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液压制动胶管俗称液压刹车软管。胶管总成的组成有五个零件:二只管接头;二根衬管;一根橡胶管。胶管最外层是一根具有防老化性能,密封良好而完整的橡胶管。剥去外层橡胶,就是用棉线(或其它纤维线)编织得很紧密的编织层,它是组成胶管的骨架,有许多优良的性能,如能承受几百公斤/厘米~2的高压(此时胶管内径膨胀极小),并有在一定内压力作用下耐弯曲疲劳的良好性能等。编织层通常是二层,三层的极少。管接头装上橡胶管并经  相似文献   

废气涡轮增压器是保证柴油发动机动力性的关键部件,它由废气涡轮组件和进气泵轮组件组成,其转子轴采用全浮动式轴承压力润滑方式,在涡轮壳与泵轮壳上分别装有密封环,用以防止转子轴的润滑油泄漏.废气涡轮端与排气支管加垫片连接,进气泵轮进气口与空气滤清气用胶管连接,出气口与进气管用胶管连接.由于废气涡轮增压器经常在高温下工作,进入废气涡轮端的废气温度在600℃以上,当柴油发动机处在额定转速工作时,增压器的最高转速高达100 000r/min左右.废气涡轮增压器的故障会直接引起柴油发动机动力下降、油耗增加、冒黑烟、憋车、工作不稳等,并产生噪声.其常见故障有以下几种.  相似文献   

除了空气滤清器滤芯脏污及滤芯上、下不密封等会影响发动机的工作外,进气管道也会引发影响混合气质量的故障。 一辆大修后使用不久的EQ1090型汽车,发动机工作无力,排气管冒黑烟。经检查,油、电路均无问题,气缸压力也正常,最后无意中发现进气胶管内层脱皮。原来,发动机工作时胶管的脱皮被进气流吸起,并堆积在进气道的拐弯处,致使进气道截面减小,进入气缸的空气随之减少,造成混合气过……  相似文献   

陈嘉宁 《汽车杂志》2014,(7):286-286
世界上只要有商人.就可能存在谎言。你肯相信一根看起来平平无奇的胶管,能提升燃油的燃烧效率和改善尾气排放吗?在百般疑惑下,我向产品提供方的工程师提出了我的疑问。其表示赛力魔燃油催化胶管,从表面上看的确是平平无奇,但掰开胶管后,里面藏有很多金属粉,而这些金属粉是含有纳米技术的金属粉。  相似文献   

涡轮增压发动机增压器出气硅橡胶复合胶管是汽车上使用条件最苛刻的胶管,需承受高温、高压和油气腐蚀等恶劣使用条件,因此经常出现各种质量问题而造成涡轮增压系统的减振失效和使用故障。从增压器出气硅橡胶复合胶管的材料、工艺和安装连接等方面分析了出现质量问题的原因,并提出了相应的解决措施,为提高涡轮增压胶管质量提供参考。  相似文献   

本文分析普通型气门芯不足之处,提出一种锥面切有环槽,胶管可以此折叠的气门芯,阐述新型气门芯的原理和优点;说明径向孔位移动的作用;并对胶管的改进作了展望。  相似文献   

一、发动机活塞环对口检查 发动机活塞环对口原因较复杂,其诊断一般可用以下方法进行检查: 1.观察曲轴通风管口是否窜气。将机油加注口盖拆下(如有滤网也要拆下),发动机工作时有较严重的机油雾喷出来,用手捂住机油加注口上如果活塞环对口则有一定的压力及较高的温度感觉;停机时如手摇曲轴,通过机油加注口将胶管插入机油盘,可明显听到活塞环对口而产生的下窜气声,发动机运转亦可诊听到。  相似文献   

直观检查法 对于一些较为简单的故障,可以通过眼看、手摸、耳听和嗅闻等手段对零部件进行检查.例如,通过视觉检查能发现诸如破裂、漏油、松脱和变形等故障想象,从而可及时地维修或更换配件;用手握住油管(特别是胶管),当有压力油流过时会有振动地感觉,而无油液流过或压力过低时则没有这种现象.另外,手摸还可用于判断带有机械传动部件的液压元件润滑情况是否良好,用手感觉一下元件壳体温度的变化,若元件壳体过热,则说明润滑不良;耳听可以判断机械零部件损坏造成的故障点和损坏程度,如液压泵吸空、溢流阀开启、元件发卡等故障,都会发出如水的冲击声或"水锤声"等异常响声;有些部件会由于过热、润滑不良和气蚀等原因而发出异味,通过嗅闻可以判断出故障点.  相似文献   

重型载货车散热器输冷却液胶管需承受高温、高压,并且管径一般都比较大,多数采用硅橡胶复合胶管。为解决硅橡胶复合胶管手工缠绕成型生产效率低、产品质量不稳定,而且价格昂贵、自重大等问题,开发出采用芳纶线绳增强的三元乙丙橡胶挤出胶管。介绍了内、外胶层橡胶材料的选择和配方,做为增强层的线绳材料的选择和处理方法,胶管生产工艺的研究,并通过橡胶材料检验以及胶管的耐天候性能、耐压性能、压缩永久变形性能、层间粘合强度、脉冲试验对制品性能进行了验证。结果表明,研发的胶管可以代替硅橡胶复合胶管,并且能够大幅度降重和降成本。  相似文献   

针对两台车型空调系统噪音大的问题,分别进行分析,均为空调低压管振动大造成的.对第一台车的空调低压管进行了结构分析,通过振动传递性的测试方法确定了更换胶管材料和增加胶管长度的优化方案.并在此基础上在管路中增加了消音器.对第二台车的空调低压管进行了增加配重块的结构优化.两台车的优化方案通过试验验证,明显降低了车内的噪音,极...  相似文献   

The increasing popularity of sport utility/light-duty vehicles has prompted the investigation of active roll management systems to reduce vehicle body roll. To minimize vehicle body roll and improve passenger comfort, one emerging solution is an active torsion bar control system. The validation of automotive safety systems requires analytical evaluation and laboratory testing prior to implementation on an actual vehicle. In this article, a computer simulation tool and accompanying hardware-in-the-loop test environment are presented for active torsion bar systems to study component configurations and performance limits. The numerical simulation illustrates that the hydraulic cylinder extension limits the active torsion system’s ability to provide body roll angle reduction under various driving conditions. To compare the control system’s time constant and body roll minimization capabilities for different hydraulic valve assemblies and equivalent hose lengths, an experimental test stand was created. For a typical hydraulic pressure and hose diameter, the equivalent hose length was not a key design variable that impacted the system response time. However, the servo-valve offered a quicker transient response and smoother steady-state behavior than the solenoid poppet actuators that may increase occupant safety and comfort.  相似文献   

The increasing popularity of sport utility/light-duty vehicles has prompted the investigation of active roll management systems to reduce vehicle body roll. To minimize vehicle body roll and improve passenger comfort, one emerging solution is an active torsion bar control system. The validation of automotive safety systems requires analytical evaluation and laboratory testing prior to implementation on an actual vehicle. In this article, a computer simulation tool and accompanying hardware-in-the-loop test environment are presented for active torsion bar systems to study component configurations and performance limits. The numerical simulation illustrates that the hydraulic cylinder extension limits the active torsion system's ability to provide body roll angle reduction under various driving conditions. To compare the control system's time constant and body roll minimization capabilities for different hydraulic valve assemblies and equivalent hose lengths, an experimental test stand was created. For a typical hydraulic pressure and hose diameter, the equivalent hose length was not a key design variable that impacted the system response time. However, the servo-valve offered a quicker transient response and smoother steady-state behavior than the solenoid poppet actuators that may increase occupant safety and comfort.  相似文献   

介绍了油管式汽车动态称重系统。运用VPG技术、利用动态显式非线性有限元分析软件LS-DYNA对某两轴货车满载驶过油管式称重仪的全过程进行了数值模拟。分析单/双胎、车速、油管内初始油压和管径等因素对传感器输出特性的影响。仿真分析结果与实车试验结果趋势一致,验证了仿真分析方法的正确性。  相似文献   

To solve the power steering (PS) hose oil leakage problem in automobile applications, a new geometry design of the metal fitting is required, and the swaging conditions applied to the PS hose should be optimized. In this study, a new metal fitting geometry for the PS hose was proposed. A CAE simulation for both the proposed and the conventional metal fittings was conducted, and both the stress and the strain in the PS hose were compared. An experimental verification was also performed with these two different metal fittings. Additionally, the swaging conditions were optimized by the durability cycle time, which was measured in an impulse test of the swaged PS hose. For a more economical production, practical working conditions were also recommended and experimentally verified.  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to investigate the dynamic deformation characteristics of an automotive A/C hose assembly using the finite element method and experimentation. The finite element analysis consisted of two analyses, specifically, a modal and a transient analysis. The dynamic modal analysis was conducted to assess the dynamic characteristics of the A/C hose structure, and the dynamic transient analysis was performed to investigate the dynamic stresses of an automotive A/C hose by dynamic loading with particular emphasis on the reinforced braid. Furthermore, the analyses results are expected to provide useful reference data in the design optimization of the hose layout related to the constrained design space. Modal testing was undertaken to verify the FE model. The FE result was in good agreement with the experimental results. The modal analysis result showed that the bending and swing modes of the hose occurred in the first six natural frequencies. The dynamic transient result showed that the maximum stress in the hose components occurred in the reinforced braid layers, which are particularly damage-prone.  相似文献   

罗雄 《路基工程》2011,(1):175-176,179
软式透水管是一种新型的排水复合型土工合成材料。根据软式透水管的构造特点与排水机理,重点介绍了在整治铁路站场排水不良病害中的应用。  相似文献   

燃油管脱拔力与材料膨胀率的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
针对国产化燃油管在材料膨胀率满足母公司技术标准的条件下,燃油管与燃油泵之间的脱拔力却较小,存在燃油管脱落的现象,为此进行了试验并采集大量试验数据,并在此基础上进行了科学分析,找出影响脱拔力的关键因素,研究出解决问题的方法,同时使燃油类橡胶管的技术标准得到完善。  相似文献   

In a conventional MPI engine, a pulsation damper is usually mounted on the fuel rail to diminish undesirable noise in the vehicle cabin room; however, pulsation dampers are quite expensive. Therefore, several studies have focused on reducing fuel pressure pulsation by increasing the self-damping characteristics of the fuel rail. This paper details the development of a fuel rail that reduces pulsation using a self-damping effect. Using an oil hammer simulation technique, pressure pulsation characteristics were investigated with respect to the aspect ratio of the cross-section, wall thickness, and fuel rail material. Increasing the aspect ratio and decreasing the wall thickness efficiently reduced the pressure pulsation. In addition, the pressure pulsation characteristics were investigated with respect to the resonant engine speed and injection period. These simulated data can be used to reduce the pressure pulsation peak and to avoid the resonant point in the design stage during the development of a fuel rail.  相似文献   

通过分析和试验,采用三元乙丙橡胶(EPDM)替代硅橡胶作材质,开发和推广应用EPDM中冷器出气胶管,以降低产品成本。  相似文献   

针对液压软管的特性以及工程机械液压管路设计、安装中经常出现的问题,提出了在工程机械液压管路设计、安装中使用软管应注意的几个原则,分析了工程实例,介绍了液压管路的发展新动向。  相似文献   

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