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汽车保有量的不断增加激发了汽车维修行业的发展,汽车维修信息的不对称对汽车维修品质等产生了不利影响。因此,要求汽车生产企业公开维修技术信息是打破售后市场垄断,平衡汽车维修市场的首要开端。在政策及市场的双重推动下,全面推进汽车维修技术信息公开制度实施,为提高信息公开质量,增强维修品质,保障消费者利益,发展健康、健全的汽车售后体系打下坚实的基础。  相似文献   

<正>当前,面对蓬勃发展的汽车维修市场,不少地方政府和企业雄心勃勃,欲结合本地区汽车保有量、汽车车型构成、汽车产业政策等具体情况,找出适应于现阶段本地区汽车维修企业的经营模式,以促进本地区汽车维修行业的健康发展。行业现状1.供需发展不协调目前,浙江县一级地区维修市场潜在需求快速增加,有效供给不足。潜在需求包括两个方面,首先是对现代维修技术与手段的  相似文献   

<正>通过对中国汽车市场保有量以及全球不同国家汽车饱和强界图的分析,预测中国汽车市场未来的发展趋势仍呈现持续增长态势,尤其是二三线省份城市的增长仍有很大空间。通过对4S店经营模式的发展现状、中国宏观经济政策分析、互联网O2O经营模式对汽车维修行业带来新的变革,从而预测中国未来汽车维修行业将会呈现4S店、以互联网O2O为代表的上门保养企业、以汽车综合维修连锁企业多种经营模式并存发展的局面。  相似文献   

汽车维修业的技术发展和经营方式始终都是与汽车工业的发展相辅相成的。广西加入东盟经济贸易圈后,汽车工业的蓬勃发展对汽车维修业提出了更大的挑战,同时也暴露了汽车维修行业存在的种种问题。文章从广西汽车维修行业面临的问题出发,提出了加快汽车维修行业发展的途径。  相似文献   

当前,汽车维修行业的普遍特点是维修企业多,精优企业少,维修能力相对过剩,维修水平参差不齐,恶性竞争较为严重,造成了社会整体资源的浪费,造成了服务质量安全第一理念产生偏差,我们必须因势利导,通过扶优汰劣,夯实基础,疏堵结合,强化车辆技术管理工作四大解决方案促进汽车维修市场的有序健康发展。  相似文献   

文章针对目前广州汽车维修行业现状及存在的问题,分析存在的主要原因,提出汽车维修行业发展的管理策略。  相似文献   

在汽车维修职业资格的分类和构建原则的基础上,具体构建了汽车维修专业技术人员的执业资格和汽车维修技术操作人员职业资格.汽车维修职业资格的构建,有利于优化汽车维修行业的人力资源结构,提高汽车维修行业的服务质量和管理水平,从源头上加强行业管理,规范汽车维修业的市场秩序.  相似文献   

<正> 自1987年国家经委、交通部、工商行政管理局联合发布956号文件、实施汽车维修行业管理以来,深圳市汽车维修行业在党的改革开放政策指引下,经过多次的治理、完善,已基本形成了多种行业参与、所有制形式多样、分布广泛、门类齐全、可为顾客提供优质高效的车辆维修服务的局面,一个统一、开放、竞争、有序的汽车维修市场已初步形成。据统计,截止1997年底,全市共有汽车维修业户1035家,摩托车维修业户934家,从业人员达2.4万人,其中工程技术人员占10%,年总产值超过7.5亿元,年创利税1.5亿元。  相似文献   

从承德地区的实际情况看,我国检测诊断设备的增长幅度较大,车辆维修、检测诊断设备的发展前景广阔。随着汽车的电脑化,汽车维修、检测诊断设备将朝着电脑化、智能化、综合化的方向发展,电子、电脑检测诊断设备将成为汽车维修行业亮点。  相似文献   

<正>鼓励发展连锁化、专业化维修5年内完成汽车维修行业升级据中国汽车汽配用品行业联"合会统计数据,2014年,我国汽车维修业的产值达到5000亿元,并以每年10%以上的速度递增。专家预测,到2020年,我国维修业产值有望超过1万亿元。同时互联网对汽修业影响加剧、行业洗牌加速等新情况,使得汽修市场正迎来前所未有的机遇和挑战。此时,要么在不断等待中消耗殆尽,要么在变革中抓紧用户痛点实现华丽转身,新思维把握新情况,震荡中出路就在前方。汽修业转型—准备好了么?  相似文献   

文章对中国汽车零部件行业发展现状进行了详细分析和研究,结合汽车零部件行业发展面临的问题进行了研究,针对我国汽车零部件企业如何应对日趋激烈的汽车零部件市场提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

In many developing countries, massive investment in transit infrastructure is concurrent with the proliferation of automobiles. Planners expect that investment can slow the growth of auto ownership. However, few studies have examined the relationships between transit access and auto ownership in developing countries, whereas research in developed countries offers mixed findings and the outcomes may not be applicable to developing countries. This study employs a random effect ordered probit model on data collected from Guangzhou residents in 2011–2012. We find that transit access is negatively associated with auto ownership, after controlling for demographics and other built environment variables. This result suggests that, although income is the dominant driver for auto ownership in growing developing countries, transit investment is a promising strategy to slow the growth of auto ownership. This study also highlights the importance of addressing spatial dependency in clustered data.  相似文献   

The energy crisis and various urban problems stemming from auto congestion, pollution, and the cost of providing public highways have created enormous interest in revitalizing our urban mass transit systems. Currently much is being said and written regarding the efficacy of granting federal, state and/or local operating subsidies. In this article, the author reviews the transit industry's peak capacity problem, and questions the economic wisdom of providing operating subsidies, as some are now being provided, and how most will probably be administered in the near future. An alternative plan suggests the manner in which subsidies can eventually help the transit industry. The article concludes with an analysis of what research efforts are needed in many urban transit systems and how subsidies can be used to support such research.  相似文献   

辛红 《西部交通科技》2011,(8):85-87,90
文章结合机动车维修行业的用工实际,分析当前影响该行业员工思想不稳定的因素以及队伍不稳定对汽修经营企业的影响,从管理角度提出稳定员工队伍的措施与对策,对稳定员工、降低企业经营成本、降低管理难度以及稳定业务、确保维修质量等有重要意义。  相似文献   

The economic and political reunification of Germany in 1990 unleashed a transportation revolution in Eastern Germany. After forty years of public transport dominance under socialism, auto ownership and use skyrocketed with the transition to capitalism. In only three years, ridership on public transport fell by almost 50%, and auto registrations per 1,000 population rose by almost 60%. The main reason for the sudden shift in modal split is the large increase in real per-capita incomes of Eastern Germans. Their purchasing power rose dramatically thanks to massive financial aid from Western Germany and access to hard currency for the first time. In addition, the relative cost of auto use has fallen sharply since reunification because public transport fares rose ten-fold, while gasoline prices and auto prices fell. The massive shift from public transport to the auto has caused severe problems of pollution, safety, equity, and congestion in Eastern German cities, partly because of the suddenness of the modal shift. Urban transport policy in Eastern Germany should adopt some of the strategies used for years in Western Germany to tame the automobile, while at the same time allowing high levels of auto ownership. Such strategies include auto-free zones, traffic calming, extensive bicycle pathways, vehicle emission standards, and parking restrictions. Finally, large investments will have to be made in Eastern Germany's dilapidated roadway and public transport infrastructure.  相似文献   

The results presented in this report are based on data obtained from Chicago's three largest diesel commuter railroads. Those aspects of their operations that relate to energy and pollution are described. Service characteristics, such as average occupancy and average trip distance, are presented. Energy consumption results are presented and discussed. With energy efficiency measured in passenger-miles per Btu, it is found that trips by diesel commuter train are 3.5 times more energy efficient than Chicago Central Area auto trips. The total trip from home to suburban station, then by train to a downtown terminal, is found to be 2.2 times more energy efficient than Chicago Central Area auto trips. Pollutant production rates are presented for five pollutants. For every pollutant except sulfur oxides, trains are found to be less polluting per passenger-mile than autos. Per passenger-mile pollutant emissions from trains are, overall, less damaging by a factor of 5.5 than the per passenger-mile emissions from autos. Travel on these diesel commuter trains is less costly to society than auto travel (1972 suburban-based autos). This is the case whether one compares the train trip alone with an auto trip or the home-to-suburb an-station-tlien-to-a-downtown-terminal trip with a home-to-downtown auto trip.  相似文献   

Since the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) last revisited its wildlife strike disclosure policy in 2009, the American domestic airline industry has undergone a significant increase in concentration. We analyze how the aforementioned shift in market structure has impacted the voluntary repair cost disclosure of US airlines following a damaging wildlife strike event. We also investigate the related relationship between profitability and disclosure using an instrumental variables strategy. Lastly, we examine the interaction between competition and profits. Our results show the probability of large American airlines disclosing direct repair costs after a wildlife strike event are linked to market competition and profitability. These findings could directly inform policies managing the economic burden of wildlife strikes, most importantly, the current voluntary disclosure policy.  相似文献   

We identify seven areas in which recent research on auto demand has made significant progress. We discuss the importance of these areas in understanding and predicting auto demand and describe the methods that researchers have used to address them. Finally, we identify the issues that this research indicates require further investigation.  相似文献   

Utilizing data collected for urban transportation studies in Ontario, regression analysis has been used to establish relationships between the daily number of person trips in an urban area and the area population. In particular the number of trips by auto drivers, auto passengers and mass transit riders have been investigated. Further, auto driver trips have been stratified into the following destination trip purposes: return home, work and related business, shopping, social-recreational and miscellaneous. The results of this analysis have been used to prepare a set of design charts. These charts are presented graphically and in the form of a nomogram. The accuracy of these charts has been investigated and found satisfactory for most planning purposes.  相似文献   

This paper evaluates the pros and cons of implementing parking pricing to reduce auto use and traffic through parking taxes. Taxes on parkers and the providers are evaluated in terms of effectiveness in influencing auto use, operations of the tax, and the legality as well as acceptability of the options. The intent is to help local governments evaluate parking tax approaches.Abbreviation TDM Transportation Demand Management  相似文献   

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