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交通运输部出台的《关于改进提升交通运输服务的若干指导意见》(简称《意见》),部署了今后五年改进提升交通运输服务的总体目标、重点任务和工作抓手。这是部首次专门就改进提升交通运输服务制定出台的一个综合政策性文件,  相似文献   

1—10月邮政行业业务收入同比增25.7%国家邮政局近日公布的数据显示,今年1-10月,邮政企业和全国规模以上快递服务企业业务收入(不包括邮政储蓄银行直接营业收入)累计完成1616.6亿元,同比增长25.7%;业务总量累计完成1621.2亿元,同比增长24.5%。10月份,全行业业务收入完成160.8亿元,同比增长31.5%;业务总量完成177.7亿元,同比增长32.1%。  相似文献   

多数非邮政快递企业经理认为,由于《行政许可法》的设立许可原则规定申请人是要经营带有普遍服务特种业务的对象,而快递企业不经营上述业务,因此不宜实行行政许可制度.但为了规范管理和服务好快递业,有必要实行备案登记制度.  相似文献   

出租汽车问题由来已久,经营模式各地不一,经营管理欠规范,这些问题的存在,严重制约着出租汽车行业的发展。为此,9月26日,交通运输部第9次部务会议审议通过了《出租汽车经营服务管理规定》(以下简称《规定》),9月30日以交通运输部令2014年第16号颁布,自2015年1月1日起施行。  相似文献   

Parcel express service in many countries assumes door‐to‐door delivery of parcels and small packages in the fastest possible way. Delivery companies usually organize hub delivery networks, as flows between hubs are characterized by the economy of scale effect. At hubs, parcels are exchanged across vans, trucks, and planes. To organize parcel delivery in a specific region, the parcel delivery company must make appropriate decisions about the total number of parcel delivery hubs, their locations, and the allocation of demand for facilities' services to facilities. These issues are modeled in this paper as a multi‐objective problem. The model developed is based on compromise programming and genetic algorithms. We also demonstrate in the paper an interactive manner in which a defined problem can be solved. The proposed model could be implemented in large‐scale networks. The paper also shows a case study of parcel delivery service in Serbia. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the effect of express coach deregulation in Britain following the Transport Act 1980. The authors have monitored the range of services offered before and after the Act, using operators' literature, roadside surveys, on-vehicle passenger interviews and interviews with operators as sources of information. These are used to present an overall picture of express deregulation, with particular reference to changes in real fare levels, and also the relative importance of competition within the coach industry compared with that of inter-modal competition (that between coach and rail). The latter has emerged as more significant.The greater part of the paper is devoted to analysis of the long-distance market but the development of commuter coach services into central London is also examined, together with the reasons why independent operators have secured a larger share of this market.  相似文献   

小件快运经过多年的发展,已经成为公路客运一个新的经济增长点,越来越多的公路客运企业和汽车客运站加入到经营小件快运的行列,小件快运也逐渐由单个企业的独立运营发展到多个企业联合的网络化运营。对中转运输中多条运输线路进行分析,得到最短运输时间线路,从而提高运输效率。  相似文献   

This paper studies the impact of service frequency and reliability on the choice of departure time and the travel cost of transit users. When the user has (α, β, γ) scheduling preferences, we show that the optimal head start decreases with service reliability, as expected. It does not necessarily decrease with service frequency, however. We derive the value of service headway (VoSH) and the value of service reliability (VoSR), which measure the marginal effect on the expected travel cost of a change in the mean and in the standard deviation of headways, respectively. The VoSH and the VoSR complete the value of time and the value of reliability for the economic appraisal of public transit projects by capturing the specific link between headways, waiting times, and congestion. An empirical illustration is provided, which considers two mass transit lines located in the Paris area.  相似文献   

在全国3 0个省(区、市)的邮政管理局成立完成后,邮政体制改革的关键--新<邮政法>更加令人期待.但种种迹象表明,历经20年、八易其稿的<邮政法>修改草案因争议过大、牵涉面广可能仍会推迟表决.尽管距离1 2月份全面开放快递业的大限已时日不多,但"等待戈多"的状态可能会依然延续.  相似文献   

道路客运企业关注快件运输 改革开放以来,我国的经济出现了持续快速发展,GDP年均增幅在9%以上,第二、三产业的快速发展,带动了中国现代物流产业的迅速壮大.  相似文献   

Automated People Movers can be classified on the basis of scale as “architectural”, institutional”, and “mass transit”. The paper examines mass transit applications in both America and overseas, with emphasis on experience in France, Great Britain, Copenhagen, Canada, and Japan. The benefits of automation are discussed.  相似文献   

The growth in air freight traffic in the United States can be attributed to the increasing demand for fast and reliable delivery of small and time-sensitive packages. A solution to the problem appears to be an all-cargo airline that can directly operate its own vehicles in a more coordinated fashion and can achieve the economy-of-scale by consolidating traffic. An example can be found in Federal Express—a small package airlines—which provides direct, single source door-to-door service through its own fleet of aircrafts and pickup/delivery trucks. Traffic is bundled up from thin density markets via a concentrated operation in Memphis. These two features in conjunction allow services to be rendered economically to small medium-size cities. The relative youth and entrepreneurship of the airline means that ideas and management techniques are often configured from afresh and executed with diligence. The airline, long qualified as an air taxi, has operated with a large degree of freedom outside the confines of regulatory controls. As the company expands and as a set of national air cargo regulations are evolving, some of the advantage enjoyed by the company may be negated. The future success of the “Federal Express Model” is an interesting case study for both practitioners and researchers in the air freight industry.  相似文献   

EMS开始自成立26年来最大规模的反击 8月9日上午10点,北京电视台主持人徐春妮收到了邮政EMS送来的一份快件.这份发自上海的快件只用了十几个小时便送到了她手上,比往常快了大约两个小时.  相似文献   

In recent years, a number of states have acted to expand the passenger rail services provided to their citizens by subsidizing Amtrak. Subsidizing states tend to be relatively metropolitan, with large tourist industries, large populations, relatively liberal electorates (for 1980 subsidy decisions), and a history of efforts to protect the environment. Multivariate analysis indicates that population, electoral liberalism, and environmental concern play key roles in shaping subsidy decisions, although electoral liberalism has little influence on 1985 subsidies.  相似文献   

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