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港口企业要想在市场竞争中取胜,必须降低装卸成本,保持价格优势。装卸货物费收价格的确定,是建立在保证装卸过程盈亏平衡并能盈利基础上的,这就需要我们了解装卸\货物单位装卸成本。而装卸货物单位装卸成本的确定,主要是通过对装卸货物成本费用要素进行分析,开展分货种、分操作过程单位成本测算来确定。由于港口企业装卸的货物品种多,入货方式和装卸过程不同,出入港时间上存在差异,这就决定了港口生产过程和生产方式错综复杂,缺乏规律性。所以,要想准确地计算出分货种的装卸单位成本是十分困难的。  相似文献   

新世纪伊始,全球经济一体化进程不断加速,世界各国各地区经济交往与联系日趋频繁,推动了世界贸易的高速增长.经济的繁荣和贸易的增长促进了港口企业的快速发展,国内外港口竞争更加激烈.港口企业都加大力度向专业化、现代化、装卸自动化等方向发展,其中装卸机械对港口的发展壮大有着重要作用.选择什么样的机械将直接影响着港口企业的经营成本的高低和生产能否正常进行,在此我们就港口企业如何选购装卸机械进行分析研究.  相似文献   

针对港口散杂货装卸作业的特点,阐述如何开展作业成本核算工作,对核算结果进行分析,进而更好地控制企业装卸作业成本,提升企业管理水平及核心竞争力.  相似文献   

<正>港口设备的运作成本在装卸成本中所占的比例越来越大,从而对港口企业的生产和发展所显示的重要性也越来越明显.那么如何降低港口设备的运作成本,直接关系到港口企业的经济效益.机械部门对港口设备的选型、定购、使用、保养、维修直至报废,已有了一套较为完善的管理制度.设备的帐面资产也由财务部门实行较为规范的管理.本文就上述两种管理体系如何有机结合起来,建立合理的港口设备的资产成本核算制度,明确职、责、权、利四者关系,降低装卸成本,提高港口企业的经济效益,作一试探性论述:一、建立设备的资产成本核算制度港口设备资产成本核算的目的在通过优化设备的投入产出比达到提高企业的经济效益.港口设备的资产成本核算管理的基本思路:一是建立港口设备的目标成本责任制,把成本费用指标分解落实到各部门直至班组、单机,按设备的作业量,除以该机种的投入产出比,得到目标成本指标,建立完善的核算制度,严格考核,推行全员、全过程的成本管理责任制;二是建立一种激励机制,提高科技投入、加大港口设备产出的技术含量,提高劳动生产率,精简人员,降低材料、能源单耗,获得最佳经济效益.1.港口设备的资产成本核算方法(1)港口设备的资产成本核算的基本单位是一台设备(或一套成套装卸设备);核算的周期为按月计算  相似文献   

关秀光 《集装箱化》2009,20(9):9-10
为了降低运营成本,集装箱船公司希望港口提高集装箱装卸能力,减少船舶在港停留时间;而港口经营者为了吸引船舶挂靠,也努力提高装卸效率,并最大限度地降低港口运营成本,提高自身竞争力。集装箱码头的作业效率问题不仅涉及港口航道和码头前沿水深、码头前沿机械设备的数量和性能及装卸工艺等因素,  相似文献   

港口部分是矿业开发全程物流链条中重要的一环,其装卸工艺的匹配性,对整个矿业开发项目有深刻影响。几内亚矿业开发力度增大,出口量激增,选择合适的装卸工艺,才能提高装卸效率、降低运营成本、增强矿业开发企业的行业竞争力[1]。本文以西非几内亚矿业出口港口工艺为例,浅谈西非地区专业化港口的装卸工艺。  相似文献   

正内河港口的定位就是综合运输体系中的节点,投资应该寻求最佳的规模、功能和最有效的投资,而不是简单的大而全内河港口兼具公益性和经营性的特点,各地方普遍按照公益性设施的投资发展观指导港口规划建设,很容易导致港口供给过剩。内河港口施行的是企业化的日常运营,装卸收入是其主要收入。在供给过剩的市场条件下,港口企业只能靠提高装卸单价来维持生存、谋求发展。高额的装卸单价将抬高各地的物流成本,  相似文献   

<正>目前,港口企业在与客户签订港口货物作业合同时,大多约定按吨位或箱量收取"装卸包干费"。但随着市场经济的发展,"装卸包干费"的内涵与港口企业提供劳务服务的外延已发生了很大变化,调整和充实港口货物装卸包干费的内涵势  相似文献   

结合长江港口码头靠泊能力、场地情况和货物特点,提出了化肥集装化装卸工艺创新,保障化肥品质,减少货损货差,提高装卸效率,降低转运成本,减轻装卸作业劳动强度,减少污染,是未来港口化肥装卸运输发展的必然趋势。  相似文献   

装卸工艺标准作为港口装卸工艺的载体,是港口装卸生产的技术法规,也是港口装卸企业组织和进行装卸生产的依据。上海港经过二十余年的不懈努力,已形成一整套先进、合理、完善的装卸工艺标准,为指导装卸生产、规范操作行为、确保安全质量、提高装卸效率奠定了基础。  相似文献   

基于Flexsim集装箱码头装卸系统的仿真   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
于蒙  王少梅  肖峰 《船海工程》2007,36(2):69-73
结合虚拟现实技术、计算机仿真技术、机械设计技术,分析集装箱码头装卸系统虚拟环境的模型,利用三维离散事件仿真软件Flexsim建立集装箱码头装卸作业仿真模型,为生产管理者提供视觉上的决策支持,利用其核心机制——任务序列驱动设备模型,实现装卸作业过程的三维动态仿真。  相似文献   

Over the last few years, liner and stevedoring markets have been facing new challenges. The progressive concentration on the demand side (carriers) and the emergence of global alliances in the mid-1990s have triggered a similar process of consolidation on the supply side (stevedores). In turn, more recently, the strategic choices of pure terminal operators have led to the progressive involvement of carriers in port operations, both from a financial and a managerial point of view. This paper aims at analysing the current contest in northern Europe between customers and suppliers of port services. Substantial concentration in the stevedoring market and the emergence of dedicated facilities in that area, make this arm-wrestling stronger and stronger.

At present, the liner market is following a number of strategic directions including the pursuit of economies of scale (larger vessels) and the supply of services using faster vessels (deployment of 'fewer' assets) in order to offer either new services or additional loops (scope). By exploring the strategic behaviours of the top carriers ('bigger' or 'more effective'), the paper attempts to outline the future evolution of the two industries in a 2015 vision, highlighting in particular scenarios for north European ports. Global alliances are weakening and a new era of M&As is probably approaching: how will the bargaining power change between port users and port customers? Which competitive paradigm will dominate?  相似文献   

Over the last few years, liner and stevedoring markets have been facing new challenges. The progressive concentration on the demand side (carriers) and the emergence of global alliances in the mid-1990s have triggered a similar process of consolidation on the supply side (stevedores). In turn, more recently, the strategic choices of pure terminal operators have led to the progressive involvement of carriers in port operations, both from a financial and a managerial point of view. This paper aims at analysing the current contest in northern Europe between customers and suppliers of port services. Substantial concentration in the stevedoring market and the emergence of dedicated facilities in that area, make this arm-wrestling stronger and stronger.

At present, the liner market is following a number of strategic directions including the pursuit of economies of scale (larger vessels) and the supply of services using faster vessels (deployment of ‘fewer’ assets) in order to offer either new services or additional loops (scope). By exploring the strategic behaviours of the top carriers (‘bigger’ or ‘more effective’), the paper attempts to outline the future evolution of the two industries in a 2015 vision, highlighting in particular scenarios for north European ports. Global alliances are weakening and a new era of M&As is probably approaching: how will the bargaining power change between port users and port customers? Which competitive paradigm will dominate?  相似文献   

张阳  杨进 《港口装卸》2013,(6):35-37
以青岛港一线装卸公司为试点,就青岛港湾职业技术学院港口机电类实习学生培养问题进行了深入探讨。针对学生在顶岗实习过程中出现的适应能力较差、吃苦能力欠缺、内生动力缺乏、工作效率低等问题,以加强对学生培训和管理为切入点,论述了对高职港口机电类学生在港口装卸公司成长成才的培养措施,对合理有效提高学生的综合职业能力,完成从学生到产业工人的顺利转变具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Research into port reform in Taiwan and Australia indicates that reform was undertaken in different contexts while committed and adopting similar strategies. Reform in both countries has been consistent with paradigmatic shifts towards market orientation, and within this context, privatisation was considered the preferred option. In both Taiwan and Australia, however, governments, reluctant to relinquish control over their ports, opted for corporatisation models. This article discusses the dynamics and drivers of reform and examines the outcome of these strategies. Both countries commenced port reform with deregulation of dock labour employment and introduced enterprise-based employment replacing the labour pool system. Privatisation of stevedoring operations was introduced at the same time in Taiwan. In the second reform phase, Taiwan amalgamated the four major commercial ports under a single state-owned port company in March 2012, with the objective of reducing inter-port competition and creating a central port planning mechanism. Australian ports, on the other hand, have undergone restructuring with the implementation of corporatisation, privatisation and commercialisation strategies since 1990s. Reform strategies in both countries display some similarities, e.g. rationalisation strategies in both Taiwan and Tasmanian ports, but also display some distinct dissimilarities with the increasing move to privatisation in Australia, e.g. the sale of South Australian ports and in 2010 the sale of the port of Brisbane.  相似文献   

系统化取装流程作业线因其诸多优点在港口散货码头广泛应用。但因移舱对生产有一定影响。为此进行了改造,提出了优化装卸工艺的解决方案和实施方案的步骤。改造后,取得了节能、增效的效果。  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact the changing maritime technology has had on the structure and development of the UK port transport industry. In particular, it describes the major institutional changes that have occured in response to technological and other developments and the influence these have had on the cost structure of individual stevedoring operators. Finally, it describes the resultant pricing policies adopted by stevedores and concludes that these have been exacerbated by the failure of successive governments to adopt sound and consistent policies towards the industry.  相似文献   

集装箱自动化无人堆场研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了在上海外高桥二期码头,利用上海港规划中的预留堆场6.45万平方米,建造的一个世界一流的全自动、无人化集装箱空箱堆场。该堆场采用具有自主知识产权的高、低架轨道龙门吊与中转平台相结合的接力式集装箱堆场装卸新工艺,结合数字通讯和自动控制技术、三维堆场管理与规划技术,实现对集装箱的高效自动装卸。  相似文献   

In order to understand characteristics of low-frequency motions of ships moored inside ports and harbors, analysis on actual cargo handling logbook of stevedoring services company, including events of interruption of cargo handling, and countermeasure for ship mooring problems are investigated by field observations at two ports and numerical simulation on moored ship motions. First model port concerns with interruption of cargo handling due to the low-frequency motions. Second model port relates to a resonant effect of long-period waves or harbor oscillations, and its countermeasure by mooring system. From the investigation, it is confirmed that the low-frequency motions of ships are induced by a resonance between surge motions and long-period waves or harbor oscillations and an asymmetry in the mooring system, and affect safe ship mooring and operation efficiency of cargo handling in ports and harbors significantly.  相似文献   

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