港口三年行动计划(2015—2017年)》,明确了上海绿色港口建设的总体目标、主要任务和保障措施。以此为纲领,交通部门和相关企业共同推进绿色港口建设,成果显著,三年行动计划目标基本实现。上海市交通委副主任张林介绍,在推进岸电技术应用方面,上海港口使用岸电可使船舶每次靠港减少高达95%的污染物排放量。目前,洋山三期码头6号泊位高压岸电系统已投运,5号泊位新建岸电设施也将于近期验收;  相似文献   

为减少港区及附近区域的污染,建设绿色港口,连云港的船用岸电码头供电系统应运而生。介绍连云港港的概况及其岸电的优点。阐述建立码头岸电的一般要求、技术要求和试验方法。该岸电技术取得良好的经济效益和社会效益。  相似文献   

为初步摸清上海市低潮高地和暗礁及其周边区域地形地貌,掌握岛礁基础资源数据,了解岛礁保护现状,分别从调查范围、调查方法以及测绘技术等方面进行了具体阐述。这项工作对低潮高地和暗礁的地理位置、权属、地形地貌特征等方面进行了摸底调查,并展示了地形地貌测绘等相关调查成果。本次调查为相关海洋管理部门进行海洋工程建设、资源开发、抗灾防灾等的决策和管理,能迅速、准确、及时地获取相关信息,提供技术支撑和科学依据,积极推动岛礁权属管理,对保护岛礁资源以及日常监管、执法检查等提供技术支撑。最后对低潮高地和暗礁的保护工作进行展望与思考,并给出了具体保护建议。  相似文献   

为解决传统岸桥自动化程序开发周期长、现场测试效率低等问题,开发了岸桥虚拟仿真器。对自动化集装箱码头系统框架、岸桥结构和功能参数进行分析,并运用现代虚拟仿真技术对仿真器进行总体功能设计。以PPC2100为硬件、Automation Studio为软件平台,利用Drawbox建立模型,对仿真器进行系统开发,并通过模拟岸桥动态防撞验证仿真器的可靠性。  相似文献   

蒋蓓玲  赵龙 《中国水运》2014,(8):274-275
现浇承台顶层混凝土表面裂缝应为多层浇筑、大体积现浇构件的一个质量通病,其存在会对承台造成各种安全隐患。文中就洋山深水港区四期工程码头接岸结构Ⅰ标段建设过程中出现的承台顶面裂缝问题,进行了深入的调查、分析,并在后期部分工程中采取了得种裂缝控制措施,同时对已存在的裂缝进行了封闭处理,取得了成效。  相似文献   

张帜  刘明 《水道港口》1994,(2):10-15,20
西藏“一江两河”开发工作中,年楚河满拉水利枢纽上游冰湖较多,本文采用遥感资料等手段,对流域内冰湖进行了普查,并根据以往冰湖溃决调查成果分析了冰湖溃决的可能性,认为白湖有溃决可能,采用率定后的美国天气局土坝缺口侵蚀模型(BREA CH)对白湖溃坝洪水进行估算,满足了设计需要,本文在探索冰湖溃决方面取得了一定成果  相似文献   

国际航行船舶进出口岸查验手续的无纸化使天津海事局在电子政务领域迈入了新的阶段。文章对天津海事局国际航行船舶进出口岸查验系统的建设背景和开发进程进行了介绍,对系统设计思路、技术基础、组成结构和功能进行了详尽阐述,并对系统建设取得的成果及系统开通后的社会效益进行了简要分析。  相似文献   

近年来长江中游河道治理和航道整治工程中采用大量的生态护岸技术,且取得较大生态效益,但是经过现场调查发现在生态护岸岸坡存在一条明显的青黄线.针对此问题,以长江中游航道整治工程新厂护岸工程和桃花洲护岸工程为例,以青黄线为界将岸坡分为青绿带和青黄带,分析岸坡上青绿带和青黄带狗牙根分布特征及其形成的原因,并通过统计水位累计频率...  相似文献   


The physical characteristics of Korea have had a profound impact on the uses of the coastal zone that have, in turn, been determined by and reinforced the nation's economic development strategy. While coastal zone management in many developed economies is more heavily oriented toward environmental protection and the resolution of user conflicts, policies for coastal zone management in Korea have emphasized the role of coastal space and other resources for economic development and industrial needs. Increasing demand for land reclamation to provide ever‐increasing industrial sites and human settlements, traditional and future needs of the fishery, and concern for the environment have led to a vast array of competition and, finally, often to conflicts. The basic pattern of coastal zone use in Korea has changed from the linear expansion of coastal zone to integrated coastal uses. An increased number of critical coastal zone issues and interactions was reflected in the creation of new governance that dealt with coastal zone resources and environment.  相似文献   

Integrated coastal management has been seen as the way to deal with the challenges currently facing managers of our coastal zones. In the tropics, these areas are typified with resources such as coral reefs and mangroves that are able to support a variety of activities. Integrated coastal management takes a multi-disciplinary approach that involves the integration of the different institutions and stakeholder groups in the coastal zone. A survey of tropical coastal locations revealed that fully implemented integrated coastal management is limited with programs apparently failing at the implementation stage. These coastal zones share a number of common challenges exacerbated by poverty and conflicts between the coastal activities. Conflict management needs to be incorporated into the management process that pays particular attention to the overextraction of resources and destructive resource use.  相似文献   


In a public opinion survey conducted in Santa Barbara county, California, respondents were interviewed regarding their feelings on coastal zone development, within a context of broader environmental and political issues.

A high degree of expressed concern for the environment was found, but the data also indicate a widespread reluctance to allocate a greater share of personal income to improve environmental quality.

Among the issues dealt with are citizen views on environmental problems, the effectiveness of government in the environmental field, offshore oil drilling, and coastal zone development.

The results show that on each of the issues analyzed, a person's education, age, and the extent of his political participation are the major factors which determine his concern for the environment. Additional variables appear to have some significance in determining attitudes toward local environmental projects and perceptions of government.

Offered are implications of the findings for the future of organized action on environmental problems.  相似文献   

A mail survey of coastal user groups, academics, and state coastal zone management program managers was conducted to determine the perceptions of the performance of state coastal zone management programs relative to the protection of coastal resources, the management of coastal development, the improvement of public access, and the management of coastal hazards. Information on the perceived importance of the selected issues to each of the 24 states being studied was also solicited. Findings on the perceptions of various categories of interest groups, academics, and program managers with respect to the overall performance of state coastal zone management programs in the four issue areas were presented in an earlier article, “Perceptions of the Performance of State Coastal Zone Management Programs in the United States”; (Knecht et al., 1996). The present article draws on a subset of these data—the responses from the coastal user groups and the academics—and presents the findings at the regional and individual state level. In terms of perceived performance of state coastal zone management programs on a regional basis relative to the selected issue areas, the highest rating went to the Great Lakes region for its management of public access. However, the North Atlantic region received the highest performance rating for the three other issue areas: protection of coastal resources, management of coastal development, and management of coastal hazards. Looking at state performance with regard to the coastal issues judged to be of most importance to the states—the protection of coastal resources and the management of coastal development—respondents indicated that states should improve their performance in both areas, with the greatest need related to the management of coastal development. Overall, the states of the North Atlantic, Great Lakes, and South Atlantic regions were perceived to be performing somewhat better relative to the four issue areas than the states in the Pacific and Gulf of Mexico regions. While the data do not shed light on the reasons for these regional differences, we suggest that, in the case of the Pacific region at least, the differences could be associated with higher expectations among the resident population with regard to environmental quality in general and coastal management in particular.  相似文献   


The location as well as pace of marina development is a major issue in current coastal zone management. The supply and demand for marinas providing certain services in specific locations are growing and must be met. At the same time the environmental integrity of the coastal zone must be maintained against the many possible impacts of marina development. Compounding these problems from the view of both the developer and coastal zone manager is the absence of necessary data and accepted methodologies for estimating future supply needs for marine berthing. This paper describes a multi‐focii approach to the establishment of an information base and marina supply projections for the Mississippi Gulf Coast. Data on existing marina types, services, and facilities are obtained via fieldwork; future marina slip supply needs are estimated using a combination of several techniques and data sources. The study serves two purposes. First, it initiates the basis for improved management of marina development on Mississippi's Gulf Coast. Second, on a more theoretical level, it stimulates research toward developing and validating supply and demand projection techniques for marinas.  相似文献   


It was pointed out in a recent article on shorelines management in France that no overall coastal management legislation in that country exists.1 Nevertheless, certain existing legislation has been adapted to take account of the peculiarities of the shoreline and coastal zone, and new institutions such as the “Shorelines Trust”; have been created.2 As is the case with most countries in the Western world, the processes of urbanization, industrialization, and recreational development place tremendous pressure on shoreline use. Resulting conflicts are sometimes difficult to solve unless adequate institutional frameworks exist. Some form of institutional change is thus inevitable.  相似文献   


In this article, an overview of the status of coastal zone management (CZM) in South Africa is presented. Firstly, it provides background to the development of various initiatives to promote sustainable use of coastal resources within the context of sociopolitical changes in South Africa. Thereafter, it examines the progress made with respect to key attributes underpinning most CZM programs. Finally, it identifies obstacles to achieving effective CZM in South Africa and makes recommendations to address these shortcomings. The review reveals that whilst considerable progress has been made in certain areas of program development, such as resource conservation and pollution control, there are several gaps and inadequacies within existing efforts. These include the absence of a clear policy to guide efforts, lack of coordination amongst government departments involved in CZM, as well as inadequacies in our legal and administrative system. The promulgation of a Coastal Zone Management Act and the establishment of a Coastal Unit charged with the coordination and review of all activities impinging on coastal resources are amongst the recommendations made.  相似文献   

Recent emphasis in comprehensive planning for coastal zone regions has created the need for more effective tools for information processing and analysis to aid policymakers and planners in developing strategies for preservation of coastal zone areas. New agencies with broad powers have been created at both state and federal levels to deal with growth management in large coastal regions. However, coastal zone management (CZM) agencies have not yet been able to deal effectively with development processes. A “holding action”; is being maintained in the face of mounting pressure by developers, while planners struggle to develop (1) a data base with sufficient detail for planning; (2) a fair and rapid process for reviewing environmental impact statements and granting of development permits; and (3) a system for making the development permit application process more routine. The key to success of the CZM process is the development of a management information system (MIS) created explicitly for CZM. The prototypical system designed by the authors combines graphic display capabilities (i.e., map display) with interactive on‐line computing and large storage‐capacity computers. Problems of data structure development are documented, together with problems of assembling a large‐scale, highly detailed data base. Of particular importance is the need for well‐developed objectives and specifications for the use of computer‐based data in resolving disputes on environmental issues. A set of objectives and specifications for a prototypical coastal zone MIS is developed. The system is described in detail, showing how its capabilities directly address policy questions formulated by coastal zone planners.  相似文献   

Australia's coastal environments are exposed to great pressures. Adequate policy and management measures are required to ensure the protection of coastal assets now and for future generational use. However, recent government reports and academic literature have highlighted that improved science uptake into policy is needed to ensure coastal communities are protected from impacts such as climate change. The literature suggests that individuals, coined champions, can play an important role in influencing the use of science by policymakers. However, a paucity of research exists surrounding the role of these individuals. This research explores the role of champions in enabling science uptake into policy in the Australian coastal zone, investigating champion characteristics and strategies used in influencing policymakers. A mixed-methods approach to the research was employed, integrating a paper/online survey of people involved in Australian coastal management and in-depth, semi-structured interviews with champions nominated by their peers from the survey. Fourteen key coastal champion characteristics were identified from the survey. Furthermore, the champion interviews identified strategies for influencing science use by policymakers. From these findings a conceptual model was created. In order to enable coastal champions to be fostered, a six-step process was developed that incorporates the use of the conceptual model.  相似文献   

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