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船舶交通管理系统对接交通部船舶自动识别系统最近,经过中法专家多日努力,大连船舶交通管理系统与交通部海事局船舶自动识别网络系统实现成功联结。这大大提高了渤海湾水域船舶行驶的安全性。船舶自动识别系统是继雷达自动标绘仪、电子海图显示和信息系统后的航海领域新技术,具  相似文献   

文中通过对国内外船舶报告制度和船舶报告制度与自动识别系统的相关情况进行比较研究,对自动识别系统能否替代船舶报告制度进行了分析,针对发现的中国船舶报告制度的不足和自动识别系统的优越性,提出了中国船舶报告制度的改进和发展对策。  相似文献   

船舶自动识别系统是一种基于高频段的,作用在海上的移动频段,是船舶与其他船舶间、船舶与岸端之间进行交换各自关键信息的连续广播系统。首先介绍船舶自动识别系统(AIS)的组成、系统信息处理的相关接口协议、船舶控制器对船舶自动识别系统进行相应的操作以及船舶相互间进行数据交换的步骤,并对基于自动识别的船岸监测系统进行设计开发。装备有自动识别系统的船舶可以接收到目标船舶的动态以及静态的相关信息,方便对船舶及时的全方位的进行监控。  相似文献   

物联网在船舶数据检测领域的应用日益广泛,基于物联网构建起船舶异常数据自动识别系统,可提升异常数据自动识别的性能指标,实现对船舶异常行为的实时监控。在船舶异常数据自动识别中,物联网技术是实现数据传输和共享的关键技术,并能够及时根据识别结果发出报警,以便于船舶快速做出防范决策,保证船舶航行的安全性。本文介绍了基于物联网的船舶异常数据自动识别系统在国内外的研究现状,提出运用主成分分析法和支持向量机算法构建船舶异常数据自动识别模型,并论述了异常数据自动识别系统的设计与实现。  相似文献   

本文从船舶自动识别系统的功能及应用优势分析入手,论述了船舶自动识别系统在内河船舶避碰技术中的应用,对船舶避碰的数学原理进行系统分析,并仿真验证了船舶的避碰过程。从仿真结果看,通过优化船舶的自动识别系统,可以有效提高目标物的探测距离和精度,能够最大程度帮助船舶提升航行的安全性。  相似文献   

我国船舶自动识别系统信息服务平台2月4日正式上线运行2月4日,交通运输部海事局船舶自动识别系统信息服务平台正式上线运行。今后,公众可通过该平台,免费了解和掌握航行于我国沿海和内河水域船舶的实时动态数据。按照国际公约及相关标准要求,交通运输部海事局已在我国建设了402座船舶自动识别系统岸基台站,覆盖全国沿海及内河高等级航道和相关水域。船舶自动识别系统平台可提供我国及全球部分水域的船舶交通实  相似文献   

由于船舶在海上航行时,受到海上信号强度的影响,使得障碍物识别系统响应速度变慢,识别精度降低,因此采用聚类分析算法对船舶障碍物进行自动识别。在分析船舶障碍物自动识别系统结构的基础上,设计系统的整体结构,并结合船舶障碍物信号处理器的内部结构,设计了船舶障碍物信号处理器,完成了系统的硬件设计。在此基础上,采用聚类分析算法提取障碍物识别算子,完成了对船舶障碍物完整性的判断,结合船舶障碍物识别流程,完成系统的软件设计,实现了对船舶障碍物的自动识别。试验结果表明,基于聚类分析算法的船舶障碍物自动识别系统不仅能有效地减少海上航行船舶的碰撞次数,降低系统的失误率,而且能提高识别的准确性。  相似文献   

船舶自动识别系统AIS诞生于20世纪90年代,最初是由舰船、飞机的敌我侦察系统发展而来的,船舶自动识别系统不论在军事领域还是民用领域都具有非常广泛的应用,包括船舶定位和导航、船舶通信、渔业生产管理等。船舶自动识别系统主要由海岸基站、VHF通信器和船载基站等组成,目前,在船舶的障碍避让、船岸通信、海上交通管理等方面发挥着必不可少的作用。本文针对传统的船舶自动识别系统,将机器视觉跟踪技术应用于船舶的识别和侦察过程中,并对该系统的噪声过滤等问题进行研究,大幅提高了AIS系统的船舶识别效率,具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

在船舶通信系统中,船舶雷达和船舶自动识别系统AIS各有优劣,AIS系统可以准确测量雷达盲区的地理信息,而雷达系统的装机范围更广泛,同时应用也更广。本文研究的主要目的是,将船舶自动识别系统和雷达系统有机结合,为船舶通信系统提供精确的导航信息。本文重点研究了雷达系统与自动识别系统信息融合过程的航迹关联、时间对准、误差分析等3个内容,对于改善现阶段的船舶通信系统有重要意义。  相似文献   

王永兴  王涛  韦扬 《中国航海》2022,(4):133-139
针对船舶污染物监管场景需求,提出了船舶申报信息、船舶自动识别系统和摄像头图像检测多源融合的船舶目标智能识别和验证方法。从申报信息中获取船舶水上移动通信业务标识码身份,利用该标识码提取船舶自动识别系统参数,判断船舶是否达到现场;通过改进的YOLOv5检测模型从摄像头获取现场船舶的视觉目标检测框;采用视觉目标检测框与船舶自动识别系统目标在摄像头像素坐标系映射标定框的交叉匹配算法,完成船舶目标的融合验证。在SeaShips公开数据集上的试验表明,相较原始YOLOv5模型,提出的船舶视觉目标检测模型平均精确度指标提升了3.14%,达到80.83%;且利用TensorRT加速使得模型推理速度提升了73%,帧率达到64.18。船舶自动识别系统目标与视觉目标的匹配融合满足船舶污染物接收现场船舶身份的识别和验证需求。  相似文献   

陈继红 《世界海运》2010,33(3):30-32
综观国际经验,现代航运服务业的发展不是仅靠投资拉动的,而主要是靠产业集群效应所推动,航运服务技术、产品、市场通过产业集群的方式产生聚集效应。世界著名的国际航运中心也都是著名的国际航运服务中心,它们不仅具有完善的航运服务体系和健全的航运市场,而且有服务于航运业的信息系统,对航运业的发展起到了促进作用。  相似文献   

This paper considers the question whether the present recovery of shipping means a return to pre-crisis conditions with hegemony of OECD shipping or whether shipping has irrevocably changed. Shipping is losing its national character as ship management firms contribute towards the fragmenting of traditional ship-owning firms into separately managed activities, making shipping more footloose as an industry and facilitating relocation in least cost factor markets. Trade cycles may be at work in shipping like those observed in many industrial markets, beyond the scope of any single government's ability to control. The dispersion of shipping and shipping firms away from the historical concentration in a few traditional maritime powers towards low-cost countries must be seen as a manifestation of a secular trend, giving rise to a profound reorganization not only of shipping markets but of shipping itself.  相似文献   

The shipping industry in Nigeria since the early 1990s has been experiencing a continuous disastrous downturn. Nigerian shipping companies' participation in international shipping has continued to be very limited. Their presence and impact is hardly felt in the world's shipping industry. Both the national carriers (that is shipping companies with national carrier status) and other indigenous private shipping companies have vessel as well as management problems. These problems have led to the poor performance of the Nigerian shipping industry for over a decade now. The carriers in the industry are not attaining for the country the gains that are supposed to emanate from shipping. This paper points out the importance of shipping to a nation, identifies the problems the country's shipping companies are facing and proffers solutions that include merging of the companies to have strong financial standing and a competitive edge.  相似文献   

李思强 《中国海事》2010,(10):37-39
ISM/NSM规则的强制实施,进一步规范了航运公司安全与防污染管理活动,提升了航运公司安全与防污染管理水平。文中分析了当前航运公司安全管理体系建立和运行情况及存在的问题,剖析了航运公司建立安全管理体系的一些误区,同时对航运公司安全管理体系运行及维护中常见的问题进行了阐述,并针对航运公司建立及运行安全管理体系存在的问题,对航运公司及海事主管部门提出相应的解决措施及建议。  相似文献   

Risks in the shipping industry have been highlighted and have attracted significant attention, especially following the bankruptcy of Hanjin in 2017. Due to the decrease in container volume, the business environment for large shipping companies in China has deteriorated. Therefore, major large shipping companies have implemented mixed ownership reform, which provides more opportunities for large Korean shipping companies to enter the Chinese shipping industry. This study first identifies risk perception, specifically focusing on the moderating effect of Chinese and Korean shipping companies, and then demonstrates the impact of these risks on shipping company performance. The results show that market, operational, and technical risks have a negative influence on Chinese shipping companies, whereas market, policy, financial, operations, and technical risks have a negative influence on Korean shipping companies. This study contributes to the fundamental understanding of the effect of risk perception on performance among shipping companies in both countries and calls for further research on risk management plans based on the risk factors identified herein. On a practical level, this study provides an important reference for operators and investors who seek to enter strategic alliances or joint venture in Chinese shipping industry.  相似文献   

我国河流众多,可开发的航运资源丰富,但在各类交通运输系统日益发达的今天,我国内河航运却陷入了停滞不前的困境。如何认清我国内河航运的现状,结合绿色航运的理念来开发航运资源,实现内河航运的可持续发展,是本文探讨的主要内容。  相似文献   

本文从论述集装箱运输现状及国际集装箱运输市场的特点出发,阐述了我国集装箱运输的对策问题。  相似文献   

The purpose of the article is to analyse the operation of shipping companies in Finland, Sweden and Norway cross-sectionwise in 1989-1991. These represent three different types of shipping operations in three neighbouring countries in Northern Europe. In the analysis, an apllication of the transaction cosr approach (TCA) is employed. It is shown that finnish shipping is usually very concentrated both in terms of geographical coverage, cargo composition and ownership. In cargo shipping, Finnish shipping firms mainly operate on the 'domestic' routes connecting Finland to the main European markets. Few Finnish firms are operating in highly competitive operations such as cruise shipping and liquid and dry bulk trades. Ownership in shipping is also often institutionalized rather than being in private, independent hands. In Sweden, the hierarchial governance of shipping is less than it is Finland. In certain worldwide trades, such as reefer and car carrier trades, the governance structure could be defined as hierarchial due to high asset specificity and high degree of specialization. In Norway, the shipping industry seems to be strongly market-oriented. The industry is composed of shipping companies, whose existence depends on their cost competitiveness on the shipping market, and is usually not backed up by exclusive hierarchial arrangements. Notable exceptions are the LNG/LPG and car carrier trades. The classification presented principle can easily be extended to other shipping countries, or companywise comparisions, as well.  相似文献   

范晓飚  陈永洪  张丹 《中国水运》2006,6(8):164-166
三峡库区航运业的发展,衍生了巨大航运人才需求市场,而传统意义上仅仅掌握船舶操纵技术的航运人才已不适应航运经济的发展,航运人才缺乏将是制约库区航运经济发展的瓶颈。本文通过对三峡库区航运业人才需求分析,指出了目前存在的不足,提出了解决办法。  相似文献   

我国货运保险业的发展策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘愉 《中国船检》2010,(3):108-110,144,145
大力发展民族航运业、金融业的外部环境已经赋予了货运保险业广阔的发展前景,应充分利用现有资源,抓住机遇,发挥自身优势,迎接挑战,提升民族航运保险业的综合实力,为国家航运、金融业的稳步发展保驾护航。作为连接航运和金融业的服务平台,太平洋财险以其在航运保险方面的雄厚实力率先在业内成立了航运保险事业总部。  相似文献   

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