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针对连云港30万吨级矿石码头,分析项目工程在能耗和排放中存在的问题,并对同类码头先进成熟的节能减排实践进行调研,提出适合该码头实际情况的节能减排技术,试图探索一条适合专业散货码头节能减排的途径。  相似文献   

王庆普 《综合运输》1995,(5):39-40,22
<正> 港口在出口粮食、饲料等散货运输过程中,时常发生“亏吨”问题,例如1994年7月18日至27日,在秦皇岛港装载出口散玉米的巴拿马籍“大通”轮亏吨为5%,大大超过商检部门的水尺公估与汽车衡重的允差(不超过5‰),危害了港口声誉,损害了理货信誉,对外造成极  相似文献   

<正>ABB自动卸船系统通过特有的提升功率优化,抓斗路径优化及抓斗摆动控制技术,帮助散货码头提高生产效率,降低维护成本和人员成本。自动卸船(ASU)功能实现了卸船过程的高效自动化,能模拟熟练司机的操作反复执行卸船循环中的所有主要动作,整个过程基本无需人工干预。www.abb.com/cranes  相似文献   

国内传统大型散货码头由于装卸货物的特性,普遍能耗较高,对环境的污染较大。为了达到建设"资源节约型和环境友好型"散货码头的目的,连云港港口集团在新苏港30万吨级矿石码头的设计、建设和营运过程中,以"总体设计、分步推进"为原则,综合应用了国内成熟的节能减排技术和典型经验,克服了传统散货码头能耗高、污染大的固有缺陷,取得了节能减排的实效。  相似文献   

<正> 水运是我国运输大通道的重要组成部分,不仅在外贸货物运输中居于主导地位,而且在内贸货物交流、北煤南运万面也发挥着重要作用。一、“十五”水运建设发展 规划及市场取向 1、沿海港口 以优化港口布局和调整泊位结构为主,通过新建与改造,重点完善沿海港口集装箱运输系统、大宗散货运输系统。加速港口设施的技术进步,提高技术装备的现代化水平,实现由数量增长型向质量提高型、由管理粗  相似文献   

日前,由中国理货协会举办的易流态化固体散装货物取样监装服务收费标准研讨会在浙江舟山召开,会议提出了"明确目的、统一认识、确定方法、准确测算"的要求。研讨会达成四个方面共识:规范取样、制样、送检、监装等收费流程,将其与装船货物重量脱钩,根据合理成本原则,确定收费标准;货物取样监装直接关系到国家经济和人身安全,国家必须对此项业务实行非市场化特殊管理;科学  相似文献   

正1微建议微小提议深度思考中交三航局承建的徐圩液体散货码头项目是江苏连云港石化产业基地的重点工程,计划新建2个10万吨级液体散货泊位,用以满足港口运输及化工仓储需求。2021年春节前,项目团队基本完成了沉桩施工,顺利进入码头上部结构施工阶段。"构件安装作为上部结构的重要部分,它的效率直接决定了之后的面板安装及面层进度。"码头构件安装负责人兼现场总调度王国正介绍。  相似文献   

首先介绍了高速公路服务区的发展,并重点阐述了高速公路绿色服务区功能规划与建筑设计理念。然后介绍了云南元磨高速公路墨江服务区改造过程中的功能规划、绿色建筑设计、生态污水处理、施工组织设计以及服务区人文设计等,为今后高速公路绿色服务区功能规划与设计提供了参考。  相似文献   

随着社会经济的不断发展,当前我国城镇化进程得到了很大的提高,人们对于城镇建设也提出了更高的要求。在城镇建设的过程当中,城镇污水处理管道建设是非常重要的部分,其施工质量会对人们的生产生活造成非常直接的影响,若污水处理管道建设质量较低,就会给人们带来巨大的安全隐患。所以,对城镇污水处理管道进行施工的过程中需要结合实际情况,严格按照要求进行施工,从而最大程度地为人们的生产生活带来便利。基于此,本文结合实际情况对城镇污水处理管道建设中的顶管施工技术的应用进行了深入分析,希望可以为城镇发展带来更大的经济效益与社会效益。  相似文献   

天津港20万吨级矿石泊位自2005年5月开始建设以来,历经一年零三个月的时间,日前全面竣工,并于8月28日正式投入使用。该泊位的投入使用将进一步服务腹地经济的发展,提升滨海新区的辐射能力,为现代国际航运中心和物流中心的建设进一步奠定基础。天津港南疆12#泊位(20万吨级)是由天津港股份有限公司和香港远航集团有限公司共同投资成立的天津港远航散货码头有限公司负责建设的大型散货泊位。该泊位与南疆11#泊位顺岸相接,位于南疆11#泊位的东端,码头等级为20万吨级兼顾25万吨级,岸线长度为375米,设计水深为-20.8米,最终水深-22.8米,年吞吐能力为1000万吨。  相似文献   

文章基于散装化学品船舶事故的严重性,结合化学品的特性,指出要对散装化学品进行正确的评价,并针对散装化学品火灾爆炸事故与泄漏事故的特点,提出了相应的应急处置方案。  相似文献   

This research applied the Green Flag Program to assess the benefits of reducing speed and fuel transfer for large merchant vessels (bulk and container) entering Kaohsiung Port. This study adopts an activity-based model to calculate fuel consumption and emissions, as well as setting up two scenarios, (1) decrease vessel speed to 12 knots 20 nm away from port; and (2) decrease vessel speed to 12 knots and transfer fuel 20 nm away from port, which based on the Green Flag Program in Long Beach, in the U.S. The findings are (1) In scenario one, the container and bulk vessels saw reductions in CO2 emissions of about 41% and 14%, respectively. In scenario two, container and bulk vessels had reductions of about 48% and 43% in SO2 emissions, respectively. (2) Large vessels are more environmentally friendly than small vessels. (3) Using the CATCH model to assess the effectiveness of the two scenarios, it was found that container vessels benefited from both reducing speed and fuel transfer, while bulk carriers only did so from the former.  相似文献   

国际散货船航运市场在国际航运市场中占有举足轻重的地位,其走势具有周期性,可以预测船舶航运市场的整体趋势,进一步对全球经济形势分析预测。通过对克拉克森报告进行分析和调研,根据调研结果并结合新冠疫情影响确定了散货船航运市场的主要影响因素,采用相关股票指数和数据对各影响因素量化,对历史数据建立时滞模型并进行多元回归分析,进而建立时滞回归模型,构造了代价函数并采用梯度下降法建立多变量线性回归模型,得出表征散货船市场情况的波罗的海指数(BDI)与影响其走势的几种主要因素之间的代数关系,从而用近几年各影响因素的值来预测未来几个月内波罗的海指数的发展趋势,为船市的进一步布局规划提供参考。  相似文献   

Some scholars consider that today’s market conditions are in favor of the Northern Sea Route (NSR) rather than the Suez Canal Route (SCR). However, the number of bulk carriers using the NSR remains extremely limited, despite higher fuel prices since 2009 and subsequent significant fuel savings. In 2013, there were 53 transits via the Arctic, out of which 27 by oil tankers and 6 by bulk carriers. In this article we show that this result might be attributable to a factor, which is not considered in most studies: the spot freight rate to fuel ratio which governs ship owners’ decisions regarding the sailing speed. Due to a low ratio since 2011, the speed of vessels on the SCR is at its lowest level, and potential NSR fuel savings are too limited to provide a viable alternative. We further argue that, contrary to most studies, internalizing NSR environmental benefits marginally improves the attractiveness of the NSR.  相似文献   

Cargo handling in ports is a multioutput activity, as freight can arrive in many forms such as containers, bulk, rolling stock, or non-containerised general cargo. In this paper, the operation of cargo handling firms in a Spanish port is analysed through the estimation of a multioutput cost model that uses monthly data on three representative firms located at the Las Palmas port. This permits the calculation of product specific marginal costs, economies of scale (general and by firm) and economies of scope, which help identifying optimal pricing policies and the potential cost advantages of increasing production.  相似文献   

The usual approach to studying bulk service queues is to assume that successive headways are independent. This assumption is frequently violated in systems where vehicles depart according to a fixed schedule, but where deviations from the schedule may occur. A late departure implies there is one long headway followed by a shorter one. This problem is solved exactly using both classical transform techniques and iterative numerical methods. Experiments with the latter approach are presented, and comparisons between the exact results and those obtained by ignoring correlations between headways are performed. The results suggest that upper and lower bounds may be developed using existing results, where the upper bound is accurate in light traffic while the lower bound is accurate in heavy traffic.  相似文献   

本文将从航空经济链条体系结构入手,运用投入产出法对航空货运业与各产业部门的关联性进行定量分析,构建以运输成本为主要影响因素的区位选择指标分析货运枢纽机场的产业带动机制。最后本文对目前我国航空货运业对国民经济的整体贡献进行评价,并提出通过航空货运业带动区域经济发展的政策建议。  相似文献   

The ‘first come first served’ (FCFS) strategy usually adopted by air express companies does not consider delivery time tolerances and induces underuse of some facilities. This study relaxes the time tolerances and tackles the issue of parcel deliveries and transport network design for an express delivery company. In other words, it determines simultaneously the route loops of company-owned cargo aircraft, the amount of cargo space chartered for each link and the parcel delivery paths. Using a case study in which parcels must be delivered between 14 cities served by the SF Air Express Company, we find that FCFS is not the best approach for minimizing costs and that express companies can optimize both their delivery schemes and networks subject to some relaxed time tolerances.  相似文献   

结合栾家口港区2×5万吨级散杂货泊位设计,介绍了靠山临海老港区在狭窄陆域和已有航道条件下总平面布置的特点,提出了设计中注意结合原港区的功能分区进行平面布置,码头轴线的确定和进港航道的选取等问题。同时针对港口总体规划,在引堤宽度、陆域面积、航道规划方面提出了建议。  相似文献   

连续PC刚构桥施工过程中受力复杂,变形影响因素众多。文章以在建的罗天乐大桥为例,从收缩徐变、张拉龄期、弹性模量、容重、预应力参数等方面进行参数影响量分析,指出大跨度连续刚构桥线形控制中须重点关注的参数.并介绍了减少跨中下挠的设计与施工方法。  相似文献   

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