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船舶与海冰的碰撞过程十分复杂,涉及多种非线性问题。文章运用MD Nastran对船舶艏部与冰的碰撞进行数值仿真计算,来模拟这一过程。得到了碰撞结束后,船首和海冰的损伤变形情况,船体结构的应力应变情况,以及在船—冰相互作用过程中的能量变化,应力应变变化。研究结果描述了船舶与冰碰撞的详细过程,揭示了冰载荷作用下船体结构的响应规律,可为船舶抗冰载荷设计提供参考。  相似文献   

为比较分析单船与两船并行航行的水动力差异,探讨静水中两船并行时漂角、船船相对位置对船体阻力、侧向力及摇首力矩的影响规律,文章基于RANS方程采用SST k-ω湍流模型,数值分析了某两船静水并行时船船相互作用。研究表明:不同漂角下两船中对中并行时,船体所受阻力均较单船航行时有所增大且受到指向两船中间的附加侧向力;当两船并行斜航的漂角相反时,同一船舶位于迎流侧较背流侧时船体受力存在一定差异;两船并行直航时,船船相对位置对船体受力有较大的影响,当两船纵向间距小于一倍船长时,船船相互作用较为显著,在不同横向间距下,船体受力随纵向间距的变化规律相同,在一定纵向间距下,船间横向间距越小船船相互作用越强。  相似文献   

In this study, the passage of waves through pile groups with different arrangements is investigated using a three-dimensional(3D)numerical model. For the simulations, waves of three different heights of 36, 58, and 81 mm, a fixed period of 0.88s, and a fixed wave length of 1.128 m were used. To simulate the waves and flow pattern through the piles, Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes(RANS) equations of fluid motion were solved based on the finite volume method(FVM). Piles were defined as obstacles in the rectangular domain using the fractional area/volume obstacle representation(FAVOR) method. The volume-of-fluid(VOF) and re-normalization group(RNG) methods were used to simulate the free surface and turbulence phenomenon, respectively. By performing different numerical simulations, the effect of coastal pile arrangements on wave pattern was studied and was compared with existing experimental data, and an acceptable agreement was achieved.  相似文献   

The gradual increase in shipping and drilling activities in the Arctic regions has resulted in the increased importance of studying the structural safety of polar ships in various ice conditions. Rafted ice refers to a type of accumulated and overlapped sea ice; it is driven by external forces, such as wind and waves, and may exert high loads on ships and threaten their structural safety. Therefore, the properties of rafted ice and the construction of numerical models should be studied before ex...  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a comprehensive numerical simulation of a point wave absorber in deep water. Analyses are performed in both the frequency and time domains. The converter is a two-body floating-point absorber(FPA) with one degree of freedom in the heave direction. Its two parts are connected by a linear mass-spring-damper system. The commercial ANSYS-AQWA software used in this study performs well in considering validations. The velocity potential is obtained by assuming incompressible and irrotational flow. As such, we investigated the effects of wave characteristics on energy conversion and device efficiency, including wave height and wave period, as well as the device diameter, draft, geometry, and damping coefficient. To validate the model, we compared our numerical results with those from similar experiments. Our study results can clearly help to maximize the converter's efficiency when considering specific conditions.  相似文献   

Significant aerodynamic engine instability can occur during the operation of marine gas turbines as airflow enters the compressor through a 90° turning and causes inlet distortion. This study adopts the method of simulating board equivalence to provide the target distortion flow field for ship compressors. The characteristics of the flow field behind the simulated board are obtained through experiments and numerical simulations, through which the relationship between the height of the simulated ...  相似文献   

船底座礁实验数值模拟中选择参数影响研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
非线性有限元方法是分析船舶碰撞和搁浅问题的一个强有力工具,但是数值模拟结果的可靠性很大程度上依赖于对工程问题的恰当处理和有限元软件中主要参数的准确控制.本文以某单壳船底结构准静态座礁实验结果为例,用非线性有限元软件LS-DYNA进行数值模拟,研究了下列选择参数对单壳船底结构抗撞性的影响:边界条件;船底结构的材料模型;壳单元类型;船底结构与礁石模型之间的摩擦系数;船底结构的残余应力.通过比较计算结果的碰撞力曲线,能量吸收曲线来评价这些参数对数值模拟的影响并给出了一些建议.  相似文献   

滚石碰撞冲击数值模拟分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
余波  李珂 《中国水运》2014,(7):112-113
随着山区道路与隧道的发展与广泛应用,隧道进出口上部岩体发生掉块、落石的情形时有发生。该类落石对隧道进出口与道路安全的影响日益成为严重安全问题。然后现有关于落石冲击的研究中,冲击计算主要以半经验半理论为主,然而各类算法的适宜性、合理性一直未能得到充分验证。文中通过理论分析结合三维数值模拟对落石的冲击力算法及其落石尺寸、自由落高和缓冲土层厚度等指标的相关性进行了研究,得到了关于落石冲击力计算的有益结果。  相似文献   

In recent years, China's increased interest in environmental protection has led to a promotion of energy-efficient dual fuel(diesel/natural gas) ships in Chinese inland rivers. A natural gas as ship fuel may pose dangers of fire and explosion if a gas leak occurs. If explosions or fires occur in the engine rooms of a ship, heavy damage and losses will be incurred. In this paper, a fault tree model is presented that considers both fires and explosions in a dual fuel ship; in this model, dual fuel engine rooms are the top events. All the basic events along with the minimum cut sets are obtained through the analysis.The primary factors that affect accidents involving fires and explosions are determined by calculating the degree of structure importance of the basic events.According to these results, corresponding measures are proposed to ensure and improve the safety and reliability of Chinese inland dual fuel ships.  相似文献   

The hydrodynamic analysis of a new semi-small waterplane area twin hull(SWATH) suitable for various applications such as small and medium size passenger ferries is presented. This may be an attractive crossover configuration resulting from the merging of two classical shapes: a conventional SWATH and a fast catamaran. The final hull design exhibits a wedge-like waterline shape with the maximum beam at the stern; the hull ends with a very narrow entrance angle, has a prominent bulbous bow typical of SWATH vessels, and features full stern to arrange waterjet propellers. Our analysis aims to perform a preliminary assessment of the hydrodynamic performance of a hull with such a complex shape both in terms of resistance of the hull in calm water and seakeeping capability in regular head waves and compare the performance with that of a conventional SWATH. The analysis is performed using a boundary element method that was preliminarily validated on a conventional SWATH vessel.  相似文献   

文章采用不同的算法对中低雷诺数方腔驱动流动进行了直接数值模拟,所用算法分别是人工压缩方法、SIMPLE算法以及PISO算法。三种算法均采用有限体积法基于交错网格技术离散N-S方程,时间项采用全隐格式离散,对流项采用QUICK格式离散,并将它们得到结果与Ghia发表的基准解进行了比对。文中分析了在同样的收敛条件下,不同算法之间的稳定性,收敛速率以及准确性的差异,发现PISO算法在较低雷诺数Re=400和Re=1 000情况下最准确,而人工压缩算法在雷诺数为5 000时最准确,在所有计算的不同Re数条件下,发现人工压缩法达到收敛所需时间都是最少的,这可以使它成为中低雷诺数下研究直接数值模拟最好的算法之一。  相似文献   

船舶横摇阻尼是影响参数横摇和瘫船稳性等大幅横摇运动的关键参数。文中基于非定常RANS方程在静水中对模型2792进行了自由横摇衰减的数值模拟,该模型是船舶第二代完整稳性衡准制定中瘫船稳性研究的国际标准船模,数值模拟中采用了两种网格类型,一种是滑移网格,另一种重叠网格。计算结果表明,数值模拟的自由横摇衰减曲线和模型试验结果吻合良好,另外CFD计算的横摇阻尼与试验值的误差小于Ikeda’s经验公式计算的误差,证明非定常RANS方程可用于预报横摇阻尼。  相似文献   

In this study, a series of numerical calculations are carried out in ANSYS Workbench based on the unidirectional fluid–solid coupling theory. Using the DTMB 4119 propeller as the research object, a numerical simulation is set up to analyze the open water performance of the propeller, and the equivalent stress distribution of the propeller acting in the flow field and the axial strain of the blade are analyzed. The results show that FLUENT calculations can provide accurate and reliable calculations of the hydrodynamic load for the propeller structure. The maximum equivalent stress was observed in the blade near the hub, and the tip position of the blade had the largest stress. With the increase in speed, the stress and deformation showed a decreasing trend.  相似文献   

以三类内孤立波理论(KdV、eKdV和MCC)的适用性条件为依据,将内孤立波诱导上下层深度平均水平速度作为入口条件,采用Navier-Stokes方程为流场控制方程,建立了两层流体中内孤立波对直立圆柱体强非线性作用的数值模拟方法。结果表明,数值模拟所得内孤立波波形及其振幅与相应理论和实验结果一致,并且直立圆柱体内孤立波水平力、垂向力及其力矩数值模拟结果与实验结果吻合。直立圆柱体内孤立波载荷由波浪压差力、粘性压差力和摩擦力构成,其中摩擦力很小,可以忽略;对于水平力,其波浪压差力与粘性压差力量级相当,流体粘性的影响显著;对于垂向力,粘性压差力很小,流体粘性影响可以忽略。此外,直立圆柱体对内孤立波的波形及其诱导流场的影响很小,因此采用Morison公式和傅汝德—克雷洛夫力分别计算其内孤立波水平力和垂向力是可行的。  相似文献   

文章采用数值模拟方法,建立了基于FLUENT软件的二维不规则波浪数值模型,探讨了波浪对水平板结构的作用机理。模型中采用RANS方程和标准k-ε方程,采用VOF方法重建自由液面。通过数值模拟复演了波浪冲击水平板结构的过程,将数值模拟结果与实验数据进行比较,验证了模型的可靠性。经过计算和分析,研究了波浪冲击平板过程中的冲击压力和流场特性,得到了冲击压力和流场的分布规律。分析了波陡,净空及板宽等参数对冲击压力和流场的影响。最后,给出了波浪冲击压力与相应水质点垂直速度间的统计关系,并对河海大学原有冲击压力的计算公式进行了改进,提出了新的冲击压力公式。研究结果表明:冲击压力峰值与相应的水质点垂直速度的平方成正比,修正后的冲击压力公式更为合理、可行。论文工作将对准确预测冲击载荷,掌握更多的冲击机理具有重要意义。  相似文献   

In this paper, we present an overview of numerical simulation methods for the flow around typical underwater vehicles at high Reynolds numbers, which highlights the dominant flow structures in different regions of interest. This overview covers the forebody, midbody, stern, wake region, and appendages and summarizes flow phenomena, including laminar-to-turbulent transition, turbulent boundary layers, flow under the influence of curvatures, wake interactions, and all associated complex vortex str...  相似文献   

The exploration for renewable and clean energies has become crucial due to environmental issues such as global warming and the energy crisis. In recent years,floating offshore wind turbines(FOWTs) have attracted a considerable amount of attention as a means to exploit steady and strong wind sources available in deep-sea areas. In this study, the coupled aero-hydrodynamic characteristics of a spar-type 5-MW wind turbine are analyzed. An unsteady actuator line model(UALM) coupled with a twophase computational fluid dynamics solver naoe-FOAM-SJTU is applied to solve three-dimensional Reynolds-averaged NavierStokes equations. Simulations with different complexities are performed. First, the wind turbine is parked. Second, the impact of the wind turbine is simplified into equivalent forces and moments. Third, fully coupled dynamic analysis with wind and wave excitation is conducted by utilizing the UALM. From the simulation, aerodynamic forces, including the unsteady aerodynamic power and thrust, can be obtained, and hydrodynamic responses such as the six-degrees-of-freedom motions of the floating platform and the mooring tensions are also available. The coupled responses of the FOWT for cases of different complexities are analyzed based on the simulation results. Findings indicate that the coupling effects between the aerodynamics of the wind turbine and the hydrodynamics of the floating platform are obvious. The aerodynamic loads have a significant effect on the dynamic responses of the floating platform, and the aerodynamic performance of the wind turbine has highly unsteady characteristics due to the motions of the floating platform. A spar-type FOWT consisting of NREL-5-MW baseline wind turbine and OC3-Hywind platform system is investigated. The aerodynamic forces can be obtained by the UALM. The 6 DoF motions and mooring tensions are predicted by the naoe-FOAM-SJTU. To research the coupling effects between the aerodynamics of the wind turbine and the hydrodynamics of the floating platform, simulations with different complexities are performed. Fully coupled aero-hydrodynamic characteristics of FOWTs, including aerodynamic loads, wake vortex, motion responses, and mooring tensions, are compared and analyzed.  相似文献   

To simulate the dynamic responses of the multibody system with a floating base when the upper parts spread with a certain sequence and relative speed, the homogeneous matrix method is employed to model and simulate a four-body system with a floating base and the motions are analyzed when the upper parts are spread sequentially or synchronously. The rolling, swaying and heaving temporal variations are obtained when the multibody system is under the conditions of the static water along with the wave loads and the mean wind loads or the single pulse wind loads, respectively. The moment variations of each joint under the single pulse wind load are also gained. The numerical results showed that the swaying of the floating base is almost not influenced by the spreading time or form when the upper parts spread sequentially or synchronously, while the rolling and the heaving mainly depend on the spreading time and forms. The swaying and heaving motions are influenced significantly by the mean wind loads. The single pulse wind load also has influences on the dynamic responses. The torque of joint 3 and joint 4 in the single pulse wind environment may be twice that in the windless environment when the system spreads with 60 s duration.  相似文献   

This article presents a numerical study of the forces induced by hydrodynamic impact, that is, the impact of a part of the bottom of the hull on the water surface. The prediction of these efforts is often based on numerical simulations to determine the shock intensity of a structure on the surface of a weakly compressible fluid(for example, water). The short duration of the impact is also investigated in this work. This phenomenon occurs especially when a ship encounters a harsh and difficult sea conditions. Under such conditions, it is important to know how to predict the hydrodynamic forces applied to the structure to correctly optimize the ship elements during its design stage or to prevent possible damage. Indeed, various factors such as speed of the ship and height of the swell can cause the hull to partially emerge and then fall violently onto the water surface, which is referred to by naval personnel as tossing or slamming causing vibrations, stresses, and fatigue to the structural elements of the ship. In this work, we present an example of phenomenon modeling and then a numerical study of the different geometries(dihedron) that play a role in different sections of the bow. Then, we compare our present results with the theoretical and experimental results of other researchers in the field. The average interval impact time for a dihedral model corresponding to the section of the chosen ship and other experimental and theoretical data is in good agreement with the experimental and theoretical measurements.  相似文献   

In marine engineering, appendages such as fin stabilizers and/or T-foils are made to rotate and to reduce the motion of ships.Research on the hydrodynamics of ships fitted with active appendages has significantly improved the design and control of such ships. However, most studies focus on fixed rather than rotating appendages, thereby ignoring the hydrodynamic unsteadiness of active appendages. To enhance the reliability and precision of the numerical simulations, we propose the use of overlapping grids for simulating advanced catamarans fitted with a pair of rotating T-foils under each bow. The fundamental purpose of the overlapping grid technique is to realize information exchange via regional overlap sharing in each subdomain of the computing domain, instead of using the method of boundary sharing, thus greatly alleviating the difficulty of generating the subdomain grid;moreover, the technique guarantees the quality of the subdomain grid. Within the main computational domain, a subdomain was allocated to accommodate the T-foil. Overlapping meshes near the interface between the two domains enable information flow during the simulation; the overlapping grids are updated at every iteration step because the subdomain rotates. The instantaneous trim and sinkage responses of the catamaran to the T-foil rotation were reproduced. From the moment the active T-foil stopped moving, there was no change in the ship's sailing attitude, indicating that the response was in real time. By comparing with EFD data, the numerical results showed reasonable agreement, indicating the feasibility and effectiveness of the technique in simulating the hydrodynamics of ships fitted with active appendages.  相似文献   

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