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汽车保险杠作为一套极其复杂的系统正越来越成为研究的焦点一一它在降低成本和减轻重量这两个方面似乎具有无限的潜力。尤值一提的是,美国的塑料制造商正在开发至少四种下一代的保险杠,它们能使车身结构更紧凑、能使多种零件集中  相似文献   

香 港市民行的方式有轮渡、有轨 电车、大巴、中巴、轿车(包括出租车)、地铁、步行街,限于篇幅,只介绍有特点行的方式,其余从略。 香港有轨电车比内地任一处的电车都老式,他们化腐朽为神奇,如今双层有轨电车成为占地最少、利用率最高、票价最低、污染最少的公交工具,还兼作游览观光工具。 港岛的德辅路中段是条很重要的马路,有十几条大巴路线通过。政府规定:从7:00~19:00,这条马路禁止轿车、出租汽车进入,以保证  相似文献   

生日de 纪念     
金秋时节,秋风送爽.闲来无事去了老厂一趟,看望几个早已退休的老同事.  相似文献   

纵使在一些大中城市出现了世界顶尖的代表性车型,原来在人们印象中“低技术”的那些经典摩托车渐渐被认同,但是真正代表中国摩托车车迷的当属那些倾其家底买来一台国产的、一般是两冲程的、100ml上下的摩托车去长途跋涉的那些人。他们在旅途中遇到的困难常常令人难以想象。原因之一是,  相似文献   

某单位一辆斯太尔91系列载货汽车,离合器出现打滑故障.经维修人员检查,发现摩擦片磨损严重,表面烧蚀硬化,导致离合器打滑.于是从仓库中领出一片同型号的新离合器从动盘,更换原有的旧件.但是修理完毕试车时,却出现了离合器分离不彻底,挂档困难,踏板踏不到底的故障.  相似文献   

DiDi de故事     

汽车日常维护以清洁和外部检查及加注燃油、润滑油和冷却水为重点.驾驶员必须每日进行车检,检查部位与内容如下.车有异常时要立即维护,切不可带"病"上路.  相似文献   


车灯伴汽车的诞生而生,随汽车的发展而发展。它已成为汽车不可分离的部件之一。为了进一步提高汽车行驶的安全性,适应汽车的新发展,未来的汽车车灯也会因种类繁多的高输出,省空间的设计而大放光采。这些新技术包括:弧光放电管,中心光导纤维系统。紫外光车灯和光发射二极管等等。 ●车灯的发展过程 汽车照明由来已久,自从第一位汽车驾驶员把两个煤油灯装于“无马车”上,首开了汽车车灯之先河。大约于1905年,乙炔灯开始在汽车上露面。起初,这种灯由装于车上的  相似文献   

黄力 《天津汽车》2003,(4):46-46
雨天,路面上湿乎乎的,轮胎的附着力越来越小,时有时无,刹车距离明显增大,视线也变得模模糊糊.怎样保证雨中也能安全行车,是每一个司机都十分关心的话题.  相似文献   

据悉,最近日本摩托车企业联合对中国摩托车行业发起全面进攻,其一是在中国境外打起品牌战略,质量为上以此来收复失地;其二是加大在华合资企业持股比例,以达到主控权;其三是在中国境内以“侵权”为由来进行专利绞杀。尽管其手段“残忍”,用心“恶毒”,但又不失规则,有据可查,有法可依。  相似文献   

多功能汽车故障诊断仪(Multi-Tester plus)属智能型检测器,具有独立判断汽车故障的功能。而普通的汽车电脑解码器属扫描诊断型仪器,本身不具有判断故障的功能。 多功能汽车故障诊断仪可在不影响系统工作的情况下,直接采集电路工作参数,并与存储在程序卡中的标准数据相比较。如有不正常的参数出现便能自动显示并贮存故障信息以及需要检查的线路和元件。  相似文献   

一、国外应用简述近期来国外逐渐发展使用电动油泵代替机械油泵,其电动燃油泵的工作原理有电磁式也有电子式;油泵主结构有膜片式,柱塞式及偏心叶片式;泵油控制功能来分有不可控与可控,前者为恒定泵油参数,后者为可控的,流量与压力随车速而自适市控制。  相似文献   

商业秘密是权利人投入了一定的时间、资金和精力而取得的.而权利人为了保密,通常还要投入一定的资金与精力.因此,商业秘密一旦被他人知悉和使用,必然会使商业秘密权利人的利益受到损害.据有关资料报道,近几年全国法院受理的涉及商业秘密的侵权案件,每年以150%的速度递增.一位经济学家说过,20世纪的企业家所犯最多最致命的错误是腐败,而21世纪的企业家所犯最多最致命的错误是泄密.因此,加强对商业秘密的保护日趋重要与迫切.  相似文献   

实例1:一辆全顺汽车,车速在40~50km/h时,方向盘抖振强烈,而在其余车速时正常.检查时发现,传动轴中间轴后端的支承轴承径向间隙过大,蜂窝状橡胶垫破损,更换该支承轴承总成后,故障排除.  相似文献   

鳃睽哈利门340改装篇瑞蕊募聚摹i权餐舞肇髦蜘毅本田团改装日MW j20o改装本田GL,印O改装本田GLI印0S改装雅马哈印改装难马哈1伯O改装日MWK,印优丁改装雅马哈1的O改装本田,印O改装‘咨孟吧奋宝遇胃歇当月吸黑贱黔刃垦鉴,巴仙盏奋三忍2翻二二县臼皿川崎,印O改装本田2印改装日MW门  相似文献   

The emergence of new information technologies and the transformation that has occurred in traffic management have both increased drivers' already considerable need for road traffic information. The travel time is one of the forms in which this information is presented, and a number of systems are based on its dissemination. In this context, this indicator is used as a measure of the impedance (or cost) of routes on the network and/or a congestion indicator. This raises the problem of estimating travel times with an acceptable degree of accuracy, which is a particularly difficult task in urban areas as a result of difficultes of a theoretical, technical and methodological nature. Thus, in order to find out the traffic conditions that prevail on an urban road, the traffic sensors that are usually used to measure traffic conditions are ineffective under certain circumstances. New measurement devices (cameras, GPS or cellphone tracking, etc.) mean that other sources of data are increasingly used in order to supplement the information provided by conventional measurement techniques and improve the accuracy of travel) time estimates. As a result, travel time estimation becomes a typical data fusion problem. This study deals with a multisource estimate of journey times and attempts to provide a comprehensive framework for the utilization of multiple data and demonstrate the feasibility of a travel time estimation system based on the fusion of data of several different types. In this case two types of data are involved, data from conventional induction loop sensors (essentially flow and occupancy measurements) and data from probe vehicles. The selected modelling framework is the Dempster-Shafer Evidence Theory, which has the advantage of being able to take account of both the imprecision and uncertainty of the data. The implementation of this methodology has demonstrated that, in each case, better results are achieved with fusion than with methods based on a single source of data and that the quality of the information, as measured by correctly classified rates, improves as the degree of precision required of the estimate is increased.  相似文献   

Intelligent transportation systems aim to provide comprehensive improvements to the efficiency and safety of transportation systems by applying new information and communication technologies. Such techniques are increasingly used for guided transport, bringing this into the domain of intelligent transportation. The functions involved in the movement of trains which were formerly performed by drivers and staff on the ground are now performed by means of fail-safe automatic devices which are controlled by transmissions between the track and the train. Ultimately, the development of intelligent transportation therefore involves total replacement of the driver, as has been the case since 1983 in the first French automatic metro, the val in Lille. This example was followed by ordival at Orly, maggaly in Lyon, the val in Toulouse finally, and most recently in October 1998, ratp line 14 in Paris, known as meteor. This paper describes voice and data track-to-train transmissions for train control command and safety purposes and also in order to satisfy the demands of passengers. The principal applications of track-to-train transmissions are covered as are the technologies employed. The increase in requirements and in the functions performed by automatic devices and the objectives of improving performance and increasing train speeds have resulted in the development of a new European train control-command system, the most advanced version of which is essentially based on track-to-train radio communications. This new system, which was principally developed for high speed train systems is being viewed with increasing interest by urban and suburban guided transport networks. At the same time, the remarkable growth to the mobile telecommunications market has led to the emergence of new needs, linked to the improvement of the services provided to passengers.  相似文献   

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