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Heavy truck The market trend has recovered since May 2006 and it reported a year on year growth of 30.55 percent by the end of Dec. The result was partly due to the heavy fall in the second half of 2005.  相似文献   

Since the second half of 1993, Chinese auto market has been crawling for 3 consecutive years, and the bad situation was seen in 1996. Therefore the Chinese auto market trend of 1997 will be spectacular within the auto circles home and abroad.  相似文献   

After a sluggish market in 1994, both the sale and the production of automobiles will be raised constantly in China, especially in the second half of 1995. In order to understand this, we shall begin with the analysis of the auto market in 1994. Retrospect of China's Auto Market in 1994  相似文献   

Many evidences show that China has hope of entering WTO in the second half of 2001, which will influence Chinese industries undoubtedly, especially the car industry due to its Iow technical level, high price and dependent development ability. However. Objectively speaking Chinese car industry will face challenges and opportunities when joining WTO.  相似文献   

In early 2004, the Chinese government took measures to restrain the hasty development of the industries of energy, steel and electrolytic aluminum. Statistics show that the auto industry has been deeply influenced by the macro regulation with a complicated market situation appearing.1. The macro economic situation in the first half of 2004 During the period, China’s GDP experienced a growth of 9.7 per cent year on year, 0.9 percentage point higher period on period. The growth in the second …  相似文献   

1. Large and medium bus market in 1998 (1)Production and sales growth witnessed Ever since the second half of 1993, Chinese large and medium bus market has been running at a lower speed. In 1998, things sounded better with the production  相似文献   

BriefingShanghai Maple is going to launch two 1.8 L cars—Marindo 305 and Hysoul 305 in the second half of this year. Brilliance Group is going to establish its new base in Mianyang, the second largest city in Sichuan province, for its Jinbei van and diesel/petrol engines. The van will produce 40,000 units initially and reach 100,000 in the end. The engines will produce 120,000 units a year. To this end, the Group will add US$ 60.97 million more investment there. FU Shoujie, an executi…  相似文献   

Since the second half of 2004, the auto market has taught manufacturers a lesson inmarket place cruelty. People are conservative in planning this year’s production, or havebecome “practical”, as they say. Even Guangzhou Honda, with 70 percent growth last year,is aiming for a mere 30,000 vehicles more in 2005, or 15 percent up. But the auto marketis just like the weather reports which often fail to forecast conditions correctly. Surprisingly,a number of makes have been performing well since…  相似文献   

Research into hydrogen energy, fuel cell and fuel cell vehicle technology is being done in China. In accordance with the State level 863 Program, and the cooperation plan with GEF, UNDP, one demonstrative filling station will be building in Beijing and Shanghai respectively to servefuel cell vehicles. By the second half of 2005, 3 Citaro FS buses made by Daimler Chrysler will be running in Beijing, together with 3-5 fuel cell buses developed under the State level 863 Program.…  相似文献   

1. Market prospective The tone of the auto market will not change greatly in the later half of this year. This is be-cause: Firstly, the overall growth rate of national economy will be a little bit higher than that of the first half this year, and its triggering effect  相似文献   

According to the National Information Center, the influence of SARS upon car sales in the second quarter is negative, especially with regard to institutional car purchasing. However, the aim of selling 440,000 units in the second quarter and 1.7 million units through the whole year is still reachable.  相似文献   

In the past half of the year, China's economy increased steadily due to the implementation of positive finance policies. The investment of capital assets and entire retail of social consumption increased by 17.6% and 10.3% respectively, compared to the same period of last year. The three-year project of saving the poverty has basically been effected and the efficiency result of  相似文献   

Small Cars Struggling in the Market Passenger vehicle (including van) registrations reached 2,847,560 in the first half of 2007, a year-on-year increase of 22.1%. In terms of body types, sedan models maintained  相似文献   

1. The whole market maintained high speed growth Among the surge in car sales, the brightest spot is the upper-medium sector, sales of which in the first half of 2003 were 194,000 units, more than sales for the whole of 2001, an increase of 95% year on year, 3 percentage point over the average growth of the industry. The market presented the following 6 characteristics:  相似文献   

After fluctuating for four years, the auto in-dustry still operated under inhibition from Jan-uary to July this year. In terms of volume, the output and sales of automobiles had a negative growth in the first half of this year. What is the way out? The sentence "development is the prin-ciple" proves to be very significant.  相似文献   

Chinese auto market was tend-ing towards weakness in the first half of 1999. Totally 270 thousand units of cars were turned out and 260 thousand of them were sold in the first 6 months. Although the production and sales increased by 5.8% and 4.1% respectively, con-sidering the low increase rate of production and sales in the same pe-  相似文献   

◎In the first half of 1999, Changhe Aircraft Industry Group Corp. totally produced 46,699 units, 3% up over the same period last year. Its share in the mini van market climbed from 36% to 39%, continuously rank-ing No. 1 among home vehicle models of the same cata-logue.  相似文献   

Brief News     
◎On Sept. 25, SGM ceremoniously held the off-line ceremony of the 10,000th Buick car, the produc-tion of which formally began on April 12, 1999. ◎In the first half of 1999, there were 187,586 ve-hicles renewed in China, of which 84,499 were trucks, 3,893 were cars. ◎From 1982 to 1999, Liuzhou Minicar Factory's accumulated output has reached 500,000 units. Now  相似文献   

Beijingers have finally waved goodbye to the hot summer and are awaiting the golden fall. Automobile outlets, however, are praying for the harvest, half because of the sufferings in the last year, and half for forthcoming uncertainties.They witnessed a cold market in 2004 and in the golden age they were fighting for the commissions from auto makers. But the result that “Car sales grew 13.94 percent over August while October was 7.99 percent lower than September” made everyone disappointed.…  相似文献   

1. A lackluster auto market in the first half of 1998 (1)Auto production and sales slip January-May saw 677,600 vehicles pro-duced by the auto manufacturers listed in the State-Regulated Product Catalogues, a 0.29% decrease from the same period of last year, and  相似文献   

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