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尼日利亚位于非洲西部.面积923768km^2.2007年全国总人口1.481亿。尼日利亚是一个滨海国家,拥有众多的天然良港.全国各港口共有93个一般货物泊位,3个滚装货物泊位,7个大宗固体货物泊位,11个大宗液体货物泊位。63个浮标泊位和一批私人码头。其中主要港口有拉各斯港、瓦里港、哈科特港、奥尼深海和中心港、卡拉巴尔等13个海港,总装卸能力3500多万t。其中拉各斯港为西非最大、设施最好、吞吐量最大和最繁忙的港口。  相似文献   

东营港中海油码头5号泊位的走向与泊位附近的流(往复流)向接近一致。当落潮流时,大型油船顺流左舷靠泊操纵比较困难,如果在该泊位回旋水域向左掉头顶流右舷靠泊,又存在触碰东营港公共引桥的风险,所以通常选择涨潮流时顶流左舷靠泊。落潮流时大型油船不能安全靠泊作业对码头生产效率和船期周转产生不利影响。  相似文献   

锦州港作为一个较早实行股份制改造的区域性港口,其上市公司的特点促使港口生产营运必须超常规发展。但锦州港正在营运的8个万吨级以上泊位中仅一个5万吨级油泊位,2个3.5万吨级杂货泊位和一个3万吨级杂货泊位,就是2020年远期发展预测船型中,仍没突破5万吨级船型。显然,现有的港口能力没有更多的硬件优势。而全球经贸活动中,无论是货方还是港方都愿意单船一次性大量运输货物;拥有或经营超大型船舶的船东或经营人也希望承揽到更多不同目的港的大批货物,以期提高经济效益和自己在更多航运货物流向地的海运市场的占有率。但…  相似文献   

刘斌 《中国港口》2013,(12):21-22
<正>一、嘉兴港码头资本结构现状1.全港码头资本结构情况截至2012年底,嘉兴港拥有外海生产性码头泊位36个,其中万吨级以上泊位26个,千吨级泊位10个,年货物通过能力3 889万t。码头资本结构情况为:(1)民营控股的码头泊位11个(其中万吨级以上泊位7个),占全港泊位数的30.5%,占全港货物通过能力的26.2%。(2)嘉兴市外国资控股的码头泊位19个(其中万吨级以上泊位15个),占全港泊位数的52.8%,占全港货物通过能力的62.6%。  相似文献   

张剑 《珠江水运》2013,(Z1):98-99
隐患:渔船渔网蚕食航道惠州港现有码头14座,泊位29个,万吨级泊位16个,其中30万吨级泊位2个,15万吨级泊位2个,每天有300余艘船舶进出港,每周约有5~6艘15万吨以上的大型油轮进出惠州港,是全国超大型油轮等危险品运输船舶码头泊位最集中的港口之一。今年前三个季度,惠州港区危险品货物吞吐量达3200万吨,比去年同期增加了10%,惠州港现已成为华南地区船载危险货物最大集  相似文献   

<正>一、主要港口1.科伦坡港科伦坡港主要从事集装箱货物装卸处理,集装箱处理能力远远超过该区域其他港口,已经成为一个主要的集装箱转运枢纽。此外,该港还装卸普通杂货、干散货以及油品。科伦坡港吞吐量近几年来保持了较高的增长速度,2006年科伦坡港吞吐量为3943万t,其中集装箱吞吐量308万TEU。2020年科伦坡港预计需要中转980万TEU。在斯里兰卡港口战略发展中,科伦坡港定位为集装箱枢纽港。因此科伦坡港计划把一些普通货物泊位转换成集装箱支线泊位。  相似文献   

<正>在浙江省海洋港口一体化发展的背景下,温州港想要更快发展,亟需解决定位偏差、资源约束、内基不稳等难题一、温州港的发展现状2017年,温州港现状:拥有生产性码头泊位206个,货物综合通过能力7 052万t;拥有万吨级以上泊位21个,其中5万吨级(兼靠10万吨级)以上泊位7个;全港完成货物吞吐量8 925.62万t、同比增长6.2%,集装箱  相似文献   

钟秋 《海运情报》2007,(10):26-27
欧洲主要港口今明两年将有新建集装箱码头陆续投产。各港以亚洲贸易为主的吞吐量都在增长,鹿特丹等主要港口的处理能力不足已成为很大的问题。各港都在努力推进大型项目,以揽取增加的货物,防止流向其他港口。另外,各港不仅建设大型船舶用的泊位,而且建设与增长的往波罗的海、俄罗斯货物对应的近海支线泊位。[第一段]  相似文献   

集装箱运输无论对货方、港方还是船方都是十分感兴趣的运输方式。对货方而言,货物包装简单,一次报关即可一票到底,实现了货物的门到门运输,简化了办事手续;对港方而言,集装箱装卸速度快,集疏运迅速,易于保管,既提高了泊位利用率,增加了经济效益,又减少了货物在港储存期间被盗、被日晒雨淋而造成的货差、货损等质量事故;对承运方而言,集装箱运输快捷,船舶在港停泊作业时间减少,动态营运时间相对增加.成本相对减少。  相似文献   

排队论在港口规划中的应用   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
把港口生产视随机服务系统,应用排队理论计算港口的最优泊位数,在港口怀定吞吐量的前提下,考虑不同的泊位数对港口建设和营运生产中发生的各种费用的影响,以港口泊位建设和营运费,船舶待泊费货物滞港积压费的总费用最低为目标,建立数学模型确定港口的泊位数。  相似文献   


Bulk cargo containerization (BCC) involves changes in the transportation mode of container shipping for cargo that uses bulk carriers without packing. This topic has recently attracted considerable attention as an alternative transportation method for container cargo. BCC is advantageous because it can address imbalances in the amount of cargo conveyed between the main and back hauls, thereby improving efficiency. A previous survey among companies involved in cargo shipping revealed that in addition to ocean freight, vanning and devanning, and customs clearance costs, consignees’ decisions were the key factor in selecting transport modes. The present study aims to clarify the cost competitiveness of container shipping and identify cost reductions that may increase the use of BCC. To quantitatively check the results of the survey employed in this study, we constructed a model based on consignees’ and container shipping companies’ costs to determine the choice of transport mode for back-haul trade, then examined the incentives for consignees and shipping companies. We found that BCC can be realized by cost reduction on the part of the consignee and profit improvement on the part of the container shipping company for some routes and goods. Although reducing the freight rate would effectively promote BCC, reducing other costs would not have the same effect.  相似文献   

王轩 《港工技术》2011,48(1):29-31
船舶大型化可降低货物的海运成本,也要求港口设施随之向深水化、大型化发展.近年来由于大型深水泊位数量有限,不少港口采取将大船减载后靠泊小吨级码头的作业方式,以解决燃眉之急,这种作业方式虽然能取得一定的经济效益,却带来很多安全隐患,尤其是对于使用年限已久的老旧码头,需注意及时进行加固改造,通过对近年来天津港老旧码头泊位加固...  相似文献   

Since cargo capacity increases faster than fuel consumption, the significantly larger capacity fleets which will accompany expansion of the Panama Canal will introduce additional fuel economies and cost savings. Enabling larger, more fuel-efficient vessels to carry cargo the entire distance from Asia to US east-coast ports allows vessel operators to realize significant and meaningful savings compared with the alternatives of using smaller Panamax vessels for the whole distance, or sending the cargo over the US land bridge by train or truck. Fuel savings are quantified along with the monetary savings based on various assumptions for the price of fuel. These savings are dramatic and will increase directly with the price of crude petroleum. Finally, microeconomic theory is deployed to determine how cost savings will be distributed between shipping customers and vessel operators.  相似文献   

沥青船主要从事沥青的远洋商业运输,为了方便货物的装卸、运输及安全等诸多因素,需要将沥青加热至液态储存在货舱内,并要求保持货舱恒温,由此对沥青船舱室的保温有着很高的要求。与其他舱室相邻货舱的舱壁反口、首尾横舱壁、边纵舱壁、上下斜坡、舯壁墩、横舱壁壁墩、梯道等处均需铺设保温材料作为绝热层,以有效阻止货舱区域热量的散失。文章总结了某船舶修理公司将某油船改装成沥青船的修理工程,从5个方面详细分析了沥青船改装的技术难点,以期对其他船厂对于该类型船舶的修理起到借鉴作用。  相似文献   

Due to the increase in trade from Korea to Central Asia, an efficient intermodal route for transporting cargo is important. Intermodal routing for long-distance transportation faces operational challenges, such as customs clearance, track gauge differences, and climate limitations. The initiative of the Silk Road Economic Belt recently proposed in China could improve trade and transport links in Asia and create an efficient transportation route that focuses on the railroad service provided in China. The objective of this study is to obtain an evaluation structure for intermodal routing and then find the route for transporting cargo from Korea to Central Asia under China’s Silk Road Economic Belt with integrated Fuzzy Delphi and Fuzzy (Elimination Et Choice Translating Reality (ELECTRE) I methods. After a sensitivity analysis is performed, development strategies and alternative routes are suggested. The results show that among the five principal factors, total cost is the most important factor for logistics companies when they select a transportation route, followed by reliability, transportation capability, total time, and security. Of the sub-factor weights, transportation costs and cooperation and emphasis among state organization are important. In the intermodal route results, route 3, Incheon to Qingdao to Horgos to Almaty, is preferred.  相似文献   

介绍金沙江中下游航道与港口现状及发展规划和水电开发利用规划,对金沙江航运经济腹地进行综合交通运输体系分析并对典型路径运输成本进行测算。在调研分析的基础上,对金沙江客货运量和主要港口吞吐量进行预测。结合水电梯级开发对航道条件的影响,分析金沙江航道开发潜能,提出长江干线航道上延至金沙江的合理区段。针对金沙江中下游4个水电枢纽的现场条件,分析适应翻坝运输的货种对象,提出过坝线路选择与运输组织的原则,开展"水-陆-水"翻坝运输方案与"陆-水"公路短途驳运方案的技术经济分析。以期为金沙江攀枝花—水富段航运资源开发论证提供参考。  相似文献   

李文颉  鞠磊 《船舶工程》2019,41(12):64-70
散货船装载的镍矿、铁矿在运输过程中会发生流态化,流态化导致货物流动性增强,从而降低船舶稳性。当船舶在波浪中航行时,货物的移动会产生一个额外的力矩,该力矩有可能导致船舶倾覆。基于离散元方法,对不同含水率的货物进行了静倾斜、休止角的数值模拟,在全尺度计算中给定了颗粒尺寸和时间步长的选取标准,并采用全尺度货舱模型分析了影响货物稳定性的关键参数。该数值分析方法可为固体散货海上运输过程中船舶稳性预测和安全隐患评估提供参考。  相似文献   

This paper quantifies likely changes in greenhouse gas emissions which contribute to anthropogenic climate change, resulting from the expansion of the Panama Canal and the consequent increase in ship-borne commercial transportation from east Asia to the US east coast. Ocean transportation offers higher fuel economy and lower pollutant emissions compared with land transport. Additionally, truck and train transportation of cargo along the US land bridge threatens to overwhelm existing highway and rail systems and limit economic growth. The alternate transportation route for easterly transit of the Panama Canal will reduce overland traffic congestion and enhance economic development by maintaining freight flow efficiency.  相似文献   

This paper considers a multimodal transportation problem, which is the problem of determining the transportation flow, i.e. volume of container cargoes, and the transportation mode in each trade route, for the objective of minimizing the sum of shipping and inland transportation costs. The problem takes account of two restrictions: maximum cargo volumes capacitated at each seaport and maximum number of vehicles available at each transportation mode. To solve optimally the problem, this paper employs a mixed integer programming, which is an operations research technique. A case study is performed on the container cargo data in Korea and we draw several implications to improve efficiency in the transportation of international trade cargoes in Korea.  相似文献   

安东 《水运工程》2021,(3):83-87
某些散货码头项目中,码头位置距离后方陆域较远,需要利用长距离带式输送机将物料从码头输送到后方.针对常规的水平运输方案会造成水工引桥宽度大、造价高的问题,探讨如何优化带式输送机布置形式,减少整个码头的建设成本.采用下层普通带式输送机和上层管状带式输送机的双层设计方案,在保证不同性质物料有效输送的前提下,可有效减小引桥宽度...  相似文献   

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