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以"落实十七大精神,打造和谐市场环境"为主题的长三角地区道路运输稽查联席会议12月11日在杭州召开,与以往不同的是,轮值东道主浙江在会议中邀请了福建、江西、安徽、山东、河南省运管局的代表列席,五省随后被正式吸收加入了这一组织,长三角道路运输联动稽查的范围实现了在上海、江苏、浙江原有地盘基础之上的"扩张".  相似文献   

在物流地产业,普洛斯如同一位天才的军事家,在中国实施"攻城略地"的战术. 据说,2009年前,普洛斯将在中国投资12.5亿美元建设物流园区.现已在北京、上海、天津、深圳、苏州等地投资了物流园区项目.中西部地区则选择武汉,重庆、成都三城.  相似文献   

春节前后,宁夏银川市东环批发市场一名为诚信货运部的老板车心陶卷走市场内数十家商户货款37万余元"蒸发";无独有偶,在山东省,总部设在临沂的国威物流公司也在卷走客户上百万元的货款后,人去楼空.  相似文献   

2007年4月30日,深圳市出租小汽车油价运价联动机制听证会在深圳市物价局举行,行业代表安达公司副总经理蔡明元称,公司33%的牌照为96万高价购买,引起业界关注.  相似文献   

沃尔沃集团自成功于去年在斯德哥尔摩和布鲁塞尔对其二氧化碳中性卡车进行展示后.华盛顿特区是为展示活动的下一站.为配合由美国国务院举办的华盛顿国际可再生能源会议(WIREC),沃尔沃集团将在晚些时候展出七款不同的卡车,这些卡车使用的燃料将不会构成大气中的二氧化碳净增量.  相似文献   

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当经济不断发展、城镇运输需求不断扩张,城区公交运输的肓点就会不断增多,黑车也会蔓延无度,浙江乐清同很多其他城市一样,面临着此种困惑.  相似文献   

谈起2006年11月张家港保税区润通运输有限公司车辆在淮连高速路以及2007年4月张家港吴中区燃气运输有限公司车辆在太仓发生的两起交通事故,运输企业老总们不约而同地表示,事故能得以妥善处理,得益于车上安装的GPS实时监控及管理信息系统.  相似文献   

北京大刀阔斧的公共交通改革牵动了全国各大城市的神经,继北京之后,绍兴市的公交车票价进行了大幅下调.深圳市副市长张思平也宣布,深圳市的公交票价平均下调25%,自2007年12月1日起实施.随后,宁波、无锡、西安、广州等城市都纷纷开始酝酿公交降价政策.  相似文献   

一、安全性的原则 寒带地区由于车内外温差大,车内空气水分含量高,所以非常容易在车辆的前风挡,司机窗上出现结霜的情况,从而会影响司机的视野清晰度;由于风雪较多,还会出现后视镜积雪的情况,都会影响到司机的视野,进而影响到安全性.同时寒冷的气候会导致制动管路结冰,影响行车的安全性.  相似文献   

为阐明岩爆机理,减少岩爆灾害,对岩爆的定义、分类、研究方法、特征、形成条件、预测方法及防治措施进行了系统的阐述。在前人工作的基础上,结合国内外已有的工程实例,对岩爆的时空特征和发生部位的岩性特征进行了剖析,对已有的岩爆研究方法和预测方法进行了合理分类和简要介绍,指出了部分研究方法的不足之处和预测工作的发展趋势。综合现有研究表明:岩爆分类采用的标准各有不同,其研究方法还具有改进的空间;适用于大部分工程的岩爆预测方法仍在探索和完善中;有效的岩爆防治措施有待进一步研究和优化。  相似文献   

State Departments of Transportation (DOTs) in the United States are responsible for a large portfolio of transportation modes and services, including passenger and freight systems. These responsibilities include operations under routine conditions and during incidents and events that result from various natural and human-caused hazards. During unexpected events, disruptions and reductions in service result in requiring the reallocation and reassignment of personnel, modal, and economic resources. To better prevent and respond to the effects of service disruptions, the concept of resilience has emerged as an important framework, within which, DOTs across the United States are using to plan for the occurrence of threats. In this paper, the key findings of recent reviews of literature and practice related to resilience among state DOTs in the United States are summarized. The review effort focused on a range of risks faced by transportation agencies including climate change, terrorism, cyber-attacks, and aging infrastructure and the ways in which DOTs are confronting them in practice. The topics of this paper range from the fundamental, including definitions of transportation resilience; to the more complex such as examinations of risk, vulnerability and threats; to the most sophisticated topics including administrative-level efforts to conceptualize evolving transportation planning and policies within a resilience framework.  相似文献   

Current trends in requirements for parking related information and in the availability of data are reviewed. Important influences include the increased need for data to assist in the efficient operation and management of parking stock and to assess the impact of parking on the local network and economy. New sources of data are described, particular attention being given to the availability of data as a byproduct of parking management systems and computerised enforcement systems. The use and performance of audio, video and data loggers in parking surveys is discussed as is the role of computers in questionnaire surveys. New methods of analysis involving spreadsheets, graphics and analysis software, links with databases and simulation models are outlined.  相似文献   

铁路运输在国民经济运行中发挥着重要作用,各国铁路公司都非常重视对铁路运营、安全、效益的管理及评价。国外铁路经过两个世纪的发展,积累了丰富经验,通过分析美国、日本、欧洲等国家和地区的普速、高速铁路,在运营效率评价、运营安全评价、服务质量评价、经营效益评价、安全保障法律法规建设和第三方评价机构发展等方面的现状,从客户服务质量评价、安全评价标准体系建立、效率效益导向的经营效益评价机制建设、第三方专业评价机构发展等维度,总结对我国高速铁路运营安全效益评价的经验借鉴及启示。  相似文献   

Many metropolitan areas have started programs to monitor the performance of their transportation network and to develop systems to measure and manage congestion. This paper presents a review of issues, procedures, and examples of application of geographic information system (GIS) technology to the development of congestion management systems (CMSs). The paper examines transportation network performance measures and discusses the benefit of using travel time as a robust, easy to understand performance measure. The paper addresses data needs and examines the use of global positioning system (GPS) technology for the collection of travel time and speed data. The paper also describes GIS platforms and sample user interfaces to process the data collected in the field, data attribute requirements and database schemas, and examples of application of GIS technology for the production of maps and tabular reports.  相似文献   

The transport system is critical to the welfare of modern societies. This article provides an overview of recent research on vulnerability and resilience of transport systems. Definitions of vulnerability and resilience are formulated and discussed together with related concepts. In the increasing and extensive literature of transport vulnerability studies, two distinct traditions are identified. One tradition with roots in graph theory studies the vulnerability of transport networks based on their topological properties. The other tradition also represents the demand and supply side of the transport systems to allow for a more complete assessment of the consequences of disruptions or disasters for the users and society. The merits and drawbacks of the approaches are discussed. The concept of resilience offers a broader socio-technical perspective on the transport system’s capacity to maintain or quickly recover its function after a disruption or a disaster. The transport resilience literature is less abundant, especially concerning the post-disaster phases of response and recovery. The research on transport system vulnerability and resilience is now a mature field with a developed methodology and a large amount of research findings with large potential practical usefulness. The authors argue that more cross-disciplinary collaborations between authorities, operators and researchers would be desirable to transform this knowledge into practical strategies to strengthen the resilience of the transport system.  相似文献   

文章综述了欧洲关于汽车轮胎滚动阻力及噪声的测量方法,剖析了轮胎滚动阻力及噪声的测试设备、测试条件、测试过程以及测试计算方法和评价,为优化和改进我国的汽车轮胎滚动阻力和噪声测试提供参考。  相似文献   

针对隧道超欠挖控制的关键因素检测及爆破后效果评价需求,研制了炮眼钻孔检测杆,开发了隧道超欠挖检测手机APP和B/S版隧道超欠挖检测信息化管理平台。利用手机APP连接钻孔检测杆及全站仪,对炮眼钻孔三维角度信息、位置信息及爆破后隧道断面进行检测、计算及传输,实现了隧道爆破过程检测及爆破断面效果评价,为后续动态调整爆破参数及超欠挖控制研究提供有效辅助。  相似文献   

Advances in information technology and telecommunications are opening up the possibility of transforming the capture, application and dissemination of information on transport operations and road traffic, at the same time as growing congestion makes accurate and timely information more valuable than ever to users and managers. Because of open access to road networks, public authorities are bound to intervene in the field of travel information: in the provision of infrastructure, the handling of the information, the licensing of services, and the regulation of users affecting safety or social well-being. The paper discusses these rôles and the levels at which they may be exercised, with particular reference to standardisation issues in Europe and internationally.  相似文献   

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