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This paper proposes a behavior-based consistency-seeking (BBCS) model as an alternative to the dynamic traffic assignment paradigm for the real-time control of traffic systems under information provision. The BBCS framework uses a hybrid probabilistic–possibilistic model to capture the day-to-day evolution and the within-day dynamics of individual driver behavior. It considers heterogeneous driver classes based on the broad behavioral characteristics of drivers elicited from surveys and past studies on driver behavior. Fuzzy logic and if–then rules are used to model the various driver behavior classes. The approach enables the modeling of information characteristics and driver response to be more consistent with the real-world. The day-to-day evolution of driver behavior characteristics is reflected by updating the appropriate model parameters based on the current day’s experience. The within-day behavioral dynamics are reactive and capture drivers’ actions vis-à-vis the ambient driving conditions by updating the weights associated with the relevant if–then rules. The BBCS model is deployed by updating the ambient driver behavior class fractions so as to ensure consistency with the real-time traffic sensor measurements. Simulation experiments are conducted to investigate the real-time applicability of the proposed framework to a real-world network. The results suggest that the approach can reasonably capture the within-day variations in driver behavior model parameters and class fractions in the traffic stream. Also, they indicate that deployment-capable information strategies can be used to influence system performance. From a computational standpoint, the approach is real-time deployable.  相似文献   

Frequency-domain analysis has been successfully used to (i) predict the amplification of traffic oscillations along a platoon of vehicles with nonlinear car-following laws and (ii) measure traffic oscillation properties (e.g., periodicity, magnitude) from field data. This paper proposes a new method to calibrate nonlinear car-following laws based on real-world vehicle trajectories, such that oscillation prediction (based on the calibrated car-following laws) and measurement from the same data can be compared and validated. This calibration method, for the first time, takes into account not only the driver’s car-following behavior but also the vehicle trajectory’s time-domain (e.g., location, speed) and frequency-domain properties (e.g., peak oscillation amplitude). We use Newell’s car-following model (1961) as an example and calibrate its parameters based on a penalty-based maximum likelihood estimation procedure. A series of experiments using Next Generation Simulation (NGSIM) data are conducted to illustrate the applicability and performance of the proposed approach. Results show that the calibrated car-following models are able to simultaneously reproduce observed driver behavior, time-domain trajectories, and oscillation propagation along the platoon with reasonable accuracy.  相似文献   

Existing roundabout simulation models fail to consider all types of driver behavior which compromises their accuracy and ability to accurately evaluate roundabout performance. Further, these non-compliant driver behaviors, including priority taking and priority abstaining, are inconsistent with existing traffic flow theories. In this paper, a new cellular automata model, C.A.Rsim, is developed and calibrated with field data from five single-lane roundabouts in four northeastern states. Model results indicate that approximately 20% of the individuals in the driver population are inclined to priority taking and approximately 20% are inclined to priority abstaining behavior, though the observed levels of these types of behavior are naturally lower and vary with traffic volume. The model results also corroborate other research indicating that current models can overestimate capacity at higher circulating volumes, possibly a result of the jamming effect produced by priority taking behavior. The reduction in priority abstaining behavior, which is observed at older roundabouts, significantly reduces delay and queue length in certain traffic volumes. C.A.Rsim is also more parsimonious than many existing microsimulation models. These results provide insight on how variations in conflicting flow (i.e., traffic volume and turning movement balance) impact the amount of observed non-compliant behavior.  相似文献   

A driver is one of the main components in a transportation system that influences the effectiveness of any active demand management (ADM) strategies. As such, the understanding on driver behavior and their travel choice is crucial to ensure the successful implementation of ADM strategies in alleviating traffic congestion, especially in city centres. This study aims to investigate the impact of traffic information dissemination via traffic images on driver travel choice and decision. A relationship of driver travel choice with respect to their perceived congestion level is developed by an integrated framework of genetic algorithm–fuzzy logic, being a new attempt in driver behavior modeling. Results show that drivers consider changing their travel choice when the perceived congestion level is medium, in which changing departure time and diverting to alternative roads are two popular choices. If traffic congestion escalates further, drivers are likely to cancel their trip. Shifting to public transport system is the least likely choice for drivers in an auto-dependent city. These findings are important and useful to engineers as they are required to fully understand driver (user) sensitivity to traffic conditions so that relevant active travel demand management strategies could be implemented successfully. In addition, engineers could use the relationships established in this study to predict drivers’ response under various traffic conditions when carrying out modeling and impact studies.  相似文献   

Lane closures due to highway work zones present many challenges to the goal of ensuring smooth traffic operations and a safe environment for both drivers and workers. Late merge behavior at a work zone closure is a dangerous behavior that impacts the traffic conflicts upstream of work zone closures. This paper analyzes the safety impacts of using a signalized lane control strategy at the work zone merge points. To achieve the objective of this research, a field study has been conducted at a highway work zone to collect traffic and driver behavior data, and a two-stage, simulation-based approach is used to analyze the safety impacts of implementing a signalized lane merge control strategy at the studied work zone. In the first stage, micro-simulation models are developed and calibrated based on field data to generate vehicle trajectories. In the second stage, the U.S. Federal Highway Administration’s Surrogate Safety Assessment Model is employed to identify potential conflicts under different traffic conditions. The paper concludes that a proposed signal control device could significantly reduce lane-change conflicts at work zone merge points. In addition, recommendations on the signal cycle length and timing splits are provided.  相似文献   

Acceleration is an important driving manoeuvre that has been modelled for decades as a critical element of the microscopic traffic simulation tools. The state-of-the art acceleration models have however primarily focused on lane based traffic. In lane based traffic, every driver has a single distinct lead vehicle in the front and the acceleration of the driver is typically modelled as a function of the relative speed, position and/or type of the corresponding leader. On the contrary, in a traffic stream with weak lane discipline, the subject driver may have multiple vehicles in the front. The subject driver is therefore subjected to multiple sources of stimulus for acceleration and reacts to the stimulus from the governing leader. However, only the applied accelerations are observed in the trajectory data, and the governing leader is unobserved or latent. The state-of-the-art models therefore cannot be directly applied to traffic streams with weak lane discipline.This prompts the current research where we present a latent leader acceleration model. The model has two components: a random utility based dynamic class membership model (latent leader component) and a class-specific acceleration model (acceleration component). The parameters of the model have been calibrated using detailed trajectory data collected from Dhaka, Bangladesh. Results indicate that the probability of a given front vehicle of being the governing leader can depend on the type of the lead vehicle and the extent of lateral overlap with the subject driver. The estimation results are compared against a simpler acceleration model (where the leader is determined deterministically) and a significant improvement in the goodness-of-fit is observed. The proposed models, when implemented in microscopic traffic simulation tools, are expected to result more realistic representation of traffic streams with weak lane discipline.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on modeling agents’ en-route diversion behavior under information provision. The behavior model is estimated based on naïve Bayes rules and re-calibrated using a Bayesian approach. Stated-preference driving simulator data is employed for model estimation. Bluetooth-based field data is employed for re-calibration. Then the behavior model is integrated with a simulation-based dynamic traffic assignment model. A traffic incident scenario along with variable message signs (VMS) is designed and analyzed under the context of a real-world large-scale transportation network to demonstrate the integrated model and the impact of drivers’ dynamic en-route diversion behavior on network performance. Macroscopic Fundamental Diagram (MFD) is employed as a measurement to represent traffic dynamics. This research has quantitatively evaluated the impact of information provision and en-route diversion in a VMS case study. It proposes and demonstrates an original, complete, behaviorally sound, and cost-effective modeling framework for potential analyses and evaluations related to Advanced Traffic Information System (ATIS) and real-time operational applications.  相似文献   

Probabilistic models describing macroscopic traffic flow have proven useful both in practice and in theory. In theoretical investigations of wide-scatter in flow–density data, the statistical features of flow density relations have played a central role. In real-time estimation and traffic forecasting applications, probabilistic extensions of macroscopic relations are widely used. However, how to obtain such relations, in a manner that results in physically reasonable behavior has not been addressed. This paper presents the derivation of probabilistic macroscopic traffic flow relations from Newell’s simplified car-following model. The probabilistic nature of the model allows for investigating the impact of driver heterogeneity on macroscopic relations of traffic flow. The physical features of the model are verified analytically and shown to produce behavior which is consistent with well-established traffic flow principles. An empirical investigation is carried out using trajectory data from the New Generation SIMulation (NGSIM) program and the model’s ability to reproduce real-world traffic data is validated.  相似文献   

Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) can play an important role in reducing risks and increasing traffic safety. Discussion as to whether a technological approach or a behavioral approach is the right way to achieve a safer traffic environment forms a point of departure for this paper. On the one hand, there are the technicians who emphasize technology as the way towards safer traffic. Behaviorists, on the other hand, view the drivers’ behavior as fundamental and argue that education and incentive-oriented policies are essential in order to influence the driver and therefore increase traffic safety. Independent of the approach advocated a successful outcome of either a technological improvement, or an information campaign, has to be based on a high level of acceptance among potential users. In order to increase traffic safety, it is therefore essential to recognize driver motivation and attitudes. In this paper we focus on drivers’ attitudes towards risk, traffic safety and safety measures. A study of drivers’ attitudes and acceptance of an electronic device for speed checking (which the drivers tested for nine months) indicated a high acceptance level. The drivers perceived that they had both become more aware of traffic regulations and behaved in accordance with safety regulations.  相似文献   

Most deterministic day-to-day traffic evolution models, either in continuous-time or discrete-time space, have been formulated based on a fundamental assumption on driver route choice rationality where a driver seeks to maximize her/his marginal benefit defined as the difference between the perceived route costs. The notion of rationality entails the exploration of the marginal decision rule from economic theory, which states that a rational individual evaluates his/her marginal utility, defined as the difference between the marginal benefit and the marginal cost, of each incremental decision. Seeking to analyze the marginal decision rule in the modeling of deterministic day-to-day traffic evolution, this paper proposes a modeling framework which introduces a term to capture the marginal cost to the driver induced by route switching. The proposed framework enables to capture both benefit and cost associated with route changes. The marginal cost is then formulated upon the assumption that drivers are able to predict other drivers’ responses to the current traffic conditions, which is adopted based on the notion of strategic thinking of rational players developed in behavior game theory. The marginal cost based on 1-step strategic thinking also describes the “shadow price” of shifting routes, which helps to explain the behavioral tendency of the driver perceiving the cost-sensitivity to link/route flows. After developing a formulation of the marginal utility day-to-day model, its theoretical properties are analyzed, including the invariance property, asymptotic stability, and relationship with the rational behavioral adjustment process.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a combined usage of microscopic traffic simulation and Extreme Value Theory (EVT) for safety evaluation. Ten urban intersections in Fengxian District in Shanghai were selected in the study and three calibration strategies were applied to develop simulation models for each intersection: a base strategy with fundamental data input, a semi-calibration strategy adjusting driver behavior parameters based on Measures of Effectiveness (MOE), and a full-calibration strategy altering driver behavior parameters by both MOE and Measures of Safety (MOS). SSAM was used to extract simulated conflict data from vehicle trajectory files from VISSIM and video-based data collection was introduced to assist trained observers to collect field conflict data. EVT-based methods were then employed to model both simulated/field conflict data and derive the Estimated Annual Crash Frequency (EACF), used as Surrogate Safety Measures (SSM). PET was used for EVT measurement for three conflict types: crossing, rear-end, and lane change. EACFs based on three simulation calibration strategies were compared with field-based EACF, conventional SSM based on Traffic Conflict Techniques (TCT), and actual crash frequency, in terms of direct correlation, rank correlation, and prediction accuracy. The results showed that, MOS should be considered during simulation model calibration and EACF based on the full-calibration strategy appeared to be a better choice for simulation-based safety evaluation, compared to other candidate safety measures. In general, the combined usage of microscopic traffic simulation and EVT is a promising tool for safety evaluation.  相似文献   

This research intends to explore external factors affecting driving safety and fuel consumption, and build a risk and fuel consumption prediction model for individual drivers based on natural driving data. Based on 120 taxi drivers’ natural driving data during 4 months, driving behavior data under various conditions of the roadway, traffic, weather, and time of day are extracted. The driver's fuel consumption is directly collected by the on-board diagnostics (OBD) unit, and safety index is calculated based on Data Threshold Violations (DTV) and Phase Plane Analysis with Limits (PPAL) considering speed, longitudinal and lateral acceleration. By using a linear mixed model explaining the fixed effect of the external conditions and the random effect of the driver, the influences of various external factors on fuel consumption and safety are analyzed and discussed. The prediction model lays a foundation for drivers' fuel consumption and risk prediction in different external conditions, which could help improve individual driving behavior for the benefit of both fuel consumption and safety.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider connected cruise control design in mixed traffic flow where most vehicles are human-driven. We first propose a sweeping least square method to estimate in real time feedback gains and driver reaction time of human-driven vehicles around the connected automated vehicle. Then we propose an optimal connected cruise controller based on the mean dynamics of human driving behavior. We test the performance of both the estimation algorithm and the connected cruise control algorithm using experimental data. We demonstrate that by combining the proposed estimation algorithm and the optimal controller, the connected automated vehicle has significantly improved performance compared to a human-driven vehicle.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to quantify and characterize driver behavior under different roadway geometries and weather conditions. In order to explore how a driver perceives the rapidly changing driving surrounding (i.e. different weather conditions and road geometry configurations) and executes acceleration maneuvers accordingly, this paper extends a Prospect Theory based acceleration modeling framework. A driving simulator is utilized to conduct 76 driving experiments. Foggy weather, icy and wet roadway surfaces, horizontal and vertical curves, and different lane and shoulder widths are simulated while having participants driving behind a yellow cab at speeds/headways of their choice. After studying the driving trends observed in the different driving experiments, the extended Prospect Theory based acceleration model is calibrated using the produced trajectory data. The extended Prospect Theory based model parameters are able to reflect a change in risk-perception and acceleration maneuvering when receiving different parameterized exogenous information. The results indicate that drivers invest more attention and effort to deal with the roadway challenges compared to the effort to deal with the weather conditions. Moreover, the calibrated model is used to simulate a highway segment and observe the produced fundamental diagram. The preliminary results suggest that the model is capable of capturing driver behavior under different roadway and weather conditions leading to changes in capacity and traffic disruptions.  相似文献   

In-vehicle technologies and co-operative services have potential to ease congestion problems and improve traffic safety. This paper investigates the impact of infrastructure-to-vehicle co-operative systems, case of CO-OPerative SystEms for Intelligent Road Safety (COOPERS), on driver behavior. Thirty-five test drivers drove an instrumented vehicle, twice, with and without the system. Data related to driving behavior, physiological measurements, and user acceptance was collected. A macro-level approach was used to evaluate the potential impact of such systems on driver behavior and traffic safety. The results in terms of speeds, following gaps, and physiological measurements indicate a positive impact. Furthermore, drivers’ opinions show that the system is in general acceptable and useful.  相似文献   

Although car-following behavior is the core component of microscopic traffic simulation, intelligent transportation systems, and advanced driver assistance systems, the adequacy of the existing car-following models for Chinese drivers has not been investigated with real-world data yet. To address this gap, five representative car-following models were calibrated and evaluated for Shanghai drivers, using 2100 urban-expressway car-following periods extracted from the 161,055 km of driving data collected in the Shanghai Naturalistic Driving Study (SH-NDS). The models were calibrated for each of the 42 subject drivers, and their capabilities of predicting the drivers’ car-following behavior were evaluated.The results show that the intelligent driver model (IDM) has good transferability to model traffic situations not presented in calibration, and it performs best among the evaluated models. Compared to the Wiedemann 99 model used by VISSIM®, the IDM is easier to calibrate and demonstrates a better and more stable performance. These advantages justify its suitability for microscopic traffic simulation tools in Shanghai and likely in other regions of China. Additionally, considerable behavioral differences among different drivers were found, which demonstrates a need for archetypes of a variety of drivers to build a traffic mix in simulation. By comparing calibrated and observed values of the IDM parameters, this study found that (1) interpretable calibrated model parameters are linked with corresponding observable parameters in real world, but they are not necessarily numerically equivalent; and (2) parameters that can be measured in reality also need to be calibrated if better trajectory reproducing capability are to be achieved.  相似文献   

The problem addressed here involves a controller seeking to enhance traffic network performance via real-time routing information provision to drivers while explicitly accounting for drivers’ likely reactions towards the information. A fuzzy control modeling approach is used to determine the associated behavior-consistent information-based network control strategies. Experiments are performed to compare the effectiveness of the behavior-consistent approach with traditional dynamic traffic assignment based approaches for deployment. The results show the importance of incorporating driver behavior realistically in the determination of the information strategies. Significant differences in terms of system travel time savings and compliance to the information strategies can be obtained when the behavior-consistent approach is compared to the traditional approaches. The behavior-consistent approach can provide more robust performance compared to the standard user or system optimal information strategies. Subject to a meaningful estimation of driver behavior, it can ensure system performance improvement. By contrast, approaches that do not seek to simultaneously achieve the objectives of the drivers and the controller can potentially deteriorate system performance because the controller may over-recommend or under-recommend some routes, or recommend routes that are not considered by the drivers.  相似文献   

This contribution presents the results of a microscopic traffic simulation study of the potential effects of an overtaking assistant for two-lane rural roads. The overtaking assistant is developed to support drivers in judging whether or not an overtaking opportunity can be accepted based on the distance to the next oncoming vehicle. Drivers have been found to consider this to be a difficult part of an overtaking manoeuvre. The assistant’s effects on traffic efficiency, driver comfort and road safety have been investigated using traffic simulation. The results indicate that this type of overtaking assistant can provide safety benefits in terms of increased average time-to-collision to the next oncoming vehicle during overtaking manoeuvres. This safety benefit can be achieved without negative consequences for traffic efficiency and driver comfort. A driver assistance system that supports the distance judging part of overtaking manoeuvres can therefore contribute to improved traffic conditions on the two-lane rural roads of the future.  相似文献   

A number of approaches have been developed to evaluate the impact of land development on transportation infrastructure. While traditional approaches are either limited to static modeling of traffic performance or lack a strong travel behavior foundation, today’s advanced computational technology makes it feasible to model an individual traveler’s response to land development. This study integrates dynamic traffic assignment (DTA) with a positive agent-based microsimulation travel behavior model for cumulative land development impact studies. The integrated model not only enhances the behavioral implementation of DTA, but also captures traffic dynamics. It provides an advanced yet practical approach to understanding the impact of a single or series of land development projects on an individual driver’s behavior, as well as the aggregated impacts on the demand pattern and time-dependent traffic conditions. A simulation-based optimization (SBO) approach is proposed for the calibration of the modeling system. The SBO calibration approach enhances the transferability of this integrated model to other study areas. Using a case study that focuses on the cumulative land development impact along a congested corridor in Maryland, various regional and local travel behavior changes are discussed to show the capability of this tool for behavior side estimations and the corresponding traffic impacts.  相似文献   

The ability to predict the response of a vehicle in a stream of traffic to the behaviour of its predecessor is important in estimating what effect changes to the driving environment will have on traffic flow. Various proposed to explain this behaviour have different strengths and weaknesses. The paper constructs a new model for the response of the following vehicle based on the assumption that each driver sets limits to his desired braking and acceleration rates. The parameters in the model correspond directly to obvious characteristics of driver behaviour and the paper goes on to show that when realistic values are assigned to the parameters in a simulation, the model reproduces the characteristics of real traffic flow.  相似文献   

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