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In this paper, a new method based on morphologic research named reconstruction cross-component removal(RCCR) is developed to analyze geometrical scattering waves of an underwater target. Combining the origin of the cross-component in Wigner-Ville distribution, the highlight model of target echoes and time-frequency features of linear frequency-modulated signal can remove cross-components produced by multiple component signals in Wigner-Ville distribution and recover the auto-components of output signals. This method is used in experimental data processing, which can strengthen the real geometric highlights, and restrain the cross components. It is demonstrated that this method is helpful to analyze the geometrical scattering waves, providing an effective solution to underwater target detection and recognition.  相似文献   

Elastic acoustic scattering is important for buried target detection and identification. For elastic spherical objects, studies have shown that a series of narrowband energetic arrivals follow the first specular one. However, in practice, the elastic echo is rather weak because of the acoustic absorption, propagation loss, and reverberation, which makes it difficult to extract elastic scattering features, especially for buried targets. To remove the interference and enhance the elastic scattering, the de-chirping method was adopted here to address the target scattering echo when a linear frequency modulation(LFM) signal is transmitted. The parameters of the incident signal were known. With the de-chirping operation, a target echo was transformed into a cluster of narrowband signals, and the elastic components could be extracted with a band-pass filter and then recovered by remodulation.The simulation results indicate the feasibility of the elastic scattering extraction and recovery. The experimental result demonstrates that the interference was removed and the elastic scattering was visibly enhanced after de-chirping, which facilitates the subsequent resonance feature extraction for target classification and recognition.  相似文献   

付建  李嘉  曾帆 《船舶力学》2022,(12):1879-1887
为了分析船体散射效应对船尾螺旋桨声场的影响,结合点源模型和边界元方法提出任意边界条件下螺旋桨噪声的频域预报方法,该方法可以分别计算螺旋桨的入射声场和船体散射声场,定量评估船体的声散射效应。文中以5415船型和大侧斜螺旋桨为对象,首先基于计算流体力学模拟“艇+桨”的瞬态流场特征,然后考虑船体的声散射效应,计算分析螺旋桨的声场特征。结果表明:螺旋桨的散射声场与入射声场存在较大差异,考虑船体声散射效应后,螺旋桨声压低于入射声压,且其影响不可忽略。  相似文献   

Underwater acoustic scattering echoes have time–space structures and are aliasing in time and frequency domains. Different series of echoes properties are not identified when incident angle is unknown. This article investigates variations in target echoes of monostatic sonar to address this problem. The mother wavelet with similar structures has been proposed on the basis of preprocessing signal waveform using matched filter, and the theoretical expressions between delay factor and incident angle are derived in the wavelet domain. Analysis of simulation data and experimental results in free-field pool show that this method can effectively separate geometrical scattering components of target echoes. The time delay estimation obtained from geometrical echoes at a single angle is consistent with target geometrical features, which provides a basis for object recognition without angle information. The findings provide valuable insights for analyzing elastic scattering echoes in actual ocean environment.  相似文献   

The analysis and characteristic extraction of target echo characteristics are important in underwater target detection and recognition. Rigid acoustic scattering components are generally used as major echo contributors with relatively stable characteristic information. Previous studies focus on echo characteristics from a single angle, thereby limiting the amount of extracted characteristic information. This paper aims to establish a full-angle rigid echo components model and overcome the difficulty of the extraction of time delay characteristics of narrow-band acoustic scattering echoes. On the basis of the analysis of the target echo highlight model, the echo characteristics of rigid acoustic scattering components are extracted in the cepstrum domain, and a wavelet process is proposed to enhance the effect of time delay estimation. Experimental data indicate that the extracted time delay characteristics accord with the rigid echo characteristics of underwater target, thereby validating the effectiveness of the cepstrum method.  相似文献   

基于耦合声学边界元理论对水下目标低频声散射特性进行仿真研究。为了验证此数值方法准确性,对水中弹性球壳在平面波入射下的反向散射特性进行数值计算。结果表明,散射声场的数值计算结果和解析解较好吻合。在此基础上,本文探究刚性BeTSSi-Sub[1]和弹性BeTSSi-Sub的全向散射特性,对比发现,刚性BeTSSi-Sub的目标强度大于弹性BeTSSi-Sub的目标强度。通过对形状不同弹性的BeTSSi-Sub的目标强度对比发现,在低频段潜艇上舵对潜艇目标强度的影响比上层建筑的影响大。  相似文献   

水下高速目标出管瞬态信号低频特征明显。介绍了Power-Law瞬态信号检测器,针对水下高速目标的出管噪声特点,提出了基于频域特征的瞬态信号检测方法。若中高频部分能量变化明显,直接判断为非水下高速目标。利用该方法对鲸鱼的鸣叫声和实测某水下高速目标出管噪声进行了信号检测,结果表明该方法可有效对水下高速目标出管噪声进行检测,并在一定程度上降低了虚警概率。  相似文献   

为了消除复杂声场中干扰噪声对于近场声全息重建精度的影响,该文提出了一种基于单层阵列测量的声场分离技术。当目标声源和干扰噪声源为相干声源时,利用源强密度声辐射模态分析理论建立了声源与辐射声场的数学关系模型,通过对单层阵列测量的声压数据进行空间重采样得到两组子数据,构造各组子数据与目标声源和干扰噪声源的声辐射模态之间的数学公式,再求解公式中目标声源的各阶声辐射模态的展开系数,可重构目标声源在阵列处的声场响应,达到声场分离的目的。刚性脉动球声源与刚性脉动球干扰源、平板声源与刚性脉动球干扰源的数值仿真及对影响该方法的相关参数进行了详细研究,相关结果表明该方法具有较好的有效性和正确性。  相似文献   

水下运动平台的声目标强度测量试验多在浅海环境中进行。文章根据简正波理论推导了基于平均测量法的浅海环境中水下物体声目标强度TS的解析表达式,深入分析了TS的物理意义。分析表明,在确定的方位角上,TS与分布在一定范围内的垂直入射角θi和散射角θs所对应的目标散射函数值有关,θi和θs是离散的,其取值取决于简正波阶数;同时,TS还跟海洋环境和测试距离有关,当测试距离非常大时,约等于自由场声目标强度TS free。文中还提出了一种基于垂直发射阵和垂直接收阵的声目标强度测量方法,即模式滤波测量法(Modal-Filtering Measurement,MFM)。理论分析表明,MFM法具有很好的抗界面混响性能,并且跟平均测量法和垂直阵常规测量法相比,具有更高的测试效率,测试结果更接近自由场声目标强度。  相似文献   

This paper presents a comprehensive review and analysis of ship hull cleaning technologies. Various cleaning methods and devices applied to dry-dock cleaning and underwater cleaning are introduced in detail, including rotary brushes, high-pressure and cavitation water jet technology, ultrasonic technology, and laser cleaning technology. The application of underwater robot technology in ship cleaning not only frees divers from engaging in heavy work but also creates safe and efficient industrial products. Damage to the underlying coating of the ship caused by the underwater cleaning operation can be minimized by optimizing the working process of the underwater cleaning robot. With regard to the adhesion technology mainly used in underwater robots, an overview of recent developments in permanent magnet and electromagnetic adhesion, negative pressure force adhesion, thrust force adhesion, and biologically inspired adhesion is provided. Through the analysis and comparison of current underwater robot products, this paper predicts that major changes in the application of artificial intelligence and multirobot cooperation, as well as optimization and combination of various technologies in underwater cleaning robots, could be expected to further lead to breakthroughs in developing next-generation robots for underwater cleaning.  相似文献   

Temporal evolutions of scour at submerged circular cylinders were investigated. Flow visualization was carried out around the cylinders over plane, under developed and equilibrium scour holes. Video analysis technique was used to formulate the equations for determining the diameter of the horseshoe vortex around the submerged cylinders, which is also verified from the vector diagrams drawn using the velocity measurements. The scour process similar to live bed scour was noticed around the downstream cylinder. The diameter of the horseshoe vortex is found to depend on the diameter of respective cylinder, submergence ratio,spacing between the cylinders and skew angle. This formulation along with the dislodgement and transportation of a single sediment particle is further incorporated in the proposed model for determining the time variation of scour around the submerged cylinders. It is evident from the results that the upstream cylinder shelters the downstream cylinder and thereby reduces the scour at the downstream cylinder. Proposed model is further extended to incorporate the effect of non-uniformity of the sediment particles on the time variation of scour depth. The results indicate significant reduction of scour depth of around 6% and 35% for upstream and downstream cylinders respectively due to the formation of the armor layer. The model is also compared with the local scour component of field data around cylindrical bridge piers to establish the differences in the scour process around a partially submerged cylinder and fully submerged tandem and skewed cylinders.  相似文献   

In this paper, sound scattering from the sea surface in the Persian Gulf region is investigated. Chapman-Harris and Ogden-Erskine empirical relations coupled with perturbation theory are implemented. Based on the Ogden and Erskine's experiments, sound scattering from the sea surface has three different regimes in which two mechanisms of surface roughness and subsurface bubble clouds are involved. Ogden-Erskine's scattering relation which consists of perturbation theory and Chapman-Harris' s scattering terms are verified by the experimental data of Critical Sea Tests 7. Subsequently, wind speed in the Persian Gulf is provided based on three data bases of Arzanah station, ERA40, and PERGOS. Accordingly, surface scattering strength in the Persian Gulf region is calculated at different grazing angles, frequencies and provided wind speeds. Based on the resulted values of scattering strength, scattered intensity from the sea surface is also studied. These studies indicate that both scattering strength and scattered intensity generally increase as grazing angle, frequency and wind speed increase.  相似文献   

高能脉冲激光聚焦于液体中,光击穿会伴随着光、声和空泡脉动等现象,其中击穿时等离子体膨胀产生的声和随后的空泡脉动产生的声统称为激光声。对产生的激光声信号进行分析,论证激光声信号应用于水下探测的可行性。设计激光声产生和测量分析系统,计算激光声信号的波束指向性、距离分辨力、噪声背景下和混响背景下的探测距离。结果表明,激光声声源在距离分辨力和声源级两方面满足对水下目标探测的要求。从理论推导和计算上初步证明了激光声信号可以应用于水下探测领域。  相似文献   

The main goal of this paper is to investigate sound scattering from the sea surface, by Kuo's small perturbation method(SPM), in the Persian Gulf's environmental conditions. Accordingly, the SPM method is reviewed, then it is demonstrated how it can accurately model sound scattering from the sea surface. Since in Kuo's approach, the effects of surface roughness and sub-surface bubble plumes on incident sounds can be studied separately, it is possible to investigate the importance of each mechanism in various scattering regimes. To conduct this study, wind and wave information reported by Arzanah station as well as some numerical atmospheric models for the Persian Gulf are presented and applied to examine sound scattering from the sea surface in the Persian Gulf region. Plots of scattering strength by Kuo's SPM method versus grazing angle for various frequencies, wave heights, and wind speeds are presented. The calculated scattering strength by the SPM method for various frequencies and wind speeds are compared against the results of critical sea tests 7(CST-7). The favorable agreement achieved for sound scattering in the Persian Gulf region is indicative of the fact that the SPM method can quite accurately model and predict sound scattering from the sea surface.  相似文献   

In recent years, moving target detection methods based on low-rank and sparse matrix decomposition have been developed, and they have achieved good results. However, there is not enough interpretation to support the assumption that there is a high correlation among the reverberations after each transmitting pulse. In order to explain the correlation of reverberations, a new reverberation model is proposed from the perspective of scattering cells in this paper. The scattering cells are the subarea divided from the detection area. The energy fluctuation of a scattering cell with time and the influence of the neighboring cells are considered. Key parameters of the model were analyzed by numerical analysis, and the applicability of the model was verified by experimental analysis. The results showed that the model can be used for several simulations to evaluate the performance of moving target detection methods.  相似文献   

Terrain matching accuracy and real-time performance are affected by local underwater terrain features and structure of matching surface. To solve the extraction problem of local terrain features for underwater terrain-aided navigation(UTAN), real-time data model and selection method of beams are proposed. Then, an improved structure of terrain storage is constructed, and a fast interpolation strategy based on index is proposed, which can greatly improve the terrain interpolation–reconstruction speed.Finally, for the influences of tide, an elimination method of reference depth deviation is proposed, which can reduce the reference depth errors caused by tidal changes. As the simulation test shows, the proposed method can meet the requirements of real-time performance and effectiveness. Furthermore, the extraction time is considerably reduced, which makes the method suitable for the extraction of local terrain features for UTAN.  相似文献   

Subsea development is moving constantly toward simplification, digitalization, and cost-out strategies because the exploration and production of hydrocarbons are moving toward deeper and remote sea water areas. Usage of all-electric subsea technology instead of hydraulic technology is growing and will be the future of subsea systems due to the former's environmental and functional advantages and reduced costs. The benefits of all-electric subsea systems are health, safety, and environment(HSE)and improved reliability, flexibility, and functionality compared with traditional hydraulic-electrical systems. Existing electrohydraulic technology for a typical subsea system, hydraulic and electric actuators, and subsea manifold valves including valve types and selection philosophy have been reviewed in this paper. Some major worldwide oil companies such as Equinor and Schlumberger have successful experiences with subsea electric actuators. Considering the benefits of all-electric technology especially in terms of cost and HSE, as well as successful experiences of two major oil companies, further research in this area is warranted. One of the gaps in existing reviewed literature is the effect of using all-electric actuators for manifold valves. Thus,three main questions related to electric actuator selection, requirement of safety integrity level(SIL), and effect of using electric actuators on manifold valve selection have been addressed and answered. Forty hydraulic actuated manifold valves from nine past subsea projects in different parts of the world, mainly Africa and Australia, have been selected for the analysis of all-electric actuators. Results show that 93% of the valves require spring-return electric actuators, whereas 7% can be operated with conventional electric actuators without any spring. The manifold valves do not require SIL certification because they are not connected to an emergency shut down system. Introducing the electric actuators to the manifold valve will not change the valve selection philosophy.  相似文献   

In underwater target detection, the bottom reverberation has some of the same properties as the target echo, which has a great impact on the performance. It is essential to study the difference between target echo and reverberation. In this paper based on the unique advantage of human listening ability on objects distinction, the Gammatone filter is taken as the auditory model. In addition, time-frequency perception features and auditory spectra features are extracted for active sonar target echo and bottom reverberation separation. The features of the experimental data have good concentration characteristics in the same class and have a large amount of differences between different classes, which shows that this method can effectively distinguish between the target echo and reverberation.  相似文献   

文章基于三维水弹性方法,分析了一型潜水器水下航行中的振动响应特性,通过求解干模态的广义坐标响应及对应的附连水质量,确定了干模态频率和湿谐振频率的对应关系。该文预报的水下响应曲线的峰值频率得到了水声试验测试结果的印证,说明了三维水弹性方法在求解水下结构振动响应问题上的有效性。文中最后对潜器尾部结构进行了改进,改进前后速度响应幅值曲线的比对表明,增加尾部纵桁结构的刚度对抑制潜器的尾部振动有明显的效果。  相似文献   

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