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基于评价指数的属性约简算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从粗糙集理论出发,提出可分辨关系和对象差异矩阵的概念,并以此为基础构造出基于评价指数的属性约简算法.算法采用自底向上的方法,利用属性的评价指数作为启发式信息,求得属性集合的约简.在多个UC I数据集上进行试验,理论分析和实验数据表明,文中提出的属性约简算法是有效、可行的,具有较高的效率.  相似文献   

最小属性约简是粗糙集理论中的一个重要内容,通过对属性约简算法的研究,指出基于U/{a}划分的最小属性约简算法中的不足,并提出了一种改进的最小属性约简算法.该算法以基于等价类的方法对论域进行压缩,有效地降低了算法的空间复杂度,用基于核的方法求解最小约简,从而保证可获得最小约简.实验结果表明,该算法具有复杂性低、存储空间小和效率高的特点,是一种有效的最小属性约简算法.  相似文献   

电控发动机故障诊断属性约简算法应用研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
利用粗糙集理论中的区分矩阵属性约简算法对电控发动机的几种典型故障参数进行属性约简,为验证约简结果是否有利于下一步的故障诊断,采用较成熟的BP神经网络对其进行诊断验证,将约简结果作为网络的输入,待诊断故障作为网络的输出。通过学习训练结果表明:利用区分矩阵方法所获得的核约简不能作为故障诊断的特征参量,其导致网络不收敛,而其它3组约简可以用于区分现有故障。为获得最优的属性约简结果,利用二进制粒矩阵的方法进行了最优属性约简的证明。  相似文献   

属性序下的增量式Pawlak约简算法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了对动态变化的决策表进行属性约简处理,在给定的属性序下,提出了一种基于分辨矩阵元素集的增量式Pawlak约简算法.该算法根据新增对象的不同情况快速更新分辨矩阵元素集,并依据其元素的变化,在给定属性序下快速更新Pawlak约简.实例和仿真实验结果表明,该算法是有效、可行的,与非增量式算法相比,效率平均提高91.4%.  相似文献   

改进可辨识矩阵的启发式知识约简及规则算法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
首先提出了改进可辨识矩阵,然后对属性重要性进行了重新定义,并且将模糊聚类应用于属性重要性划分,从而在此基础上提出了一种启发式知识约简及决策规则提取算法.给出了新的不相容率的概念,用于描述知识数据库中数据不相容特征和修正提取的决策规则的决策错误率.经过实验,该算法具有优良的性能.  相似文献   

用模糊数的方法来表示不确定的加工时间和交货期,并采用类电磁机制算法(EM)进行求解模糊流水车间调度问题,采用的优化目标有平均满意度和最大模糊完工时间,最后对一些文献中的实例进行求解,并与文献里的算法进行比较,计算结果验证了所提算法的可行性和有效性.  相似文献   

为了实现音频文件的完整性认证,提出了一种基于内容的脆弱水印算法.对于一维序列,改变其离散余弦变换(DCT)域交流系数不会改变该序列的幅值和.基于这一性质,在音频分帧后,再对每帧分组,计算每组采样点和的绝对值,相加后得到该帧的和,将其作为该帧音频的特征,量化后转换为二进制作为水印;然后,用量化索引调制方法,通过调整每组DCT域的低频系数嵌入水印.实验表明:该算法具有很好的不可感知性;得到的含水印音频的信噪比约为80 dB;算法对添加噪声、重量化、重采样、低通滤波、MP3压缩等操作具有很强的敏感性,并且能够确定替换等恶意篡改的位置.  相似文献   

在经典数据流的聚类算法基础之上,提出了一种基于投影和密度的高维数据流聚类算法——HpDenStream,该算法结合滑动窗口技术,采用投影算法对高维数据流进行降维处理,并运用密度聚类算法对降维后的数据进行异常数据检测。仿真实验结果表明:该方法占用的存储空间小,算法的工作量少,并提高了算法的执行效率。  相似文献   

Straightforward techniques for spatial domain digital video editing (DVE) of compressed video via decompression and recompression are computationally expensive. In this paper, a novel algorithm was proposed for mirror-image special effect editing in compressed video without full frame decompression and motion estimation.The results show that with the reducing of computational complexity, the quality of edited video in compressed domain is still close to the quality of the edited video in uncompressed domain at the same bit rate.  相似文献   

A New Algorithm for Mining Frequent Pattern   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Mining frequent pattern in transaction database,time-series databases,and many other kinds of databases have been studied popularly in data mining research.Most of the previous studies adopt Apriori-like candidate set generation-and-test approach.However,candidate set generation is very costly.Han J.proposed a novel algorithm FP-growth that could generate frequent pattern without candidate set.Based on the analysis of the algorithm FP-growth,this paper proposes a concept of equivalent FP-tree and proposes an improved algorithm,denoted as FP-growth,which is much faster in speed,and easy to realize,FP-growth adopts a modifeid structure of FP-tree and header table,and only generates a header table in each recursive operation and projects the tree to the original FP-tree,The two algorithms get the same frequent pattern set in the same transaction database,but the performance study on computer shows that the speed of the improved algorithm,FP-growth,is at least two times as fast as that of FP-growth.  相似文献   

遗传算法求解旅行商问题   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
本文提出一种新的遗传算法,用以求解著名的组合优化难题-旅行商问题。引用原始的文献数据,对城市数为10、30、50的试例均求得公布的最优解,对城市数为75的试例,每次结果均好于公布的最优解。用此算法求解中国旅行商问题,以20%的概率得到已知最优解1540km。或次最优解15409km,而所得最差与最好结果的相对距离为0.69%(即所得最长路径为15510km)。在COMPAQ/DX/25MH微机上每得到一个优化解平均历时150s左右。本算法与传统求解TSP问题的方法相比,具有简单、强壮、高效、高速的特点,它原则上对任何规模的对称欧几里德平面TSP具有通用性。  相似文献   

A novel 3-D MUSIC algorithm based on the classical 3D-MUSIC algorithm for the location of near-field source was presented. Under the far-field assumption of actual near-field, two algebraic relations of the location parameters between the actual near-field sources and the far-field ones were derived. With Fourier transformation and polynomial-root methods, the elevation and the azimuth of the far-field were obtained, the tracking paths can be developed, and the location parameters of the near-field source can be determined, then the more accurate resuits can be estimated using an optimization method. The computer simulation results prove that the algorithm for the location of the near-fields is more accurate, effective and suitable for real-time applications.  相似文献   

IntroductionIt is well known that the aerodynamic perfor-mance depends on the shape of missiles. And sodoes the electromagnetic performance( radar- ob-servable) of missiles. The aerodynamic design ofsuch missile must account for high ratio of lift todrag as well as enough stability.As for the elec-tromagnetic performance should be considered,theaerodynamic specialist may have to reconcile therequirements of his best aerodynamic designagainst the electromagnetic requirements of a RCSspecialis…  相似文献   

双离合器自动变速汽车起步模糊控制研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
通过双离合器自动变速器两离合器同时接合起步过程分析,以提高汽车起步品质为原则,建立了节气门开度及其变化率为输入的两离合器接合程度和汽车起步挡位的模糊控制器,设计出离合器转速差及其变化率为输入的离合器接合速度模糊控制器。以长安某轿车为例进行仿真分析,仿真结果表明,采用所设计的离合器模糊控制策略能够有效地提高双离合器自动变速汽车的起步换挡品质。  相似文献   

A new multi-sensor data fusion algorithm based on EMD-MMSE was proposed.Empirical mode decomposition(EMD)is used to extract the noise of every time series for estimating the variance of the noise.Then minimum mean square error(MMSE)estimator is used to calculate the weights of the corresponding series.Finally,the fused signal is the weighted addition of all these series.The experiments in lab testified the efficiency of this method.In addition,the comparison in fusion time and fusion results with existing fusion method based on wavelet and average technique shows the advantage of this method greatly.  相似文献   

无链表图像感兴趣区域编码算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对基于链表实现的感兴趣区域编码算法占用存储资源较多的问题,提出了一种无链表的编码算法.在SPIHT(等级树集合分裂)编码过程中,采用标志位图表示系数和集合的重要件信息;优先编码感兴趣区域,利用队列缓存非感兴趣区域系数和集合信息;编码非感兴趣区域时,从队列中恢复编码所需的重要件信息.编码过程不需要提升感兴趣区域小波系数,能实现感兴趣区域重建质量的精确控制.仿真实验表明,该算法优于提升小波系数的感兴趣区域编码算法;当编码码率为1 bpp(比特/像素)时,其存储需求仅为链表实现的感兴趣区域分离编码算法的1/10.  相似文献   

A polynomial algorithm for the regularity problem of weak and branching bisimilarity on totally normed process algebra(PA) processes is given. Its time complexity is O(n3+ mn), where n is the number of transition rules and m is the maximal length of the rules. The algorithm works for totally normed basic process algebra(BPA) as well as basic parallel process(BPP).  相似文献   

无链表SPIHT图像提升小波编码的硬件算法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了解决小波零树编码算法中,SPIHT(分级树的集合分裂)算法占用大量存储空间的问题,给出了一种无链表SPIHT图像压缩算法.在这种算法中,小波系数按照SPIHT的顺序输入到编码器中,编码器按照NLS算法编码,小波变换采用9/7提升分解算法,量化算法为均匀标量量化,图像边界延拓采用了补零延拓方法.实验结果表明,该算法图像压缩比与JPEG2000的EBCOT(基于优化截断的嵌入式块编码)算法几乎相同,编码速度大约是后者的2倍,一幅512×512的图像仅需要17.875KB额外内存.  相似文献   

As the traditional RISC ASIC/ASSP approach for network processor design can not meet the today‘s requirements, this paper described an alternate approach, Reconfigurable Processing Architecture, to boost the performance to ASIC level while reserve the programmability of the traditional RISC based system. This paper covers both the hardware architecture and the software development environment architecture.  相似文献   

在基于聚类分析算法的入侵检测技术中,聚类的划分方法直接影响入侵检测的检测率。文章在基于分箱统计的HCM算法研究的基础上,针对模糊C-均值(FCM)算法的局限性,设计出一种改进的FCM算法。实验表明该算法比已有的FCM算法在对聚类的划分情况又有所改善,从而能提高检测率,且能较好地发现新的攻击类型。  相似文献   

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