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做好道路运输安全管理工作,既是推动道路运输行业科学发展、健康发展的客观要求和必然选择,也是道路运输行业管理的难点和焦点.通过道路行车事故案例统计分析,文中归纳了我国道路运输行车事故规律特征,并梳理了分析当前道路运输安全管理存在的突出问题.在道路运输安全管理工作基础上,提出了未来我国道路运输安全管理思路.  相似文献   

如何规范道路运输市场的管理成为摆在我们面前的一项重要课题.从西宁市道路运输的现状出发,分析了道路运输管理中存在的一些突出问题,提出了规范西宁市道路运输市场管理的一些建议和措施.  相似文献   

本文阐述了我国危险废物处置、运输的基本情况,危险废物的认定及运输管理相关法律规定等内容,分析了我国危险废物运输管理在分类、鉴别、豁免、监管、通行等方面存在的问题,并借鉴美国、欧洲等相关管理经验,提出了我国危险废物道路运输管理的工作建议。  相似文献   

刘美银  蒋琢 《综合运输》2000,(10):20-22
<正> 个体运输一直是道路运输发展过程中的焦点、热点、难点问题。目前,道路运输面临结构调整,其中包括所有制结构、经济主体结构和车辆结构等的调整。在道路运输所有制结构调整中如何认识个体运输在过去及未来中的地位、作用,直接关系到在我国加入WTO后能否适应对外开放的竞争需要,能否解决道路运输低质量运行问题,能否促进道路运输健康、持续、稳定发展。  相似文献   

危险货物道路运输是道路运输领域内的重要组成部分。本文从加强危险货物道路运输安全管理的重要性入手,分析了南京市危险货物道路运输行业现状,深入剖析了我国危险货物道路运输安全管理方面存在的问题,重点从制度规范建设、创新监管模式、政府运力调控,提升应急能力等方面提出八条建议。  相似文献   

道路运输企业如何改革才能适应国民经济发展的需要.就市场经济条件下,培育道路运输市场的思路、组织措施、实施措施等方面进行了论述.  相似文献   

文章从影响道路运输行车安全的基本因素入手,结合典型交通事故,分析了道路运输企业的安全管理现状及存在的问题,提出了针对性的安全管理措施。  相似文献   

道路运输服务是指对在公共道路上使用汽车或其他车辆从事道路旅客或货物运输及其相关业务活动的总称。道路运输业是综合运输体系中服务范围最广、承担运量最大、运输组织最灵活、运输产品最多样、就业人员最多的运输方式,在国民经济和社会发展中发挥着重要的作用。本文对道路运输服务水平作了理论解释,对我国道路运输服务做出了正反两方面的评价,并分析了问题的原因。  相似文献   

我国陆上边界长达22000多公里,与15个国家接壤,国际道路运输发展前景广阔。交通运输部颁布的《国际道路运输管理规定》是贯彻落实《中华人民共和国道路运输条例》的第一部配套规章,目的是进一步推动国际道路运输的发展。力促国际运输便利化国际道路运输从无到有,与国外特别是欧洲国家相比,我们还处于学习阶段。10多年来,各级交通主管部门认真摸索、大胆尝试,从设立机构、配备人员,到建立有关的办事制度和办事程序,逐步探索出了适合我国国际道路运输发展的路子,使我国国际道路  相似文献   

效力 《综合运输》2002,(1):37-38
<正>目前,我国道路运输行业与其它行业一样,形成了开放的、多种经济成份并存的客货运输市场,为国民经济发展和人民生活起了十分重要的作用;然而,改革开放二十多年来,为道路运输市场的形成和发展做出主要贡献的道路运输行政管理(因为没有《道路运输法减《道路运输管理条例》)部门却一直处在名不正、言不顺的地位,至多属于经济管理部门,这与我国即将加入WTO和当前道路运输发展中所遇到一些问题是很不相适应的,必经把道路运输管理工作上升到法律法规范畴。为此,笔者拟从以下几方面提些粗浅的认识。 第一,道路运输执法的法律效力之前提必  相似文献   

游客在餐厅或者在路上,忽然会有美女帅哥来搭讪,然后要求共同举行具有海南黎族特色的结婚仪式,风格独特,还要入洞房,说这是海南当地旅游的一个特色,声称免费,很多人难抵好奇心的诱惑。但当仪式结束以后,有关人等便开始索要小费,价格还不低,游客大呼上当,可惜为时已晚。  相似文献   

道路运输安全是一项需综合治理的系统工程,不仅需要社会各方相互配合,更需要相应的法律手段进行规制。文章阐述了《道路交通安全法》在规范运输市场安全秩序中的作用,分析了《道路交通安全法》实施后我国公路运输市场现状及存在的问题,提出了推进道路交通运输市场规范化发展的对策建议。  相似文献   

Singapore has a sophisticated and efficient system of land transport to serve a growing demand for transportation. Constrained by limited space, a comprehensive set of land transport policies has been in place to balance the growth in transport demand and the effectiveness and efficiency of the land transport system. A multi-pronged approach has been used to achieve the objective of a world-class transportation system. These include integration of urban and transport planning, expansion of the road network and improvement of the transport infrastructure, harnessing the latest technology in network and traffic management, managing vehicle ownership and usage, and improvement and regulations of public transport (Ministry of Transport (MOT) (2003) Policy and Regulations, Land Transport, Available: www.mot.gov.sg, Date of Access: 15 September 2003). Singapore was the first country in the world to introduce various new techniques, notably the Area License Scheme (ALS) in 1975 and the Vehicle Quota System (VQS) in 1990. An Electronic Road Pricing (ERP) system replaced the ALS in 1998 to take the role of congestion management, the experience of which has also drawn particular attention from many large cities in the world. In 2003, the world’s first and only fully automatic heavy rail Mass Rapid Transit system was opened to the public, marking a new chapter in Singapore’s innovative approach to solving its land transport problem. This paper reviews the land transport policy implemented in Singapore and pays special emphasis to its public transportation systems.  相似文献   

The paper is devoted to Warsaw, a city burnt to the ground during World War II and reconstructed from its ruins. This allowed the post‐war designers to change the road network and modernize the system of transport. This modernization, however, has turned out not to be far‐sighted enough: hence the present transport difficulties.

Compared with Western European cities car traffic is less intensive and smoother. The high density of places of work in the central district and of inhabitants in residential districts has resulted in a shortage of parking places. Most people use public transport comprising buses, trams and railways; trolley buses and taxis are less used. Buses are the most frequently used transport within the city; railways play a similar role in the city‐suburban zone connections. The first underground line is under construction.

The immense amount of daily travel is generated mainly by the inappropriate distribution of residences, places of work and services, and secondly by the low fares on public transport, which is subsidized by the state and works more as a social service than as a branch of the economy.  相似文献   

This paper gives a review of the historical and geographical preconditions as well as of the population and economic development which led to the unique and complex transport systems of Tokyo. Tokyo Metropolis, one of the most populous cities in the world, is located in the National Capital Region of Japan where 32 million people are living today. The special transport problems deriving from this high population density are described in context with the development of employment, transport infrastructure and motorization. Due consideration is given to the influence exerted by the structure of the whole region on the overall traffic behaviour.

Several transport phenomena and problem solutions which are typical of the traffic systems in Tokyo are described, such as the change of rush hour congestion rates depending on subway extension, modal split for different trip purposes in the inner urban area, or information via local radio broadcasts with very short range of transmission.

The main current transport issues are discussed. Though the transport networks in Tokyo are some of the most developed in the world, there is still heavy congestion in rush hours. The basic policy therefore is the further strengthening and improvement of the public transport network.  相似文献   

Claude Kaspar 《运输评论》2013,33(4):373-379

Transport companies are finding themselves compelled to attach growing importance to the education and further education of their staff in the face of transport's increasing complexity, of its increased market‐economic thinking where competition takes the place of collective economic thinking and of financial constraints.

The necessity for increased education and further education of the managerial staff of the transport companies has also led to a two‐fold division of this task in Switzerland: on the one side the academic education in universities, on the other the further education of the management staff by the transport companies.

The extent of education and research done on “transport” varies in Swiss universities. Special courses are given at the St. Gall Graduate School of Economics, Business and Public Administration in transport economics and at the Technical Universities of Zürich and Lausanne in transport engineering.

Special further education in transport management is given by Swissair and Swiss Federal Railways.  相似文献   

文章充分肯定了近年来我国道路运输工作取得的成绩,阐述了交通运输业今后的工作重点,提出了道路运输业发展的总体目标和要求。  相似文献   

铁路货物运输资源属于国家公共资源,铁路货物运输资源的整合优化能产生巨大的社会效益。本文通过分析铁路运输资源整合优化,探究提高铁路货物运输的综合能力的策略,同时在铁路货物运输中,石油资源运输的特点,探究铁路石油运输对铁路货物运输的影响,从而达到资源的最优化运用。  相似文献   

、~口~一影像运输@陈和琦!本刊记者~~  相似文献   

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