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存在问题之一:规费落差造成外挂严重 全国货运市场存在比较严重的无序竞争现象,各省之间收费标准不统一.例如:核载12吨的普通货车,在河南养路费是227元/月吨,而在内蒙古是80~75元/月吨,在山东是145元/月吨,三者之间年总差额均为1万多元.为少交费用,贷车"移民"现象严重,导致当地税费严重流失,运输企业回报率降低.仅就许昌万里运输集团来说,从2005年至今,流失车辆多达2000辆,约2万个吨位,损失税费近5000万元.这些车凭借税费支出较少的优势,压低运价,损害当地车主的经济利益,还在车辆年度审验、二级维护上走过场,安全技术状况难以保障.  相似文献   

<正> 射航在连续2年向前跨了两大步的基础上,今年上半年仍然是跳跃式的发展。1~6月份全公司完成货运量48万吨,货运周转量2.4亿吨公里,比上年同期上升102.28%和108.2%,完成营收1734万元,比上年同期上升156.3%,实现利润189万元,比去上同期增长3.2倍。名列全省县级航运公司前茅。  相似文献   

卡车,尤其是经常跑长途运输的重载卡车,在带来经济效益的同时,更需要对“心脏”——卡车引擎进行更细致、周到的换季保养。以保证“心”动力的经久不衰。很多卡车司机经常在运输途中随心所欲更换机油,这种“快餐”式养护久而久之会对引擎核心部件造成严重损伤。相关调研显示,高达90%的运输车辆在行驶过程中都曾经遇到过油压不足、油压不稳的情况,甚至有时候出现“亮红灯”的现象。  相似文献   

<正>上海是一个拥有1400万人口的特大型城市。建设国际经济、金融、贸易中心和国际航运中心的战略目标,给上海的道路运输业带来了新的发展机遇。“九五”期间,按照交通部培育和建设“统一、开放、竞争、有序”的道路运输市场的要求,我们在上海市交通主管部门的领导下,努力贯彻“重在有质,建管并举”的方针,精心培育市场、适应上海进行国民经济结构性调整和产业升级的需求,根据“有所为,有所不为”的原则,把管理重心转移到提升客货运输档次、积极推行科技管运、加快推进现代物流上来,提高上海道路运输的技术等级,努力实现道路运输从数量增长型向质量提高型的转变,为上海经济和社会的跨世纪发展提供服务和保障。  相似文献   

<正> 关于铁路运输企业在改革中组织模式的重构,尽管看法不一,但应该坚持以下原则:改革后的组织形式必须有利于铁路发展以满足铁路运输市场需求;必须有利于铁路拓展和稳固运输市场;必须与铁路市场需求结构相一致,与运输市场的供需特点、客货流量分布特点相符合;以市场取向设计铁路运输企业的组织形式。  相似文献   

<正> 植物油散装运输以其环节少,机械化程度高、费用低、速度快、运量大、效率高等特点,在植物油的中远程运输中占据了不可替代的主导地位,即使在短程运输中散装运输也已与桶装运输成两分天下,所以说,植物油散装运输是植物油流通中的主要运输形式和发展方向。市场经济的形成和发展对植物油散装运输的发展创造了良好的外部条件,使之有着广阔的发展空间。面对新的形势和现状,我们有必要对此加以探索和研究。 一、市场的发展对植物油散装运输提出新要求 随着市场经济的发展和新的运输市场的形成,对植物油散装运输,从运力以及运输的及时性、准确性、多样性等方面都提出了新的要求,具体表现在: 1.由于植物油商品量逐步增长,销区销量迅速上  相似文献   

张灵 《工程科技》2004,(1):79-86
四川省监狱管理局新建干警住房是一座多功能的综合大厦,位于成都市的繁华地段,由中铁二局承建。本文主要介绍在本工程中所采取的适应新的社会建筑市场、加强项目管理、优化工程施工方案并创造较好社会、经济效益的新建筑施工模式及工程施工中应注意的问题。  相似文献   

<正> 世界贸易总值的绝大部分是通过海运业来实现空间位移的,世界经济发展与否,直接影响着航运业的兴衰,因此,航运企业必须密切注视世界经济的发展,了解航运市场的变化,制定自身发展的战略和战术,提高在航运市场中的竞争力。  相似文献   

正票价犹如房价,在真实反映商品价值的同时,还具备着市场调节的作用,以达成供给与需求之间的平衡,这是市场经济所赋予的功能。鸡年春运落幕,票价成了敏感词,航空与铁路分别传来令人欢喜令人忧的消息。飞机票在春运结束后立即甩卖"白菜价",多数航线的折扣都在3至4折,一些非黄金时段的  相似文献   

Distributional impacts of road pricing: The truth behind the myth   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
Santos  Georgina  Rojey  Laurent 《Transportation》2004,31(1):21-42
This paper shows that road pricing can be regressive, progressive or neutral, and refutes the generalised idea that road pricing is always regressive. The potential distributional impacts of a road pricing scheme are assessed in three English towns. It is found that impacts are town specific and depend on where people live, where people work and what mode of transport they use to go to work. Initial impacts may be progressive even before any compensation scheme for losers is taken into account. When the situation before the scheme is implemented is such that majority of drivers entering the area where the scheme would operate come from households with incomes above the average, it can be expected that, once the scheme is implemented, these drivers coming from rich households will continue to cross the cordon and will be prepared to pay the charge. In such a case the overall effect will be that on average, rich people will pay the toll and poor people will not.  相似文献   

兵者,诡道也.兵家自古便有"兵以诈立,多谋者胜"的说法.随着中国市场的日益开放,跨国资本的强力入侵,使中国成为当今世界上最严酷的商业社会.各个行业都被"强敌环伺、前狼后虎"的气氛包围着.纵观整个商战风云录,中国的重卡市场呈现出了大厮杀的景象,尤其是今年,在中国重卡市场上摸爬滚打的本土企业也好,厮杀决斗的国外老大也罢,都不同程度地吃了日渐回归理性的消费者送的"闭门羹".重卡市场上的低靡景况不仅没有让巨头们一如所愿地吃得红光满面,反而让他们勒紧了裤腰带,多少露出了那么点寒酸.  相似文献   

城乡交通一体化的初步成效 记者:您曾经参与并组织过多项交通发展战略的制定工作,能否介绍其中比较有影响力的项目.  相似文献   

Beaton  Patrick  Chen  Cynthia  Meghdir  Hamo 《Transportation》1998,25(1):55-75
Stated Choice models expand the ability of transportation planners to forecast future trends. The Stated Choice approach can forecast demand for new services or policies. However, Stated Choice models are subject to a range of experimental error not found within Revealed Preference (RP) designs. Primary among the concerns facing researchers is the ability of respondents to understand and operate upon hypothetical choice scenarios in a manner that will reproduce choices made under actual situations. These concerns are specified in the magnitude of a scaling factor. Efforts to estimate the scaling factor has proceeded by linking real decisions taken from a revealed preference survey with comparable decisions made under hypothetical conditions. However, where the alternative is new, actual decision data is not available. This study examines the level of error incorporated in a study where no RP data is available. The test of predictive validity focuses on the switching behavior of commuters at a single employment site. The actual data used to test the forecast is limited to company wide or aggregate ridership levels on the public transit mode taken two years after estimation of the SC model. The Fowkes and Preston hypothesis is examined and shown to bound the future actual value between forecasts derived from probabilistic and deterministic methods. The results show that with the passage of time, the probabilistic method approaches the reported ridership levels within 15 percent error.  相似文献   

Current car technologies will not solve upcoming challenges of mitigating greenhouse gas emissions in road transport. Projections of the market penetration by alternative drive train technologies are controversial regarding both forecast market shares and applied scientific methods. Accepting this latter challenge, we provide a (so far missing) overview of methods applied in this field and give some recommendations for further work. Our focus is to classify the applied methods into a convenient pattern and to analyse models from the recent scientific literature which consider the electrification of light-duty vehicles. We differentiate the following bottom-up approaches: Econometric models with disaggregated data (such as discrete choice), and agent-based simulation models. The group of top-down models are subdivided into econometric models with aggregated data (e.g. vehicle stock data), system dynamics, as well as integrated assessment models with general equilibrium models. It becomes obvious that some methods have a stronger methodological background whereas others require comprehensive data sets or can be combined more flexibly with other methods. Even though there is no dominant method, we can identify a trend in the literature towards data-driven hybrid approaches, which considers micro and macro aspects influencing the market penetration of electric vehicles.  相似文献   

随着城乡一体化进程的推进,有着数亿农民的广大乡村,本身就是一个潜力巨大的客运市场,蕴藏无限商机.在由计划经济向市场经济转轨过程中,这样一个庞大的客运市场竟然淡出了不少大中型客运企业的视野,这是极不正常的现象.但是今天,令人欣喜的是,在建设全面小康社会的大背景下,一些客运企业开始重新关注并力图激活这一市场.  相似文献   

This paper estimates the role that technological change and car characteristics have played in the rate of fuel consumption of vehicles over time. Using data from the Spanish car market from 1988 to 2013, we estimate a reduced form equation that relates fuel consumption with a set of car characteristics. The results for the sales-weighted sample of vehicles show that energy efficiency would have improved by 30% and 42% for petrol and diesel cars respectively had car characteristics been held constant at 1988 values. However, the shift to bigger and more fuel-consuming cars reduced the gains from technological progress. Additionally, using the results of the fuel equation we show that, besides a natural growth rate of 1.1%, technological progress is affected by both the international price of oil and the adoption of mandatory emission standards. Moreover, according to our estimations, a 1% growth in GDP would modify car characteristics in such a way that fuel consumption would increase by around 0.23% for petrol cars and 0.35% for diesel cars.  相似文献   

The paper analyzes the airlines’ hub location problem through a spatial competition game played in two stages. First, airlines sequentially choose the location of their hub and second, they compete offering direct or connecting services between each city-pair. Different outcomes in the first stage will affect competition in the second, and as a consequence, the market share that airlines can obtain.Given actual demand patterns, results of the model are applied to the South-Atlantic airline market. We study the subgame perfect equilibriums obtained as a result of competition in each city-pair to anticipate where airlines will probably locate their hubs once an “open skies” policy is adopted in this market.  相似文献   

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