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国际海事组织International Maritime Organization,IMO国际海事组织(IMO)的前身为政府间海事协商组织(Intergovernmental Mari- time Consultative Organization,IMCO)。IMCO是根据1948年3月6日在日内瓦举行的联合国海运会议上通过的“政府间海事协商组织公约”(1958年3月17日生效),于1959年1月6日至19日在伦敦召开的第一届公约国全体会议上正式成立的,是联合国在海事方面的一个专门机构,负责海事技术咨询和立法。1975年11月第9届大会通过了修改的组织公约决定,并于1982年5月22日起改为现名IMO,以加强该组织在国际海事方面的法律地位,使其在海事和海运技术领域起到更大的作用。IMO与联合国及联合圉粮农组织、国际劳工组织、国际原子能机构订有合作协议。IMO通过的国际公约、规则和决议案为造船、设计、检验、航运、海事、管理等部门所必须遵循的法定文件。IMO的全部技术工作由下述5个委员会进行,即海上安全委员会(MSC)、海洋环境保护委员会(MEPC)、便利运输委员会(FAL),技术合作委员会(TCC)和法律委员会(LEG)。IMO总部设在伦敦。IMO的最高权力机构为大会(每两年召开一次,Assembly),下有理事会(每年两次,Council)和(上述的)委员会(每年1~2次,Committee):日常工作由秘书处承担,秘书长为最高行政执行官,秘书处下设5个司,分别为海上安全司、海上环境司、法律事务及对外联络司、行政司和会议司、总计为300余名工作人员,以处理曰常行政事务。IMO出版物大致分为七大类:(1)综合类(包含基本文件、IMO公约、大会决议和其他决定、人命安全公约之各种文件、规则、建议等);(2)货物(包括危险货物规则及其各修正以及其他相关文件);(3)便利旅行和运输;(4)法律事项;(5)海上环境保护;(6)船舶技术。我国在联合国恢复合法席位后,于1973年3月1日正式参加IMO,1975年当选为理事国,1995年11月,我国以最多票数连任A类理事国。  相似文献   

本文主要针对自吸自卸砂船这一新型船舶在号灯配备及布置中存在的问题,结合自吸自卸砂船船舶构造实际,根据海事监管和船检有关法规规则要求,提出自吸自卸砂船配备及布置方案,为船舶检验及海事监管提供依据.  相似文献   

《国际船舶压载水和沉积物控制与管理国际公约(2004)》要求妥善处理和处置压载舱沉积物,以防止有害生物入侵。为研究履约现状,选取13家从事压载水沉积物清理、接收及处理作业的修船厂进行了系统调研,结果表明普遍存在防污染措施不全、接收处理作业不规范、接收设施技术标准缺失、管理要求不明确等问题。在分析压载水沉积物的来源、危害、产生量等特性的基础上,结合公约和国内要求,从标准规范完善、监管部门协作、接收设施配套、公约法规宣贯和科技研发支撑等方面分析提出了履约对策。研究成果为有关压载水沉积物相关标准规范、技术政策的制定提供参考,有助于加强压载舱沉积物防污染管理,提升国际公约履行水平。  相似文献   

<正>政策法规船舶环保新标准2016年实行2016年1月1日起,国际船舶氮氧化物排放的新标准将生效,以应对越来越严峻的气候环境。IMO海洋环境保护委员会(MEPC)在第65次大会上通过了《防止船舶污染国际公约》有关氮氧化物的修订草案,把排放控制区域(ECAs)有关实施氮氧化物排放控制技术章程第三层标准(TierⅢ)的时间定为2021年1月1日。但迫于各方压力,这一标准被提前到2016年1月1日生效。  相似文献   

目前我国公路建设市场广泛使用履约保证金制度,文章分析了履约保证金与投标保证金的差异及实行履约保证金制度的正面影响和负面效应,总结了加强保证金管理的相关措施,提出健全履约保证金制度的相关建议,对规范招投标市场行为和净化招投标市场环境以及预防和惩罚腐败都有着重要而深远的意义。  相似文献   

文章针对南宁水运事业的新形势,分析了船检工作的现状与需求,并从船检人员的角度提出了船检工作的新思路。  相似文献   

随着我国东线南水北调工程的建设,内河船舶对水域环境造成的污染引起了高度的重视,为了保障南水北调工程的建设和人民群众生活及生态环境安全,加强内河船舶污染控制工作成为海事船检部门工作的重中之重。严格把关船舶污染水域源头,从现行法制手段、国家监督管理机制、船舶防污设计等多个方面进行分析,采取有效的防污染措施,提高当前内河船舶防污染工作,重视内河船舶防污染治理,提升内河船舶防污染水平。本文针对京杭运河徐州段船舶防污现状,浅析内河船舶防污染面临的问题,并研究解决对策。  相似文献   

市政工程造价控制与审核   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了市政工程建设造价控制中普遍存在的主要问题,并对其形成原因进行了剖析,提出了市政工程造价控制的对策及审核的方法.  相似文献   

为有效提高驾驶资格审核效率、规范审核流程、提高驾驶资格管理信息化的作用,对铁路机车车辆驾驶资格信息管理系统换补证模块使用情况进行阐述,分析该模块的使用现状、应用优势及对未来的展望,以供参考。  相似文献   

<正>2015年,全国海事系统将牢固树立"三化"建设在海事发展中的统领地位,全面深化改革,建设法治海事,紧紧围绕水上安全监管中心工作,加快推进海事转型升级和科学发展,在服务国家战略规划和"四个交通"发展中发挥更加积极的作用。交通运输部海事局局长陈爱平表示,新形势下,海事系统要抓住新机遇,谋求新发展,满足新要求,始终  相似文献   

As from January 2020, the International Maritime Organization (IMO) is implementing a global 0.5% limit on the sulphur content of fuel, commonly known as the global sulphur cap. This limit is the latest policy in the efforts to reduce sulphur emissions from shipping, following the designation of emission control areas (ECAs) and other regional regulations. In this paper, a literature review is conducted of academic studies that have dealt with issues relating to the reduction of maritime sulphur emissions. Various recurring research themes are identified, spanning the areas of operations research, maritime economics and transport policy. The effects and implications of available compliance options are then analyzed from the perspectives of ship operators, shippers and consumers. Using lessons learned from the enforcement of ECA regulations, this is followed by an appraisal of various potential issues related to the enforcement of these new global regulations. It is found that a homogeneous enforcement regime is required to ensure a level playing field amongst ship operators and that the global sulphur cap may lead to serious market distortion, due to the potential short term rise of fuel prices. The paper concludes with a set of recommendations for future research on sulphur emissions from shipping in the aftermath of the global cap and, looking forward, to its relationship to the IMO strategy on the reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) shipping emissions.  相似文献   


This article presents a comprehensive review of the maritime safety regimes and provides recommendations on how to improve the system. The results show a complex legal framework which generates a high amount of inspections and overlapping of inspection areas where no cross‐recognition is established by the various stakeholders. While the safety system seems to be successful in eliminating substandard vessels and while average insurance claims costs are substantially lower for inspected vessels than non‐inspected vessels, the results indicate that the economic conditions of the shipping market also have an effect on safety quality besides the frequency of inspections. No significant differences can be found between industry inspections and port state control inspections with respect to decreasing the probability of casualty. The system could be made more effective by combining data sources on inspections and using them respectively to improve risk profiling and to decrease the frequency of inspections performed on ship types such as tankers. The results further indicate a lack of proper implementation of the International Safety Management Code (ISM code) and conventions with reference to working and living conditions of crew (ILO 147). A revision of the ISM code and more emphasis on enforcement of ILO 147 could further enhance the level of safety at sea. The authors would like to thank several inspection regimes for their cooperation in providing inspection data and in allowing the observation of surveys and inspections on 26 vessels. In addition, the authors would like to acknowledge the data providers for the casualty data, Clarksons for the economic data as well as two P&I Clubs in making data on insurance claims available.  相似文献   

To comply with the International Maritime Organization’s (IMO) 2020 global sulphur limit for maritime shipping, low-sulphur fuel oils (LSFOs) and scrubbers are the most commonly applied approaches in practice, as a result of which, however, shipowners’ profits will be affected. This paper is to identify a more economical sulphur reduction approach, for which a 19,000 twenty-foot equivalent unit container ship sailing between Far East and Europe is set as a case study. Using the cost-benefit analysis, the use of scrubbers is proved to be more economical due to the higher net present value and lower annual unit cost. The sensitivity check suggests that a scrubber is more attractive in most cases except for two scenarios where LSFOs are more popular. That is, a scrubber is losing its attractiveness when prices of LSFOs and heavy fuel oil (HFO) move in the same direction with the price spread is equal to or below US$56 per ton, and when prices of HFO rise and prices of LSFOs fall with the price spread is equal to or below US$16 per ton. This finding well explains the current popularity of installing scrubbers among shipowners although retrofitting still faces many challenges.  相似文献   

The negative environmental and health impacts association with high sulphur dioxide emissions from shipboard machineries have been raised by various stakeholders within the marine transportation sector. It is against this backdrop that the International Maritime Organisation under the MARPOL Annex VI regulation 14 has capped sulphur emission to 0.1% for Sulphur Emission Control Areas and 0.5% for the other shipping nations. However, ship owners in the Gulf of Guinea (GoG) sub-region are facing multitudes of challenges in meeting up with this new IMO regulation. This paper aims to identify the main barriers hampering effective compliance to this new regulation by ships operating in the GoG, rank the barriers, and then discuss the possible opportunities that may arise as a result of addressing the challenges. To identify the main barriers, experts with several years of experience in the maritime industry from Ghana and Cameroun were used while multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) method combining analytic hierarchy process (AHP) and technique for order preference by similarity to ideal solution (TOPSIS) was employed to rank the barriers. Other methods such as fuzzy AHP (FAHP), rank-order centroid (ROC) and TOPSIS were combined to validate the result of the study. The findings indicate that lack of infrastructure, lack of comprehensive marine air pollution laws and high capital and operational costs of sulphur reduction solutions emerged as the top three ranked barriers. The findings of this study can be useful to ship owners and policy makers in dealing with the issues of marine air pollution.  相似文献   

Recent reviews of the literature on ship routing and scheduling note the increased attention to environmental issues. This is an area of paramount importance for international shipping and will be even more so in the future. This short communication is motivated by the increasing attention to ‘green’ routing and scheduling and outlines some possible ways to incorporate the air emissions dimension into maritime transportation OR. The main contribution of this note vis-a-vis the state of the art is that it conceptualizes the formulation of the ‘Green Ship Routing and Scheduling Problem’ (GSRSP) based on existing formulations and highlights all the important parameters of the problem.  相似文献   


Container shipping gives a rise of international trade since the 1960s. Based on navigation data start from the mid-1990s to 2016, this paper empirically analyses the spatial pattern of China’s international maritime linkages along the “twenty-first-century Maritime Silk Road”. We interpret such evolutionary dynamics in terms of growth, hierarchical diffusion and networking phases. Networking is a new stage of the evolution of the port system, which is approached based on the graph theory, complex network methods and geomatics, the paper discusses the networking’s basic characteristics: multi-hub spatial agglomeration, the connection of the network develops across space, functional differentiation and a division of labour appear among ports. Our results show that, while the scope of China’s maritime linkages had expanded overtime, more foreign ports become connected to the “Maritime Silk Road”. In addition, the external linkages of domestic ports tend to be dispersed, reflecting upon the decline of Pearl River Delta ports and the rise of Yangtze River Delta ports, with mixed evidence for the Bohai Rim region. Lastly, the analysis underlines the emergence of a polycentric shipping system, from the Hong Kong dominance to the more diversified Shanghai/Ningbo/Shenzhen configuration. Academic and managerial implications are included.  相似文献   

货运车型标准化是国家运输行业结构调整及货运行业提质增效发展的重要工作手段与目标。从货运车型标准化转型治理工作的功能需求出发,以正在开展的常压液体危险货物罐车治理工作为基础,本文设计并实现了基于SSM架构的货运车型标准化专项治理管理系统。危险货物道路运输企业在系统中申报罐车信息,罐车检验机构基于车辆识别代码上传罐检报告,道路运输管理机构通过对罐车信息及关键报告进行审核,给予审核结果及意见。  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to clarify some important issues as regards ship speed optimization at the operational level and develop models that optimize ship speed for a spectrum of routing scenarios in a single ship setting. The paper’s main contribution is the incorporation of those fundamental parameters and other considerations that weigh heavily in a ship owner’s or charterer’s speed decision and in his routing decision, wherever relevant. Various examples are given so as to illustrate the properties of the optimal solution and the various trade-offs that are involved.  相似文献   

As the concerns about air pollution have steadily increased, the perception that ships are the source of pollutants and toxic emissions is also expanding. Thus, the International Maritime Organization (IMO) is tightening maritime regulations to reduce air pollution from ships. Currently, the government and related industries are trying to replace heavy fuel oil with liquefied natural gas (LNG) to counter future IMO regulations. Since the use of LNG is expected to increase costs, it is necessary to estimate the social benefits to determine the legitimacy of the replacement. The purpose of this study is to analyse the public’s willingness to pay (WTP) for products imported in LNG-fuelled ships using the contingent valuation method. Flour, the most of which is currently imported in South Korea, is chosen as the subject of empirical analysis. As a result, the mean additional WTP was KRW 571 (USD 0.51) per kg. This value corresponds to about 36% of the existing flour price. Therefore, South Korean households are willing to pay a considerable premium on the flour imported via LNG-fuelled ships. These results can serve as useful bases for future LNG bunkering-related policies.  相似文献   

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