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为了延长山区公路的使用寿命,分析山区公路预防性养护工作的必要性,提出一些切实可行的预防性养护措施,总结现阶段山区公路预防性养护技术的应用方式,并展望山区公路预防性养护技术的发展和应用前景,旨在进一步推广预防性养护技术,助力养护工作的顺利开展。  相似文献   

为提高现代公路养护效果,对预防性养护技术及其在公路养护中的应用优势进行介绍,对现代公路养护中预防性养护技术的局限性进行分析,并提出合理制订定期和条件驱动维护计划、优化养护材料、完善相关法规与政策等策略,以期更好地发挥预防性养护技术在现代公路养护中的作用,为公路养护带来多方面效益。  相似文献   

本文基于安徽省高速公路路面历史性能数据,采用多元线性回归模型建立了预防性养护措施路面性能发展模型,评价了各预防性养护措施的适用性。针对实际情况采用"等效面积法"评价路面养护效益,考虑到预防性养护措施寿命较短,本文提出二次养护效益费用比的概念,对典型的预防性养护措施的实施效果进行了评价,并对影响养护效益的因素进行了分析。  相似文献   

为了增加公路的使用寿命,提高公路质量,阐述预防性公路养护技术的意义,指出公路预防性养护的最佳时期与周期规律,重点介绍公路预防性养护常用技术及预防性养护技术在公路养护工程中的应用措施,包括灌封技术、雾封层技术、微表处罩面技术、薄层罩面技术、稀浆封层技术和同步碎石封层技术等,指出预防性公路养护过程中的保障措施。  相似文献   

预防性养护对于提高国省干线公路的使用寿命、保障其安全性,以及促进交通可持续发展具有重要意义。基于此,对国省干线公路预防性养护的意义进行分析,总结国省干线公路病害原因与表现,提出国省干线公路预防性养护工作的主要内容与具体的预防性养护措施,包括边坡预防性养护、路基预防性养护等,希望为国省干线公路养护工作提供有益参考。  相似文献   

随着社会经济的发展和进步,公路桥梁建设项目逐渐增多。为了保障公路桥梁得以安全运行,从公路桥梁维修及预防性养护的意义、要求等角度入手,深入研究公路桥梁维修及预防性养护技术,旨在为相关工作提供参考。  相似文献   

为有效提高公路整体质量,为民众提供更好的出行服务,从预防性公路养护技术的应用意义出发,分析预防性公路养护技术在公路养护中的应用策略,包括养护前的准备、雾封层养护技术、公路路基预防性养护、同步碎石封层技术、稀浆封层养护技术等,希望能够为公路养护领域的决策制订提供有益参考。  相似文献   

为解决国省干线公路的预防性养护问题,在明确预防性养护技术适用性的基础上,提出几种当前常用的国省干线公路预防性养护技术,明确不同预防性养护技术的特点和要点,以期为相关人员提供参考。  相似文献   

为了探讨普通干线公路预防性养护施工的关键技术及实施要点控制,延长公路的使用寿命、提升维护效果,首先,从公路使用寿命、行车安全、维护成本等角度分析普通干线公路预防性养护施工的重要性;其次,提出具体的预防性养护施工技术,包括雾封层技术、稀浆封层技术、碎石封层养护技术和微表处养护技术;最后,对普通干线公路预防性养护施工要点控制进行研究。研究表明,采用合理的施工技术,维持合理的施工要点控制,从材料选择到施工操作,都能有效保障工程质量和可持续发展。因此,采用普通干线公路预防性养护施工技术,严格按要点控制实施,能够为公路养护提供科学依据和指导,促进公路系统的可靠性和长期稳定性。  相似文献   

为更好地解决沥青路面破损、老化问题,分析沥青路面破损与老化的主要原因,包括道路使用情况、气候和环境因素以及材料性能,并从经济、安全和环境三个维度评估预防性养护技术效益。在此基础上,介绍预防性养护技术分类,并对各类技术进行详细分析,以期为公路养护相关工作提供参考。  相似文献   

The ancient Romans built an excellent system of roads, the development of which required systematic planning, creative design and high-quality construction and maintenance capabilities. At the empire’s peak about 85,000 km (53,000 miles) of road connected the capital Rome with its far-away frontiers. Twenty-nine major public roads radiated from Rome, the most famous of which was Via Appia (The Appian Way), also called the “queen of roads”. Built in 312 BC, it is the most illustrious example of Roman civil engineering skills; small sections of it are still in use today. What were the major reasons underlying this (and similar) massive and costly undertakings? How was it constructed so as to last for so many centuries? How much real resources were invested in its construction and what were the principal benefits? These are the main questions that this study aims to examine.  相似文献   

Cost-benefit analysis is a tool in government decision-making for determining the consequences of alternative uses of society’s scarce resources. Such a systematic process of comparing benefits and costs was adopted in early years for transportation projects and it has been the subject of much refining over the years. There are still some flaws, however, in the application of the method. In this article we have studied the impact of weather conditions on traffic speed on low traffic roads often exposed to adverse weather. This is an issue not currently considered in the cost-benefit analysis of road projects. By using two analytical approaches—structural equation modelling and classification and regression tree analysis—the impact of the weather indicators temperature, wind speed, and precipitation on traffic speed has been quantified. The data relates to three winter months on the European Route 6 road over the mountain pass Saltfjellet in Norway. Increase in wind speed, increase in precipitation and temperatures around freezing point all caused significant decrease in traffic speed in the case studied. If actions were taken to reduce the impact of adverse weather on traffic (e.g. by building a tunnel through the mountain) this study indicates that the road users would gain a total benefit of approximately 2,348,000 NOK (282,000 EUR) each winter at Saltfjellet if all the weather related benefits were included. We argue that this is a significant number that is highly relevant to include in CBAs. This applies both to the CBAs of new transportation projects as well as when resources are allocated for operation, maintenance, and monitoring of the existing transport systems. Including the weather related benefits would improve the application of CBA as a decision-making tool for policy makers.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the effects of the provision of traffic information on toll road usage based on a stated preference survey conducted in central Texas. Although many researchers have studied congestion pricing and traffic information dissemination extensively, most of them focused on the effects that these instruments individually produce on transportation system performance. Few studies have been conducted to elaborate on the impacts of traffic information dissemination on toll road utilization. In this study, 716 individuals completed a survey to measure representative public opinions and preferences for toll road usage in support of various traffic information dissemination classified by different modes, contents, and timeliness categories. A nested logit model was developed and estimated to identify the significant attributes of traffic information dissemination, traveler commuting patterns, routing behavior, and demographic characteristics, and analyze their impacts on toll road utilization. The results revealed that the travelers using dynamic message sign systems as their primary mode of receiving traffic information are more likely to choose toll roads. The potential toll road users also indicated their desire to obtain traffic information via internet. Information regarding accident locations, road hazard warnings, and congested roads is frequently sought by travelers. Furthermore, high-quality congested road information dissemination can significantly enhance travelers’ preferences of toll road usage. Specifically the study found that travelers anticipated an average travel time saving of about 11.3 min from better information; this is about 30 % of travelers’ average one-way commuting time. The mean value of the time savings was found to be about $11.82 per hour, close to ½ of the average Austin wage rate. The model specifications and result analyses provide in-depth insights in interpreting travelers’ behavioral tendencies of toll road utilization in support of traffic information. The results are also helpful to shape and develop future transportation toll system and transportation policy.  相似文献   

本文从低碳环保理念出发,首先提出了基于碳中和目标下的公路工程建设的理念,通过绿色公路的低碳建设对其进行诠释,从公路建设的不同阶段分析了低碳公路建设的要点,并针对目前进行低碳建设所面临的一些难题,提出了几点解决措施,从而大幅度降低公路建设过程中的碳排放,实现碳中和目标下的交通强国建设。  相似文献   

The effectiveness of control measures to reduce road dust emissions is analyzed using a year’s data of road dust emissions collected with a mobile sampling platform and a survey of road maintenance practices in the Lake Tahoe Basin of Nevada and California US. Attributes such as sweeping practices, anti-icing, shoulder improvement, pavement condition, trackout, and abrasive material from road segments were analyzed with a feature subset selection algorithm. Street sweeping was found to be an effective means of controlling dust emissions from roads. Road dust from dirty tertiary roads served as a continuous source of suspendable material for adjacent high-speed roads in the winter time. To be most effective, emission control strategies require that not only primary roads, but all roads be swept after snow storms to recover applied abrasive material.  相似文献   

针对各类绿色公路技术难以横向比较的问题,文章从技术可行性、经济效益、节能减排效益等方面,提出建立绿色公路技术LCA评价体系,并以G312苏州西段工程为例进行综合效益分析,其综合效益最为显著,具备规模化、资源化、投资适宜的绿色公路技术;技术瓶颈问题的突破和创新,是推进绿色公路发展的根本动力;将绿色理念融入公路建设的全生命周期的前提,是因地制宜的前期规划布局研究,也是合理选择适宜绿色公路技术的基础。  相似文献   

随着我国经济的快速发展,BIM作为一种新的技术在建筑、市政工程领域发挥着愈来愈大的作用。文章阐述了BIM技术的概念、技术特点和应用现状,对其在市政道路设计中的详细应用进行了分析研究,探讨了其在三维地形图、道路选线、管线设计应用中的优势及问题,对应用效果进行了评价,针对不足之处进行了有益的思考,文章对推动BIM技术在市政道路设计中应用及发展上具有一定的现实意义。  相似文献   

In spite of the strategic national and regional development importance of transportation infrastructures, road transportation is one of the major sources of externalities worldwide. Using data collected from 900 residents living in 14 rural towns near the roads crossing the Spanish Pyrenees, we model citizens’ willingness-to-pay (WTP) to reduce noise and air pollution. We collect the data adopting a contingent valuation method (CVM) design and we analyze the data employing a Zero-Inflated Ordered Probit (ZIOP) model, which allows us to account for an excessive number of zero observations. Our results are in contrast with previous studies’ results with regard to environmental attitudes and socio-economic profiles of residents. Our findings indicate that the stakeholders living near major roads have higher incentives to offset environmental costs. Also, younger, better educated, and more environmentally-aware citizens are willing to pay more to reduce externalities, as they are influenced by their values and environmentally friendly sub-culture, possibly fostered during the past 30 years of green movement worldwide campaigning.  相似文献   

本文结合公路建设项目后评价体系和预防性养护自身的特点,建立了预防性养护后评价体系,提出了预防性养护过程后评价、社会后评价、环境后评价的主要内容、评价方法及评价指标。本文的研究能更加科学地对整个路网进行预防性养护及维修规划,更加合理地使用资金,有效地实现资金费用管理的优化。  相似文献   

文章根据城乡道路覆盖城际、城市、城乡、镇村四级客运网络的生产特点,以城市公交、城际客运和农村客运为研究对象,将其应急处置对象分为运输在途不安全因素及不同态势突发事件。在此基础上,提出了科学合理的驾驶员和客运企业应对不安全因素和突发事件的系列规范,规范了驾驶员的安全行车要求和现场应急处置,以及客运企业的应急响应流程和响应措施。对进一步提升驾驶员和客运企业应对不安全因素和突发事件的处置能力,降低城乡道路客运安全事故发生率及事故后的人员伤亡和财产损失,具有重要的社会效益。  相似文献   

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