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北京奥运会期间,北京公交集团开设了为奥运服务的专车专线,其中代号为T4的专车共1500辆,负责接送运动员、媒体记者;代号为T5的专车共1555辆车,34条路线,为志愿者、观众、群众出行服务。从奥组委交通管理部门透露的统计数据来看,1500辆的T4线公交车中,青年公交车有700多辆;而在T5奥运专线,近400辆的青年客车担负了主要线路的运行任务。  相似文献   

<正>此次BRT线路采用的全部38辆e-BRT公交车由青年汽车集团研发制造,也代表着青年客车12 m纯电动BRT新品全球首发。2015年2月12日对于浙江金华市和青年客车来说是一个值得纪念的日子。这一天,金华市第1条快速公交线路正式开通运行,该线路也是全球首条纯电动BRT专线。此次BRT线路采用的全部38辆e-BRT公交车由青年汽车集团研发制造,也代表着青年客车12 m纯电动BRT新品全球首发。用心设计的产品据了解,此次38辆纯电动公交车  相似文献   

在刚刚举闭幕的2008北京奥运会上,中通客车共派出纯电动旅游车、“梦幻”、“新未来”、“凯越”以及BRT公交车等共29辆车服务奥运,主要承担北京奥运会核心赛区至奥运村、6号站场工作人员摆渡任务,西郊机场奥运志愿者摆渡任务以及北京农业大学至奥运村的运输任务,其中5辆纯电动客车同时担当奥运会开闭幕式、残奥会开闭式等重大活动的现场指挥用车;20辆混合动力客车驰骋在奥运会足球比赛天津赛区。奥运期间,中通客车圆满地完成了各项服务任务。  相似文献   

近日。90辆安凯纯电动公交车正式在合肥市上路运营。据了解,这90辆纯电动公交车在服务清明节专线之后,将与前期交付的60辆纯电动公交车一起,分别安排在合肥市21条运力紧张的线路上。与普通车穿插运行,至此合肥市已有180辆纯电动公交车上路运营,成为全国拥有纯电动公交车最多的城市。  相似文献   

第16届广州亚运会期间,大金龙有超过1000辆公交、旅游客车行驶在羊城街头,或作为亚运专线公交车运行,或用于接待媒体记者、运动员和官员,直接服务  相似文献   

<正>扬州新能源公交车全面投入运营2015年1月4日,扬州市314辆新能源公交车正式投入运营,此次投入运营的新能源公交车,由政府采购中心招标采购,江苏亚星和上海申沃两家客车厂中标。项目总投入2.3亿元,共购置314辆新能源混合动力空调公交车和25辆LNG液化天然气空调公交车。新能源公交车投放在19条公交线路上营运。LNG液化天然气公交车投放在8路线运营。此次投运的314辆新能源公交车全部为无级变速空调车,配备先进的车内电子  相似文献   

银隆纯电动客车入主天津银隆新能源携手天津市静海区交通局、天津公交集团有限公司共同打造绿色公交之道。11月28日,银隆新能源交付天津静海区4款共67辆纯电动公交车并举行了发车典礼。该批车辆中,12辆为纯电动仿古铛铛车,16辆为纯电动旅游客车,其余39辆为纯电动公交车。  相似文献   

孙仲 《驾驶园》2006,(12):66-67
10月30日早晨,南京某小区附近的公交车停车场,驶出来一辆公交车.当公交车出场10多米远准备拐到路边公交车站台上客时,十几名候车乘客蜂拥而至.此时公交车突然失控,撞到另一辆停靠在站台上的公交车,并挤倒一排乘客,导致一名青年女子被卷入车轮下当场死亡,另有六人受伤.  相似文献   

路智军  刘勇 《驾驶园》2012,(9):18-19
随着2011年12月5日,72辆黄海LNG公交车亮相丹东公交,丹东市共采购了100辆LNG公交车,将丹东公交带入环保时代。《驾驶园》记者近日就LNG公交车的运营情况和发展前景,在丹东市进行了采访。  相似文献   

7月2日,克莱斯勒(中国)汽车销售有限公司在北京举行了交车仪式,向首汽集团国宾车队交付总共88辆道奇凯领,作为该车队贵宾客户日常接待专车,而首次投放使用的58辆将直接服务于该车队奥运期间的接待任务,主要用于接待奥运期间参加各项活动的各省市级领导。  相似文献   

孙洪民 《城市车辆》2009,(11):40-42
公交线路车辆缺趟,不仅影响着单位的经济效益,同时也影响着单位的社会效益。在日常营运管理中,由于管理者所处位置和看问题的角度不同,往往只强调缺趟原因的一两个方面,而不能全面地分析缺趟原因。甚至于强调客观多,强调他人多,深究主观原因少,把正常的业务工作矛盾闹得沸沸扬扬,  相似文献   

An efficient topology optimization method for fluid-structure problems was developed in an effort to determine the optimum flow channel route in a fuel cell bipolar plate from first principles. This study describes the derivation and solution of new mathematical equations for topology optimization combining a density-based algorithm, the interpolation method of moving asymptotes (MMA), and the incompressible Navier-Stokes equation with a term representing the chemical reaction between hydrogen and the catalyst. The present method is based on the finite element method with a newly developed reaction rate equation. In this model, a topology variable of 0 represents viscous flow, whereas a value of 1 indicates porous flow. The flow velocity and pressure were obtained from the Navier-Stokes equation and constraints and element matrices for sensitivity analyses during the optimization. MMA was utilized to calculate the optimum flow routes in the design domain. The influence of the key design parameter q and the pressure drop on the optimum topology were also investigated. The channel topology became smoother with decreasing q, and the number of channels increased with increasing pressure drop.  相似文献   

近年来,随着人们对环境保护的日趋重视,世界各国对内燃机废气排放的要求变得越来越严格,轻型柴油车开始实施国Iv标准。目前由于机内排放控制并不能完全起到净化效果,因此对已排出燃烧室但尚未排到大气中的废气进行处理,采取机外控制技术显得很有必要。PM和NOx是柴油机主要排放污染物,如何同时降低这两种尾气组成,达到国Ⅳ排放水平,是当今世界柴油机技术的难点和研究热点。本文介绍目前国内满足柴油机国IV排放标准的SCR和EGRDPF/DOC两种主流技术路线。通过对比分析两种系统的原理和优缺点得出适合国内发展的路线,并浅谈未来柴油机排放控制的发展方向。  相似文献   

In this two-part paper, a topological analysis of powertrains for refuse-collecting vehicles (RCVs) based on the simulation of different architectures (internal combustion engine, hybrid electric, and hybrid hydraulic) on real routes is proposed. In this first part, a characterization of a standard route is performed, analyzing the average power consumption and the most frequent working points of an internal combustion engine (ICE) in real routes. This information is used to define alternative powertrain architectures. A hybrid hydraulic powertrain architecture is proposed and modelled. The proposed powertrain model is executed using two different control algorithms, with and without predictive strategies, with data obtained from real routes. A calculation engine (an algorithm which runs the vehicle models on real routes), is presented and used for simulations. This calculation engine has been specifically designed to analyze if the different alternative powertrain delivers the same performance of the original ICE. Finally, the overall performance of the different architectures and control strategies are summarized into a fuel and energy consumption table, which will be used in the second part of this paper to compare with the different architectures based on hybrid electric powertrain. The overall performance of the different architectures indicates that the use of a hybrid hydraulic powertrain with simple control laws can reduce the fuel consumption up to a 14 %.  相似文献   

In this two-part paper, a topological analysis of powertrains for refuse-collecting vehicles (RCVs) based on simulation of different architectures (internal combustion engine, hybrid electric, and hybrid hydraulic) on real routes is proposed. In this second part, three different hybrid electric powertrain architectures are proposed and modeled. These architectures are based on the use of fuel cells, ultracapacitors, and batteries. A calculation engine, which is specifically designed to estimate energy consumption, respecting the original performance as the original internal combustion engine (ICE), is presented and used for simulations and component sizing. Finally, the overall performance of the different architectures (hybrid hydraulic, taken from the first paper part, and hybrid electric, estimated in this second part) and control strategies are summarized in a fuel and energy consumption table. Based on this table, an analysis of the different architecture performance results is carried out. From this analysis, a technological evolution of these vehicles in the medium- and long terms is proposed.  相似文献   

Variable message signs that provide various types of route guidance information have been widely deployed in large cities. To release proper information only using easily collected data, a simple traffic-condition-based (TCB) route guidance strategy was recently proposed. The strategy works based on the estimation of free-flow and congested traffic conditions and is capable of approximating user optimal equilibrium stably. Due to little consideration of the complexity of urban road networks, the TCB strategy is still away from field applications in urban areas. To further push the strategy toward field tests, this article improves the TCB strategy in the following aspects: supplementing the strategy with a self-regulation ability by considering existing traffic conditions; decomposing link capacity to solve the problem of overlapping routes by comparing link capacity on alternative routes; coping with stochastic traffic; and the impact of signalized intersections by utilizing aggregated data. A scenario for an urban road network in Beijing, China, is simulated to test the improved strategy, and the simulation results clearly indicate the effectiveness of the proposed improvements. The improvements extend the TCB strategy on moderately complicated urban road networks, and still have the advantages of simple diversion rules, easily obtained input data, and stable and effective diversion processes.  相似文献   

Although both public transport and private modes have their own purposes and safety issues, most people are free to choose either way to make a trip. Previous research states that increasing the mode share of public transport is an important transportation policy to improve traffic safety, and it is a key outcome of demand management indeed. However, rather than merely focusing on increasing its ridership, a more reliable way to reach for the universality of a public transport system is through its customer retention tendency. Research on satisfaction with bus service often focuses on the influence of specific variables. However, numerous variables may influence users' decision-making. To ease their work, managers have no choice but to ignore some unknown variables. Therefore, we now propose a bottom-up procedure, which needs only smart card data, to obtain the odds ratio of usage of a specific bus route. Logistic regression models are calibrated based on four behavior groups, and the significant coefficients of route variables represent the odds ratios of the bus route usage. The calibration of odds ratio does not need any individual personal or individual socio-economical information, but only smart card transaction data. This method will dramatically decrease the cost and time for data collection. Further, the procedure proposed in this study can be encapsulated in software, which managers can then use to assist their planning.  相似文献   


Conventional travel time reliability assessment has evolved from road segments to the route level. However, a connection between origin and destination usually consists of multiple routes, thereby providing the option to choose. Having alternatives can compensate for the deterioration of a single route; therefore, this study assesses the reliability and quality of the aggregate of the route set of an origin-destination (OD) pair. This paper proposes two aggregation methods for analyzing the reliability of travel times on the OD level: 1) an adapted Logsum method and 2) a route choice model. The first method analyzes reliability from a network perspective and the second method is based on the reliability as perceived by a traveler choosing his route from the available alternatives. A case study using detailed data on actual travel times illustrates both methods and shows the impact of having variable departure times and the impact of information strategies on travel time reliability.  相似文献   

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