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JP  尹薇  老焯麟 《汽车生活》2008,(4):130-137
也许设计师本没有什么特定舞台的限制,但来到我们这个舞台的明星,一定是和车有缘分的创意大师。他们用带轮子的空间完成了自己的鬼斧神工的艺术角色反串……  相似文献   

由日产汽车公司、东风汽车有限公司和日产(中国)投资有限公司联合举办的主题为“全球设计和本土化设计(Global Desfgn & Local Design)”的“2007日产造型设计论坛”于6月29日在北京东方广场揭幕,这标志着名为“想像力加工(Imagination Factory)”的日产造型设计展正式登陆中国大陆,  相似文献   

Design in GT-R     
杨云飞 《轿车情报》2012,(8):100-103
不是每一款Skyline平台所生产的车型都能够配得上GT—R这个名号,也许只有第三代的C10、第四代的C110、第八代的R32、第九代的R33以及第十代的R34,由Skyline平台上衍生的这五款GT—R才真正配得上战神,再加上随后2007推出的其独立分支的R35,拥有GT—R名号的车型一共只有这6款。  相似文献   

袁唯 《轿车情报》2008,(3):106-107
对于去年上海车展奇瑞在法拉利对面大摆阵仗的情形,相信很多人还没忘记,而对于当时奇瑞在未来计划量产的概念车Shooting Sport更是记忆犹新。这辆漂亮且量产程度相当高的概念车,由意大利Torino Design都灵设计公司负责设计。而趁着其公司总经理兼董事长Roberto Piatti在上海短暂的停留之际,我们特地对他进行了专访。  相似文献   

在今年8月份,JE DESIGN开始了卡宴车型的改装,而在卡宴推出全新GTS车型之后,JE DESIGN立刻追加了该车型的改装套件,不过仅针对外观造型加以改造。与先前推出的卡宴改装套件相比,该款  相似文献   

volvo的革新 来自于瑞典的Volvo汽车,执着于追求安全性的进步,为自己的品牌打下了深刻的烙印。去过北欧的人一定了解,冰天雪地在北欧可算作是家常便饭,每年的冰冻期长达4个月,个别地区甚至多达半年,在这样严酷的环境中,车辆的安全性是重中之重。  相似文献   

Belkin的两个iPod附件获得iF Product Design奖,一个是用于使iPod可以支持录音的Tune Studio,另外一个则是针对iPod设计的运动产品Sport Command for iPod,  相似文献   

许鸿德 《汽车杂志》2007,(10):148-153
自从Hybrid混合动力车以其独有的环保性和燃油经济性普遍受到消费者的关注后,现在几乎所有的国际车厂都已经或正在研发自己的混合动力车款,但大多销售情况都不太满意。问题出在哪里?用设计来凸显“绿色”概念原来并不是那么容易!仅仅将车身漆成绿色非但影响外形,而且对诠释环保性能毫无帮助。要创造一辆成功的“绿色”汽车,汽车设计师们还要费更多心思。[编者按]  相似文献   

继ABT的VW EOS硬顶敞篷跑车改装打响第一炮后,同样是擅长VW集团车系改装工程的JE Design也开始跟进。虽然JE Design没有ABT那么出名,但是这个“第二名”却在改装上多了一些感性的色彩,没有多于的夸张和另类。外观上导入了全车空力套件,从前下扰流、侧裙、后  相似文献   

<正>中国与以色列合资的气车品牌观致为学生提供了诸多展现自我的机会,譬如眼前这辆观致9概念车就是由观致资助29岁韩国籍学生Jihoon Seo的作品。这款观致9概念车,由JihoonSeo在中国上海设计中心历时5个月,以2020年生活在大都市40-50岁专业人士为主题进行设计。由此一款融合轿跑与大型豪华轿车的作品诞生了。这款观致9概念车将会作为  相似文献   

可以看到沃尔沃V40D2R—Designt在向班级冠军A3发起挑战自从奥迪开发出A3这17年间,已经销售超过300万辆。连同车辆保险和车辆养护等费用加在一起,都达到了许多人购车的预算范围之内,这就难怪它卖得这么好了。你可能会奇怪.在介绍沃尔沃V40之前,为什么要回顾奥迪。正大因为这些数字显示出了这一级别车型的庞大市场,对于沃尔沃来说,也是一样。要在这一级别开拓市场,多数人会自动地认为要做到“A3”不容易。而当看到沃尔沃V40 D2R—Design之后,我们可以证实它也是非常好的产品。从前的沃尔沃缺少线条美,但现在变了。  相似文献   

保时捷近日为广大车迷献了一款首度亮相的重磅车型——全新Cayenne GTS Porsche Design EditionⅢ。限量生产1000台并采用独家配置的Cayenne GTS Porsche Design Editionm无疑将会进一步扩大保时捷在运动型多功能车市场中的份额。  相似文献   

我想你一定会被这个新车速递有史以来最长的车名所吸引,这样我就达到目的了。在论坛上,要想受关注,帖子的标题就一定要长!车名反之,所以我们把它放在最后。保时捷将用这台名字颇长的918 Spyder挑战恶名昭著的20.8km长的纽伯格林北环赛道,而且信誓旦旦地要进入7分22秒线。  相似文献   

NIU Bin  WANG Qi  GUO Ting 《隧道建设》2019,39(4):661-668
The design and flood flowing safety measures of the metro station in the flood district, such as scour protection, flood control, collision prevention and floating resistance, are studied based on the flood control evaluation on the Dongzhuang Station of the Shijiazhuang Metro Line 1 Project (Phase Ⅱ). Then feasible design measures are put forward to meet the requirements of flood control evaluation during different flood return periods. The design scope for main works includes: increasing the burial depth of the station, using the retaining piles as the anti floating piles, and adopting the heightened anti flooding retaining wall and anti flooding baffle. Additionally, the civil air defense door is also used as the flood gate in case of the unelevated ground at the entrance/exit in auxiliary works. Finally, the base slab at the entrance/exit is lower than the area below the maximum scouring line, the counterweight is backfilled in the void space, and the integral rigidity of the auxiliary structure is enhanced.  相似文献   

The Automotive Industry Planning. Design & Research Institute is a state A class automobile and motorcycle designing organization. It passed the ISO 9001 Quality System Certification in 1997. Its main activities include: Research on Development Programs and Technical & Economic Policies With its capability of undertaking auto industry development programs and technical/economic policies, the institute can provide all kinds of  相似文献   

With reference to the construction conditions and features of metro tunnels, the design features of double shield TBMs are analyzed and key issues to be considered and settled when a double shield TBMs is used for metro tunnel construction are proposed. The issues include cutterhead′s rock breaking capacity, small curve excavation, selection of backfill grouting technology and jamming prevention and release function in fault and fracture zone, etc., which all have a direct effect on the geological adaptability, tunnel lining quality and tunneling performance of double shield TBMs. Subsequently, the specific design and optimization scheme, which includes the design of cutterhead thick steel plates, tapered shield, monorail hoist and pea gravel backfill and cement slurry grouting, etc., are studied. The success of double shield TBMs in Shenzhen Metro project well proved its remarkable geological adaptability and advantages in efficient mechanized construction.  相似文献   

This paper describes a study for the optimisation of the wheel profile in the wheel–rail system to increase the overall level of adhesion available at the contact interface, in particular to investigate how the wheel and rail profile combination may be designed to ensure the improved delivery of tractive/braking forces even in poor contact conditions. The research focuses on the geometric combination of both wheel and rail profiles to establish how the contact interface may be optimised to increase the adhesion level, but also to investigate how the change in the property of the contact mechanics at the wheel–rail interface may also lead to changes in the vehicle dynamic behaviour.  相似文献   

Knowledge of the current tyre–road friction coefficient is essential for future autonomous vehicles. The environmental conditions, and the tyre–road friction in particular, determine both the braking distance and the maximum cornering velocity and thus set the boundaries for the vehicle. Tyre–road friction is difficult to estimate during normal driving due to low levels of tyre force excitation. This problem can be solved by using active tyre force excitation. A torque is added to one or several wheels in the purpose of estimating the tyre–road friction coefficient. Active tyre force excitation provides the opportunity to design the tyre force excitation freely. This study investigates how the tyre force should be applied to minimise the error of the tyre–road friction estimate. The performance of different excitation strategies was found to be dependent on both tyre model choice and noise level. Furthermore, the advantage with using tyre models with more parameters decreased when noise was added to the force and slip ratio.  相似文献   

在本期实车测试栏目中,我们为您介绍了保时捷Cayman车型,这款车虽然是作为保时捷品牌的入门级车型,但也不容小视。早在这款车上市之前,保时捷Cayman S已经被很多人熟知,而在同一平台上,保时捷Boxster S也名声不小。  相似文献   

通过对车架结构动态性能的评估,找出动力学上的缺陷并进行合理的结构修改,改善了车架结构的动态特性,减小了摩托车振动,为摩托车结构的减振优化研究提供了可借鉴的方法。  相似文献   

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