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In this paper are presented the results of a multinomial logit model used to explain the selection of a port for each shipment exported from the US in December 1999. The model is estimated for combined shipments, and one model is estimated for each of four commodity types (bulk, foods, fabrics, manufactured). Results are compared across commodities to find the significance of the distance in either direction, the frequency of sailings, and the average size of vessels sailing along a route. Results of the estimation do not match those that would be expected. Potential reasons are given for such variations, along with numerous methods by which the modelling could be improved. Methods for improvement suggested include structuring of the model to represent more accurately the competitive scenario of each port, constraining the choice set for each shipments from characteristics of the carrier, and the commodity.  相似文献   

江苏沿海建港自然条件及港址比选的模糊聚类分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
洪军  张鹰  李欢 《水道港口》2010,31(2):148-152
结合江苏省沿海地区的自然条件,分析讨论了其建港的优、劣势,并以如东吕四港、启东洋口港等7个港口选址为例,结合港口建设的评价指标,采用模糊聚类的方法对这7个港口进行了模糊聚类分析。结果表明洋口港、吕四港、大丰港条件较好,其他几个次之,可供港址比选时参考。  相似文献   

黄骅港煤炭港区煤炭装船设计能力1.78亿t,近年码头通过能力一直维持在2.0亿t左右,港航系统能力非常紧张,急需对影响和制约港航系统能力的因素进行研究,提出提高港航系统能力的措施。为了合理确定港航系统能力,对煤炭港区码头和航道的实际运营数据进行统计、整理和分析,对船舶进出港规则进行研究,采用理论计算和计算机仿真分析的方法进行复核计算。结果表明,煤炭港区港航系统能力主要受码头、航道及其耦合匹配关系影响;煤炭港区在现状码头和航道条件下,通过提高泊位装船效率、增加待泊泊位及优化船舶调度,可以在一定程度上提升港区能力,但提升程度有限,并不能从根本上解决港区能力不足的问题;煤炭港区增加装船泊位是提升港区能力的根本途径。  相似文献   

通过对曹妃甸港区海岸地貌特征、海岸稳定性、曹妃甸甸前深槽形成机制及其稳定性3个方面的分析,结合有关物理模型试验和数学模型试验的论证成果,阐明了曹妃甸港区选址研究的决定性因素和重要成果,在此基础上对不同阶段规划成果进行了总结回顾,可给本港区以及类似港区今后的开发建设提供有价值的指导。  相似文献   

从可能影响港口吞吐量的若干因素出发,利用统计软件,采用主成分分析法提取最关键因素,基于太仓港的实证分析,剖析了港口吞吐量的内在影响机理,为未来太仓港的发展提供理论依据.  相似文献   

通过对洋山深水港区选址和规划的回顾,提出了洋山深水港区具有独特的区位优势、良好的自然条件、可观的经济效益和不错的社会效益;根据北港区建成后的海床冲淤变化,利用数值模拟技术、物理模型试验和船舶航行模拟技术综合分析得出,洋山深水港区北港区规划方案采用半汊道方案为稳妥、合理的方案;归纳了对洋山港总体规划的建议。  相似文献   

通过对洋山深水港区选址和规划的回顾,提出了洋山深水港区具有独特的区位优势、良好的自然条件、可观的经济效益和不错的社会效益;根据北港区建成后的海床冲淤变化,利用数值模拟技术、物理模型试验和船舶航行模拟技术综合分析得出,洋山深水港区北港区规划方案采用半汊道方案为稳妥、合理的方案;归纳了对洋山港总体规划的建议.  相似文献   

港口代际划分影响因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘阳阳  张婕妹  真虹 《水运管理》2009,31(12):12-15
在第4代港口理论研究基础上,从港口代际划分衡量标准的角度出发,提出港口代际划分的影响因素,即港城关联度、市场竞争程度、活动范围、港口功能、管理水平、经营网络规模和可持续发展等,并结合青岛港进行实证分析,认为青岛港目前正处于第3代港口的完善阶段。  相似文献   

粘弹性阻尼器是一种常用的被动减震装置,其耗能特性主要受温度、频率和应变幅值的影响.文中介绍粘弹性阻尼器的基本结构和工作机理,根据分数微分模型进行数值计算,编制电算程序,分别改变程序中温度、频率和应变幅值,根据所得的滞回曲线计算储存刚度、损失刚度和损失系数,讨论3种相关因素的影响,据此评定粘弹性阻尼器的软化特性和耗能能力.  相似文献   

针对大连港太平湾港区选址问题,为弥补大连港腹地运距劣势、解决港产城矛盾、顺应辽宁省港口整合导向、助推东北振兴、优化运输布局、承接产业转移,迫切需要对太平湾港区进行规划.采用定性定量结合、比选分析、数模试验等方法,分析得知拟选址区域岸线开发弱,风、浪、潮汐条件优越,流场简单,水清沙少,海床稳定,基岩承载力高,水深条件好等...  相似文献   

The cruise ship industry is currently undergoing a period of rapid expansion. New cruise capacity threatens to produce overtonnaging, with future berths exceeding demand. Despite this development, cruise operators are confident that a growing North American market will be able to satisfy the equilibrium condition sought by vessel operators. This research explores where the new tonnage might be deployed and its eventual impact on the cruise industry. Geographic concepts are utilized to test and support the premise that geography contributes positively to the cruise port selection process. Itineraries, influenced by 'site' and 'situation,' are presently still the most important factor affecting cruise port selection.  相似文献   

The cruise ship industry is currently undergoing a period of rapid expansion. New cruise capacity threatens to produce overtonnaging, with future berths exceeding demand. Despite this development, cruise operators are confident that a growing North American market will be able to satisfy the equilibrium condition sought by vessel operators. This research explores where the new tonnage might be deployed and its eventual impact on the cruise industry. Geographic concepts are utilized to test and support the premise that geography contributes positively to the cruise port selection process. Itineraries, influenced by ‘site’ and ‘situation,’ are presently still the most important factor affecting cruise port selection.  相似文献   

介绍了在复杂因素情况下运用层次分析法进行港口工程总体方案综合比选的方法和过程.通过港口工程因素识别、构建层次模型、构造判断矩阵、因素权重分配、一致性检验、分值计算及综合评定等步骤,将人为的主观性依据用数量形式表达出来并进行量化综合比较,从而避免了传统方案比选采用定性判断的不足.  相似文献   

Containerization, inter-port competition, and port selection   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper explores the criteria shippers employ in the port selection process. By focusing on the containerized traffic between the North American Mid-West and Western Europe, the factors considered by exporters and freight forwarders are examined. The findings suggest that decision-makers are influenced more by price and service considerations of land and ocean carriers than by perceived differences in the ports of entry and exit. Port infrastructures do not appear to play an important role in the routeing decisions made by an important group of independent businesses involved in the North Atlantic container trade.  相似文献   

由于全球各集装箱港口之间的竞争日益激烈,而目前缺乏评价港口竞争力的权威指标体系,相关的指标数量众多,难以确定哪些是关键指标,为探讨影响港口竞争力的主要因素,尝试在集装箱港口竞争力的评价指标中引入新兴的数学工具粗糙集理论,通过属性约简,删除冗余指标,简化指标体系,从10个评价指标中提取影响评价结果的5个关键指标,为研究集装箱港口竞争力提供新的思路。  相似文献   

深入剖析广东省港口物流发展影响因素,构建灰关联模型,对其进行定量与定性分析。结果表明:集装箱吞吐量和生产总值GDP对港口物流发展起主导作用,港口固定资产投资额和海关进出口总额拉动作用明显。提出"打造集装箱竞争优势、建设技术密集型智能港、构建以港口为核心"的供应链体系的建议,以期为港口物流发展战略转型提供决策参考。  相似文献   

结合青岛港董家口港区总体规划,研究新形势、新环境下港口选址与总体布置思路、原则、要素、方法,重点介绍港区选址和总体布置方案演化与主要结论,提出规划实施过程中注意的问题。  相似文献   

This article is based on 183 819 port state control inspections from various port state control regimes for the time frame 1999 to 2004. Using binary logistic regression, we establish the differences of port state control inspections across several regimes, even though theory predicts there should be no significant differences in treatments of vessels. The results indicate that the differences towards the probability of detention are merely reflected by the differences in port states and the treatment of deficiencies and not necessarily by age, size, flag, class or owner as perceived by the industry and regulators. The analysis further shows that some differences can be found across ship types and regimes and that there appears to be room for further harmonization in the area of port state control.  相似文献   

In this paper, a new concept of “port climate risk exposure function along the sea–land boundary axis” is introduced as a critical component towards port adaptation. This concept derived from a global survey which was conducted over 29 countries to assess perceived climate risks to port infrastructure from relevant experts. The methodology used 48 climate scenarios developed based on existing data. Ultimately, this paper serves as a global climate risk indicator to guide further adaptive initiatives in ports.  相似文献   

This article is based on 183 819 port state control inspections from various port state control regimes for the time frame 1999 to 2004. Using binary logistic regression, we establish the differences of port state control inspections across several regimes, even though theory predicts there should be no significant differences in treatments of vessels. The results indicate that the differences towards the probability of detention are merely reflected by the differences in port states and the treatment of deficiencies and not necessarily by age, size, flag, class or owner as perceived by the industry and regulators. The analysis further shows that some differences can be found across ship types and regimes and that there appears to be room for further harmonization in the area of port state control.  相似文献   

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