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Understanding the dynamic interaction between the catenary and pantograph of a high-speed train is the one of the most important technical issues in the railway industry. This is because the catenary–pantograph system plays a crucial role in providing electric power to the railway vehicle for stable operation. The aim of the present paper is to estimate the current-collection performance of this system by using numerical analysis, in particular, the flexible multibody dynamic analysis technique. To implement large deformable catenary wires, an absolute nodal coordinate formulation is used for the cable element. Additionally, an efficient contact element and an interactive model for the catenary–pantograph system are introduced. Each developed model is then used for analytical and experimental verification. Actual on-line test results of existing high-speed railway vehicles are presented and used to verify the analysis model. Finally, the performance characteristics of a new 400 km/h-class high-speed line are estimated and evaluated on the basis of international standards.  相似文献   

Pantograph/Catenary Dynamics and Control   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
The pantograph-catenary system with its dynamic behaviour turned out to be a crucial component for new train systems required to run at higher speeds. With the present systems, operational limitations have to be accepted when running with several pantographs in the train set, when tilting trains are employed, when running on low quality catenary sections or when stricter noise reduction regulations are forcing lower noise emissions also for the pantographs. This paper gives an overview of the methods to describe the catenary and the pantograph system dynamics. Furthermore, aspects concerning the interaction between current collectors and overhead equipment, the acquisition of the model data and the verification are presented. Finally various constructions of passive pantographs and proposals for active control concepts are discussed.  相似文献   

Currently, pantograph–catenary dynamic simulations are mainly based on deterministic approaches. However, the contact force between catenary and pantograph depends on many key parameters that are not always quantified precisely and can vary in time and space. To get a better chance of addressing extreme or combined critical conditions, methodologies to consider variability are thus necessary. Aerodynamic forces and geometrical irregularities of catenaries are thought to be significant sources of variability in measurement and this paper proposes methods to take them into account. Results are compared with measurements to correlate the effect of the considered parameters with experimentally observed variability. Finally, a virtual certification example is shown, with a study of the influence of speed on the impact of variability.  相似文献   

Dynamic simulation methods have become essential in the design process and control of the catenary–pantograph system, overall since high-speed trains and interoperability criteria are getting very trendy. This paper presents an original hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) strategy aimed at integrating a multicriteria active control within the catenary–pantograph dynamic interaction. The relevance of HIL control systems applied in the frame of the pantograph is undoubtedly increasing due to the recent and more demanding requirements for high-speed railway systems. Since the loss of contact between the catenary and the pantograph leads to arcing and electrical wear, and too high contact forces cause mechanical wear of both the catenary wires and the strips of the pantograph, not only prescribed but also economic and performance criteria ratify such a relevance. Different configurations of the proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controller are proposed and applied to two different plant systems. Since this paper is mainly focused on the control strategy, both plant systems are simulation models though the methodology is suitable for a laboratory bench. The strategy of control involves a multicriteria optimisation of the contact force and the consumption of the energy supplied by the control force, a genetic algorithm has been applied for this purpose. Thus, the PID controller is fitted according to these conflicting objectives and tested within a nonlinear lumped model and a nonlinear finite element model, being the last one validated against the European Standard EN 50318. Finally, certain tests have been accomplished in order to analyse the robustness of the control strategy. Particularly, the relevance or the plant simulation, the running speed and the instrumentation time delay are studied in this paper.  相似文献   

该文通过建立斜拉索的平衡微分方程,将沿索长分布的均布荷载转化为沿跨度分布的等效均布荷载,并对方程进行求解,得到斜拉索的悬链线形方程。该方程可用于较精确地计算斜拉索性能。基于该方程,研究了斜拉桥的极限跨径。研究结果表明,斜拉桥的极限跨径与塔高有关,在可接受的塔高范围内,斜拉桥的极限跨径为3 000 m左右,若采用CFRP拉索可提高到6 000 m左右。  相似文献   

斜拉索长度随斜拉桥跨度增大而增长,以抛物线型近似代替实际状态下拉索线型的误差也越来越大。考虑水线与拉索表面之间存在库仑阻尼力和黏滞线性阻尼力,建立了基于悬链线型考虑面内-外耦合振动的运动水线连续弹性拉索风雨激振理论模型,并推导出以各阶模态为坐标的拉索振动微分方程。以不同参数拉索为例,对拉索与水线的耦合运动微分方程组进行数值求解,并将计算结果与基于抛物线型的拉索风雨激振理论模型进行了比较。结果表明:在某些情况下,拉索采用悬链线型与抛物线型的计算结果在拉索振幅、参振模态、空间振动形态、振动频率、拉索与水线相位差以及水线的振动频率上有很大差异;垂度影响系数对拉索低阶模态有较大影响,抛物线型垂度影响系数大约是悬链线型的一半;采用悬链线型建立的拉索风雨激振理论模型得到的拉索各阶模态的自振频率比采用抛物线型模型的计算结果要高,模态阶数越低,自振频率差距越明显。  相似文献   

拉索的悬链线解答在斜拉桥调索中的应用   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:5  
基于作者建立的无弹性悬链线解答,推导了拉索的无应力索原长计算公式,以及索原长与索力之间的增量关系式。算例表明,本文建立的索原长计算式是正确的;索原长与索力之间的增量关系式可应用于大跨度斜拉桥的调索计算,与常用的Ernst弹性模量修正法具有相近的精度。算例还表明,在进行调索计算时,割线模量法具有很高的精度,且公式简单,建议优先采用。  相似文献   

The contact between pantograph and catenary at high speeds suffers from high dynamic contact force variation due to stiffness variations and wave propagation. To increase operational speed on an existing catenary system, especially for soft catenary systems, technical upgrading is usually necessary. Therefore, it is desirable to explore a more practical and cost-saving method to increase the operational speed. Based on a 3D pantograph–catenary finite element model, a parametric study on two-pantograph operation with short spacing distances at high speeds shows that, although the performance of the leading pantograph gets deteriorated, the trailing pantograph feels an improvement if pantographs are spaced at a proper distance. Then, two main positive effects, which can cause the improvement, are addressed. Based on a discussion on wear mechanisms, this paper suggests to use the leading pantograph as an auxiliary pantograph, which does not conduct any electric current, to minimise additional wear caused by the leading pantograph. To help implementation and achieve further improvement under this working condition, this paper investigates cases with optimised uplift force on the leading pantograph and with system parameter deviations. The results show that the two positive effects still remain even with some system parameter deviations. About 30% of speed increase should be possibly achieved still sustaining a good dynamic performance with help of the optimised uplift force.  相似文献   

Most of the high-speed trains in operation today have the electrical power supply delivered through the pantograph–catenary system. The understanding of the dynamics of this system is fundamental since it contributes to decrease the number of incidents related to these components, to reduce the maintenance and to improve interoperability. From the mechanical point of view, the most important feature of the pantograph–catenary system consists in the quality of the contact between the contact wire of the catenary and the contact strips of the pantograph. The catenary is represented by a finite element model, whereas the pantograph is described by a detailed multibody model, analysed through two independent codes in a co-simulation environment. A computational procedure ensuring the efficient communication between the multibody and finite element codes, through shared computer memory, and suitable contact force models were developed. The models presented here are contributions for the identification of the dynamic behaviour of the pantograph and of the interaction phenomena in the pantograph–catenary system of high-speed trains due to the action of aerodynamics forces. The wind forces are applied on the catenary by distributing them on the finite element mesh. Since the multibody formulation does not include explicitly the geometric information of the bodies, the wind field forces are applied to each body of the pantograph as time-dependent nonlinear external forces. These wind forces can be characterised either by using computational fluid dynamics or experimental testing in a wind tunnel. The proposed methodologies are demonstrated by the application to real operation scenarios for high-speed trains, with the purpose of defining service limitations based on train and wind speed combination.  相似文献   

介绍了付氏悬链线的相关理论,给出了计算付氏悬链线5要素的Matlab程序实现方法,提出了一种基于付氏悬链线进行的悬索桥空缆线形计算的新思路,避免了空缆线形所涉及到的繁琐的迭代过程。  相似文献   

提出了悬链线拱上实腹段恒载按部分悬链线计算的方法,并为该计算方法作了相应的计算表格,使该方法应用方便,可操作性强。该计算方法更符合拱上实腹段的描述,比现行公路设计手册的计算方法精度高,与精确值接近。  相似文献   

为了精确计算垂度效应引起的超长斜拉索刚度折减,基于无弹性悬链线理论和弹性悬链线理论分别建立了斜拉索等效弹性模量的数值算法和简化公式算法。利用沪通长江大桥最长斜拉索作为算例,对比分析了该文方法与传统Ernst公式的计算精度。结果表明:Ernst公式对于低应力水平的斜拉索精度不高,误差高于10%,甚至高达17%;随着应力的增大,误差逐渐减小到1%以内。该文简化公式算法误差不超过0.3%,精度高于Ernst公式。Ernst公式计算结果高于数值解,而该文简化公式计算结果略低于数值解。索受力前后线密度的变化对等效弹性模量的影响可忽略不计。  相似文献   

当联合使用几种药物时,总会存在这些药物间相互作用的风险。其中一种药物药效可能会降低,或者另外一种药物的作用会显著增强,从而导致副反应或者甚至是毒性作用。即使是普遍使用的药物也会有相互作用。  相似文献   

The use of a regenerative braking mode can reduce overall vehicle energy usage for most of the most common drive cycles. However, a number of technical issues restrict the use of regenerative braking for all possible braking situations. These issues are concerned with two key limitations. The first is related to physical limitations of the applied regenerative braking system, e.g. Electric Motor (E-Motor) power limits; energy storage device capacity and vehicle load transfer etc. The second limitation results from the potentially detrimental interaction between regenerative braking and the Anti-locking Braking System (ABS). The first type of limitation can, to some extent, be alleviated by suitable choice of hardware and, as a consequence, will not be discussed further in this paper. The second type of limitation concerns the regenerative braking strategies during an ABS event. Some of the regenerative braking strategies designed and investigated within the Low Carbon Vehicle Technology Project (LCVTP) will be described and analyzed in this paper. A comparison of competing strategies is made and conclusions are drawn together with suggestions for further research. The work has been progressed as a part of a major research programme; namely the LCVTP, which has been conducted within an extensive industrial and academic partnership, mutually funded by the European Regional Development Found and Advantage West Midlands.  相似文献   

SBS与沥青的相互作用性分析   总被引:22,自引:4,他引:22  
为了评价SBS在沥青中的相互作用性质以及提高SBS改性沥青的性能,采用粘度法研究了SBS在不同分散系中的分散性质。通过对所测得的系列数据进行系统分析和比较,发现SBS分子结构中的两个链段在不同性质的溶剂中溶解性质明显不同。在石油馏分组成的混合溶剂中,提高溶剂中芳香烃的数量,可以促进SBS聚苯乙烯段的分散,明显改善SBS的溶解分散性。这一结果在不同系列芳香烃含量的SBS改性沥青性能研究中也得到证实。  相似文献   

通过对结合料为乳化沥青、水泥乳化沥青以及水泥的混合料进行马歇尔稳定度试验、劈裂强度试验以及抗压强度试验,分析了混合料为这3种结合料的情况下各自的强度增长规律和力学特性,得出了水泥乳化沥青复合结合料具有很强的优越性.  相似文献   

Simulation of dynamic interaction between train and railway turnout   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Dynamic train-track interaction is more complex in railway turnouts (switches and crossings) than that in ordinary tangent or curved tracks. Multiple contacts between wheel and rail are common, and severe impact loads with broad frequency contents are induced, when nominal wheel-rail contact conditions are disturbed because of the continuous variation in rail profiles and the discontinuities in the crossing panel. The absence of transition curves at the entry and exit of the turnout, and the cant deficiency, leads to large wheel-rail contact forces and passenger discomfort when the train is switching into the turnout track. Two alternative multibody system (MBS) models of dynamic interaction between train and a standard turnout design are developed. The first model is derived using a commercial MBS software. The second model is based on a multibody dynamics formulation, which may account for the structural flexibility of train and track components (based on finite element models and coordinate reduction methods). The variation in rail profile is accounted for by sampling the cross-section of each rail at several positions along the turnout. Contact between the back of the wheel flange and the check rail, when the wheelset is steered through the crossing, is considered. Good agreement in results from the two models is observed when the track model is taken as rigid.  相似文献   

Dynamic train–track interaction is more complex in railway turnouts (switches and crossings) than that in ordinary tangent or curved tracks. Multiple contacts between wheel and rail are common, and severe impact loads with broad frequency contents are induced, when nominal wheel–rail contact conditions are disturbed because of the continuous variation in rail profiles and the discontinuities in the crossing panel. The absence of transition curves at the entry and exit of the turnout, and the cant deficiency, leads to large wheel–rail contact forces and passenger discomfort when the train is switching into the turnout track. Two alternative multibody system (MBS) models of dynamic interaction between train and a standard turnout design are developed. The first model is derived using a commercial MBS software. The second model is based on a multibody dynamics formulation, which may account for the structural flexibility of train and track components (based on finite element models and coordinate reduction methods). The variation in rail profile is accounted for by sampling the cross-section of each rail at several positions along the turnout. Contact between the back of the wheel flange and the check rail, when the wheelset is steered through the crossing, is considered. Good agreement in results from the two models is observed when the track model is taken as rigid.  相似文献   

以克拉玛依70#沥青作为基质沥青,进行了不同掺量BRA改性沥青性能试验研究。结果表明,随着BRA掺量的增加,改性沥青的感温性能、高温性能和低温抗裂性能均有显著提高,并据此推荐BRA的适宜掺量是20%。另外,为了进一步检验BRA的路用性能,还进行了基质沥青混合料和掺量20%BRA改性沥青混合料的车辙试验、浸水马歇尔试验、冻融劈裂试验和低温弯曲试验,结果显示,BRA改性沥青混合料是一种性能优良的沥青混合料。  相似文献   

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