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汽车涂装已成为汽车4大制造工艺中的重要工艺之一,越来越受到汽车制造工厂的重视,汽车车身涂装质量的管控也越来越受到重视。涂装车间是管理难度最大的汽车制造车间,为了更好地完成汽车涂装工序,需要对涂装车间进行优化管理,文章从节水管理、清洁度管理和油漆管理3方面对涂装车间的管理提出优化措施,可以更高效地管理车间,提高汽车涂装质量。  相似文献   

汽车涂装已成为汽车4大制造工艺中的重要工艺之一,越来越受到汽车制造工厂的重视,汽车车身涂装质量的管控也越来越受到重视.涂装车间是管理难度最大的汽车制造车间,为了更好地完成汽车涂装工序,需要对涂装车间进行优化管理,文章从节水管理、清洁度管理和油漆管理3方面对涂装车间的管理提出优化措施,可以更高效地管理车间,提高汽车涂装质量.  相似文献   

涂装车间的生产能力一直都是整车产能的瓶颈环节。因此,新工厂涂装车间制造准备工作是否充分直接影响新工厂的达产效率。从人员的配置及培训、文件类准备工作、工程整备、设备调试期间的工作重点、辅助管理工作和量产前其他主要工作等方面介绍了新工厂涂装车间制造准备工作的主要工作内容  相似文献   

文章研究论述的是工业机器人控制系统在整车焊装车间的扩展应用,应用于非常规工业机械手的工况。通过提供在整车焊装车间中的运动控制的若干解决方案,解决特定工况下运动控制中存在的成本高、设备占地空间大、故障率高、维护困难等诸多困扰生产线投入运行的课题,以提高焊装车间的生产线技术水平。  相似文献   

基于企业车间生产制造和管理现状,对车间现状进行分析,建立适应企业车间现状的网络管理和监控系统的功能体系,构建车间生产和数控设备的网络化管理系统的硬件和软件系统。所建立的车间生产制造的网络化管理与监控系统能够实现从企业管理层到车间生产制造和设备状况的网络化信息交流,提高企业生产运作和管理效率。  相似文献   

杨建康 《汽车实用技术》2022,47(11):163-166
结合某总装车间实际生产案例,论述了标准化作业在实际生产过程中起到降本增效的功效,并且有效提升了企业精益化生产的需求。其核心在于编制标准化工艺作业文件,主要是让生产线上的一线员工深入了解标准化作业的步骤及内涵,从自身做起,养成良好的职业素养,规范自身的行为。通过实施标准化作业,生产线生产效率得到显著提高,生产过程中安全事故的发生逐渐减少,各相关生产制造部门协同处理问题的能力得到加强。实施标准化作业能够为整车装配的一致性、安全性起到重要作用,后期对增强企业在市场竞争力方面也有积极影响,也能提高整个企业的机械制造和设计能力,为企业的稳步发展,奠定坚实的基础。  相似文献   

2016年汽车制造业年能源消费总量已超过3200万吨标准煤,其中涂装车间的能源消耗约占整车制造的75%。运用新技术、新工艺,对涂装车间的通风系统(HVAC)进行循环利用及PID控制改进可显著降低能耗,提升制造效益。  相似文献   

介绍了一汽中、重型载货车驾驶室焊接总成产品的种类、结构及工艺特点,阐述焊装车间工艺平面布置和物流形式及原则,车间内部物流的输送方式,六大系列驾驶室焊接总成产品平台化设计。驾驶室柔性混流生产线、焊接夹具、工艺装备的柔性化,车间工艺机械化水平、产品质量保证措施、生产安全技术。以及焊装车间工艺设计存在的问题和不足。  相似文献   

轿车总装是轿车制造的主要生产过程,轿车企业要参与国际竞争,其装配生产线水平高低是关键。本文简要介绍国内外轿车企业总装车间规划思路、工艺设计及相关设备配置和使用,并针对轿车装配工艺特点介绍其相应的质量控制方法。  相似文献   

近日,吉奥汽车历时三年建成的杭州萧山制造基地以及该基地首辆微车下线仪式在吉奥萧山制造基地总装车间举办。吉奥集团力争五年内实现整车销售30万辆,十年内进军中国皮卡领军企业,同时微车与SUV产销占国内的20%,争取进入行业前三名。该基地座落于萧山经济技术开发区江东工业园区内,建成包括冲压、焊装、涂装、  相似文献   

文章以青岛黄海学院为例,在对新能源人才现状及需求调研的基础上,设计面向"新旧动能转换"背景下的车辆工程专业新能源汽车课程体系,提出车辆工程专业新能源汽车方向课程体系的实施保障措施,以期培养出适应新能源汽车行业和企业发展需求的新能源汽车人才.  相似文献   

文章结合实例重点介绍试点工厂的智能总装车间策划、实施框架搭建、业务操作流程及具体的RFID技术应用。文章对汽车智能化车间建设领域的具体策划及实施具有很好的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

在满足常规车辆测试指标的前提下,混合动力汽车能更好地体现节能减排的优势。根据动力总成结构特点和布置方式的不同,介绍了混合动力汽车(HEV)串联式、并联式和混联式3种类型的工作原理,比较分析了混合动力汽车4种常用的整车性能评价测试方法及试验内容。从整车和部件的角度出发,列举了混合动力汽车相关标准中规定的性能评价测试指标。指出混合动力汽车在整车和关键零部件测试时,应先满足常规性能要求,然后对排放和燃油经济性进行评价。  相似文献   

本文主要针对某纯电动乘用车进行关键系统选型及匹配分析,首先基于整车性能目标及整车性能参数,确定其动力驱动方式及制动能量回收策略和方案。其次为了更好提升整车能量管理水平,改善能耗,提升续航里程,本文研究的纯电动汽车制动系统采用电液助力系统(IBS)。IBS系统能够有效进行能量计算,确定液压系统是否介入工作,在满足制动需求的同时,改善整车能耗,提升续航里程。最后,在关键系统选型及设计分析上,利用MATLAB仿真软件进行性能初选及设计,结合AMEsim分析软件对选型结果进行加速性能及中国工况续驶里程数据校核,通过仿真与整车试验验证整车性能满足设计指标。  相似文献   

随着汽车工业的快速发展和人民生活质量的不断提高,汽车保有量持续增涨。有关研究表明,在存在较频繁的制动与起动的城市工况运行条件下,有效地回收制动能量,可使电动汽车行驶距离延长10%-30%。目前,随着电动汽车逐渐进人市场,如何高效率地回收和利用再生能量成为电动汽车技术研究的主要问题,本文对电动汽车制动过程进行受力分析和如何进行再生制动能量回收进行了探讨和研究.  相似文献   

结合X车型安全气囊开发过程中的台车模拟试验和实车碰撞试验,对台车模拟试验过程中的台车总质量大小影响着试验中提供给假人的伤害能量问题进行了分析。气囊开发过程中,当台车车身内的能量增加时,可通过减少台车总质量来减少台车车身内的相对能量,最终使台车车身内假人受伤害能量与实车碰撞过程中提供给假人的能量基本一致。  相似文献   

Ever increasing demand for the petroleum is causing faster than expected oil shortages in the supply and demand balance around the world and furthermore, many specialists in the field of oil production such as Association for the Study of Peak Oil and World Energy Outlook are claiming that the petroleum is around the peak of its production (Figure 1). Such shortage made the greatest impact on the gasoline price hikes at the gas pump and thus, this impact was felt by the consumers severely and became the greatest motivation for automotive industries to strive to pioneer the researches for the next generation vehicle configurations ranging from HEV, PHEV, Pure EV to FCHEV (collectively noted as xEV). While the great deal of researches has been carried over the last few decades, it is still far from mass productions for consumer use except for the HEV mainly due to the high cost involved with other types of xEV configurations. Therefore, it is critical to design the vehicle to maximize the use of each component at its highest point regardless of any cost scenarios and it is clear that this optimization can only be achieved through the accurate energy balance simulation for a specific target vehicle prior to the actual hardware implementation. In this paper, it is our intention to introduce modified dynamic battery modeling scheme that would provide a more accurate way of simulating the battery behavior when used in the vehicle energy simulation system. Starting from a typical battery dynamic model to predict the voltage given an imposed current request, we have introduced a new scheme to establish the relationship between the voltage and the power (rather than the current) requested by the vehicle simulation system. The proposed scheme handles the power request from the vehicle simulator considering the dynamic battery characteristics and in turn, contributes to the better estimation of the current integrated energy usage and battery SOC level in the given battery dynamic system used in the vehicle energy simulation system.  相似文献   

Passive suspensions are designed to dissipate the energy otherwise transferred to a vehicle's body through interactions with a roadway or terrain. A bond graph representation of an independent suspension design was developed to study the energy flow through a vehicle. The bond graph model was tuned and validated through experimental tests and was found to produce suitable results. Examining the bond graph reveals that the dissipated energy associated with vertical and transverse coordinates generally originates from the longitudinal motion of the vehicle and is transferred through the tire-ground contact patch. Additionally, since the longitudinal energy originates from the vehicle's engine, the energy dissipated via the suspension shock absorber as well as other components (e.g., mechanical joints, etc.) essentially dissipate some engine energy. The plots presented in the paper support this theory by showing that upon traveling a rough terrain, the vehicle's longitudinal velocity drops more when vertical vibrations increase. Results show that a vehicle equipped with a passive suspension experiences a larger velocity drop compared to one with an active suspension traversing the same rough terrain. The paper compares the results of simulation of an analytical bond graph model of an active suspension system with experimental results and finds good agreement between the two. Other simulations show that relative to passive suspensions, not only do active suspensions yield substantial improvement in ride quality, they can also result in substantial energy savings. This paper concludes that if electromechanical actuators are supplemented by passive springs to support the vehicle static weight, the amount of energy required for operation of actuators is significantly less than the amount dissipated by conventional shock absorbers.  相似文献   

Passive suspensions are designed to dissipate the energy otherwise transferred to a vehicle's body through interactions with a roadway or terrain. A bond graph representation of an independent suspension design was developed to study the energy flow through a vehicle. The bond graph model was tuned and validated through experimental tests and was found to produce suitable results. Examining the bond graph reveals that the dissipated energy associated with vertical and transverse coordinates generally originates from the longitudinal motion of the vehicle and is transferred through the tire-ground contact patch. Additionally, since the longitudinal energy originates from the vehicle's engine, the energy dissipated via the suspension shock absorber as well as other components (e.g., mechanical joints, etc.) essentially dissipate some engine energy. The plots presented in the paper support this theory by showing that upon traveling a rough terrain, the vehicle's longitudinal velocity drops more when vertical vibrations increase. Results show that a vehicle equipped with a passive suspension experiences a larger velocity drop compared to one with an active suspension traversing the same rough terrain. The paper compares the results of simulation of an analytical bond graph model of an active suspension system with experimental results and finds good agreement between the two. Other simulations show that relative to passive suspensions, not only do active suspensions yield substantial improvement in ride quality, they can also result in substantial energy savings. This paper concludes that if electromechanical actuators are supplemented by passive springs to support the vehicle static weight, the amount of energy required for operation of actuators is significantly less than the amount dissipated by conventional shock absorbers.  相似文献   

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