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船舶管理公司的法律地位与责任   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
基于船舶管理和船舶管理人的法律含义、我国船舶管理业和调整船舶管理业的法律现状的介绍,分析和论述了我国船舶管理业务市场准入制度,船舶管理人的法律地位及其与政府主管部门、委托人和第三者的法律关系,以及船舶管理人可能承担的行政责任和民事责任,并提出了完善我国调整船舶管理业的法律和船舶管理人减少经营责任风险的建议。  相似文献   

An assessment of the rationale for the vertical disintegration of ship management suggests that there might be compelling economic benefits for the separation of ownership from management. In this context, as a means for developing effective marketing strategies, it is important for ship managers to know the criteria used by current and prospective clients for ship manager selection and evaluation. The aim of this paper is to empirically identify the dimensions for ship manager selection and performance evaluation and their relative importance and to discuss the implications for marketing emanating from such an assessment. The methodology adopted includes the collection of secondary and primary data, both from ship managers and their clients, using interviews and a mail survey. The results indicate the prevailing importance of certain dimensions in selection (e.g. technical ability, reputation, competency) and evaluation (responsiveness, trustworthiness, technical ability), whereas it also found that price alone is not perceived to be as important in ship manager selection. It is concluded that placing emphasis on such dimensions in the formulation of a marketing strategy will contribute towards the attraction and retention of clients, whereas cost-cutting measures to allow price reduction, as well as advertising, will be ineffective over the long term.  相似文献   

An assessment of the rationale for the vertical disintegration of ship management suggests that there might be compelling economic benefits for the separation of ownership from management. In this context, as a means for developing effective marketing strategies, it is important for ship managers to know the criteria used by current and prospective clients for ship manager selection and evaluation. The aim of this paper is to empirically identify the dimensions for ship manager selection and performance evaluation and their relative importance and to discuss the implications for marketing emanating from such an assessment. The methodology adopted includes the collection of secondary and primary data, both from ship managers and their clients, using interviews and a mail survey. The results indicate the prevailing importance of certain dimensions in selection (e.g. technical ability, reputation, competency) and evaluation (responsiveness, trustworthiness, technical ability), whereas it also found that price alone is not perceived to be as important in ship manager selection. It is concluded that placing emphasis on such dimensions in the formulation of a marketing strategy will contribute towards the attraction and retention of clients, whereas cost-cutting measures to allow price reduction, as well as advertising, will be ineffective over the long term.  相似文献   

Intense competition in many sectors across the maritime industry and in professional ship management in particular, means that the quest for achieving competitiveness will continue and intensify. A review of the current strategies across many sectors of the industry indicates the importance of forging stable partnerships for the achievement of competitiveness. Considering that the capability to form a relationship is an intangible resource (as depicted in resource-advantage theory), an empirical assessment in the context of ship management was undertaken. The assessment aimed to identify the type of relationships present in ship management, and succeeded in classifying those relationships into four distinct groups. The central thesis of the paper is that maritime organizations in general, and ship management companies in particular, may utilize their intangible relational resources in order to achieve competitive advantage. Based on the classification of ship management relationships, implications for managers are discussed.  相似文献   

Intense competition in many sectors across the maritime industry and in professional ship management in particular, means that the quest for achieving competitiveness will continue and intensify. A review of the current strategies across many sectors of the industry indicates the importance of forging stable partnerships for the achievement of competitiveness. Considering that the capability to form a relationship is an intangible resource (as depicted in resource-advantage theory), an empirical assessment in the context of ship management was undertaken. The assessment aimed to identify the type of relationships present in ship management, and succeeded in classifying those relationships into four distinct groups. The central thesis of the paper is that maritime organizations in general, and ship management companies in particular, may utilize their intangible relational resources in order to achieve competitive advantage. Based on the classification of ship management relationships, implications for managers are discussed.  相似文献   

The last four decades have seen the rise of third-party ship management and its evolution into an industry in its own right. Specifically, the present study reviews independent ship management with a view to identifying those contemporary parameters, relating to several environmental forces that can be considered to be conducive to the employment of professional ship managers. The focus of the investigation is on the comparison of two traditional maritime centres, Greece and the UK, which have been chosen after a thorough selection process and found to serve in the best possible way our research objectives. An analytical examination of the ship management sector in Greece and the UK is undertaken looking into the ship owners' viewpoint on a number of key issues. The analysed data yielded some very interesting results.  相似文献   

The last four decades have seen the rise of third-party ship management and its evolution into an industry in its own right. Specifically, the present study reviews independent ship management with a view to identifying those contemporary parameters, relating to several environmental forces that can be considered to be conducive to the employment of professional ship managers. The focus of the investigation is on the comparison of two traditional maritime centres, Greece and the UK, which have been chosen after a thorough selection process and found to serve in the best possible way our research objectives. An analytical examination of the ship management sector in Greece and the UK is undertaken looking into the ship owners’ viewpoint on a number of key issues. The analysed data yielded some very interesting results.  相似文献   

沉船沉物打捞问题一直是困扰海事管理的一个难点。本文从分析国内外沉船沉物打捞立法现状入手,对沉船沉物强制打捞的相关责任主体船舶所有人、船舶经营人、船舶管理人、责任保险人、货物所有人、肇事船方、光租人进行了深入的分析,得出了船舶所有人、船舶经营人、货物所有人、肇事船方、光租人应作为广义的责任主体的结论意见,并分析了各自所承担的责任。  相似文献   

朱荣泉 《江苏船舶》2002,19(2):11-14
双体车客渡船作为一种对安全性要求较高的船舶 ,动力装置的设计不仅要满足规范要求 ,而且还要考虑船东对所配置动力设备的熟悉程度及机务管理习惯 ,以提高设备操作维护的准确性和船舶运营的安全性  相似文献   

谈租船合同中航速和耗油量条款的理解问题   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在租船业务中,船方和租船方由于航速和耗油量等原因而引起的纠纷不断增多,其中暴露出的问题不少,为此,阐述相应的对策以期减少或避免不必要的纠纷。  相似文献   

甘水来  靳盼盼 《船舶》2014,(3):102-107
船舶设计工作实际上是在船东和船厂互动过程中完成的,正确、合理、及时地处理船东意见是一项十分重要而且需要技巧和耐心的工作。文章从技术和经济角度,阐述了在船舶设计中要高度重视船东意见,包括船东对技术规格书的意见、船东对详细设计图纸的认可意见和船东代表现场意见等,并对如何管理和控制船东意见提出了自己的见解。  相似文献   

介绍了本公司在质量检验过程中,通过及时了解船船东的意见,落实整改措施,使船东了解检验程序,保持与船东交流等方面的体会,以确保修理质量。  相似文献   

舰船综合平台管理系统   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
目前,舰船自动化水平已经很高,无人机舱、自动化导航、一人桥楼驾驶都已成为现实,已经逐步发展到综合平台管理系统。它对减少人员、提高工作效率和航行安全性效果显著,特别是可大大降低全寿期费用。因此,世界各国海军开始争相采用综合平台管理系统。本文主要介绍了综合平台管理系统的发展概况,美国海军的综合平台管理系统的发展和组成,并详细介绍了各个子系统的组成和功能,包括综合舰桥系统、标准监视和控制系统、综合状态评估系统和损管系统。最后,介绍了ABB公司和CAE公司的2个综合平台管理系统。  相似文献   

国际船舶管理业最新动态   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吕长红 《世界海运》2007,30(1):48-50
作为航运业中管理权和所有权分离的结果,专业船舶管理业和船舶管理公司已经成为国际航运业的一个重要分支。根据国际船舶管理业的最新动态,即Intermanager提出确立船舶管理业统一的KPI,分析采取这一举措的原因,并预测可能带来的影响,为我国船舶管理业的发展提供借鉴。  相似文献   

蒋惠园  陈芳 《世界海运》2004,27(4):31-32
船舶所有权的取得、转让必须经过登记才能受到国际法的保护。船舶登记是当事人取得法律依据保护其合法权益的途径,也是海事机关对船舶所有权及其流转实施管理的手段。通过分析我国船舶登记制度的现状以及造成我国船舶移籍海外的原因,提出了缓解我国船舶移籍海外现象,吸引方便旗船回归的几点建议。  相似文献   

本文论述了某航运公司的30000DWT多用途重吊船的开发与设计。船型设计既借鉴了其它航运公司同类型船的优秀设计,满足了公司的业务需求。这类型船将提高船队的竞争能力。  相似文献   

As the concept of concurrent engineering has emerged along with support for optimization techniques, lots of endeavors have been made to apply optimization techniques to real design problems for holistic decision-making. Even if the range of design problems to which optimization is applicable has been extended, most ship designs use an iterative and manual approach due to the difficulties of seamless integration of all related design activities. This paper proposes a process-centric management framework for the preliminary ship design process depending on these approaches. Requirements for the framework are generated based on the features of the ship design process first. The proposed framework consists of both process scheduling and process management parts. Each of these modules is divided into submodules, and the modules and their interactions are elaborated to reflect actual design practice. The designed framework is embodied within a workflow system and its usefulness examined through a pilot project.  相似文献   

从设备管理的角度论述了备件管理的作用,就本单位在备件管理工作中所开发的船舶备件管理信息系统的指导思想与主要内容进行了阐述,并提出在使用中应注意采取的措施。  相似文献   

徐华 《中国船检》2008,(10):50-55
美国的次贷危机如推倒了多米诺骨牌般令各种经济问题鳞次栉比地一一显现,而经济全球化更加使这一牌局蔓延到每个角落、每个行业。今年以来,波罗的海航运指数(BDI)持续下滑,一举击穿2000点,与去年最高冲到11000点的势头不可同日而语。而航运直接影响着造船市场的走势,整个业界笼罩在重重疑云之中。在造船业踯躅迷途之际,修船市场却别有一番风景在上演。 正如世界上最大的船东组织——波罗的海国际海事公会(BIMCO)所表述的那样,世界修船能力正在出现短缺。许多船东越来越感到寻找合适的修船坞非常困难,而等待修船坞所需的时间较以往更长,修船成本因此增加。有船东抱怨,修船原本一两个月的等待,现在有的甚至要等上半年。日前,中东的一些修船厂已告诫船东,最好提早一到两年预订坞位。与船东方面的无奈抱怨相比,修船厂方面的消息更为掷地有声,全球范围内修船能力紧缺的状况已是不争的事实。  相似文献   

This article aims to apply the relationship marketing concept in a professional ship management context. The dramatic growth in the ship management industry means that companies are increasingly seeking ways of ensuring competitiveness. Efforts have mainly concentrated on the improvement of the quality of the service, market entry strategies, establishment in strategic locations, and promotion. Nevertheless, it is argued that in the professional service context of ship management, the aspect of building and maintaining client relationships is of utmost importance. The building of client relationships will require investments of an economic and social nature, training of personnel and the consideration of marketing as a strategic issue. Ship management companies that build long-term client relationships will ensure client retention, reduce transaction costs and achieve differentiation and competitiveness.  相似文献   

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