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Frequency-domain analysis has been successfully used to (i) predict the amplification of traffic oscillations along a platoon of vehicles with nonlinear car-following laws and (ii) measure traffic oscillation properties (e.g., periodicity, magnitude) from field data. This paper proposes a new method to calibrate nonlinear car-following laws based on real-world vehicle trajectories, such that oscillation prediction (based on the calibrated car-following laws) and measurement from the same data can be compared and validated. This calibration method, for the first time, takes into account not only the driver’s car-following behavior but also the vehicle trajectory’s time-domain (e.g., location, speed) and frequency-domain properties (e.g., peak oscillation amplitude). We use Newell’s car-following model (1961) as an example and calibrate its parameters based on a penalty-based maximum likelihood estimation procedure. A series of experiments using Next Generation Simulation (NGSIM) data are conducted to illustrate the applicability and performance of the proposed approach. Results show that the calibrated car-following models are able to simultaneously reproduce observed driver behavior, time-domain trajectories, and oscillation propagation along the platoon with reasonable accuracy.  相似文献   

This study aims (i) to analyze theoretical properties of a recently proposed describing-function (DF) based approach (Li and Ouyang, 2011; Li et al., 2012) for traffic oscillation quantification, (ii) to adapt it for estimating fuel consumption and emission from traffic oscillation and (iii) to explore vehicle control strategies of smoothing traffic with advanced technologies. The DF approach was developed to predict traffic oscillation propagation across a platoon of vehicles following each other by a nonlinear car-following law with only the leading vehicle’s input. We first simplify the DF approach and prove a set of properties (e.g., existence and uniqueness of its solution) that assure its prediction is always consistent with observed traffic oscillation patterns. Then we integrate the DF approach with existing estimation models of fuel consumption and emission to analytically predict environmental impacts (i.e., unit-distance fuel consumption and emission) from traffic oscillation. The prediction results by the DF approach are validated with both computer simulation and field measurements. Further, we explore how to utilize advantageous features of emerging sensing, communication and control technologies, such as fast response and information sharing, to smooth traffic oscillation and reduce its environmental impacts. We extend the studied car-following law to incorporate these features and apply the DF approach to demonstrate how these features can help dampen the growth of oscillation and environmental impact measurements. For information sharing, we convert the corresponding extended car-following law into a new fixed point problem and propose a simple bisecting based algorithm to efficiently solve it. Numerical experiments show that these new car-following control strategies can effectively suppress development of oscillation amplitude and consequently mitigate fuel consumption and emission.  相似文献   

To investigate the car-following behavior under high speed driving conditions, we performed a set of 11-car-platoon experiments on Hefei airport highway. The formation and growth of oscillations have been analyzed and compared with that in low speed situations. It was found that there is considerable heterogeneity for the same driver over different runs of the experiment. This intra-driver heterogeneity was quantitatively depicted by a new index and incorporated in an enhanced two-dimensional intelligent driver model. Using both the new high-speed and the previous low-speed experimental data, the new and three existing models were calibrated. Simulation results show that the enhanced model outperforms the three existing car-following models that do not take into account this intra-driver heterogeneity in reproducing the essential features of the traffic in the experiments.  相似文献   

Car-following models are always of great interest of traffic engineers and researchers. In the age of mass data, this paper proposes a nonparametric car-following model driven by field data. Different from most of the existing car-following models, neither driver’s behaviour parameters nor fundamental diagrams are assumed in the data-driven model. The model is proposed based on the simple k-nearest neighbour, which outputs the average of the most similar cases, i.e., the most likely driving behaviour under the current circumstance. The inputs and outputs are selected, and the determination of the only parameter k is introduced. Three simulation scenarios are conducted to test the model. The first scenario is to simulate platoons following real leaders, where traffic waves with constant speed and the detailed trajectories are observed to be consistent with the empirical data. Driver’s rubbernecking behaviour and driving errors are simulated in the second and third scenarios, respectively. The time–space diagrams of the simulated trajectories are presented and explicitly analysed. It is demonstrated that the model is able to well replicate periodic traffic oscillations from the precursor stage to the decay stage. Without making any assumption, the fundamental diagrams for the simulated scenario coincide with the empirical fundamental diagrams. These all validate that the model can well reproduce the traffic characteristics contained by the field data. The nonparametric car-following model exhibits traffic dynamics in a simple and parsimonious manner.  相似文献   

We have carried out car-following experiments with a 25-car-platoon on an open road section to study the relation between a car’s speed and its spacing under various traffic conditions, in the hope to resolve a controversy surrounding this fundamental relation of vehicular traffic. In this paper we extend our previous analysis of these experiments, and report new experimental findings. In particular, we reveal that the platoon length (hence the average spacing within a platoon) might be significantly different even if the average velocity of the platoon is essentially the same. The findings further demonstrate that the traffic states span a 2D region in the speed-spacing (or density) plane. The common practice of using a single speed-spacing curve to model vehicular traffic ignores the variability and imprecision of human driving and is therefore inadequate. We have proposed a car-following model based on a mechanism that in certain ranges of speed and spacing, drivers are insensitive to the changes in spacing when the velocity differences between cars are small. It was shown that the model can reproduce the experimental results well.  相似文献   

Recent studies have provided that the vehicle trajectories generated by car-following models may not represent the real driving characteristics, thus leading to significant emission estimation errors. In this paper, two of the most widely used car-following models, Wiedemann and Fritzsche models, were selected and analyzed based on the massive field car-following trajectories in Beijing. A numerical simulation method was designed to generate the following car’s trajectories by using the field trajectories as the input. By comparing the simulated and the filed data, the representativeness of the simulated regime fractions and VSP distributions were evaluated. Then, the mechanism of car-following models was investigated from the aspects of regime determination and the acceleration rule in each regime. Further, the regime threshold parameters and acceleration model were optimized for emission estimations. This study found that the “Following” regime threshold of SDX and the maximum acceleration in “Free Driving” regime are critical parameters for Wiedemann model. The differences between the Wiedemann simulated VSP distribution and the field one can be reduced separately by applying the optimized SDX and maximum acceleration model individually. However, a much sharper reduction was observed by optimizing both parameters simultaneously, and the emission estimation errors were further reduced, which were less than 4% in the case studies. Fritzsche model generated more realistic VSP distributions and emissions, while the maximum accelerations could be further optimized for high speed conditions.  相似文献   

Traffic instability is an important but undesirable feature of traffic flow. This paper reports our experimental and empirical studies on traffic flow instability. We have carried out a large scale experiment to study the car-following behavior in a 51-car-platoon. The experiment has reproduced the phenomena and confirmed the findings in our previous 25-car-platoon experiment, i.e., standard deviation of vehicle speeds increases in a concave way along the platoon. Based on our experimental results, we argue that traffic speed rather than vehicle spacing (or density) might be a better indicator of traffic instability, because vehicles can have different spacing under the same speed. For these drivers, there exists a critical speed between 30 km/h and 40 km/h, above which the standard deviation of car velocity is almost saturated (flat) along the 51-car-platoon, indicating that the traffic flow is likely to be stable. In contrast, below this critical speed, traffic flow is unstable and can lead to the formation of traffic jams. Traffic data from the Nanjing Airport Highway support the experimental observation of existence of a critical speed. Based on these findings, we propose an alternative mechanism of traffic instability: the competition between stochastic factors and the so-called speed adaptation effect, which can better explain the concave growth of speed standard deviation in traffic flow.  相似文献   

Simulating driving behavior in high accuracy allows short-term prediction of traffic parameters, such as speeds and travel times, which are basic components of Advanced Traveler Information Systems (ATIS). Models with static parameters are often unable to respond to varying traffic conditions and simulate effectively the corresponding driving behavior. It has therefore been widely accepted that the model parameters vary in multiple dimensions, including across individual drivers, but also spatially across the network and temporally. While typically on-line, predictive models are macroscopic or mesoscopic, due to computational and data considerations, nowadays microscopic models are becoming increasingly practical for dynamic applications. In this research, we develop a methodology for online calibration of microscopic traffic simulation models for dynamic multi-step prediction of traffic measures, and apply it to car-following models, one of the key models in microscopic traffic simulation models. The methodology is illustrated using real trajectory data available from an experiment conducted in Naples, using a well-established car-following model. The performance of the application with the dynamic model parameters consistently outperforms the corresponding static calibrated model in all cases, and leads to less than 10% error in speed prediction even for ten steps into the future, in all considered data-sets.  相似文献   

To connect microscopic driving behaviors with the macro-correspondence (i.e., the fundamental diagram), this study proposes a flexible traffic stream model, which is derived from a novel car-following model under steady-state conditions. Its four driving behavior-related parameters, i.e., reaction time, calmness parameter, speed- and spacing-related sensitivities, have an apparent effect in shaping the fundamental diagram. Its boundary conditions and homogenous case are also analyzed in detail and compared with other two models (i.e., Longitudinal Control Model and Intelligent Driver Model). Especially, these model formulations and properties under Lagrangian coordinates provide a new perspective to revisit the traffic flow and complement with those under Eulerian coordinate. One calibration methodology that incorporates the monkey algorithm with dynamic adaptation is employed to calibrate this model, based on real-field data from a wide range of locations. Results show that this model exhibits the well flexibility to fit these traffic data and performs better than other nine models. Finally, a concrete example of transportation application is designed, in which the impact of three critical parameters on vehicle trajectories and shock waves with three representations (i.e., respectively defined in x-t, n-t and x-n coordinates) is tested, and macro- and micro-solutions on shock waves well agree with each other. In summary, this traffic stream model with the advantages of flexibility and efficiency has the good potential in level of service analysis and transportation planning.  相似文献   

The Rakha-Pasumarthy-Adjerid (RPA) car-following model has been demonstrated to successfully replicate empirical driver car-following behavior. However, the validity of this model for fuel consumption and emission (FC/EM) estimation has yet to be studied. This paper attempts to address this research need by analyzing the applicability of the model for FC/EM estimation and comparing its performance to other state-of-practice car-following models; namely, the Gipps, Fritzsche and Wiedemann models. Naturalistic empirical data are employed to generate ground truth car-following events. The model-generated second-by-second Vehicle Specific Power (VSP) distributions for each car-following event are then compared to the empirical distributions. The study demonstrates that the generation of realistic VSP distributions is critical in producing accurate FC/EM estimates and that the RPA model outperforms the other three models in producing realistic vehicle trajectory VSP distributions and robust FC/EM estimates. This study also reveals that the acceleration behavior within a car-following model is one of the major contributors to producing realistic VSP distributions. The study further demonstrates that the use of trip-aggregated results may produce erroneous conclusions given that second-by-second errors may cancel each other out, and that lower VSP distribution errors occasionally result in greater bias in FC/EM estimates given the large deviation of the distribution at high VSP levels. Finally, the results of the study demonstrate the validity of the INTEGRATION micro-simulator, given that it employs the RPA car-following model, in generating realistic VSP distributions, and thus in estimating fuel consumption and emission levels.  相似文献   

In this paper we identify the origins of stop-and-go (or slow-and-go) driving and measure microscopic features of their propagations by analyzing vehicle trajectories via Wavelet Transform. Based on 53 oscillation cases analyzed, we find that oscillations can be originated by either lane-changing maneuvers (LCMs) or car-following (CF) behavior. LCMs were predominantly responsible for oscillation formations in the absence of considerable horizontal or vertical curves, whereas oscillations formed spontaneously near roadside work on an uphill segment. Regardless of the trigger, the features of oscillation propagations were similar in terms of propagation speed, oscillation duration, and amplitude. All observed cases initially exhibited a precursor phase, in which slow-and-go motions were localized. Some of them eventually transitioned into a well-developed phase, in which oscillations propagated upstream in queue. LCMs were primarily responsible for the transition, although some transitions occurred without LCMs. Our findings also suggest that an oscillation has a regressive effect on car-following behavior: a deceleration wave of an oscillation affects a timid driver (characterized by larger response time and/or minimum spacing) to become less timid and an aggressive driver less aggressive, although this change may be short-lived. An extended framework of Newell’s CF model is able to describe the regressive effect with two additional parameters with reasonable accuracy, as verified using vehicle trajectory data.  相似文献   

The coordinated development of city traffic and environment is a key research content in traffic field in twenty-first Century. Among them, road section environmental traffic capacity analysis is one of the important research issues. It can provide solid theoretical basis and reliable data support for road network traffic optimization control, road traffic pollution control and city traffic structure optimization. This paper analyzed main factors which impacted environmental traffic capacity from two aspects, including road capacity constraint conditions and road traffic pollution control constraint conditions. Then, road section environmental traffic capacity optimization model was established, and method of improved augmented Lagrange function was used to solve the model. Case study showed that, (1) The environmental traffic capacity optimal model and methodology were effective; (2) In order to ensure road section environmental traffic capacity greater than (or equal to) road capacity, some measures could be taken including adjusting motor vehicle type proportion as well as improving emission characteristics of motor vehicles exhausting pollutants.  相似文献   

Fully automated vehicles could have a significant share of the road network traffic in the near future. Several commercial vehicles with full-range Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) systems or semi-autonomous functionalities are already available on the market. Many research studies aim at leveraging the potential of automated driving in order to improve the fuel efficiency of vehicles. However, in the vast majority of those, fuel efficiency is isolated to the driving dynamics between a single follower-leader pair, hence overlooking the complex nature of traffic. Consequently fuel efficiency and the efficient use of the roadway capacity are framed as conflicting objectives, leading to fuel-economy control models that adopt highly conservative driving styles.This formulation of the problem could be seen as a user-optimal approach, where in spite of delivering savings for individual vehicles, there is the side-effect of the deterioration of traffic flow. An important point that is overlooked is that the inefficient use of roadway capacity gives rise to congested traffic and traffic breakdowns, which in return increases energy costs within the system. The optimisation methods used in these studies entail high computational costs and, therefore, impose a strict constraint on the scope of problem.In this study, the use of car-following models and the limitation of the search space of optimal strategies to the parameter space of these is proposed. The proposed framework enables performing much more comprehensive optimisations and conducting more extensive tests on the collective impacts of fuel-economy driving strategies. The results show that, as conjectured, a “short-sighted” user-optimal approach is unable to deliver overall fuel efficiency. Conversely, a system-optimal formulation for fuel efficient driving is presented, and it is shown that the objectives of fuel efficiency and traffic flow are in fact not only non-conflicting, but also that they could be viewed as one when the global benefits to the network are considered.  相似文献   


To reduce the traffic accident death rate effectively and alleviate the traffic congestion phenomenon, this study proposes a new type of car-following model under the influence of drivers’ time-varying delay response time. Based on Lyapunov function theory, this paper reduces the traffic accident rate problem to the stability issues of the new model. By constructing suitable Lyapunov functions and using the linear matrix inequality method, the stability problem of the new car-following model is studied. The model, under the action of the controller, can effectively restrain traffic congestion. Using the traffic accident rate model proposed by Solomon, compared with the car-following model without the controller, the model under the controller shows a stronger convergence. This also means that the traffic congestion phenomenon has been effectively suppressed while greatly reducing the mortality rate of traffic accidents.  相似文献   

Establishment of industry facilities often induces heavy vehicle traffic that exacerbates congestion and pavement deterioration in the neighboring highway network. While planning facility locations and land use developments, it is important to take into account the routing of freight vehicles, the impact on public traffic, as well as the planning of pavement rehabilitation. This paper presents an integrated facility location model that simultaneously considers traffic routing under congestion and pavement rehabilitation under deterioration. The objective is to minimize the total cost due to facility investment, transportation cost including traffic delay, and pavement life-cycle costs. Building upon analytical results on optimal pavement rehabilitation, the problem is formulated into a bi-level mixed-integer non-linear program (MINLP), with facility location, freight shipment routing and pavement rehabilitation decisions in the upper level and traffic equilibrium in the lower level. This problem is then reformulated into an equivalent single-level MINLP based on Karush–Kuhn–Tucker (KKT) conditions and approximation by piece-wise linear functions. Numerical experiments on hypothetical and empirical network examples are conducted to show performance of the proposed algorithm and to draw managerial insights.  相似文献   

This paper presents a novel methodology to control urban traffic noise under the constraint of environmental capacity. Considering the upper limits of noise control zones as the major bottleneck to control the maximum traffic flow is a new idea. The urban road network traffic is the mutual or joint behavior of public self-selection and management decisions, so is a typical double decision optimization problem.The proposed methodology incorporates theoretically model specifications. Traffic noise calculation model and traffic assignment model for O–D matrix are integrated based on bi-level programming method which follows an iterated process to obtain the optimal solution. The upper level resolves the question of how to sustain the maximum traffic flow with noise capacity threshold in a feasible road network. The user equilibrium method is adopted in the lower layer to resolve the O–D traffic assignment.The methodology has been applied to study area of QingDao, China. In this illustrative case, the noise pollution level values of optimal solution could satisfy the urban environmental noise capacity constraints. Moreover, the optimal solution was intelligently adjusted rather than simply reducing the value below a certain threshold. The results indicate that the proposed methodology is feasible and effective, and it can provide a reference for a sustainable development and noise control management of the urban traffic.  相似文献   

In this study, to incorporate realistic discrete stochastic capacity distribution over a large number of sampling days or scenarios (say 30–100 days), we propose a multi-scenario based optimization model with different types of traveler knowledge in an advanced traveler information provision environment. The proposed method categorizes commuters into two classes: (1) those with access to perfect traffic information every day, and (2) those with knowledge of the expected traffic conditions (and related reliability measure) across a large number of different sampling days. Using a gap function framework or describing the mixed user equilibrium under different information availability over a long-term steady state, a nonlinear programming model is formulated to describe the route choice behavior of the perfect information (PI) and expected travel time (ETT) user classes under stochastic day-dependent travel time. Driven by a computationally efficient algorithm suitable for large-scale networks, the model was implemented in a standard optimization solver and an open-source simulation package and further applied to medium-scale networks to examine the effectiveness of dynamic traveler information under realistic stochastic capacity conditions.  相似文献   

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