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“公路之王”斯堪尼亚首次引入中国的“斯堪尼亚中国卡车驾驶员大赛”于10月30日在杭州落下帷幕,来自上海巴士物流有限公司的严军凭借出色的重型卡车驾驶技巧和心理素质,在全国总决赛中以绝对优势击败其他八位决赛选手,获得“2010斯堪尼亚中国卡车驾驶员大赛”全国总冠军荣誉。在获得高额奖金的同时,严军也将作为中国卡车驾驶员群体的优秀代表,前往斯堪尼亚的瑞典总部参观,探访欧洲当地卡车文化。  相似文献   

“2012斯堪尼亚中国卡车驾驶员大赛”全国总决赛于7月18日在广州圆满落幕,来自四川绵阳的余洲击败其他8名入围选手。一举夺得“2012斯堪尼亚中国卡车驾驶员大赛”全国总冠军;  相似文献   

路智军 《驾驶园》2010,(12):26-26
作为全球性赛事"斯堪尼亚卡车驾驶员大赛"的重要组成部分,"斯堪尼亚中国卡车驾驶员大赛"全国总决赛10月30日在杭州落幕。上海巴士物流有限公司的严军凭借高超的驾驶技术和出色的发挥拔得头筹,获得"2010斯堪尼亚中国卡车驾驶员大赛"全国总冠军荣誉。  相似文献   

张颖 《汽车与配件》2010,(47):39-41
<正>斯堪尼亚首次引入中国的"斯堪尼亚中国卡车驾驶员大赛"在杭州落下帷幕,来自上海巴士物流有限公司的严军凭借出色的重型卡车驾驶技巧和心理素质,  相似文献   

李栋 《运输车辆》2012,(9):19-19
2年一度的“斯堪尼亚中国卡车驾驶员大赛”报名工作已于2012年4月23日开始,将持续到6月11日。本届大赛将历时3个月,相继在青岛、成都和广州3地举办区域赛事,每场区域赛的前3名预计于7月18日会师广州,决出代表中国卡车驾驶员最高水准的全国总冠军。总冠军不仅将获2万元奖金,还将作为中国驾驶员群体的优秀代表,前往斯堪尼亚瑞典总部观摩“斯堪尼亚卡车驾驶员大赛”欧洲区的总决赛。  相似文献   

张颖 《汽车与配件》2014,(17):43-45
<正>近日,以王者驾驭不止于行为口号的2014斯堪尼亚中国卡车驾驶员大赛启动发布会仪式在北京举行。来自全国的所有卡车驾驶员再次受到邀请,参与到这项全球性的赛事中来。主办方称:即日起,凡持A2驾驶执照,年龄在45岁以内的驾驶员均可登录大赛官网报名参赛。  相似文献   

程红 《驾驶园》2014,(8):29-29
<正>"2014斯堪尼亚中国卡车驾驶员大赛"于7月14日在冰城哈尔滨激情上演。经过紧张角逐,来自天津东粮欣瑞物流有限公司的刘健问鼎冠军;同时,来自青岛液化空气有限公司的许全喜和滨拓物流的张志强分获二三名。这三位脱颖而出的获胜者,将与深圳、武汉、无锡、厦门四站赛事的前三甲,在厦门共同冲击全国总冠军。  相似文献   

2012年7月18日,两年一届的斯堪尼亚中国卡车驾驶员大赛进行了决赛的角逐。斯堪尼亚卡车驾驶员大赛为目前世界上范围最广、规模最大的专业卡车驾驶员比赛,自2003年来共吸引全球五大洲逾十五万名卡车驾驶员参与。该项赛事旨在鼓励和帮助全世界卡车驾驶员提升安全意识、环保意识、专业水准与职业自豪感,并提高全社会对驾驶员群体的关注和尊重,吸引更多的年轻人加入这一行业。2010年,斯堪尼亚中国首次将此项赛事引进中国。今年的再度举行,又一次受到全国广大卡车专业驾驶员的热烈欢迎。  相似文献   

金秋 《驾驶园》2010,(9):27-27
8月20日,享有"公路之王"美誉的全球领先商用汽车制造商斯堪尼亚,首次将全球性赛事"斯堪尼亚卡车驾驶员大赛(Scania Driver Competitions)"引入中国。此次"2010斯堪尼亚中国卡车驾驶员大赛"将历时两个月,在深圳、厦门、杭州三地相继举办区域赛事后,于10月30日在杭州决出代表中国卡车驾驶员顶级水准的全国冠军。大赛报名工作将自9月1日起全面展开。  相似文献   

路智军 《驾驶园》2014,(9):20-21
<正>8月3日,2014斯堪尼亚中国卡车驾驶员大赛在厦门落幕。大赛自6月启航,历经两个月,公路之王足迹遍布华南、华中、华北、华东几大地区,终于到达此次征程的最后一站——厦门。经过紧张角逐,来自四川的余洲凭借良好的心态与精湛的驾驶技术,以满分成绩再次夺得冠军,实现卫冕;首次参  相似文献   

节能、环保、舒适、廉价是广大汽车消费者对汽车整车的要求,作为汽车动力总成关键部分之一的变速器,自然也摆脱不了这一趋势。更高的传动效率,更舒适的驾乘感觉,更小的体积和更加简易可靠的控制模式应该成为新型变速器技术的追求目标。AMT/CVT/DCT技术近期的快速发展,正是各个厂商不断追求上述目标的自然结果。  相似文献   

本次测试中,在车辆自质量方面,曼TGX取得了令人惊奇的好成绩,整备质量大约7 247 kg,相比它的前身TGA轻了大约250 kg.这要归功于其后桥采用中空的4点式连杆(以前为实心),前桥采用了新型的单片簧减振器.  相似文献   

本次对4款功率为405 kw(550PS)左右、采用大型驾驶室的顶级重型牵引车进行对比评分,它们分别是重新打造的依维柯Stralis AS 440S 56、最新款的MAN 18.540 TGX、最畅销的梅赛德斯Actros 1855 Megaspace和相对年轻的斯堪尼亚R 560 Topline.  相似文献   

Research on distracted driving due to phone use has increased substantially over the past decades, however, very little is explored about commercial vehicle drivers (e.g., truck drivers) in this aspect. This study focused on examining the prevalence of phone use habits and the associated crash risk for data collected from 490 Indian truck drivers. The data on demographic details, driving history, phone use habits (in everyday life and during driving), history of receiving any penalty for phone use and incidences of crash occurrence, was collected through face-to-face interviews with the drivers. Binary logistic models were used to identify the factors affecting phone use habits during driving and the associated crash risk. Further, the incidences of receiving a penalty for the phone use were examined through cross-tabulation and chi-square statistics. The results showed that 55% of the drivers used a phone during driving, mainly for talking purpose. The model revealed that education, vehicle size, vehicle ownership and everyday life phone use habits were the significant factors associated with phone use while driving. Regarding the history of penalty receiving incidences, 41% of the drivers who used a phone during driving had received the penalty, and 52% of these penalty-receiving drivers were penalized repetitively. The model results for crash risk showed that the frequent phone users were 29 times more likely to be involved in a crash due to phone use compared to the non-frequent users. The results suggest a double level (legislative and company level) prohibition policy for phone use during driving for the truck drivers and also to enforce strict and effective legislative ban especially on the truck routes.  相似文献   

程国华 《驾驶园》2009,(4):74-75
根据个人多年的驾驶经验,总结出驾驶员在驾车前、中、停的过程中容易忽略的小事,以此来提醒大家重视,遵守规章制度,改掉不良习惯,确保行车安全。  相似文献   

Many studies have validated that emotional demands are one of the main stressors that lead to fatigue, decreasing the safety behaviour in services work-related. However, studies to date have relied on long-term emotional demands rather than on the short-term fluctuation in emotional demands. The main aims of this research was to investigate the influence of individuals, as well as the daily levels of emotional demands on self-reported crashes, mainly through daily acute fatigue and safety motivation. The study was conducted among taxi drivers (N = 96) over a period of six days for both, morning and afternoon sessions in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. As expected, it was found that increased levels in an individual's daily emotional demands were related to acute and chronic fatigue, where only acute fatigue had an influence on safety motivation. In addition, safety motivation decreased the rate of self-reported crashes. These results suggest that the increment level of emotional demands has an indirect relationship to traffic crash rates, mainly through fatigue and safety motivation.  相似文献   

In developing countries such as Iran, due to the inadequate infrastructure for rail and air transportation facilities, intercity buses are the most common type of transportation for long distances. Because of the long hours of driving, bus driving is considered a challenging job. Moreover, given the high capacity of these vehicles, a small error from the driver could endanger many passengers' health. So, studying drivers' behaviours can be a key factor in decreasing the risk factors of crash involvement in these drivers. However, few studies have focused on intercity bus drivers' behaviours. This research uses a sample of 254 professional drivers that answered a self-report questionnaire on driving style (MDSI), driving behaviour (DBQ), and driving anger (DAS). A structural equation modelling (SEM) is used to investigate the psychometric properties of these questionnaires. The results show a positive correlation between maladaptive driving styles and driving behaviour, and a negative correlation between adaptive styles and driving behaviour. Significant differences are observed among drivers with and without crash history on their maladaptive driving styles and their driving anger scale. A binary logistic regression model is also developed to predict traffic crashes as a function of driving misbehaviour. The results suggest that factors related to driving anger are the main factors that increase the probability of misbehaviour and traffic crashes. The results also suggest that driving style and driving behaviour significantly predict crash risk among bus drivers. Aggressive driving is associated with an increased probability of crash involvement among intercity bus drivers. The findings can be used to inform the health promotion policies and provide regular interventions designed to improve driving safety among intercity bus drivers.  相似文献   

2001年7月13日晚,注定是个不眠夜。萨马兰奇口中的"北京"二字,贵比万金,一时间,全国沸腾,锣鼓喧天。七年来,在奥运"利好"的刺激下,中国可谓是日新月异、欣欣向荣。奥运场馆大规模兴建,城市配套设置日臻完善,城际铁路、高速纷纷竣工……我们用一个崭新的面貌来迎接奥运,我们用最朴实、友善的微笑欢迎四方来客。目前,在北京市和其他奥运协办城市的街头,到处可见身着蓝衣、红衣的奥运志愿者。他们或是为外地游客指路,或是在地铁指导乘客如何刷卡,或是走上马路清扫垃圾……他们,是今夏城市里最美的一道风景。近日,记者走访了几家单位,这些单位的员工有的是为奥运接送运动员、媒体的司机,有的是坚守岗位,保障整个城市物流正常配送的志愿者。虽然工作性质不同,但他们都有一个心愿:在百年奥运举行的日子里,做好本职工作,力所能及地为奥运做些贡献。奥运,我们都准备好了!  相似文献   

吴朝平 《驾驶园》2009,(3):66-67
为了科学安全行车,争做一名优秀公交驾驶员,应严格遵循行车操作技术准则,杜绝各类事故发生。  相似文献   

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