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在第三届上海国际专用车展上,东风商用车公司携15款东风天锦底盘专用车亮相,显示了开拓国内专用底盘市场的信心和实力.记者就国内市场走势、天锦底盘的特点、销售目标等采访了东风商用车公司党委书记、副总经理黄刚.  相似文献   

<正>5月,江淮底盘营销公司在湖北随州推出危化品运输车辆专用底盘,并联合当地企业如程力、厦工楚胜等展出选用该底盘改装的加油车、运油车、防爆车等各类危化品运输车辆,集中展示了新标准体系下底盘与上装安全性能水平的提升,引发强烈关注。江淮商用车底盘营销公司精心筹备了本次活动,底盘企业、专用车企业、经销商及终端用户等产业链各环节企业代表均有参与。在活动中江淮商用车不仅推出最新研制的危化品运输车辆专用底盘,还率先发出行业倡议,呼吁共同关注车辆产品安全与  相似文献   

从零件的结构设计、制造工艺、涂装工艺及材料等方面对国内商用车底盘零件锈蚀的原因进行了系统分析,通过现状剖析及实验对比论证了底盘零件锈蚀原因的多样性和复杂性,提出了提高商用车底盘零件防腐性能及锈蚀改善的主要途径.  相似文献   

侯刚 《重型汽车》2005,(5):27-28
1 2005年1~8月国内商用车销售形势分析 按照新的车型统计分类,商用车是指在设计和技术特征上用于运送人员和货物的汽车,并且可以牵引挂车.乘用车不包括在内.相对旧分类,商用车包含了所有的载货汽车和9座以上的客车.在旧分类中,整车企业外卖的底盘是列入整车统计的,而在新分类中将底盘单独列出,分别为客车非完整车辆(客车底盘)和货车非完整车辆(货车底盘).由此,商用车分为客车、货车、半挂牵引车、客车非完整车辆和货车非完整车辆,共五类.依据上述规定,2005年1~8月国内商用车(分车型)销售情况见表1和图1,2005年1~8月全国商用车销售增长率情况表2和图2.  相似文献   

介绍了国内目前少见的一种专用汽车——商用车底盘运输车,在研究国内外现状的基础上分析了该种运输车在我国发展的几大制约因素,并提出了几点相应的解决办法,为商用车底盘运输车的发展提供一些参考意见。  相似文献   

庄严 《运输车辆》2010,(10):I0057-I0059
2010年9月17日,东风商用车公司率先向国内市场推出了国Ⅳ混凝土搅拌运输车底盘(大力神系列)。本文主要对该系列底盘的驾驶室、车架和发动机等总成部件进行了详细介绍。  相似文献   

近两年国内房车市场呈爆发式增长,用于改装房车的底盘普遍是商用车标准底盘,已不能充分满足市场需求。为确保在市场中抢得先机,某公司立项开发了适用于中高端房车的专用底盘,本文介绍了该款房车专用底盘的设计、配置及可靠性试验等。  相似文献   

2010年9月17日,东风商用车公司率先向国内市场推出了国Ⅳ混凝土搅拌运输车底盘(大力神系列)。本文主要对该系列底盘的驾驶室、车架和发动机等总成部件进行了详细介绍。  相似文献   

底盘线控技术是实现商用车自动驾驶和辅助驾驶功能的关键基础技术,是当今汽车行业的研发热点。底盘线控技术包括线控执行系统和线控集成控制技术两大部分。分别对商用车的线控转向、线控制动、线控悬架、线控驱动和线控换挡等线控执行系统,以及自动紧急制动 (Autonomous Emergency Braking,AEB) 系统、自适应巡航 (Adaptive Cruise Control,ACC) 系统和车道保持辅助 (Lane Keeping Assist,LKA) 系统等线控集成控制技术的构成、控制原理与研究应用现状进行了概述,重点分析了商用车各类构型的线控转向和线控制动系统及其应用场景。结合最新发布的国家智能底盘技术路线框架图和商用车未来的客户需求,给出了商用车线控底盘各技术方向的发展趋势,为商用车线控底盘技术发展提供了参考。  相似文献   

正在国内轻型多功能商用车品牌中,江淮星锐是一个快速发展的后起之秀。由JAC-意大利设计中心推出的杰作——江淮星锐,秉承欧洲新一代商用车设计理念,圃一问世,其采用主流的混合式底盘设计、兼具舒适性和承载性能的欧范风格,就在轻型商用车市场迅速掀起了销售狂飙。2019年  相似文献   

基于我国GDP走势、社会货运总量、国内工业化进程、产业结构升级、发展地区调整等宏观经济因素导致的公路运输供给和需求分析,结合东风商用车市场研究,探索我国重化工业阶段国内卡车市场需求的发展趋势和技术战略。  相似文献   

通过性是指车辆通过各种路况的能力。商用车的工作条件各不相同,对通过性的要求也不相同。要正确地认识汽车的最小离地间隙,某车的最小离地间隙比另一车大,不一定它的通过性就比另一车好。对商用车底盘结构、防护装置、底盘零部件、拖带挂车做了通过性分析。  相似文献   

底盘装配支撑应用于商用汽车底盘装配与工程机械车辆底盘装配,属于装配线附属工装设施.底盘装配支撑结构的适用性、可靠性、耐久性关系到底盘装配线的运行安全与运行效率.文章结合公司在建底盘装配线工艺验证问题整改,对底盘装配支撑结构进行优化,开发出一种适用于驱动桥桥包支撑的实用新型支撑结构.  相似文献   

Looking at the future trends of the road traffic, one will recognize that the commercial vehicle participation will not decrease, although it is required from the environmental and social viewpoints. The reason is that the other means of freight transport (water, railway, air) do not provide the same flexibility as the road transport, and direct business interest of those companies, who are using this transport form is larger than the eventual loss caused by the penalties to be paid (taxes, compensation of higher axle load). This conflict is hard to solve, but the effect can be minimized. The commercial vehicle industry attempts to introduce systems to the vehicles, which are targeting on reduction of the environmental impacts caused by heavy vehicles. These systems, which are named generally as “intelligent chassis systems”, electronically control the operation of the chassis subsystems (engine, transmission, brake, suspension) and co-ordinate their operation on a higher level (vehicle controller, intelligent control systems, such as adaptive cruise control, video camera based lane change recognition system, etc.). This paper reviews the state-of-the-art of the commercial vehicle chassis systems, and tries to project their future development.  相似文献   

Looking at the future trends of the road traffic, one will recognize that the commercial vehicle participation will not decrease, although it is required from the environmental and social viewpoints. The reason is that the other means of freight transport (water, railway, air) do not provide the same flexibility as the road transport, and direct business interest of those companies, who are using this transport form is larger than the eventual loss caused by the penalties to be paid (taxes, compensation of higher axle load). This conflict is hard to solve, but the effect can be minimized. The commercial vehicle industry attempts to introduce systems to the vehicles, which are targeting on reduction of the environmental impacts caused by heavy vehicles. These systems, which are named generally as “intelligent chassis systems”, electronically control the operation of the chassis subsystems (engine, transmission, brake, suspension) and co-ordinate their operation on a higher level (vehicle controller, intelligent control systems, such as adaptive cruise control, video camera based lane change recognition system, etc.). This paper reviews the state-of-the-art of the commercial vehicle chassis systems, and tries to project their future development.  相似文献   

于潇 《时代汽车》2021,(7):123-124
作为汽车的核心部分,电动汽车底盘直接影响整车表现,底盘系统的研发对汽车综合性能提升带来的影响极为深远,这使得近年来相关研究大量涌现。基于此,本文以某电动汽车为例,针对性开展了整车动力学建模与仿真,依托工装车性能试验,深入探讨了底盘性能优化改进路径,希望研究内容能够给相关从业人员以启发。  相似文献   

王军 《专用汽车》2011,(8):76-78
介绍了一种使用重型卡车底盘改装的新型抢险救援车的结构设计。这种抢险救援车以重型卡车二类底盘为基础,设计制作后部车厢,并配备前置液压清障铲,后置随车起重机及液压绞盘,具备装备、举升、起吊、牵引等多项功能,满足城市道路及野外等环境清障抢险救援需求。  相似文献   

The ESC system, since its introduction in the mid 90s, has greatly contributed to prevention of vehicle accidents with its capability of maintaining vehicle stability in severe driving conditions. Due to its significant advantages, many nations are now adopting regulations that mandate installation of the ESC system in all classes of passenger vehicles — from mini to luxury. Accordingly it became important to know whether an ESC ECU can yield good performance on a wide range of vehicle parameter changes. In this paper, robustness analysis was conducted to study how characteristic variation of the main chassis components affect the performance of the ESC ECU. This analysis was carried out using a HILS system built on an actual ESC ECU. The variation range of each chassis component was carefully selected considering the component’s design criteria adopted in automotive industries. Based upon the robustness analysis results, the allowable variation ranges of the chassis components for ensuring sound performance of an ESC ECU were proposed.  相似文献   

肖雄建 《商用汽车》2012,(7):102-103
采埃孚的产品不论在乘用车还是商用车领域都代表着高端与可靠,德国工业产品特有的严谨与精密深得中国消费者的认可.作为采埃孚在华设立的独资公司——采埃孚商用车底盘技术(上海)有限公司,自2003年成立以来,在中国市场的份额也在逐渐扩大.  相似文献   

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