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在国家的交通运输网中,水路交通是重要的组成部分,在国民经济的发展中,尤其是在对外贸易发展与国家可持续发展战略实施过程中具有不可替代的作用。尽管经过50多年的投资建设取得了长足的发展,但水路交通的投资建设与高速发展的国民经济的需求之间,与日新月异的国际航运科技发展的需求之间,与发挥国家交通运输网的综合效益的需求之间,尚存在着较大的差距,如何通过国家的投融资政策导向来促进水路交通的建设发展是目前需要解决的一个重大问题。一、水路交通投融资的特征明确水路交通投融资的特征对于国家正确制定水路交通投融资政策导向具有十…  相似文献   

为监测城市轨道交通系统的供需矛盾及其时空差异化特征,引入时空消耗模型,分别以运输服务时空资源总量、出行需求时空资源占用量以及二者比值,计算了城市轨道交通供给能力、出行需求量和交通承载力。按照总体水平和均衡程度两个维度,选取轨道线网交通承载力、线网承载不均衡度和线网承载空间差异性作为城市轨道交通承载力评价指标,为更加精准地识别城市轨道交通出行需求与供给时空资源匹配关系提供支撑。实证研究结果表明:轨道线网供给能力总体高于出行需求量,全天轨道线网交通承载力位于高值区间,并呈现早晚高峰和午间小高峰的特征;线网承载力不均衡度显著偏高,轨道站间区段交通承载力差距悬殊,但在空间上总体呈现显著离散特征。  相似文献   

分析我国铁路客运需求的变化特征和规律;研究铁路客运需求与运输能力之间的动态关系;初步探讨铁路客运需求变化与运输能力适应性评价的定量分析方法。根据铁路客运需求影响因素,在客运需求与运输能力影响因素的相关性分析基础上,构建铁路客运需求变化与运输能力适应性评价结构模型,直观表现客运需求与运输能力之间的动态关系。  相似文献   

城市交通拥堵的根本原因及对策分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张嘉敏 《综合运输》2011,(11):57-60
论文分析了城市交通拥堵及其根本原因——客流需求弹性远大于运能供给弹性;在前期研究的基础上,进一步详细阐述相应的解决对策——缩小城市交通供给特性与客流需求特征之间的不对等性,提高交通基础设施的有效供给,实现总体客流需求满足的最大化。  相似文献   

城乡道路运输一体化的基本途径   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
陈方红  赵月 《综合运输》2005,(5):68-69,72
在当前和今后的一段时期内,城乡交通发展的主要矛盾仍然是有限的交通供给与不断增长的交通需求之间的矛盾。为了缓解两者之间的矛盾,一方面要加强交通供给的能力,另一方面则要合理引导交通需求,城乡交通一体化从这两个方面出发,较好地满足了城乡交通发展的要求。因此,对城乡交通(主要表现为道路运输)一体化进行深入研究,处理好城乡交通发展中数量与质量、管理与效率之间的关系,对实现城乡交通跨越式发展大有裨益。一、城乡道路运输一体化的内涵及意义1、城乡道路运输一体化的内涵城乡道路运输一体化是逐渐优化城乡交通系统,方便居民出行和货…  相似文献   

轨道交通客流需求与运能供给的协调匹配分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文以实现客流需求与运能供给的协调匹配为目标,综述分析了网络化条件下高速铁路、既有传统铁路、城市轨道交通、市域铁路之间的联系与区别、客流需求特征与运能供给特征,构建了面向乘客的轨道交通系统服务质量框架体系,并提出相应的客流需求与运能供给协调匹配的策略建议。  相似文献   

对城市的交通需求管理是解决城市交通拥堵的有效途径,通过调整交通的供需结构,使道路资源得到有效利用,供需得到平衡。本文运用TDM理论对郑州市的城市交通现状和交通问题进行分析,在研究了交通需求的概念、特性后,深入分析交通需求的动态与静态关系、供需平衡原理、经济学原理以及操作机理,提出一些具体可行的交通需求管理策略。  相似文献   

需求侧管理是缓解交通供给不足的捷径   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文拟从交通发展与经济增长和社会进步的关系切入,通过分析运输经济中交通供求关系规律,阐述现阶段中国交通发展中交通需求侧管理的重要性。通过对交通供给与需求两个方面进行剖析,找出交通需求侧管理的切入点和近期、远期的主要任务。  相似文献   

赵丽珍 《综合运输》2012,(12):27-31
本文对交通模式选择的重要性、交通模式种类及适用范围、我国城市群发展特征、空间结构和交通需求进行了分析研究,在以人为本、集约利用资源、有效满足运输需求的理念指导下,提出了未来各类城市群交通模式选择的意见建议。  相似文献   

本文分析旅游城市与众不同的交通需求特征,以及有轨电车与地铁、轻轨、BRT等其他大容量公交系统之间的主要差异,提炼出了旅游城市与有轨电车系统之间的关键契合要素,总结了旅游城市发展有轨电车系统的4个方面的适应性。  相似文献   

开展水土流失监测是水土保持监管的重要手段。文章以广西沿海高速公路改扩建工程一期工程水土保持监测实践为例,分析了工程建设水土流失特点,介绍了水土保持监测技术和方法,并通过对工程实例监测结果的分析评价,提出了水土保持监测工作中易出现的问题及相应的解决方案。  相似文献   

完整性检测评价能提前发现管道运行过程中存在的风险和缺陷,保障管道的安全平稳运行。文中介绍了完整性检测评价的方法及内容,以某条输气管道为例,开展了管道的数据收集、高后果区识别、风险评估及完整性评价应用,为同类检测评价工程提供参考。  相似文献   

高智 《交通节能与环保》2021,17(2):95-97,100
为推动公路建设水平,确保公路正常运营和沿线生态环境可持续发展,文章总结了公路绿化的特点和功能,从安全性、经济性、生物多样性、景观性等方面分析了公路绿化设计的原则,并探讨了公路中央分隔带、路基边坡、互通立交、服务区的绿化设计内容,从公路环保的重要性,认知公路环保的内容、功能及意义,并多方角度的加以分析和采取措施,达到预期效果,把建设和环境紧密协调统一。并对公路环保的设计理念、评价指标、评价方法及施工阶段的环保措施进行了论述。  相似文献   

为促进全球海上安全和防污染相关国际公约的有效执行,国际海事组织于2009年批准了"IMO成员国自愿审核机制"强制化,我国将于2021年接受IMO的强制审核。船检占强制审核政府义务条款大部分内容,其被视为IMO进行强制审核的重点领域。因此,本文拟针对IMO履约规则及相关国际公约中有关船检的管理要求,对我国海事船检履约情况进行评估,分析我国船检海事立法与管理方面存在的问题,提出我国针对船检履约与应对IMO强制审核的要点及改进措施,以满足2021年IMO强制审核的要求。  相似文献   

This paper studies to what extent the Logsum-measure of user benefits relates to travelers’ perceptions of choice set-desirability and choice-satisfaction. Knowing these relations is important since researchers have recently started to analyze and interpret user benefits in general – and Logsums in specific – in terms of these more behaviorally oriented notions, rather than in terms of expected utility. Participants to a stated route choice experiment were asked to indicate, after each choice made, to what extent they considered the choice set to be desirable, or to what extent they were satisfied with the chosen alternative. These measurements were correlated with Logsums that were computed for each choice situation. In addition, the paper derives a regret-based Logsum (which gives the expected regret of a choice situation) and presents a comparison with its utilitarian counterpart. Also for this regret-based Logsum, correlations with desirability- and satisfaction-ratings are computed. As a general finding, it appears that all computed correlations are rather weak. This suggests that, at least in the context of our data, the utility-based Logsum and its regret-based counterpart appear to have only a fairly weak connection with the behavioral notions of choice set-desirability and choice-satisfaction.  相似文献   

在油气长输管道设计中,管道的壁厚设计计算和选取直接影响到管道输送安全和工程投资.针对油气长输管道壁厚计算因输送介质不同、输送温度不同、输送压力不同及处于不同地段而产生的差异,归纳总结出油气长输管道普通线路段、穿跨越段和站场部分管道壁厚计算方法,也总结出了在管道壁厚的选取中需要注意的问题及应用的规范.  相似文献   

After a disaster, a huge number of homeless victims should be evacuated to temporary resettlement sites. However, because the number of temporary shelters is insufficient, as are shelter building capabilities, victims must be evacuated and resettled in batches. The perceived psychological penalty to victims may increase due to heightened panic when waiting for evacuation and resettlement, whereas psychological interventions can decrease the magnitude of this panic. Based on the susceptible–infective-removal model, panic spread among homeless victims and other disaster-affected people is modeled, while considering the effects of psychological interventions on panic spread. A function is derived to compute the increase in the number of victims to be evacuated due to panic spread. A novel mixed-integer linear program is constructed for multi-step evacuation and temporary resettlement under minimization of panic-induced psychological penalty cost, psychological intervention cost, and costs associated with transportation and building shelters. The model is solved by aggregating objectives into a single objective by assigning weights to these objectives. With Wenchuan County as the test case, the epicenter of the 2008 Sichuan earthquake, the influence and the sensitivity of parameters, tradeoff among costs, and the effects of various functions of panic strength on psychological penalty and monetary costs are assessed using six experimental scenarios. Analytical results reveal the complexity and managerial insights gained by applying the proposed method to post-disaster evacuation and temporary resettlement.  相似文献   


It is only recently that researchers have attempted to directly link transport to models of well-being and in turn try to map transport's linkages to well-being outcomes. This paper seeks to add to this new literature by introducing a dynamic model of well-being, which highlights the different domains that make up well-being, and in turn — through providing one of the most holistic and comprehensive discussions of the current well-being literature — provide an evaluation of our current understanding of transport's relationship to well-being. The paper also seeks to highlight the different dimensions and complexities of seeking to monitor and improve well-being through transport policy. It will in turn be argued that the varied and complex sets of outcomes that arise from transport policy interventions, and the multiple ways in which they affect well-being, make a well-being approach (that measures policy outcomes in terms of units of well-being) of particular value for policy-makers. However, due to the complexities in comparing positive well-being outcomes, it is argued that the best use of well-being evidence for the transport sector may be to try to minimise the negative effects on well-being caused by policy outcomes.  相似文献   

Bhat  Chandra R.  Misra  Rajul 《Transportation》1999,26(2):193-229
This paper formulates a model for the allocation of total weekly discretionary time of individuals between in-home and out- of-home locations and between weekdays and the weekend. The model formulation takes the form of a continuous utility-maximizing resource allocation problem. The formulation is applied to an empirical analysis using data drawn from a 1985 time-use survey conducted in the Netherlands. This survey gathered time-use information from individuals over a period of one week and also collected detailed household-personal socio-demographic data. The empirical analysis uses household socio-demographics, individual socio-demographics, and work-related characteristics as the explanatory variables. Among the explanatory variables, age of the individual and work duration during the weekdays appear to be the most important determinants of discretionary time allocation.  相似文献   

水力旋流器作为分离设备,主要是利用旋流产生的离心力对密度不同的介质进行分离,在石油工业方面得到了广泛的应用。主要介绍了水力旋流器的工作原理、研究现状和应用前景,分析了水力旋流器在油料储运方面的主要用途和工艺流程。  相似文献   

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