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高速公路的发展带动经济社会的进步,在使用过程中也会产生裂缝、坑槽、车辙等病害。文章对高速公路沥青路面存在的典型性病害进行了综述,并分析其成因,提出了改善公路沥青路面病害的预养护措施和防治措施,还对道路监测新技术进行展望,认为高速公路路面病害要综合统筹治理,重点从源头抓起。  相似文献   

高速公路沥青路面经车辆荷载、气候因素、环境因素反复作用综合影响,容易出现纵横裂缝、坑槽、车辙、沉陷等病害,影响行车舒适和安全。就东青高速公路沥青路面病害防治的施工做法予以简要概述。  相似文献   

考虑运营后的通车数量远远超过设计车流量的客观因素以及张承山区高速公路日夜温差较大的环境因素影响,山区高速公路沥青路面在运营初期就出现不同程度的裂缝、坑槽以及车辙等病害。为了提高公路的服务水平,延长路面的使用寿命,对张承高速的路面损害类型及程度进行调查分析,调查得出公路上行及下行路段均以块状裂缝为主,除此之外,车辙情况在路面普遍存在。最终对路面破损及车辙病害产生原因进行分析,并对路面正常使用合理地提出预防性养护建议。  相似文献   

在现阶段的技术条件下,高等级公路建设过程中多选用沥青路面作为路面施工方案,但沥青路面在实际使用中却出现了一些问题与缺陷,产生了包括车辙、裂缝在内的多种病害,除了会对沥青路面的使用年限以及使用质量产生不良影响外,还会对沥青路面上的车辆行驶速度以及行驶安全带来巨大挑战。因此,高速公路沥青路面在投入使用后,还需要通过积极开展养护工作的方式,及时针对高速公路沥青路面存在的问题与病害,采取有针对性的养护施工方案加以处置,避免病害范围或病害严重程度进一步扩大,而对沥青路面造成不可逆的影响。结合某高速公路沥青路面实际案例,对养护施工过程中的主要技术方案展开分析与研究,希望能够引起相关工作人员的重视。  相似文献   

为提高高速公路沥青路面车辙养护效果,对常见的沥青路面车辙病害类型及产生原因进行梳理,并结合实际工程案例,对铣刨填补施工技术的应用进行分析,为相关养护工程提供借鉴。  相似文献   

裂缝是高速公路沥青路面病害中最常见、最易发生和最早期产生的病害之一。路面出现裂缝不但影响路容美观和行车的舒适性,而且容易扩展造成路面的结构性破坏,缩短路面的使用寿命。结合兰临高速公路裂缝处理实践,简要介绍了用密封胶采用灌缝机对沥青路面裂缝处理的工艺和方法。  相似文献   

为了避免公路沥青路面出现裂缝、车辙和沉陷等病害,为人们创造更加安全的出行环境,以沥青路面为中心,首先对养护技术在公路运行中的重要性进行分析,其次分析沥青路面经常出现的几种病害(裂缝、沉陷和车辙),最后从确定路面养护时机、材料准备、沥青拌和与运输、预防性养护技术、矫正性养护技术、日常维护等几个方面进行具体阐述。通过一系列的后期养护,使沥青路面的质量得到提升,运行环境更加安全舒适,因此合理的养护技术应用具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

为了更好地解决路面车辙的病害问题,提高高速公路路面材料的施工质量,通过分析沥青路面车辙形成影响因素及半柔性路面抗车辙性能试验,详细阐述半柔性抗车辙路面施工技术要点,提出半柔性抗车辙路面的质量控制措施,确保工程的施工效果。  相似文献   

沥青路面在外界环境因素的综合作用下,容易出现裂缝、松散、车辙等常见病害。这些病害产生的主要原因之一是沥青混合料在拌合、运输以及摊铺过程中,会发生不同程度的老化,致使沥青路面出现各种病害。为了研究沥青混合料抗热氧老化性能,文章采用短期与长期热氧老化模拟试验,对天然沥青改性沥青混合料的高低温性能进行研究,为天然沥青改性沥青混合料在公路工程中的应用提供参考。  相似文献   

文章通过分析沥青路面车辙病害形成的原因,探讨如何高效维修和管理沥青路面,实现沥青路面的长久使用,减少因路面车辙病害而导致的事故。  相似文献   

加筋土挡墙因其良好的结构性能和低廉造价,在多个行业中应用较广。文章通过对一个条带式加筋土挡墙实例的分析,简要说明加筋土挡墙的设计方法,分析了地震荷载对挡墙稳定性的影响,论述了加筋土挡墙较好的抗震性能。  相似文献   

抗疏力固化土的室内击实试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章通过分析抗疏力固化土室内击实试验和无侧限抗压强度试验,探讨抗疏力固化材料的不同掺量对抗疏力固化土最大干密度和最佳含水量的影响,及其对抗疏力固化土无侧限抗压强度的影响.  相似文献   


The number of bus‐based Park and Ride (P&R) schemes in the UK has grown substantially over the past 40 years as a result of its encouragement by the Government as a tool to deal with increasing traffic congestion and traffic‐related pollution. The aim of this article is to analyse the degree to which P&R is effective in the contemporary policy context. The authors identify phases of development of P&R since its emergence as a local solution to transport capacity constraints in historic towns. Policy goals are identified against which a review of literature is used to highlight its effectiveness. It is concluded that P&R may increase the distance travelled by its users due to low load factors on dedicated buses, public transport abstraction and trip generation, although it is highlighted that there are areas in which further research is required to clarify its impacts.  相似文献   

土建工程施工中注浆技术的发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从注浆技术的定义和分类、注浆材料、注浆方法、注浆效果的监控与检测等几个方面进行综述,介绍了土建工程施工中注浆技术的特点及发展趋势。  相似文献   

本文阐述了混合动力列车的技术特点及其相应优势与劣势,同时介绍了其在国内外的研究动向,并对其应用前景进行了展望。尽管该类新型铁道车辆的续航能力、电池寿命以及成本等相关问题目前仍有待改善,但以其对城市环境的美化作用与优越的舒适驾乘性能,以及高效节能、绿色环保的显著优势,依然不失为一类充满前景的新型轨道交通运输方式。  相似文献   

Western literature abounds with powerful imagery of mobility and travel, extolling the richness of experience and learning that can only happen along the way. The more common policy and research contexts consider travel and mobility as an important means to an end, valued relative to the destination activity. This review builds on the research that considers on-the-way benefits in order to expand this perspective as a part of transport studies. The question posed is if there is a place to evaluate mobility as a life-enhancing activity in its own right, directly contributing to the capacity for autonomy and freedom of choice that are central elements of personal well-being. Motility or mobility capital, defined as the capacity for mobility, offers a theoretical context for this purpose. The literature has adopted motility for its ability to broaden the understanding of mobility choices, by structuring a role for material, human, social and cultural capital as contributing to an individual’s capacity for mobility. The context of individual capital implies that motility holds value not only as an input to mobility choices, but also through its exchange value with other forms of capital, thereby promoting broader contexts for human flourishing. Therefore, motility has value as a policy objective for its contribution to individual well-being and this article further argues that it is through mobility experiences that this type of capital can be advanced.  相似文献   

互通式立交改扩建是高速公路改扩建工程的重点和难点,做好其改扩建线形布设非常关键。文章采用比较性分析与规律性总结相结合的方法,分析了高速公路互通式立交改扩建工程线形布设的主要影响因素和普遍遇到的难点与处理方法,并以呼包高速公路呼和浩特市互通改扩建工程为实例,介绍了其改扩建线形布设的难点与解决措施。  相似文献   

A grid based modelling approach akin to cellular automata (CA) is adopted for heterogeneous traffic flow simulation. The road space is divided into a grid of equally sized cells. Moreover, each vehicle type occupies one or more cell as per its size unlike CA traffic flow model where each vehicle is represented by a single cell. Model needs inputs such as vehicle size, its maximum speed, acceleration, deceleration, probability constants, and arrival pattern. The position and speed of the vehicles are assumed to be discrete. The speed of each vehicle changes according to its interactions with other vehicles, following some stochastic rules depending on the circumstances. The model is calibrated and validated using real data and VISSIM. The results indicate that grid based model can reasonably well simulate complex heterogeneous traffic as well as offers higher computational efficiency needed for real time application.  相似文献   

粘性土一直是公路路基填料中慎用的一种填料,但在我国一些地区,此种土样具有相当的代表性。在特定的条件下,经试验充分论证后,对此种土质进行掺灰改良,仍可用做路基填料,其性能亦可满足力学性能要求。  相似文献   

随着油气管道业快速发展,油品交易日益增多,流量计的重要性日益突出。科氏流量计可以直接显示质量流量、密度以及温度,有着广阔的应用前景。文中从介绍科氏流量计组成、工作原理入手,以提高质量流量计的测量准确度为目的,结合实际工作,通过分析零点不稳定度、油品含气等对流量计测量精度的影响,提出了安装、调零、选取合适的流量范围、后期维护等方面的处理方法,提高了质量流量计的准确度。  相似文献   

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