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<正>为了更好推动青岛海铁联运的发展,青岛国际航运服务中心组织专家团队编写了《2017青岛"一带一路"背景下海铁联运发展》蓝皮书。该蓝皮书详细阐述了青岛发展海铁联运的时代背景;高度总结概括了我国海铁联运发展的现状和问题;研究性地分析了"一带一路"背景下,丝绸之路经济带和海上丝绸之路沿线国家国际海铁联运的市场需求;针对青岛的实际情况,提出了青岛开展"一带一路"背景下海铁联运的市场定位、发展思路和发展目标;在全面分  相似文献   

正泉州市是我国首个"东亚文化之都",是联合国教科文组织唯一认定的海上丝绸之路的起点城市,是列入国家"一带一路"倡议的21世纪海上丝绸之路先行区。~([1])2016年通过的《泉州建设21世纪海上丝绸之路先行区发展规划》明确指出,泉州市应建设陆海统筹枢纽区,建成海上丝绸之路国际枢纽港,加强与海上丝绸之路沿线港口互联互通,建立"一带一路"内外对接的陆海新通道。东盟是泉州市的第二大贸易合作伙伴,打造泉州市至东盟的便捷  相似文献   

<正>泉州港顺应时代契机,全面融入"一带一路"建设海丝先行区,立志将泉州港塑造成"一带一路"战略支点的主力港口泉州是我国古代海上丝绸之路的重要发源地,是我国首个"东亚文化之都",更是我国著名的侨乡,民营经济十分活跃。历史上,泉州港口作为古代海上丝绸之路起点港口,无数的华侨华人通过泉州口岸下南洋、谋生计,之后与古代海上丝绸之路沿线的国家和地区建立  相似文献   

<正>为提升我国对外开放水平,加深与亚欧非等国合作关系,习近平主席在2013年相继提出了构建丝绸之路经济带和建设21世纪海上丝绸之路的战略构想,简称"一带一路"战略。"一带一路"战略构想提出后,得到了国内外的积极响应,"一带一路"沿线国家纷纷表示愿意与中国建立良好的经贸合作机制,实现互利共赢。"一带一路"建设战略的实施,特别是21世纪海上丝绸之路建设,将会极大促进我国航运业的健康快速发展,航运企业也应抓住这一难得的战略机遇,充分发挥航运在21世纪海上丝绸之路建设中的作用,并带动其他行业的合作与发展,共同服务21世纪海上丝绸之路建设。  相似文献   

正自"一带一路"倡议提出以来,中国企业加大了对沿线港口和物流设施的投资建设,海上丝绸之路港口国际合资合作成果丰富。中资企业通过兼并收购、特许经营、合资合作等多种形式加强了对海外港口的投资布局,为促进"一带一路"设施连通作出贡献港口是海上丝绸之路的重要节点和载体,也是重要的战略资源。自"一带一路"倡议提出以来,中国企业加大了对沿线港口及物流设施的投资建设,海上丝绸之路港口国际合资合  相似文献   

正21世纪海上丝绸之路是"一带一路"倡议中至关重要的一翼,而航运业是联系21世纪海上丝绸之路的支撑性行业。"一带一路"本身就是一个完整的系统,航运业可以起到对"一带一路"交通网络实现有效沟通和联系的作用,使各种交通运输方式之间的分工合作更加合理。航运业是一个受国家政策影响较大的产业,而航运企业作为航运业中的个体,其命运又是与  相似文献   

<正>经过一年多的筹备,上海航运交易所(以下简称"上海航交所")7月29日宣布,其开发编制的"一带一路"航运指数——"一带一路"货运贸易指数与"海上丝绸之路"运价指数正式对外试运行。这也是国内机构对航运产业在"一带一路"战略中最深入的公开解读。从2013年国家主席习近平提出共建"丝绸之路经济带"和"21世纪海上丝绸之路"重大倡议,到今年年初国家发改委、外交部和  相似文献   

"一带一路"战略,即丝绸之路经济带和21世纪海上丝绸之路。21世纪海上丝绸之路将成为我国海洋经济发展的新引擎,也将拉开我国海洋外交的新篇章。中国海事作为我国海洋事务的主管机关之一,必须清楚定位在"一带一路"战略中的角色,同时必须在这项伟大的战略中展现出自己的作为,主动而为,将21世纪海上丝绸之路当作服务国家战略、提升自身能力的契机,为"海洋强国"贡献力量的同时,实现自身的跨越式发展。  相似文献   

周一轩 《集装箱化》2017,28(10):7-11
正港口在国际贸易和货物转运过程中发挥着重要作用。作为"一带一路"建设海上合作的重要支点,"一带一路"沿线国家和地区间的港口投资建设运营合作是未来建设21世纪海上丝绸之路的重要方向,港口行业"走出去"与我国"一带一路"倡议高度契合。在内生式经济增长动能减弱的背景下,天津港积极实施"走出去"发展战略,通过对接"一带一路"倡议实现海外扩张,努力探索提升国际化经营管理水平和海外码头建设管理能力,拓展国际营运网络,  相似文献   

<正>港口是水陆交通和物流的枢纽,是"一带一路"建设的重要载体和纽带。历史上,海上丝绸之路的兴起与沿海港口的发展直接相关。如今我国大力推进"一带一路"战略建设与发展,沿线港口今后将扮演更加重要、更加关键的角色。值"一带一路"国际论坛召开之际,不妨跟随我们的目光,去看看中国港口这一路的风光……21世纪海上丝绸之路成为中国推动的一项重要议程。2015年3月,在国务院授权下,国家发改委、外交部和商务部联合发布了《推动  相似文献   

Government in partnership with a number of Irish universities has begun a program of mapping underwater archaeological sites around the island of Ireland. This was encouraged by a strong legislative base and by a growing awareness of the value of the extensive submerged cultural resource around the coast. The results of these programs have been incorporated into the Geographic Information System and now form the basis of integrated management and research plans.  相似文献   

殷悦  江南莼 《中国水运》2007,(10):22-23
《什么是船公司的成功之道》值得一读。经营状况最好的船公司,他们的成功得益于三条有效的经营策略:无论在服务、客户关系还是IT方面都实施区别化战略;谨慎的财务管理;满足客户不断变化的业务要求。文章用生动的文字,描述了汉堡南美、中远、伟大联盟(东方海外、赫伯罗特、马来西亚国际航运和日本邮船)和新世界联盟(现代商船、美国总统和商船三井)、马士基、地中海航运和长荣等世界著名承运人与众不同的经营策略。我们非常欢迎这样的文章,用生动、诙谐的文字讲述或评论深奥的经营管理之道。水运业界人才济济,不信就出不了易中天、于丹式的学者型大众传播家。  相似文献   

Cultural models of the coast affect—and are affected by—our marine ethics, frameworks for coastal ownership, and management practices. The coast can be seen as an ecosystem with intrinsic values, a commodity that can be bought and sold, a community place where people meet, a landscape with aesthetic appeal, a productive system that generates profits, a property to be managed, or a spiritual realm that relates to proper order and reverence. Each of these cultural constructions interacts with the others and this can create conflicts over rights and responsibilities. Each construction has implications for who should manage the coast, to what ends, and by what means. This article explores the negative and positive implications of seven cultural models to the Australian coast and makes suggestions about the value of Australian Indigenous and sustainability perspectives to a durable human relationship with the coast. Examples are drawn from recent coastal developments in Australia, such as Native Title debates, the marine protected area process, and Coastcare.  相似文献   

Domestic management of historic shipwrecks and other Underwater Cultural Heritage (UCH) resources located in the United States coastal zone is extensively fragmented and a portion of it has significant implications in terms of international law. In the United States coastal zone, UCH (largely historic shipwrecks) falls under one of three general regimes, depending on where the resource is located and subject to specific and individual requirements: the General Maritime Law, the Abandoned Shipwreck Act, and the Marine Protection, Research and Sanctuaries Act, also known as the Marine Sanctuaries Act. After examining the development of and current status of these regimes, this article will suggest policies for a stronger, more coordinated federal management regime in United States coastal waters. It will specifically argue that a recent decision by the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit provides a well-designed paradigm that could be linked with pertinent aspects of the three identified regimes to create a unified coastal governance mechanism for sunken historic shipwrecks.  相似文献   

工地文化是施工企业长期培育而成的一种价值观念和工地精神。介绍了施工企业工地文化建设的重要性。针对企业存在对工地文化建设的认识盲点,详细论述了工地文化的内涵与外延以及推进工地文化建设的主要途径,最后对工地文化建设需要把握的几个环节作一阐述。  相似文献   

黄强 《中国水运》2007,(8):14-15
长江不仅是一条天然的黄金水道,更是一条蕴涵丰厚历史与文化积淀的母亲河,孕育了伟大的中华文明。各种文化通过长江航运相互激荡交流,使长江航运文化得以广纳古今中外文化之精华,形成了丰富而独具鲜明特色的文化资源。充分认识长江航运文化资源,并对这些文化资源进行梳理、整合,开发和利用,对于深化行业文化建设,促进长江航运发展具有重要意义。  相似文献   

The South China Sea has attained global attention because of terraria disputes over oil, gas, fisheries and other resources in the sea area. Compared with the valuable natural resources, the underwater cultural heritage is not recognized or considered, but is an important legacy of many losses of vessels over centuries. Recently, the surrounding states in the South China Sea have taken measures to preserve underwater cultural heritage in their sea waters. However, the current complicated situation of the South China Sea intensifies the difficulties of protection of underwater cultural heritagein that area. There is an important and interesting potential issue of identification of ownership of underwater cultural heritage because of differences of legislation and claims to jurisdiction. Under the current information of legislation of some states in the South China Sea, it can be understood this issue cannot be avoid on the protection of underwater cultural heritage. This article discusses potential disputes over ownership of underwater cultural heritage in the South China Sea based on the different legislation of several states (China, Vietnam and Philippines) and proposes some possible suggestions for resolving the issue of ownership, rather than performing a primary research.  相似文献   

李宇贤 《中国水运》2007,7(12):206-207
从语言和文化的关系入手,通过分析中西方文化差异所在和在英语教学中所存在的一些主要问题,着重探讨在英语教学中如何把中西方文化差异和语言差异的学习有机结合起来,真正提高英语学习者灵活运用英语进行交际的能力.  相似文献   

There has been a high degree of cooperation and collaboration among the Navy system commands with respect to human performance under the Human Systems Performance Assessment Capability initiative. Additionally, the various warfare centers for Naval Sea Systems Command have shown the ability to team across the wide Navy organization. The steering group has shown the practitioners how to team and work together to accomplish similar objectives across different systems. Opportunities to collaborate have been identified and executed with minimal supervision and measurable contributions have been collected. One of the valuable benefits that has been gained through this effort is the ability for practitioners to share knowledge, methods, and tools with their counterparts across the Navy infrastructure. A shared common approach to addressing human performance data collection is emerging as a result. One of the real advantages of the project is a shared vision on the importance of human performance as part of the system engineering process of defining requirements through the eventual test and evaluation phases of a program.  相似文献   

远洋船舶文化建设的"四个延伸"   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
宋福辉 《中国水运》2007,5(5):12-13
作为远洋运输企业,行业性质和员工主体决定了“青远文化”的落脚点应在船舶上。从最基本的一线生产单位入手,抓点带面,是从源头抓企业文化的重要举措,船舶文化是青远文化的缩影,“滴水见太阳”,抓好船舶典型,对于增强企业凝聚力、美誉度,扩大在同行业中的影  相似文献   

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