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In this paper an innovative active pantograph for high-speed trains is proposed. The results presented are based on extensive simulation tests. The parameters used in the simulation are those of a real pantograph for high-speed trains: the pantograph model is modified by adding a wire actuation, in order to exert a constant contact force between the moving pantograph and the overhead contact wire. A wire-actuated control and contact force observers are proposed as effective solutions in the case of a possible implementation.  相似文献   

线控转向系统转向盘力回馈控制模型的研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
罗石  商高高  苏清祖 《汽车工程》2006,28(10):914-917,947
根据轮胎和传统转向系的力学特性提出了利用车轮转角和车速计算得到转向盘回馈力的思路,并以此建立了线控转向系统转向盘回馈力控制模型,仿真和试验表明该模型能够满足路感要求。  相似文献   


The catenary-pantograph system and its dynamic behaviour play a decisive role for high speed trains from the power collecting point of view. The decisive criterion for assessing the contact quality is to reduce the contact force variability as far as possible. In this paper active pantograph elements are introduced in order to improve the system performance. The control strategy is based on Extended Kalman Filter technique, used to get a contact force estimation available for control feedback. The same estimation procedure based on the Extended Kalman Filter is also used to obtain some information useful to overhead line diagnostic purposes.  相似文献   

The catenary-pantograph system and its dynamic behaviour play a decisive role for high speed trains from the power collecting point of view. The decisive criterion for assessing the contact quality is to reduce the contact force variability as far as possible. In this paper active pantograph elements are introduced in order to improve the system performance. The control strategy is based on Extended Kalman Filter technique, used to get a contact force estimation available for control feedback. The same estimation procedure based on the Extended Kalman Filter is also used to obtain some information useful to overhead line diagnostic purposes.  相似文献   

为保障路段行人安全过街,提高行人过街效率,设计了基于感应控制的路段行人安全过街系统.该系统分别采用视频和感应线圈实现对过街行人和路段车辆的自动检测,并据此设计行人过街感应信号控制方案,辅以“减速带式”人行横道、路段行人过街通道灯和智能人行道护栏3种过街辅助设施,实现时空上的人车分离.  相似文献   

For high speed rail traffic it is necessary to design overhead power systems which minimize the contact loss between pantograph head and contact wire. To predict how different design solutions will behave it is favourable to model and simulate the dynamic behaviour. In this paper a model of an overhead power system is specified and used in simulation. The model is suitable for simulation with contact loss since it includes specifications of impact conditions between pantograph head and contact wire. Two sets of equations of motion are specified, one for the contact case and one for the non-contact case. The model also includes lateral movement of the wire due to the zigzag span and friction between the pantograph head and the contact wire. It is shown how to make animations of the system behaviour using a MCAE-system. The animations are made using a geometrical model of the system together with results from numerical simulations.

Through the examples provided, use of the mathematical model and the geometrical model is presented. The response is visualised as time histories and phase plane diagrams of different coordinates and as animations of the total system response. The different types of visualisations make an excellent combination when studying the system behaviour of different design solutions.

In one example, simulation using the linearised set of equations gives the same results as simulation using the set of fully nonlinear equations, due to periodic response and the simple alternation of contact conditions. It is shown that the situation when any of the parameters vary suddenly is possible to simulate using the fully nonlinear equations of motion.  相似文献   

韩超 《商用汽车》2014,(9):58-59
在2014北京国际车展上,博世集团携众多新技术成果参展,其中包括CRS1-18共轨系统、天然气系统和Denoxtronic 6-5尾气后处理系统,以及首次亮相的空气混合动力技术,为国Ⅳ排放标准全面实施做好了充分准备,彰显了其持续引领市场的信心。  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a new control strategy for an antilock braking system (ABS) to maintain the braking force at maximum. The popularization of the ABS that prevents the wheels from locking has resulted in an improvement of the vehicle stability and shortening of the braking distance. Further improvement is anticipated if the maximization of the braking force is realized. We found an interesting phenomenon in which the characteristics of the resonance system composed of the vehicle body and the wheel and road surface reflects the slip condition of the road surface. Using this phenomenon, we realized a control method for maintaining the maximum value of the braking force.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a new control strategy for an antilock braking system (ABS) to maintain the braking force at maximum. The popularization of the ABS that prevents the wheels from locking has resulted in an improvement of the vehicle stability and shortening of the braking distance. Further improvement is anticipated if the maximization of the braking force is realized. We found an interesting phenomenon in which the characteristics of the resonance system composed of the vehicle body and the wheel and road surface reflects the slip condition of the road surface. Using this phenomenon, we realized a control method for maintaining the maximum value of the braking force.  相似文献   

对驻车取力发电装置的调速系统进行了一些探讨,对两种调速系统进行比较,提出一种新的调速系统的设计思路。  相似文献   

巫书郁 《桥梁建设》2007,(A02):122-126,133
从满足悬索桥主缆缠丝不同阶段施工要求入手,分析主缆拉力变化对缠丝张力之影响,以变形协调条件计算缠丝所需最低张紧力,进而论述国产ZLC系列主缆缠丝机如何实现合理张力,张紧机构中张力的形成及其调整与显示方法。  相似文献   

电动双轨悬挂输送系统是一种具有国际先进水平的新型输送设备,主要用于大客车车身和载重车架等超宽、超长工件的电泳及其前处理。其结构新颖、运行稳定、承载能力大,具有其他输送设备无法比拟的特点,通常和地面输送系统一起形成自动化程度较高的输送系统。  相似文献   

线控转向系统路感模糊控制仿真分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
驾驶员希望通过转向盘的力矩信息感知汽车的行驶状态。文章主要研究汽车转向盘力特性与转向盘转角、车速、侧向加速度及转向阻力矩的关系,运用多变量模糊控制技术研究了线控转向系统的路感,通过ADAMS提供离线汽车数据,在Matlab/Simulink中对路感多变量模糊控制器进行了仿真,并对其中一种控制结构进行了硬件在环试验,给出了路感多变量模糊控制的一种参数调整方法以及路感数据。表明仿真同硬件在环仿真结果基本一致,验证了路感多变量模糊控制方法可行。  相似文献   

宗长富  李伟  郑宏宇  王化平 《汽车工程》2011,33(10):885-889,910
为汽车列车提出了一种基于滑移率的电控制动系统制动力分配算法,即根据不同情况,使牵引车后轮和半挂车车轮的目标滑移率随牵引车前轮滑移率而变化.运用Matlab/Simulink和Trucksim软件进行列车在高附着和低附着路面上行驶的联合仿真,结果表明该算法能缩短汽车列车的制动距离,提高了制动稳定性.  相似文献   

桥式起重机在港口的生产运行中起着极其重要的作用,电气控制系统是桥式起重机的组成部分。为了满足桥式起重机控制性能的需要,在研究电气控制系统特点的基础上,选用远程I/O配置了相应的控制系统.  相似文献   

发动机电控系统线路断路和接触不良故障分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以2003款雅阁车用发动机电子控制系统电路为例,分析了发生线路断路、接触不良的原因,重点介绍了易发生线路断路、接触不良故障的部位及故障码的显示情况。结合故障实例进行分析,针对无故障码显示的线路断路和接触不良故障,提出了检测方法和维修方法。  相似文献   


This paper describes the feasibility of improving the braking performance of a commercial vehicle by using an electronic braking system. An electronic braking system enables the braking force at each wheel to be independently controlled. Braking force distribution control makes the braking force at each wheel proportional to each wheel's load. Results of computer simulation and vehicle test showed that the proposed control laws can eliminate the effects of a laden condition on the braking distance and can increase the degree of deceleration at which wheel lock occurs, resulting in improved vehicle attitude stability during a critical maneuver.  相似文献   

This paper describes the feasibility of improving the braking performance of a commercial vehicle by using an electronic braking system. An electronic braking system enables the braking force at each wheel to be independently controlled. Braking force distribution control makes the braking force at each wheel proportional to each wheel's load. Results of computer simulation and vehicle test showed that the proposed control laws can eliminate the effects of a laden condition on the braking distance and can increase the degree of deceleration at which wheel lock occurs, resulting in improved vehicle attitude stability during a critical maneuver.  相似文献   

在对某型无级变速器夹紧力控制系统结构原理进行分析的基础上,采用键合图理论建立其数学模型,对该系统动态性能进行仿真。分析结构参数对系统阶跃响应时压力上升时间和超调量的影响,找出了对系统动态性能影响较大的结构参数,为系统动态性能的优化奠定基础。台架试验结果表明,所建立的夹紧力控制系统模型具有较高精度,仿真结果可信。  相似文献   

A-HEV概念车在车门窗、翼子板镶件、与风窗玻璃无缝连接的全景车顶以及分为两块的后车窗中全部采用了Lexan* GLX聚碳酸酯树脂和Exatec*涂层技术.与传统车窗玻璃制品不同,车窗集潮流时尚、重量轻便、性能卓越、便于操作和燃油经济于一身.  相似文献   

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